Leave a Legacy of Charity

Leave a Legacy of Charity

basketbrigade4When Dan Higginson founded Synergy WorldWide in 1999, he had a clear vision of what this company would represent. He wanted the people who associated with Synergy to work from their hearts. He wanted to make a difference around the world and give others the opportunity to Leave a Legacy of health and financial freedom.

It’s the perfect time of year to consider how you can help others who are struggling. Many Team Members have considered how they can make a difference and have changed many lives through their actions. What can you do to Leave a Legacy of charity? Focus on what you can do. Small steps turn into miles. No act of charity is ever wasted.

If you are looking for a way to give back, consider donating to 5 Star Legacy Foundation, Synergy’s partner in charity that exists to alleviate the suffering of children, their families, and their communities by breaking the cycle of poverty through literacy, higher education scholarships, and self-reliance through entrepreneurism.

Stories from Team Members throughout Europe have proven that Dan’s vision has turned into a daily reality. Here are a few:

Dora Debeljak, Slovenia

Charity-12376120_10206942567877055_8315610580566509189_nJust in time for Christmas, Dora donated money through a local charity chapter founded by Team Directors Bostjan Pilej and Irena Kladivar, to deliver food, clothing, and hope to those who are struggling during the holiday season. Dora and other Slovenia Team Members raised €1500 to create 100 baskets for families in need. Because of these Team Members’ decision to donate, 33 families who would have gone hungry on Christmas Day will receive a special delivery that includes all of the makings for a beautiful Christmas dinner.

Mirva Martikainen, Finland

Mirva, a nurse and Synergy distributor of four years, experienced her most successful business year in 2015. To celebrate her and her team’s success with Synergy WorldWide, Mirva decided to donate something to a local children’s hospital. She obtained a list of items in various price categories that Finland’s children’s hospitals are in need of. She settled on purchasing an infusion rest chair for child cancer patients so that they can have comfortable place to relax while receiving treatments. As Mirva continues to build her business and find greater financial success, she plans to increase the size and frequency of her donations.

Paul, Kate, and Saxon Flint, United Kingdom
Synergy Team Members Paul and Kate are the full-time supporters of an ambitious, warmhearted, 9-year-old son named Saxon who has made it a hobby to raise money for the less fortunate. His most recent project is raising money to send 10 children to school in Mpongwe, Zambia. By raising just £1,200, these children will receive an education and one meal per day for a year. Saxon also raises money for charities by baking cookies, cakes, and more to sell in bake sales he organizes himself.

We are so touched by the acts of kindness, both big and small, displayed every day by Synergy Team Members. Continue improving lives one charitable act at a time, and you will find the greatest riches the world can offer.

Happy Holidays from Synergy WorldWide!

Happy Holidays from Synergy WorldWide!


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6d5l9pu9zls?rel=0&vq=large]

Use the Holidays to your Advantage

Use the Holidays to your Advantage

The Holiday season is upon us, which means parties, gifts and spending quality time with loved ones. Don’t let your Synergy business take a back seat. Instead, use these joyous encounters to highlight the company you represent while strengthening relationships with others. Here are a few creative ways to market your Synergy business while expressing thanks to your loyal Synergy customers.

Send holiday cards 

People love knowing they are in your thoughts this season. Reach out to current customers, potential customers, and potential Team Members, by sending them meaningful holiday cards. It’s a great way to let customers know you appreciate their business and to establish connections with potential Team Members and customers. Be sure to include genuine well wishes that are unique to the recipient.

Share Synergy samples

In addition to sending holiday cards, you may also consider sending Synergy samples. This is a great way to introduce customers to new products they might not have tried yet. You can also give samples as stocking stuffers. Get creative and tie a few samples together with a festive bow or gift them in a small holiday bag.

Host a holiday themed meeting

Get your team in the holiday spirit! Host a holiday themed meeting to get Team Members and customers in the holiday spirit. Give away Synergy product prizes to those who invite the most people to the party. Serve tasty recipes using SLMsmart for a festive Synergy touch.

Donate to charity

In honor of the giving season, invite your team to sign up for a charity fun run or participate in gift-giving drive. By teaming up together, you can embrace the camaraderie your team has spent the year building as well as exemplifying the “Leave a Legacy” principle through your donation or service. The recipients will greatly appreciate your service and new people will discover Synergy and its values.

Give customers something extra

Give a little bit more this season. Order extra Synergy branded merchandise to include as bonus gifts for customers as a thank you for their business. Choose from a wide variety of products including bracelets, pens, flash drives, planners, shaker bottles, and more. Shop the full range of merchandise by clicking here.

GM Message: Holidays and New Horizons

GM Message: Holidays and New Horizons

Christmas-Bells-690x431Around this time of year, it starts to get really cold here in Utah and I start to wish I lived in Florida or Arizona. Despite the cold and the snow, the holiday season is one of my favorite times of year. The holidays help me keep perspective on what Stephen Covey calls the “important but non-urgent things.” It is also a time of reflection. This past year, working for Synergy has given me the opportunity to meet many incredible people and glean from their experience.
From a business perspective, New Year’s Day is a powerful holiday. Most people see it as a new beginning, a fresh start. We usually try to take advantage of this fresh start by doing something most don’t do all year – set goals. Goal setting helps us eliminate peripheral distractions and develop what Napoleon Hill calls “definiteness of purpose.” This focus leads people to do extraordinary things; things that they couldn’t have accomplished otherwise.

An interesting case study in the effectiveness of goal setting and definiteness of purpose could be the SLMsmart 90-day Challenge that took place at the start of 2015. Eva Miller, Tommy Bethards, and Justin Hall, demonstrated the power of goal setting, self-reliance, personal initiative, self-discipline, concentrated effort, and tenacious determination.

In 2015 we also made some improvements that we look to build on in 2016. At the Business Builders Conference (BBC) in June, we positioned and categorized all of our products into lines with a goal to eliminate stand-alone products. This change helped refine our offering and allows us to be more appealing to all demographics by specifically targeting health concerns and meeting customers at their needs. While this change may have seemed subtle, it was strategic. It now provides a footing on which we can and will build on in 2016 and in years to come.

2015 also saw the launch of the Elite Honors earnings model. This model was designed after successful programs that are in place in other markets. It was also designed to give new enrollments a definitive road map to profitability. Elite Honors is built on sound business principles and maximizes the Synergy Compensation Plan by providing the optimal mix of customer volume (profitability) and new Team Member enrollments (expansion). Elite Honors creates stable, profitable, and duplicable businesses.

Many of the improvements Synergy made in 2015 were done to lay the groundwork for future enhancements and launches. Synergy is developing a dynamic five-year plan in coordination with Synergy Team Members across the globe. We will start aggressively executing this plan in 2016, not just domestically, but globally. I am confident that these enhancements will lead to never-before-seen growth in several markets as well as financial independence for many Synergy Team Members. I also believe that these changes will lead to many career networkers finding a permanent home with Synergy. I look forward to witnessing your success.

Wishing you a happy holidays and a prosperous New Year with Synergy,

Shane Greer
North America General Manager
Synergy WorldWide

5 Ways to Prepare Your Immune System for Winter

5 Ways to Prepare Your Immune System for Winter

There are many speculations as to why people seem to start sniffling and coughing more often as soon as the cold air sets in. One Yale University study announced in January 2015 that cold wintry air weakens the nose’s immune defenses, allowing the bacteria and viruses lurking in every corner to more easily creep into your body.

Prior to this study, many hypothesized that the increase in sickness had to do with more people staying indoors and sharing breathing space. While this theory might be partially true, it’s proven that cooler weather does have a crippling effect on immune systems. While there is no way to prevent winter from coming, there are ways to help the body fight against unwelcome intruders.

Load up on Vitamin C and D

While all vitamins play a role in health maintenance, Vitamin C and D are most notable for their ability to strengthen connective tissue in bones and attack the viruses themselves, both of which lead to fewer doctor visits in chilly months. Make sure to add citrus fruits to your daily diet for Vitamin C, and brave the cold to get some sunshine for a healthy dose of Vitamin D.

Cook with Herbs and Spices

Keep your spice rack stocked this winter. Studies show that garlic, ginger, black peppercorn, cayenne pepper, allspice, curry, and turmeric, all contain properties that strengthen immune defenses.

Maintain a Healthy Gut

The gastrointestinal tract houses a substantial part of the immune system. This being said, an important part of a strong immune system is strong digestive organs. A healthy diet and adequate sleep play a major role in a healthy gut, but probiotics, also known as “good bacteria,” are touted for supporting healthy gut function. Probiotics can be taken as a supplement, but are most commonly recognized as a component found in yogurt.

Eat, Drink, Sweat, Sleep, Repeat

Taking care of your immune system requires all of the same steps it takes to sustain total body wellness. Feed your body whole foods, choose water over soda, exercise moderately a few times per week, sleep 7-8 hours per night, and make each of these healthy choices habits.

Don’t stress!

Unfortunately, no one is immune to stress. However, the most dangerous type of stress that affects your body’s systems is chronic stress, or stress that results in high levels of the hormone cortisol. This stress hormone has a weakening effect on the immune system and can really put a damper on your winter plans. So remember to relax, don’t sweat the small stuff, and enjoy a flu-free, cold-free winter.