SLMsmart Switch: No Social Sacrifices

SLMsmart Switch: No Social Sacrifices

90daychallenge-trevorIn the second month of the SLMsmart 90-day Challenge, Challenge participants are seeing their smart choices becoming healthy habits. These habits are leading Challengers to outstanding physical transformations. Their determination to win the Challenge and ultimately achieve optimal health is inspiring many. The insights they’ve gained so far during their body transformation journeys prove that we can learn a lot from their experiences!

SLMsmart Challenger

Having tried more than a handful of diets throughout his lifetime, Trevor found that many of them were unrealistic, discouraging, and greatly altered his lifestyle.

Part of this lifestyle includes going out to eat with family and friends, which can undoubtedly be a dangerous road if you don’t know how to make smart menu choices. Through the Challenge, Trevor realized that he didn’t have to sacrifice his social life—which almost always involves food—due to his modified diet.

“I go out to lunch and out to dinner,” Trevor said. “I just find the things that fit within my diet. Surprisingly, I don’t feel unsatisfied by the foods I’m choosing either. This new way of eating isn’t discouraging at all.”

Trevor has established a love for yellow, orange, and red bell peppers, and eats them almost daily either grilled, mixed with eggs, or raw. He looks forward to eating the foods he is encouraged to incorporate into his diet, including lean proteins and vegetables. The SLMsmart App offers tasty and healthy recipes that fit within the Challenge’s diet recommendations.

In addition to conquering a pattern of healthy eating, Trevor is now executing the intermediate to difficult workouts compared to not being able to complete the intermediate workouts at the beginning of the Challenge.

“At first, I felt like my body couldn’t handle it,” Trevor said. “The cardio was so difficult for me. I didn’t know what to do; however, after I lost some weight and increased my strength, I realized everything I was attempting to do was possible. I keep telling myself, ‘You can do anything for one more month,’ and I’ll tell this to myself again at the end of this month.”

February 2016 Recognition

February 2016 Recognition

February 2016

Congratulations to the following Team Members throughout the United States and Canada. We look forward to your continued triumphs this year!

Rank Advancements

Team Director
Dr. David Burnett

Team Manager
Michael Burnett

Team Leader
Reed Burnett
Mikayla Clark
John Gustin
David Davidson

Reed Burnett
Maile Burnett
Dr. Anthony Bianchi
John Gustin

Reed Burnett
Dr. Anthony Bianchi
John Gustin

Alexander Vance
Lydia Brown
Dwayne Loberg
Mocha Butkovich
Dr. Anthony Bianchi
Dr. Fred Gardner
Reed Burnett
William Black
Carole Burnett
Dr. Gumm

Dr. Patrick McCuaig
Reynold Roberts
Marty Robbins
Leverne Hubner Jr.
Sue Hossman
Daniel O’Brien
Antonina Ayala
Dwayne Chapman
Dr. William Hood
Julie Russon
William Black
Alexander Vance
Nancy Chavez
Tiffany Burnett
Carole Burnett
Anastasia Haner
Alice Uriarte

Top Recruiters 
Top North American Team Members (in order) that personally sponsored the most new Team Members

David Johnson
Dr. Anthony Bianchi
Sandra Kerner
Roxanne Seely
Dwayne Chapman
Steven Lough
Tommy Bethards
Robert Kenemer
Stan and Nadia Harris
David Davidson
Mirasol Alcalde
Joel Higginson
Jared Chadburn
Nathan Fower
Nancy Chavez
Brad Burnett
Martin Ayala
David Munoz

Top Team Builders
Team Members (in order) with the most personally sponsored rank advancements

David Johnson
Bill Styles
Mike Macomber
Brent Burnett
Dr. Jim Sandberg
Reed Burnett
Michael Burnett
Roxanne Seely
Bart Woodcook
Judy Feldhausen
Dr. Anthony Bianchi
Steven Gresham
Beeben Russell
Corrine Brandi
Nathan Fowers
Donald Clarke
Susan Bober
David Munoz
Al Dadswell
Gwen Brown
Jerry Archer
Jay Taylor

SLMsmart Switch: Consider the Consequences

SLMsmart Switch: Consider the Consequences

90daychallenge-jaromsmithIn the first month of the SLMsmart 90-day Challenge, we are already seeing the beginnings of incredible transformations taking shape. Perhaps even more important than the physical transformations underway are the mental transformations that need to take place first. The first few weeks of the Challenge require a substantial yet attainable shift in the way the Challenger thinks and acts. Many of our Challengers are already getting the hang of altering their thought processes and increasing their mental toughness in order to make healthy decisions. We can learn a lot from them!

SLMsmart Challenger

When it comes to losing weight, pain is a must, according to Jarom, a contender in this year’s SLMsmart 90-day Challenge.

His ability to endure through this discomfort and pain comes from thinking about the detailed effects that sugar-loaded and generally unhealthy foods have on his body. Putting junk food into his body alters his mood, energy, and overall wellbeing. Sometimes, it makes him sick. Remembering this unpleasant feeling keeps him on the narrow path to success.

“When I decided to lose weight, I went off of sugar cold turkey and had the worst headache of my life when I did,” Jarom said. “I’ve never consumed alcohol, but flushing the sugars out of my body was like having a hangover. It’s a difficult process.”

Drinking 4-6 liters of water per day, combined with taking the products in Synergy’s Weight Management Elite Pack, were Jarom’s answers to sugar detox. By eating nutritious meals, working in daily exercise, incorporating Synergy products, and downing plenty of H2O, Jarom’s excess weight has been falling off.

“I constantly think about how I felt previous to this Challenge and how hard I’ve worked to get where I am now,” Jarom said. “When I think about or look at sugar or a pizza, I’m reminded of the anxiety I felt being overweight and the mental state I was in. That is the biggest motivator to keep going.”

Jarom likes to think about the consequences of his positive choices as well, including how he will feel when he reaches his goal weight. Imagining this triumphant moment makes choosing a salad over pizza easier than Jarom ever thought possible.

SLMsmart 90-day Challenge: 5 WEIGHT LOSS HEALTH BENEFITS

SLMsmart 90-day Challenge: 5 WEIGHT LOSS HEALTH BENEFITS 

90daychallenge-weightlossEvery new day provides an opportunity to make better, healthier decisions and work toward your target weight. Perhaps it has been a while since you’ve seen the number you’ve wanted to see on the scale. Maybe you were in your early 20s the last time you felt strong and fit. Whatever your case may be, there is no better day than today to begin transforming into the ideal you. Do it for your health and do it for yourself. Synergy is eager to help. For this reason, we invite you to join the SLMsmart 90-Day Challenge, and take advantage of a variety of resources that will help you to achieve your goals.


In addition to sculpting the body you want to see in the mirror, weight loss isn’t all about physical appearance. It’s about becoming healthy from the inside out. By coming closer to your target weight, you will experience a number of health benefits that will have an invaluable impact on your life.

Sleep like a baby

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine discovered that shaving off excess weight can help you sleep better. Some people with excess weight develop obstructive sleep apnea, which occurs when the airway is blocked while sleeping. Airway blockages often results in frequent awakenings during the night. These disruptions during sleep cycles make for groggy mornings and lower energy throughout the day.

Surge energy levels

On your journey to lose weight, healthy habits need to come into play. These habits include eating nutrition-dense foods and exercising regularly. While consuming sugar can make you feel sluggish, fruits, vegetables, and lean meats are full of nutrition that boost energy levels. Exercising has the same effect. While you may believe that exercising will make you tired, it actually does the opposite by rising to the challenge you’ve presented and creating more energy.

Ease joint pressure and pain

A study published by Dr. Stephen Messier showed that losing 1 lb. can take four pounds of pressure away from a knee joint. He then suggested that losing 10 lbs. relieves 48,000 lbs. of pressure from each mile walked. Considering this theory, consider how much pressure we apply to our bodies over the course of a lifetime. It’s no wonder that those carrying around extra weight are more likely to experience joint pain.

Heighten immunity

The immune system is made up of a variety of cells that protect the body from outside invaders. All of these cells need to exist in a perfect balance to best protect the body. However, poor health will throw off this balance, and excess body fat plays a role in tipping that scale. Excess weight promotes the production of inflammatory molecules that disrupt the immune system, but losing unneeded weight will decrease the production exponentially.

Reduced health risks

The health risks of being overweight or obese are seemingly endless—high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, cancer, fatty liver disease, kidney disease, and so on. Do yourself and your future the favor of reducing these risks as much as possible. Give yourself the upper hand and live with the freedom of knowing you have a healthy body by working toward your target weight today.

The SLMsmart 90-day Challenge is intended to not only help you reach your target weight, but establish a reasonable lifestyle that makes it easier for you to maintain your ideal figure.





Between the luxury beach resort, Hawaiian cuisine, sea fishing, canopy ziplining, and warm days spent by the ocean, Legacy Retreat 2016 attendees will remember their experiences in Kona for years to come. Congratulations, again, to all those who qualified for this year’s spectacular event!
Witness Kona’s paradise for yourselves by viewing the Legacy Retreat photos and watching the recap video.

View the Legacy Retreat 2016 photo album here >>>

HawaiiCollageDecide today to make attending Legacy Retreat your ultimate goal. Becoming a Legacy Retreat qualifier is no small fete, but achieving this level of success speaks volumes about your dedication to Leave a Legacy with Synergy WorldWide. We wish you all the best in your journey toward qualifying for Legacy Retreat 2017!

Experience the 2015 Legacy Retreat in Dubai here >>>
Experience the 2014 Legacy Retreat in Oahu here >>>