Synergy Kick-Off 2020 Webinar

Synergy Kick-Off 2020 Webinar

Thursday, January 9, 2020: Tune in for a special webinar this Thursday, as Synergy’s North America Sales Director, Debra Durfey, Synergy Founder, Dan Higginson, and President of North America, Eddie Silcock share an exciting event announcement for your teams. 

Synergy WorldWide is ready to party with YOU in 2020, and the destination is calling your name. We won’t spoil the surprise now, but here’s a hint: you’ll want to pack a few pairs of white socks and a windbreaker for this event. We hope to see you there!

Click Here to Register

Webinar Details

  • Date: Thursday, January 9
  • Time: 7 PM (MST)
  • Language: English

Can’t join online? Join by phone here: 415-930-5321 Access Code: 931-065-415
Mark those calendars and invite your teams— it’s 2020, the perfect time for Synergy!
NOTE: This webinar will feature presentation slides. For the best experience, we recommend you register today to join online. This webinar will be broadcast for educational purposes only. There will be no recordings published or distributed.

New Text Messaging Service

New Text Messaging Service

Want a quick answer to a simple question? Send us a text! Synergy’s Customer Support team is excited to announce a text messaging service enabling you to contact them directly, conveniently, and quickly. Contacting Synergy has never been easier.

Simply send a text, in English or Spanish, to 801.701.8852 during Customer Service operating hours, and one of our agents will promptly reply within just a few minutes.


Ideal text questions may include:

What’s the status of my order?How much commission have I earned?What is my current Pin level?How many of my customers have placed orders this month?When is my Autoship scheduled?What products come in my Autoship order?
If your question requires more detail, the agent may ask to speak with you by phone to more adequately assist you.


  • Please text us using the phone number that you have saved on file for your Synergy account. This will help us to identify you and locate your account information more quickly. If we have no record of the phone number you are using, the agent will ask to verify your identity prior to assisting you.
  • This text messaging service does not replace our regular customer service phone lines. A phone call is appropriate for discussing more detailed topics such as processing a new enrollment.
  • Avoid sending private information (i.e. social security numbers, credit card numbers, etc.) via text message. We will not send or ask you to send private information in a text message. Protecting your personal information is very important to us. If a conversation requires the disclosure of secure information, the agent will request to connect with you on a phone call.
  • By participating in this texting service, only you may initiate a text conversation. Our agents will only reply to a message they receive. You are not opting into an ongoing messaging service.
  • Text messages that we receive outside of our normal business hours will be answered the following business day.
  • Standard message and data rates may apply based upon your personal cell carrier’s text message plan.



Join us for an exclusive look at Omega-3! Presented by The Hughes Center’s Research and Development Manager, Dr. Noah Jenkins, this webinar will guide you through the science and research behind this essential supplement, and help you understand how to better integrate it with Synergy’s Elite Health product lineup.

Click Here to Register


Date: Thursday, August 22
Time: 1 PM (MDT)
Registration URL:
Webinar ID: 307-370-531
Language: English

NOTE: This webinar will feature presentation slides. For the best experience, we recommend you register today to join online. This webinar will be broadcast for educational purposes only. This webinar will be broadcast with no intent to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or health condition. The content of this webinar will not be evaluated by the US FDA, nor by any governing body. Please consult your doctor before beginning any supplement regimen.

About Noah Jenkins, PhD.

Dr. Noah Jenkins is the Research and Development Manager at The Hughes Center for Research and Innovation. With a PhD in Molecular Biology from the University of Utah, Dr. Jenkins has an in-depth and complete understanding of the human body and the nutrition essential to a healthy life. He completed a three-year postdoctoral fellowship in Pediatric Neuro-oncology at the Huntsman Cancer Institute and a two-year postdoctoral fellowship in Pediatric Cardiology at the University Of Utah Department Of Molecular Medicine. He is the author of 14 peer-reviewed academic studies on several topics including melanoma, brain cancer, and cardiovascular disease.

Dr. Jenkins doesn’t simply “talk the talk.” He “walks the walk” as well, striving to achieve Elite Health daily as a national-level competitor in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and an Olympic-style weight lifter. He speaks English and French fluently, and leverages his education and passions as a member of the Hughes Center research team to help Synergy transform lives around the world.

New Omega-3 Fact Video

New Omega-3 Fact Video

Check out this informative Omega-3 featurette. It’s an easy video to watch and share, highlighting the basic details and potent benefits of Omega-3, along with the Synergy commitment to quality.

This video, along with several other product fact videos, can be found under the “Videos” tab.

Love it? Share this post by clicking on a social media option below.

Learn more about Synergy Omega-3, here!

Omega-3 Capsules

Omega-3 Capsules

Experience the health benefits of fish oil with no fishy flavor. Backed by our unwavering dedication to superior quality, Omega-3 capsules are highly potent and pure to provide your body with the plentiful benefits of natural fish oil.

Shop Omega-3

Why Do You Need Omega-3s?

Omega-3 fatty acids help the human body in many ways, from the heart to the brain, and even the eyes. However, the only way to get the benefits from these essential fats is to obtain them from foods or supplements. Your body will not produce Omega-3s on its own, leaving you on a quest for either carefully chosen meals or a reliable, convenient supplement.

Why Omega-3 from Synergy?

Synergy’s Omega-3 capsules each contain 1,000 mg of oil sourced from cold water, fatty fish. These mackerel, anchovy, and sardine sources are known to be rich in EPA and DHA unsaturated fats, while being reliably low in contaminants. As an added benefit, you don’t have to worry about unpleasant fish flavors, as our Omega-3 contains natural lemon oil for a better experience.

Synergy takes Omega-3 safety and purity one giant step further: Every batch of Omega-3 capsules we produce undergoes strict laboratory testing to ensure that they are free from mercury and other toxins. You can rest easy knowing that your fish oil is rigorously tested to be pure and potent from Synergy WorldWide.


• Potent, convenient capsules
• Pleasant, natural lemon oil to mask any fishy flavor
• Reinforces normal brain function
• Supports normal function of the heart
• Promotes normal vision and eye health

Omega-3 Factsheet

Science and Research
Synergy products are based on science, research, and results, ensuring that they will undoubtedly work for you. The Hughes Center for Research and Innovation was designed with the goal to combat health mega-trends driven by poor diet and lifestyle choices through natural, nutritionally therapeutic products. Outfitted with state-of-the-art instrumentation, the Hughes Center is the hub of Synergy WorldWide’s new product development.

Utilizing the center’s advanced technology, Hughes Center scientists verify the identity, purity, and potency of potential product ingredients and work to discover powerful and unique product formulations that support Elite Health. If a formulation proves itself in clinical studies, it joins Synergy’s family of Elite Health products.

Quality Assurance
In conjunction with its parent company Nature’s Sunshine Products, Synergy WorldWide simply refuses to leave the quality of its products in the hands of someone else. Our manufacturing facility consists of four quality assurance labs, each of which plays a specific role in ensuring product quality. Our scientists have nearly 600 unique tests at their disposal to determine the quality, purity, and potency of all raw materials and finished products.