Success for Europe's First SLMsmart Challengers

Success for Europe’s First SLMsmart Challengers

As Synergy prepares to officially launch SLMsmart and e9 in our European Markets, we invited 70 enthusiastic Team Members from various countries to participate in a 90-day pre-launch SLMsmart challenge. Now, at the end of those 90 days and just one month away from our European Summit in Barcelona, the results from the challenge are in.

These products, new to Europe, have truly been put to the test. The challenge parameters were simple: Replace one or two meals with SLMsmart Health Shake, eat meals that follow SLMsmart’s Essential Foods guidelines, and exercise 30 minutes per day, five days per week. The challengers also enjoyed e9 daily for improved energy levels during each of their transformations.

The final results are incredible! Take a look for yourself below:

Top 3 Challenge Winners

Alessandro Bonvecchi and Stefania Seminara of Italy and Luis Quesada of Spain were the Top 3 Challenge Winners! Each of them dramatically demonstrated the power of SLMsmart. Congratulations to each of them for their incredible transformations!

Click here to see stats and additional photos:

More photos and stories coming soon!
Winning Team

All 70 participants were split into five teams based on the five European regions. Not only were the challenge participants competing for a spot in the “Top 3,” they were competing as a team to achieve a higher total weight loss percentage than the other regions. The results across the board were phenomenal.

Click the image to view the complete team rankings:

For more information about how you can use SLMsmart to tranform into a healthier, more fit and happy version of yourself, visit Put these products to the test– it worked for these Team Members across the sea. It will work for you.

June's 2014 Top 10 Winners

June’s Top 10 Winners

June seemed to fly by here at Synergy headquarters, and it appears that many Team Members made the most of the month.

Congratulations to the incredible Melissa Larsen for coming in as June’s #1 point earner. Michelle J. Duncan came in second, just above Charlie Thorn. Each of them has won a great prize, along with the rest of these challengers. Well done everyone!


Rank Name Points
1 Melissa Larsen 4610 iPAD MINI
2 Michelle J. Duncan 3688 KINDLE FIRE HD
4 Luis Rodriguez 3067 CAMERA
6 Mark Comer 2726 SYNERGY WATCH
8 Marty & Heather Holker 2156 SYNERGY DUFFEL + HEALTH SHAKE
9 Geri Stewart 2069 iPOD SHUFFLE
10 Henriette E. Parker 1855 iPOD SHUFFLE

A big congrats to Melissa and the rest of June’s top point earners! We hope you will enjoy the prizes you have earned, and that you continue to achieve great things throughout 2014. Don’t forget, all these points are adding up to get you to Los Cabos, Mexico!
Cumulative Top 50

In addition to our monthly list of winners, a yearly cumulative list is available here. Check back often to see your progress (the list is updated weekly).

Remember, as you accumulate points throughout the year you can qualify for a fantastic vacation in CABO!!! That’s right, we’re taking our Top 50 Team Members to Los Cabos Mexico to stay in an amazing all-inclusive resort. For more details about that trip and what it takes to get there, click here.

To see all those currently leading, check the live leaderboard here on the blog by selecting “Top 50” on the above menu, or simply click here.

For complete details and information on Synergy’s Top 50 Challenge, click here.

Where Do You Get Your Protein On A Raw Vegan Diet? A question I get all the time is where do I get my protein from if I eat a raw vegan diet. I get most of the protein right from the fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. I have also added this amazing raw vegan protein powder to my smoothies and nut milks. It enhances the flavor and assures I’m getting all I need. It is a complete protein plant based superfood formula from a health teacher who I personal know for many years, Jameth Sheridan. Order at this link

Source: YouTube

Eating for Energy Review – Yuri Elkaim

available here: WElGHTLOSS.COM Most people will know that raw foods are better for your body than prepared foods. According to the growing trend of obesity in the Usa many persons do not use this common sense to improve their way of life. Poor health and obesity are common in the USA. But why? There are many conflicting case studies, papers, diet programs, magazines and also television programs that try to answer this question. Which program is the right one? Yuri Elkaims book ‘Eating for Energy’ answers that question: How can I improve my lifestyle? Yuri Elkaim tells in his ‘Eating for Energy’ book, the key is looking at the foods that you eat. Most food is conserved. Instead of this conserved food you must eat raw foods. And that is where Yuri Elkaim’s publication comes in. It is packed full of raw food recipes and lifestyle instructions. Maybe some of the food Yuri recommends may not be readily available at your grocery store, but most raw food can be bought online. The ‘Eating for Energy’ course by Yuri Elkaim is one of the newest books concerning raw food, raw diets and fitness. His book is not just about gaining more energy , it’s about how to improve ones energy level extremely. Elkaim’s experience how the raw food diet influences the health of your body is described in his publication. Our body, Yuri says, is not build for conserved foods. This is the reason persons eat low calorie foods and exercise and yet still have low energy, and face so many other problems <b>…</b>

Source: YouTube

13.1 Ft Lauderdale half marathon and finding your inner power by rachel feldman, health coach!

Rachel Feldman CHHC, AADP Certified Holistic Health Coach & Reiki Energy Healer BIO Rachel Feldman is a Board Certified Holistic Health Coach and Reiki Practitioner. Trained at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City, Rachel has studied over 150 different dietary theories. Rachel is certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and has obtained additional Continuing Education Units from Purchase College, State University of New York. Having Personally addressed her own struggles with food, allergies, adrenal fatigue and Candida, Rachel not only offers her academic training but also brings her first hand knowledge of suffering with digestive issues to her practice. Her struggles are what inspired her to take control of her health and learn what foods were wreaking havoc on her body and how best to eliminate them. Her personal experiences with elimination diets include the removal of wheat, gluten and other offending foods. Rachel’s practice is based upon the philosophy of Bio-Individuality: every person is unique and has different dietary needs; that no one diet works for everyone. Rachel helps people who are unnecessarily suffering from the food choices they are making. Since taking control of her and her family’s health, she has become passionate about guiding her clients on their personal journey to success from their own health struggles. She specializes in digestive disorders, emotional eating and healthy living. She offers health <b>…</b>

Source: YouTube