In order to apply necessary upgrades to Synergy WorldWide’s network, we will be temporarily disabling the network’s digital resources on Saturday, February 6, 2016, at 8 p.m. (MST) for up to 9 hours.

All of Synergy’s digital resources are housed on this network, including Synergy WorldWide’s corporate website and Pulse. This means that product orders and enrollments cannot be submitted during this time period.

Please note this upcoming network upgrade so that you can process urgent orders and enrollments before the network is made unavailable.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Synergy WorldWide



kickoff2016-soldoutThank you to everyone who registered for North America Kickoff 2016! We are at maximum capacity and couldn’t be more excited to fill Synergy WorldWide Headquarters with all of you.

Can’t wait to see you Febrary 5-6, 2016.

Keep checking the blog throughout the next two weeks for more event details!

SLMsmart 90-day Challenge Registration Now Open!

SLMsmart 90-day Challenge Registration Now Open! 

90daychallenge-coupleIt’s time to follow through with your New Year’s resolution to become a healthier, better you and sign up for the SLMsmart 90-day Challenge. The Top 3 participants with the most dramatic transformations at the end of the challenge will win cash prizes!
1st Place: $1,500
2nd Place: $500
3rd Place: $250
The challenge will begin FEBRUARY 1 and end MAY 1.
The first 25 people to sign up will receive a FREE Synergy workout towel and shaker bottle!
Follow these steps to begin your journey:
Step 1: Complete the 90-day Challenge form
Step 2: Submit a before and after picture
Step 3: Order a SLMsmart pack
Step 4: Begin your transformation!
As a challenger, you will have access to all of the wisdom and tips our SLMsmart Coach Tommy Bethards has to offer. As your coach, Tommy will help you overcome any hurdles that are standing in the way of you reaching your weight gloss goals. Tommy participated in the 2015 SLMsmart 90-day Challenge and experienced an unbelievable transformation that made him a challenge finalist. Click here to learn more about his transformation story.
Upon joining the challenge, you will be invited to the SLMsmart 90-day Challenge Facebook group where you will be supported in an online community that is committed to accomplishing body transformation goals, just like you!
You have the power to make a big change in your life. Take the first step and sign up for the Challenge. Synergy products, the SLMsmart App, and your SLMsmart coach, will make your goals attainable.



confcall-shaneThank you to everyone who joined the 2016 Kickoff Call! We had a great turnout and hope all of you are feeling ready to make 2016 your year.

Missed the call? That’s OK! Click the link below to listen in and get the scoop on all of the exciting things happening this year.


Happy New Year Synergy WorldWide!

Happy New Year Synergy WorldWide!


Like each of you, I’m excited to get to work in 2016. Your tenacity, confidence, and desire to make a difference made 2015 another successful year for Synergy WorldWide, and I know 2016 will be no different. As a company, we have the leaders, the products, and the tools to achieve the loftiest of goals. If you haven’t already set your goals for this year, write them down and share them with your team. Create a system of accountability and set yourself up for success.

From September through November of 2015, I had the opportunity to attend Synergy Summits around the world. It’s always a pleasure to congratulate so many of our Team Members who have achieved new pin titles – this is a true reflection of the success in each of our markets. I congratulate each one of you who rank advanced this last year. I especially want to recognize the new executive ranks that have been achieved since the 2014 Summits:

Presidential Executive
Kim Young Cheon, Korea
Ni Nyoman Pariani & Nyoman Soma Legawa, Indonesia

Diamond Executive
Hakan Cetin, Austria
Jin Chul Kim, Korea
Ji-Young Yoon, Korea

Emerald Executive
Jeong Yoo Tae, Korea
Kamphol Preechasirichok, Thailand

Pearl Executive
Susanne and Thorsten Kupske, Germany
Giuseppe Lucio, Italy
Jeon Chang Hui, Korea
Him Young Mi & Kim Ho Joong, Korea
Elfriede Tappauf, Austria
So Ming Bang, Korea
Edward Ahn, Korea
Tatsuaki Hatano, Japan
I Wayan Pardika Rusiama, Indonesia
Satomi & Hiroshi Yoshida, Japan
Nipon Rungraweesrisasithorn, Thailand
Eun Sim Kim, Korea

These executive ranks are a true indicator of the health of each market. New up and coming leaders are emerging around the world and helping strengthen our company’s brand and position in the marketplace. I could not be happier for each of these individuals who are leading their markets and this company with energy and passion.

A quote by Mark Twain states, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

As we begin this New Year, this is my invitation to you. Think back to the day when you joined Synergy WorldWide – whether it was days, months or years. What was your dream? How did you feel on day one? As individuals we cannot grow without challenges, so expect that they will come. However, never lose sight of where you’re heading, never give up on your dreams. Through hard work, consistency, and optimism, we have the ability to do anything we set our minds to. So in 2016, I encourage you to explore, to dream, and to discover your true potential. This year will be a pivotal point in the future of this great company and I need you to be a part of it.

Wishing you the best,

Dan Norman
Synergy WorldWide