Last Week for Heart Health Savings!

Last Week for Heart Health Savings!

blog-hhmonthNational Heart Health Month is coming to a close and we want to make sure you take advantage of the Heart Health Month Special before it’s too late!

You’ve been thinking about your heart all month, and we encourage you to continue making your heart a priority for months and years to come. Start by stocking up on heart healthy Synergy products!

Treat yourself to 25% off of this cardio combo!

Click Here to Purchase

About the Products:

• Supports energy production for the heart and other organs requiring high levels of ATP or energy
• Helps reduce oxidative stress in all cells throughout the body
• Supports the health of the heart, kidneys, liver and pancreas

Download the CoQ10 Fact Sheet

• Helps regulate the body’s ratio of HDLs to LDLs
• Supports health blood pressure
• Protects cell membranes

Download the Omega-3 Fact Sheet

• Synergy’s flagship product
• Contains l-arginine, an amino acid that your body converts to nitric oxide which helps enhance your cardiovascular system
•  Contains l-citrulline, Vitamins D3, K, C, B6 and B12
•  Clinically proven to inhibit myeloperoxidase

Download the ProArgi-9+ Fact Sheet

Click Here to Purchase

Oh My Omegas!

Oh My Omegas!

omega3The word “omega-3” may sound like the name of a spaceship from an 80s sci-fi movie, but it’s actually the name of something far more important. Essential to human health, an omega-3 is a fatty acid many people are lacking in their diets. Thankfully, people are becoming more and more aware of this fatty-acid and the benefits it provides. As experts continue to study the power of omega-3 supplementation, Synergy Team Members are proud to offer pure, potent Omega-3 capsules to customers across the United States.

Omega-3 capsules are currently available at a discounted price in this month’s Heart Health Special ending February 29! Save 25% on three of Synergy’s heart healthy products for a limited time.


Let’s take a closer look at what makes omega-3 supplementation a wise and healthy practice:


Omega-3 fatty acids can be powerful tools for the human body to use. Most people know Omega-3s for their ability to support a healthy cardiovascular system. This is for good reason, as studies continue to showcase omega-3 fatty acid’s ability to support heart function, enhanced circulation, and other cardiovascular strength. Additionally, Omega-3s provide powerful protection for cell membranes throughout your cardiovascular system. Omega-3 supplementation can also help a person maintain blood-pressure levels and a good ratio between HDL and LDL cholesterol.

As more science emerges behind the importance of gut health, many experts are taking note of the role omega-3 fatty acids play in your digestive system. They can strengthen the mucosal cells of the gut wall (which could use the strengthening, as it is easily and often damaged), and may even play a role in decreasing gut inflammation. As a person builds the health of their gut, they will see benefits extending to various parts of their body, including the skeleton, the brain, and of course, the heart.



Nutritionists have labeled omega-3’s as “essential” fatty acids, but we cannot get them without consuming them. In other words, omega-3s are not naturally produced by the body, so unless you are regularly eating healthy portions of certain fish, algae and oils, you may be lacking a beneficial dose of omega-3’s.

Of course, the majority of Americans adhere to the standard Western diet in which they rarely consume foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids. In fact, the typical American diet has been shown to affect the body in harmful ways exactly opposite to the benefits omega-3 fatty acids can promote.

There are countries outside of the United States where foods containing omega-3s are more regularly consumed. Those countries report fewer cases of specific health concerns, and many experts and nutritionists believe the link to be valid.



Don’t be alarmed by the term “fatty acids.” Omega-3 fatty acids don’t make you obese, and they surely are not what circulating through the crowds of Woodstock.

Fatty acids are, technically, a carboxylic acid with a long aliphatic chain. What does that mean? It means that the right fatty acids are potentially building blocks for different bodily functions. Fatty acids are digested, absorbed into the blood and, in the case of Omega-3’s, form a molecule called a triglyceride.

The Synergy Omega-3 supplement is a natural triglyceride fish lipid concentrate that provides EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). These particular acids are those being shown to produce the benefits listed above and more. Eating certain fish is the best natural way to consume EPA and DHA, but the overconsumption of fish is risky. Mercury and other toxins are becoming all-too present in many of today’s fish-heavy meals.

Because Synergy rigorously tests every batch of our Omega-3 product before it ever gets to your shelf, you can put this EPA+DHA supplement to the test with confidence. Most likely, your doctor is aware of the many benefits that come from omega-3 you supplementation. Feel free to ask him or her for more information about this fascinating triglyceride science. Additionally, omega-3s are recommended by nutritionists around the world and, of course, by the Synergy Medical and Scientific advisory board. We invite you to add Synergy’s Omega-3 to your diet and reap the rewards you may not even know you’ve been missing.


SLMsmart Switch: Make-Ahead Meals

SLMsmart Switch: Make-Ahead Meals

90daychallenge-mochaIn the first month of the SLMsmart 90-day Challenge we are already seeing the beginnings of incredible transformations taking shape. Perhaps even more important than the physical transformations underway are the mental transformations that need to take place first. The first few weeks of the Challenge require a substantial yet attainable shift in the way the Challenger thinks and acts. Many of our Challengers are already getting the hang of altering their thought processes and increasing their mental toughness in order to make healthy decisions. We can learn a lot from these individuals!

SLMsmart Challenger

Busy schedules are notorious for wreaking havoc on a healthy lifestyle, and Mocha is no stranger to this reality. Before joining the SLMsmart 90-day Challenge, Mocha’s demanding job often kept her from cooking healthy meals at home, and instead turning to convenient less healthy options.

Since day one of the 90-day Challenge, Mocha has been making healthy decisions before the week even begins by preparing meals ahead of time—a trick that the SLMsmart App recommends. The first meal prep session cost Mocha a few hours, but now that she has the hang of it, it’s becoming a simple routine that makes a huge difference in her food selections throughout the week. Mocha said that preparing food ahead of time has made establishing healthy habits easier, though the entire process is far from easy. Food prepping can help the forgetful eater, overeater, emotional eater, and anyone else with similar challenges, become more aware of what is and isn’t going into their bodies, she said.

Meal prep takes place over the weekend and begins by taking out different sized bags—small bags for snacks and slightly larger bags for meals. Mocha fills the bags with nutritious foods recommended by the SLMsmart App and her SLMsmart coach. These bags help her manage portion sizes and are easy to grab from the fridge before she leaves for the day.

Mocha’s mother is also participating in the Challenge and is a great support in the meal prep process. She has opened Mocha’s eyes to a number of tricks that make healthy eating something to look forward to. Simply cutting a vegetable differently or making a colorful meal can make healthy food choices more inviting. Also, learning how to cook and season vegetables to your liking can make a world of difference, Mocha said, and is something she discovered when her mother taught her a new way to prepare Brussels sprouts—one of the green things she normally avoids.

“Food prep makes a real difference in your decisions because you are an active participant in your health,” Mocha said. “If I spend the time to go grocery shopping and plan a week of meals, I’m more likely to stick to it because I’ve already taken the first step. I think a lot of us don’t actively make poor choices, but when we recognize our poor choices, it’s helpful to have a healthy alternative to turn to.”

Legacy Retreat 2017

Legacy Retreat 2017


Synergy’s Legacy Retreat is taking qualifiers to a small, seaside country with big personality—a unique destination Synergy has never been before: Monaco!

We hope you are able to join us May 16-20, 2017, in this melting pot of European culture. Drawing off of Spanish, French and Italian heritage, Monaco has a rich history with something for everyone to enjoy—sightseeing, gambling, museums, gardens, and beaches.

Qualified Team Members will be immersed in the fairytale glamour of Monaco’s Hotel Hermitage. This extravagant hotel offers an elegance and charm fit for royalty, and is the perfect place to pamper Synergy’s elite Team Members.

Commit now to qualify for this event. It will be unlike any Legacy Retreat Synergy has hosted before. The qualification period is January 1 to December 31, 2016. Click the link below to learn how to qualify.


Remember, you can track your Legacy Retreat points by logging into your Pulse account and viewing the information bar on the left-hand side of the screen.

Check out the 2016 Legacy Retreat recap video and get a taste of what you have to look forward to.



blog-hhmonth-caDid you know that February is National Heart Health Month in the U.S.? And with Valentine’s Day just around the corner, everyone’s thinking about little hearts and showing love. You have until February 29 to take advantage of this great value!

Treat yourself (and your Valentine) to some TLC with 25% off of this cardio combo!

Click Here to Purchase

About the Products:

Mistica is a rich source of antioxidants that protect the body from free-radical damage. Free radicals occur everywhere in our environment, including our food and in the air we breathe. The acai berry and the other fruits found in Mistica are natural sources of anthocyanins – a potent type of antioxidants. Anthocyanins are the pigments found in berries, red grapes, and other healthful foods. The compounds offer numerous health benefits, including the ability to support circulatory and cardiovascular health.

Download the Mistica Fact Sheet

Vitamin D3
Synergy’s Vitamin D3 chewable tablets benefit the body’s numerous biological functions to promote a greater state of overall health. This essential vitamin is one of the most useful nutritional tools we have at our disposal.

Of the many roles Vitamin D3 fulfills in the body, one of the most important is to enable calcium absorption. The body is unable to digest calcium without adequate levels of D3. Insufficient levels of calcium can then lead to osteoporosis and eventually bone loss.

Download the Vitamin D3 Fact Sheet

ProArgi-9+ is Synergy’s top-selling product and the cornerstone of any nutritional regimen. One serving contains 6,000 mg (6 grams) of elemental pharmaceutical grade l-arginine. Often referred to as the “miracle molecule,” l-arginine provides powerful cardiovascular support.

Download the ProArgi-9+ Fact Sheet

Click Here to Purchase