Chat with Synergy Customer Service

Chat with Synergy Customer Service

typingSynergy’s Customer Service agents are committed to doing everything in their power to offer the best Team Member support possible. For this reason, Customer Service has added a new method of communication to make your business dealings even easier with Synergy chat!

Now you can chat with a Synergy Customer Service agent in real time by simply logging into your Pulse account. Navigate to the bottom right corner of your Pulse homepage and you’ll find a button labeled “Chat now.” Click this button to send instant messages to a Synergy Customer Service agent. There is absolutely no wait time! Start getting your questions and requests answered through chat!

New Diamond Executive: Bart Woodcook

New Diamond Executive: Bart Woodcook

bart-diamondCongratulations to Synergy’s newest Diamond Executive Bart Woodcook!

Prior to becoming one of Synergy’s top leaders, Bart spent long hours building custom closets in the Seattle, Wash., area. It was during this time that he learned how important time and sacrifice are to achieving success.

Since his closet-building days, Bart has found that the lessons he learned in this trade helped him become successful in the network marketing. Keeping a network marketing business alive requires tireless work ethic, unwavering dedication to a team, and sustained passion for a company’s products, all of which describe the way Bart ran his business in Washington. When Bart started his Synergy business, applying these principles was seamless because he found the right company to support.

Bart is a major contributor to Synergy’s overall success and his organization has been instrumental to Synergy Europe’s explosive growth over the years. During his hectic and exciting early years with Synergy, Bart traveled from his home in Buckley, Wash., to various locations throughout Europe to grow and support the business. The constant back and forth between Europe and the U.S. led Bart to purchase his dream home in Spain to be closer to his team. It is because of Bart’s relentless dedication that he has obtained the title of Diamond Executive and is one step away from becoming Synergy’s next Presidential Executive.

Synergy executives cherish their relationship with Bart and believe he greatly benefits the company as a global leader. His business is built on principles of trust, honesty, and mutual respect, and his passion for Synergy shines through every time he introduces its opportunities to someone new.

August 2016 Elite Honors Qualifiers

August 2016 Elite Honors Qualifiers 

elitehonors-club-blogheaderElite Honors has the power to maximize each Team Member’s earning potential. Team Members following the program are also seeing the rewards made possible through the Go Elite promotion as they continue doing what they’ve been doing all along—building their Synergy businesses.

Congratulations to the August 2016 qualifiers!

9x and Above Qualifiers
Qualify 9 out of 12 months and receive a unique 9x qualifier pin and an Elite Honors jacket.

David Johnston
Dan Hammer
Mark Comer
Dianne Sandberg
Dane Iorg
Roxanne Seely
Lor Pace
K. Roger Carter
Paul Blad & Rudy Pedroza
David Munoz
Michael Burnett
Gwen Brown
Dr. Charina Holmes
Sandra Kerner
Margie Dean
Susan Bober
Brad Burnett
Dwayne Loberg

3x Qualifiers
Qualify 3 out of 12 months and receive an Elite Honors Club card, which can be used for a number of event perks, including VIP registration, special product promotions, and more!

Roger Hunt
Betsy Bartlett
Dr. Corey Gray
Shelby Evans
Michelle M. Dean
Dr. Dennis Meador
Peggy Freeman
Michelle Fuller
Brianda Garcia
Charles Brown
Kami Duncombe
Taun Ziegler
Robert Hales
Monica Vargas
Paul Limon
Penny Murphy
Eric Cumbie
Michael Farley
Ryan Payne
Susan Drake
Robert Dean
Donald Weim
Shannon Nixon
Tammy Akillano
Daniel Arana
Shane Logan
Cindy Hornbrook
Dr. Joshua Purvell
James Duncombe

1x Qualifiers
Qualify for Elite Honors 1 out of 12 months and receive an Elite Honors pin, recognition letter, and online recognition.

Ila Ruckaber
Alt Med Services
Gene Zaporosky
Anita Swift
Randy Dowdell
Ralph Thompson Jr.
Mocha Butkovich
Dylan Russon
Mirasol Alcalde
Al-Azeem Muhammad
Roberta Matson
Legair Brand LTD
Marla Snow
Alex Tam
Mellisa Mosley
Rhonda Minty
Tanner Eller
Shirley Lourie
Riley Bechtol
Tera Young
William Rodey
Tabitha Montoga
Jack Smith
Tishie Bradley
Cara Strong
Nathan Blair
Rob Boyd
Shaun Bowthurpe
Lori Burnett
Dr. Bill Andrus
Dawnetta Andrus
Stacy Stoddard
Richard Clark
Derek Bowen
Crystal Gallegos
Kristi Delgado
Madison Mandell
Jean Chesley
Mckenna Locke
Dr. Bob Armstrong
Hyunjoon Kim

To learn more about Elite Honors and the Go Elite Promotion, click here.

We are seeing great activity in August already. Let’s keep the momentum going! Train your team on the importance of becoming Elite Honors qualified through the Synergy Opportunity Webinar as you achieve this highly sought after title yourself. Can’t wait to see the success that this month brings.

Congratulations to everyone who has achieved Elite Honors so far and a special congratulations to those who have achieved Elite Honors multiple times. We are impressed by your work ethic and belief, and encourage you to continue leading by example.

August 2016 Recognition

August 2016 Recognition

recognition_pins_headerAugust 2016

Congratulations to the following Team Members throughout the United States and Canada. We look forward to your continued triumphs this year!

Rank Advancements

Diamond Executive
Bart Woodcook

Team Manager
Reed Burnett

Team Leader
Carole Burnett

Natalie Birbeck
Lydia Brown
Carole Burnett
Dmitry Kuznetsov

Donald Clarke
Lydia Brown

Novus Promotions
Sheree Boswell
Bonnie L Chadburn
Joanna Kisner
Todd Langston
Brandy Valentine
Tisha Sanchez
Christopher Broughton
Andrea Kaye
Lori Burnett
Kristi Delgado

Novus Promotions
Joanna Kisner
Brandy Valentine
Tyson Banner
Kami Duncombe
Al-azeem Muhammad
Curia Thornton
Brittany Mackay
Raymond Cvaron
Kaleb Duncan
Brian Jones
Jacqueline L Romeo
Rose Warren
Elan Clarke
Shane Logan
Linda Jones
Derek Brown
Andrea Tieu
Duane Brightwell
Valerie Cartright
Kalie Valentine
Roberta Matson
Legair Brand Ltd
Lori Burnett
Dr Bill  Andrus
Dawnetta Andrus
Stacy Stoddard
Richard Clark
Derek Bowen
Crystal Gallegos
Kristi Delgado
Jean Chesley
Mckenna Locke
Dr Bob Armstrong

Top Recruiters
Top North American Team Members (in order) that personally sponsored the most new Team Members

Sandra Kerner
Charlene Burnett
Marla Snow
K. Roger Carter
Ralph Thompson
Reed Burnett
Mark Comer
Lor Pace
Peter Burnett
Cindy Hornbrook
Dr. Gumm
Donald Weim
Vernie Villote
Christopher Broughton
John Pershing Smith

Top Team Builders
Team Members (in order) with the most personally sponsored rank advancements

Brent Burnett
Reed Burnett
Bart Woodcook
Mark Comer
Paul Blad & Rudy Pedroza
Roxanne Seely
Dan Hammer
Margie Dean
Margaret Rebo
Peter Burnett
Gwen Brown
Nathan L. Fowers
Carole Burnett
Lor Pace
Charlene Burnett

Dan Higginson Wants Your Help!

Dan Higginson Wants Your Help! 

jdrf-one-walk-3-color-png-logo-cmykDear Synergy Family,

Team Synergy is going up against Team Nature’s Sunshine Products in a friendly competition to help raise funds and awareness for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, an organization I am passionate about and determined to support. This foundation actively fights against type 1 diabetes by raising awareness, gathering new knowledge, and funding new scientific research.

Each year, about 15,000 children and 15,000 adults are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Currently, type 1 diabetes is an incurable disease, but, together, we have the opportunity to help make this reality a thing of the past. Synergy and NSP have elected to compete against each other in a donation battle for this wonderful foundation. I feel personally responsible to make sure Team Synergy comes out on top as I will be leading the upcoming JDRF Utah walks on September 17 in Provo and September 24 in Salt Lake City.

I ask every one of you to join me in this cause and donate at least $1.


Thank you to those who have already donated, your generosity is well spent. I am happy to announce that we have already raised more than $4,000, but I know we can do so much more!

Together, let’s show what Synergy stands for and multiply the funds we’ve already raised. And let’s beat Team NSP!

Thank you all for being a part of this team; I’m proud to be associated with such generous and compassionate individuals who live to Leave a Legacy.

Dan Higginson
Synergy WorldWide