5 Must-Know Facts About Heart Health

5 Must-Know Facts About Heart Health

Heart Health Month continues, and due to popular demand, we have another Heart Health webinar coming up next week! Join us on February 26th to hear from the Hughes Center’s Research and Development Manager, Dr. Noah Jenkins.
Synergy Team Members: This webinar will feature interesting information from a qualified expert. Invite friends, family, or anyone interested in heart health to this educational webinar. The content will be friendly to people who have perhaps never heard of our company. Consider it a way of introducing what we do, and why we do it. Following the webinar, you can take the opportunity to share the Synergy products, however, you’d prefer to share them, with those who express their interest.

In this webinar, our expert will discuss five interesting facts about the heart, which can help us take action for cardiovascular fitness.

Register today for either webinar and invite your team and customers to enjoy this educational experience. This is a great opportunity to learn about the performance of your heart.



Date: Wednesday, February 26
Time 1: 1:00 PM (MDT)
Time 2: 7:00 PM (MDT)
Language: English

NOTE: This webinar will feature presentation slides. For the best experience, we recommend you register today to join online. This webinar will be broadcast for educational purposes only. There will be no recordings published or distributed. This webinar is being broadcast with no intent to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or health condition. The content of this webinar will not be evaluated by the USFDA, nor by any governing body.

About Noah Jenkins, Ph.D.

Dr. Noah Jenkins is the Research and Development Manager at The Hughes Center for Research and Innovation. With a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from the University of Utah, Dr. Jenkins has an in-depth and complete understanding of the human body and the nutrition essential to a healthy life. He completed a three-year postdoctoral fellowship in Pediatric Neuro-oncology at the Huntsman Cancer Institute and a two-year postdoctoral fellowship in Pediatric Cardiology at the University Of Utah Department Of Molecular Medicine. He is the author of 14 peer-reviewed academic studies on several topics including melanoma, brain cancer, and cardiovascular disease.

Dr. Jenkins doesn’t simply “talk the talk.” He “walks the walk” as well, striving to achieve Elite Health daily as a national-level competitor in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and an Olympic-style weight lifter. He speaks English and French fluently and leverages his education and passions as a member of the Hughes Center research team to help Synergy transform lives around the world.



Once again, Synergy will be celebrating HEART HEALTH MONTH, the best month ever, all February long.

PLEASE JOIN US ON FRIDAY, FEB 7: We are going to wear RED to celebrate “National Wear Red Day.” Show the world that you care about heart health by wearing your red hats, shirts, pants, neckties, scarves, roller-skates… whatever bold redness you want to wear, we want to see it on February 7. Rock that red!

Need some motivation? Think of someone you know who would be a lot happier if only his or her heart was healthier. You love that person. Wear red on February 7 for them.

Need MORE motivation? We’ll be giving away prizes! Your first chance to win will be on National Wear Red Day, February 7. Here’s how to enter:

  1. Post videos and/or photos on Instagram, Facebook, and/or TikTok (that’s right— Synergy is new to TikTok!) 
  2. Wear red 
  3. Show a Synergy logo somehow 
  4. Use these hashtags:
    #HeartHealthMonth #WearRedDay #SynergyWorldWide #EliteHealth #HealthBeginsWithHeart

Follow those four steps, and you’ll find yourself entered into the drawing. Multiple entries welcome, and multiple winners will be chosen! Show us your best Heart Health photos, videos, and smiles.

Speaking of social media: stay tuned to the Synergy channels throughout Heart Health Month. We’ll be sharing info, announcing webinars, hosting contests, and helping you to remember: HEALTH BEGINS WITH HEART.

#HeartHealthMonth #WearRedDay #SynergyWorldWide #EliteHealth #HealthBeginsWithHeart

New Biome DTX Fact Video

New Biome DTX Fact Video

Check out this informative Biome DTX featurette. It’s an easy video to watch and share, highlighting the basic details and mighty benefits of Biome DTX, along with the Synergy commitment to quality.

This video, along with several other product fact videos, can be found under the “Videos” tab.

Love it? Share this post by clicking on a social media option below.

Click here for the Spanish video.

Click HERE to learn more about Biome DTX and Synergy’s other microbiome-focused products!

Tues. Dec. 17th: Corporate Update Call

Tues. Dec. 17th: Corporate Update Call

Tuesday, December 17, 2019: Join us for a Synergy North America Call featuring Dan Higginson, Founder of Synergy WorldWide and Eddie Silcock, President of North America. Together, they will be sharing an exciting announcement that you will not want to miss!

Click Here to Register
To join this special Synergy Update Call by phone in the United States:

  • Dial: 415-655-0052
  • Access Code: 599-690-172
  • Time: 7 PM Mountain Standard Time

Joining the call from outside of the U.S? Register using the link above to receive an email with a link to join online using your computer and a web browser. Be sure to mark your calendar, set a reminder, and let the members of your team know to join. We look forward to having you join us Tuesday!

Photo Albums: Global Summit 2019

Photo Albums: Global Summit 2019

What an amazing event! We hope you will enjoy looking back at photos from the 20th Anniversary Global Summit held in beautiful South Korea. Enjoy the albums by clicking an icon below, and you can view the recap video by clicking here.

Day 1: Global Summit 2019
Day 2: Global Summit 2019
Recognition Ceremony: Complete Collection
“Synergy Got Talent”: Complete Collection