Ready to rake in the holiday savings? Synergy North America will be hosting DAILY FLASH-SALE SPECIALS next week, from Monday, December 19 through Friday the 23rd.

Don’t miss a sale! To find out the flash sale of the day:

  1. Check the Synergy WorldWide Blog
  2. Follow the Synergy Facebook Page
  3. Or call the Synergy Customer Service Agents at 801-769-7800

NOTE: These offers will not be available online. Instead, all flash sale orders will be taken by phone.

Customer service hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. MST so place your order during those hours to take advantage of these great offers! Specials will go live at 8 a.m. each morning!

Synergy Customer Service: (801) 769-7800

Happy Holidays from all of us at Synergy and best wishes for an incredible new year!

Perfect your Presentation in 3 Steps

Perfect your Presentation in 3 Steps

givingpresentationNetwork marketers are presentation gurus. Well, some of them. The life of a network marketing business often relies on the networker’s ability to proficiently explain and sell a company’s message. Network marketing presentations are often accompanied by—you guessed it—PowerPoint, but few networkers understand how to correctly apply design principles for a clean and sophisticated finished product.

To better prepare a sleek presentation that packs a punch, look to these quick tips:

#1. Text

PowerPoint should be used as a tool that aids in portraying a verbal message. The PowerPoint itself should not do the portraying. Limit each slide in your presentation to about 5 words; the words you select should encompass the topic you are diving into. There are very few instances that you should you be reading text seen on your slide. The goal is to have your audience view each slide for no more than a few seconds and focus the majority of their attention on you.

It’s also important to be careful with fonts. Stay away from tacky fonts like Comic Sans and opt for a clean, professional, sans serif font, such as Arial. Use no more than three text colors in a single PowerPoint to keep the theme and design connecting smoothly.

#2. Images

Choose interesting, high-quality visuals to captivate the audience. Stretched, distorted, and blurry images quickly turn what would be a good presentation into an unprofessional presentation. If the image file size is too small to fill the slide completely without becoming blurry, find a different image. Use a free stock image site, such as or filter your Google image search to only include large file sizes. Include a maximum of two images per slide. The most successful presentations often feature only one full-screen image. It’s also important to make sure you choose relevant images that complement your topic. For instance, if you are talking about goal-setting, you could select a high-quality image of a notepad and pencil.

#3. Design

Design encompasses the way that images and text coincide and complement each other. Do this right and you’ll create slides that are easy on the eyes and easy to follow. Start by learning the four design principles:

Contrast: Put simply, avoid similar elements (type, color, size, line thickness, shape, space) and instead, make them different. For example, using white text on a dark background shows contrast.

Alignment: The contents on every slide of your presentation should be placed with purpose. Proper alignment should visually connect other elements on the slide. Aligned elements will visually appear as though they are connected by an invisible line.

Repetition: Repeating design elements is a great way to create visual themes. Try repeating colors, textures, shapes, line thickness, etc. Doing this develops organization and unity.

Proximity: If two or more items are related to each other, group them close together to create one visual unit rather than several distinct separate units. This will create visual organization.

Remember, the more prepared you are, the more likely you are to create a presentation you’re proud of. Do it right once, and you will benefit from reusing your dynamite PowerPoint again and again. Ultimately, following these simple PowerPoint guidelines could improve how others perceive you and your business offering.

Join the TriAction Webinar

Join the TriAction Webinar

webinar-triaction Join us this coming Tuesday, April 12th for a special webinar discussing details behind Synergy WorldWide’s comprehensive skin solutions system: TriAction. This webinar will focus on the ways this system can benefit the health of your skin.

DianneFEATURING: Double Presidential Executive Dianne Leavitt who, after putting it to the test herself, has been successfully sharing the TriAction System for years!

Date: Tuesday, March 12, 2016
Time: 6:00 PM Mountain Time
GoToWebinar ID: 115-544-019


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

We look forward to having you join us!

REMEMBER: The TriAction System is on sale now at a savings of over 15%, plus each complete system comes with a free bottle of Elemence Cleansing Foam. Click here to learn more.



downloadspageSynergy WorldWide’s global impact is ever increasing, and new people from all walks of life are starting Synergy businesses every day. To expand their businesses, Team Members are sharing Synergy’s opportunities with people in multiple countries, even continents, and for that reason we believe it’s time to make Synergy tools and resources available to you in all languages, all in one place.

Synergy Downloads is a brand new page on the Synergy corporate site found under the “Opportunity” tab. Click on the “Synergy Downloads” link in the dropdown selection and you’ll find an array of informational and business building resources separated by country that will aid you on you journey to financial freedom.

Here’s what you’ll find:

  • Forms & price lists
  • Marketing materials (fact sheets, brochures, flyers, PowerPoints)
  • Videos

You can also go to the “Global Downloads” downloads folder and find Synergy logos, business cards, and additional images that will be useful in your daily business dealings and presentations.

If you have any questions about how to use Synergy Downloads, please contact Customer Service.

Make Synergy Downloads your one stop shop for Synergy resources!

Strengthening the Most Important Muscle

Strengthening the Most Important Muscle

 fitgirl1Like all muscles, your heart has to be trained in order to maintain its strength and conditioning. Whether it’s a quick run in the morning, half an hour on the stationary bike, or a leisurely walk around the neighborhood with the family dog, a few minutes of cardio each day can be a huge help to your hearts overall health.

Having a strong heart boosts your cardiovascular system, helps your body utilize oxygen more efficiently, lowers the risk for heart disease, and even allows the heart to better repair itself when damaged. There are four basic components to fitness: cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility. Cardiovascular endurance is vital because it directly coincides with how effectively you can increase the other fitness elements.

Follow these tips to effectively train your heart to become stronger:

Engage Your Muscles
The American Heart Association recommends 30 minutes of moderate/vigorous aerobic exercise on 4-5 days per week. To get the most out of aerobics, focus on engaging the largest muscle groups (chest, legs, back, and abs) in a continuous, rhythmic manner. By doing this, your heart has to work harder to deliver oxygen-rich blood to muscle tissue, which results in a mini workout that supports and promotes your heart’s cardiovascular strength.

Cardio Intervals
If you’re looking to increase your heart health quickly, interval training is the way to go. Intervals work by incorporating high-intensity cardio with periods of lower, relaxed cardio. This results in an extremely effective and efficient workout. Studies have shown that doing 15 minutes of interval training has been linked to preventing heart disease as well as improving your overall fitness.
Bonus: Interval training burns more calories per minute than simply jogging on a treadmill.

Weight Training
Similar to interval training, weight training is an effective way to strengthen all the muscles in your body, especially your heart. The key to having a productive weight training session is limiting the rest period between sets. Most gym goers will rest for approximately 30-90 seconds between sets. However, if your goal is greater endurance (and a stronger heart) you’ll have to surrender some break time. But trust us, your heart will thank you.

Know When to Slow Down
Just as important as an performing an intense cardio session, is knowing when to slow down. Too much adrenaline in the system can be harmful to your heart’s health. If your heart rate is jumping up too high or you feel pain, lower the intensity of your workout to let your heart slow down, then once your heart has relaxed, up the intensity to a moderate pace, but don’t overexert yourself. Be sure to drink water during “cool down” periods since the heart tends to beat faster when the cells in your body are dehydrated.

Get Enough Sleep
According to studies, young and middle-aged adults who sleep for approximately 7 hours per night have less calcium build-up in their arteries than those who sleep less than 6 hours or more than 9 hours. Similarly, those who sleep more soundly during the night tend to have healthier arteries than those who don’t. Remember that the quality of your sleep is directly reflected in the quality of your training and ultimately influences how strong your heart is, or how strong it can become.
