This Friday is Wear Red Day

This Friday is Wear Red Day

This Friday is Wear Red Day

It’s time to showcase your best red outfits because National Wear Red Day is happening this Friday, February 5. The purpose of National Wear Red Day is to raise awareness for heart health, including the fight against heart disease. Join us, and show your support for this excellent cause. 

Don’t forget, by participating you’ll be entered into our giveaway and have a chance to be featured on Synergy’s social media. Earn free swag and some extra social media spotlight by rocking your red on Friday. It’s as easy as three simple steps:

  1. Wear your boldest, brightest red. If you’ve got it, we want to see it! 
  2. Snap a selfie or a groupie showing off your radical red outfits. Seriously, flaunt that.
  3. Submit your image to our Google Survey HERE
  4. Post it on Instagram or Facebook and tag Synergy with these hashtags: 

#TheHeartOfTheMatter #HeartHealthMonth and #SynergyWorldWide and tell us what heart health means to you.

You’re all set! Be sure to check our Instagram and Facebook and get ready for some social media limelight. 

But that’s not all. We’ll be revealing a special surprise on National Wear Red Day. Stay tuned and check back with us at the end of the week. 

Share your support and help prepare your team this month as we celebrate your most vital organ— the heart!

Heart Health Month Is Here

Heart Health Month Is Here

Heart Health Month is here, and we are ready to start the party! Every February, people around the world celebrate Heart Health Month, raising awareness for cardiovascular disease and celebrating the body’s most vital organ— the heart. 
Cardiovascular disease is one of the deadliest killers in the world. On average, around 17.9 million people worldwide die of cardiovascular disease each year— accounting for 31% of all deaths. Likewise, the United States has nearly 610,000 deaths because of heart disease. 
Although the numbers are high, together, we can make small changes every day to help prevent heart disease. Controlling and lowering risk factors can help in the long run, and there’s a variety of ways to do so: 

  • Maintain a healthy body weight
  • Quit smoking or avoid secondhand smoke 
  • Maintain healthy cholesterol levels and blood pressure numbers 
  • If you drink alcohol, drink only in moderation
  • Eat healthy
  • Be active

Synergy has two important goals for heart health month: to support healthy hearts, and celebrate its amazing presence in the body. As your body’s hardest-working muscle, your heart deserves special care and attention. 
This month, we renew our pledge to do our part to raise awareness about heart care, to make a difference in the health of others, and to spread helpful information and motivation when it comes to your beautiful heart.

Three Times More Body Prime

Three Times More Body Prime

That’s right, it’s prime time! Synergy’s Body Prime now comes with 90 capsules per bottle, 60 more than before. With this bonus bunch of dynamic doses you can enhance your experience with volumes of value. Enjoy those extra servings, savings, and the benefits that follow!

Shop Body Prime
Made with simple yet powerful ingredients like magnesium, prune powder, and apple pectin, Body Prime supports cleansing and bowel motility to prepare the body for an effective microbiome program. Body Prime contains 400 mg per serving of the essential macro-mineral magnesium, which helps the body maintain a healthy balance of electrolytes, reduces fatigue, and has a positive cardiovascular benefit.

Order a bottle of Body Prime today!

Made with simple yet powerful ingredients like magnesium, prune powder, and apple pectin, Body Prime supports cleansing and bowel motility to prepare the body for an effective microbiome program. Body Prime contains 400 mg per serving of the essential macro-mineral magnesium, which helps the body maintain a healthy balance of electrolytes, reduces fatigue, and has a positive cardiovascular benefit.

Order a bottle of Body Prime today!


Body Prime and its ingredients have been included in a number of studies, including those conducted at the Hughes Center for Research and Innovation. There, the safety and efficacy of escalating doses of Body Prime on maintaining the regularity of healthy bowel function were explored, thereby setting the recommended dosing parameters. Studies have shown that magnesium has a positive cardiovascular benefit (1), is useful in maintaining a healthy electrolyte balance (2), and reduces fatigue (3).

1. Kupetsky-Rincon, E. a. & Uitto, J. Magnesium: Novel applications in cardiovascular disease – A review of the literature. Ann. Nutr. Metab. 61, 102–110 (2012).
2. EFSA. Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to magnesium and electrolyte balance (ID 238), energy-yielding metabolism (ID 240, 247, 248), neurotransmission and muscle contraction including heart muscle (ID 241, 242), cell di. EFSA J. 7(9), 1–20 (2009).
3. EFSA. Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to magnesium and ‘hormonal health’ (ID 243), reduction of tiredness and fatigue (ID 244), contribution to normal psychological functions (ID 245, 246), maintenance of normal blood. EFSA 8, 1807 (2010).

Researchers Discover More Than 100 New Gut Bacteria

Researchers Discover More Than 100 New Gut Bacteria

In a significant leap forward for microbiome studies, researchers from the Wellcome Sanger Institute and Hudson Institute of Medical Research, Australia isolated and sequenced 105 brand new gut bacteria species.

Dr. Samuel Forster, first author on the research paper, said, “This study has led to the creation of the largest and most comprehensive public database of human health-associated intestinal bacteria. The gut microbiome plays a major [role] in health and disease. This important resource will fundamentally change the way researchers study the microbiome.”

Studies like this one are crucial to our understanding of the mighty microbiome, and it’s exciting to see more and more interest from the medical and scientific community around this topic. As our own studies conducted by The Hughes Center have established, the microbiome impacts virtually every system in the human body. With this particular discovery, we now know a little more about the vast microbiome, and can further understand its role in helping people achieve Elite Health.

Click here to learn more about Synergy’s microbiome products and programs.


Your HEART and LOVE Connection

Your HEART and LOVE Connection

Don’t forget to treat your Valentine to some TLC with ProArgi-9+, Omega-3, and Metabolic LDL, available in Synergy’s Cardio Protect Kit!

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