Beware the Holiday Snack Attack

Beware the Holiday Snack Attack
The holidays are upon us and that means cold weather, family, and endless food and goodies. With all of that tempting food surrounding you, it can be hard to stay on track with healthy eating. Here are a few tips that will help you make it through the holidays without sacrificing your healthy habits or the fun of socializing with family and friends.

Recipe Remix

If you’re baking during the holidays, save yourself some calories with healthy swaps. Instead of oil, use applesauce (ratio 1:1), skip the sugar and add stevia (1:3/4), and ditch regular milk and use almond milk (1:1). Synergy lovers have found that SLMsmart Health Shake is a great substitute for flour in a variety of SLMsmart recipes created by you. While using all of these healthy swaps at once will make your cookies and treats better for you, we recommend trying one swap per recipe, so have fun and start experimenting!

Stay Hydrated

Social schedules packed with holiday parties and fun outings with the family leaves little room to think about your water intake, especially when there is an abundance of sugary hot drinks and cocktails that sound much more appealing. However, most people don’t realize that many food cravings are actually water cravings. By staying properly hydrated, not only will your skin look amazing in holiday photos, you will be able to avoid becoming a victim of the endless desserts that show up on your doorstep. And while you’re pouring yourself a glass of refreshing, much-needed water, add a scoop or packet of ProArgi-9+, or a dose of Liquid Chlorophyll, for even more far-reaching health benefits.

Plan Ahead

If you’re heading to a holiday party and already feeling hungry, try eating a sensible meal before arriving. No time to meal prep? Mix up a SLMsmart Health Shake instead. This shake is the perfect small meal because its three-protein blend keeps you satisfied for hours, and it’s loaded with all of the essential nutrients your body craves. This will allow you to pick and choose what treats you really want instead of eating anything and everything in sight because you are desperate to ease your hunger. Also, if you are bringing a dish to share, go for a healthy and filling option that you know fits within your diet goals.


The holiday season is a time that should be spent with loved ones, not fretting over your nutrition goals. Don’t beat yourself up if you eat an extra cookie after dinner or add another helping of potatoes to your plate. Remind yourself of your goals and remember that tomorrow is another day to start again. While this won’t keep the weight off, it will definitely make the holidays more enjoyable while you work toward a healthier New Year.

Happy holidays!

Steve Eastman's Synergy Experience

Steve Eastman’s Synergy Experience

Mr. Steve Eastman of Medford, Oregon has had a remarkable experience with Synergy to say the least. After battling a series of obstacles in his life, Steve turned to Synergy’s product line and business opportunity to help him find victory.

Only weeks ago, Steve Eastman stood on the stage to be recognized for achievements in weight-management and rank advancement… and he’s only just getting started.

Below, Steve shares a small portion of his story in hopes that it will inspire others to take the same path he’s taken. It’s a path he believes to be filled with benefits, leading away from hardship, destined for prosperity.


8 Hugs A Day Challenge

Can 8 hugs a day really improve your health? Will 8 hugs a day make you feel better? Try it and find out…take the challenge! Read this article: Watch this video: Join THIS challenge: For ALL other info check this out: ***Disclaimer I do not own the song used in the video.*** The artist is PLAIN WHITE T’S Big Bad World album the song is called 1, 2, 3, 4

Source: YouTube

How To Benefit From Alternative Remedies


Unlike allopathic treatments, alternative remedies lay emphasis on improving the overall well-being of the individual and not merely treating the symptoms. Homeopathy, aromatherapy, acupuncture, magnet therapy, chiropractic, massage therapy are all alternative remedies. Below are given a few benefits of these alternative remedies:

Acupuncture is very useful for treating joint pains, fatigue, stress, osteoarthritis, headaches and even mental illness. It is very beneficial for those who have low immune system.

Herbal remedies are used for different health problems like bad breath, heart disease, skin and allergy problems, insomnia, respiratory problems and even diabetes. It is also a popular method to try and lose weight.

Aromatherapy means using the essence of plants to treat various health problems. Essential oils mixed with carrier oils are either inhaled or massaged with to rectify pains and aches or other skin problems. The range of aromatherapy is vast and in recent years, it has become intertwined with massage therapy. The skin absorbs the essence of plants more easily when massaged into and this in turn stimulates the circulatory system and the lymph flow. This results in a natural detoxification of the body.

Chiropractic is especially used for treating problems of the neuro-musculoskeletal system which is related to muscles, joints and bones and it emphasizes on addressing spinal problems.

Magnetic therapy is even used by hospitals to alleviate pains and aches of patients. Magnetic bracelets worn either on the ankle or the wrist help in reducing the severity of the pain particularly the hip and knee joints.

Homeopathy is a very popular alternative remedy especially for children as most of the recurrent minor illnesses or cuts and bruises can be taken care of by administering homeopathy medicines without the need of strong allopathic dosages.

Written by MikeGee

Alternative Remedies to Lower Your Blood Pressure

Home remedies and homeopathic medicine have gradually gained importance over the past few years as an alternative to prescription drugs.  Many people are not aware of the fact that there are also home remedies available to lower your blood pressure.  These home remedies offer the two fold benefits of lowering the cost and preventing harsh effects of prescription drugs.  Another advantage of home remedies is that while it may be used to treat one symptom, it often has other health benefits too.  Many home remedies can be found in your local supermarket and health food store.

If you suffer from high blood pressure, here are a few home remedies.  These remedies will not only lower your blood pressure but are good for your general health too. Given below are a few home remedies to help lower your blood pressure.

Garlic: Garlic is known to possess many beneficial properties that improve overall health, along with lowering your blood pressure.  Consumption of garlic will also gradually reduce blood clot occurrences in individuals.  It is believed by some researchers that garlic will also help in bringing down the triglyceride levels.

Magnesium and Potassium:  Foods rich in these minerals are bananas, molasses and Soya beans.  Some fruits such as watermelon and grapes are also considered to be a good source of magnesium and potassium.  Not only will these foods lower your blood pressure but are beneficial to your overall health too.

You may be in fact eager to know what a triglyceride is.  A triglyceride is a glyceride that occurs naturally in tissues and consists of three fatty acids that are bound together in a single molecule.  They are an important energy source forming much of the fat stored in the body.

You can research on the web about the various home remedies available to lower your blood pressure by putting your query in Google search engine.  The internet is flooded with a wealth of information dedicated to home remedies and homeopathic medicine to lower your blood pressure.  Bookstores and libraries also offer an abundance of information.  With a little research and dedication, you can find alternatives to prescription drugs for lowering your blood pressure.

As with any alternative health remedies, consult your physician before discontinuing any prescribed medicines.  Discontinuing your prescription medicine suddenly without seeking advice from your physician could have serious and long-term effects on your health.

Thus it can be concluded that several home remedies and homeopathic medicine can help a lot in lowering your blood pressure without causing any harmful side effects to health.

Written by M Banker2010

Rosemary is an herb for stress that rekindles energy and lightens the spirit when brewed into a tea twice a day. Use Rosemary to reduce stress and anxiety with tips from a nutraceutical supervisor in this free video on herbal remedies. Expert: Miss Dimple Singh Bindra Bio: Miss Dimple Singh Bindra is a nutraceutical supervisor in Bio Neutrix, NY She has done clinical studies in herbs from Micro Logix Lab, New York. Filmmaker: babai das
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