Perfect Your Social Media Presence

Perfect Your Social Media Presence

socialmediaToday, almost half of the world’s population has Internet access. In 2015, social media users exceeded 2 billion. This being said, there is an expansive audience out there ready to absorb the information you release into cyberspace. Feeling pretty powerful now, aren’t you? Not so fast. You first have to figure out how to make social media users see you and listen to you.

As Synergy Team Members, you have a compelling message to share. You want to share Synergy’s great opportunities every chance you get, so taking to social media is arguably the most cost efficient way to take your message to the masses. Whether you’re a Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, Pinterest, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Instagram or Google+ user, there are tricks you should learn to get the best product possible out of your social media activity.

Here are a few general tips to help you maximize your social media accounts and drive your business.

Make a Schedule

While you don’t have to have every post scheduled to the hour, it’s good to have a general idea of what times are best for posting. For example, there probably isn’t a lot of traffic on social media on a Wednesday morning at 4:30 a.m., therefore, it’s not a good time to post.

As a standard, let’s use Facebook to measure good and bad social media practices because it’s the largest social media network by a landslide. According to the Huffington Post, the best time of day to post on Facebook is 1-3 p.m. with Thursday and Friday having the highest activity rate. Studies show that these times vary from one social media site to the next, so do your homework. It’s also best to avoid posting too often, which will cause your audience to hide your posts in order to avoid an overload of unwanted information on their feeds. Posting interesting content once per day will make sure your audience expects your posts and looks forward to them.

Post Meaningful Content

Generating intriguing content is crucial to an effective social media strategy. Ask yourself: Is this informative? Is this engaging? Is this relevant? You should answer “yes” to each of these questions. Your content should always be Synergy compliant. If you’re unsure about whether your social media content is compliant, please refer to Synergy’s “What Can I Say?” document.

Continuously review old posts to evaluate which of your posts are getting the most likes and comments. This will give you an idea of what content is drawing the most attention to your business. Some social media experts say to find the social media channel that is densely populated with your ideal customer and focus on making it succeed, rather than inconsistently dabbling in a myriad of channels.

Focus on Imagery

Have you ever noticed that people with an eye for good photography, who have also learned to take beautiful images themselves, receive a fair amount of traction in the social media world? Social media posts that include images or videos get 53% more likes and 104% more comments than posts without a visual centerpiece. Break up the monotony of your customer’s newsfeeds with an eye-catching image that relates to what you’re posting.

Now, before you go image hunting, put yourself in a photographer’s shoes. As you look at photos you’d like to post, consider how high the image resolution is and if the image is well lit. Even slightly dark or fuzzy photos will be passed over as if they didn’t exist. Interesting, aesthetically pleasing photos will give your posts the color and depth they need to be recognized.

Now, you have homework. There are thousands of studies and useful tips from social media experts out there that you can use to your advantage as you commit to become more business savvy on social media. Be sure to follow Synergy Worldwide on Facebook and Instagram for ready-to-share content and ideas.

Elite Honors Report Available in Pulse

Elite Honors Report Available in Pulse

elitehonors-manThere are hundreds of Team Members throughout Europe becoming Elite Honors qualified every month, and chances are a few of them are on your team!

With only two months left to earn a Go Elite bonus, it’s important to track your team’s progress so that you can support each individual in their pursuit to become Elite Honors qualified. This is why we’ve created a simple way for you to track those you personally sponsored through an easily accessible report.

To access this report you must

  • Login to your Pulse account.
  • Click on the “Reports” tab and select the “Elite Honors Report” link.

The report that opens will show the recruiting efforts of everyone you personally sponsor in the current month. The report includes the personally sponsored Team Member’s Synergy ID, their names, their qualification status, Autoship template’s activation status, TC 1 volume, new activation volume, and how many times they’ve been Elite Honors qualified.

Keep in mind that this report shows data from the current month’s open commission period. Each commission period ends when Synergy runs final bonus, which occurs approximately one week into each new month.

By checking this report often and using it to support those you sponsor, you will come closer to earning the ultimate Go Elite bonus of $1200 by sponsoring at least 10 Elite Honors qualifiers. Most importantly, you will be building a strong team with a strong foundation.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the Elite Honors earnings model and the Go Elite promotion.

New year, new SLMsmart 90-day Challenge!

New year, new SLMsmart 90-day Challenge!


What are your New Year’s resolutions? You may have a resolution to be stronger, healthier, and closer to your target weight, and you’re far from alone in this pursuit. In fact, the No. 1 resolution made in 2016 is weight management, while the No. 5 resolution is becoming fitter and healthier.

Begin your journey to a better you beginning February 1, 2016. All are welcome to join!

And the best part? The 90-day Challenge participant with the most impressive transformation will receive a $1,500 CASH PRIZE!

Make the decision to join the 2016 SLMsmart 90-day Challenge and recruit your friends and family to join you. Full Challenge details will be released Friday, January 15.

CLICK HERE to see last year’s SLMsmart 90-day Challenge results.



holidayhoursAs you enjoy the holidays with your loved ones, we’ll be doing the same, so please keep our holiday hours in mind as you take care of your business needs.

We will be closed:

  • Synergy Holiday Event, Thursday, December 17, from 12-2 p.m. (MST)
  • Christmas Eve, Thursday, December 24
  • Christmas Day, Friday, December 25
  • New Year’s Day, Friday, January 1

Please CLICK HERE for our new Customer Service hours.

Happy holidays to all! We’re looking forward to unleashing the potential that this new year holds for Synergy WorldWide.

Change to Customer Service Hours

Change to Customer Service Hour

Synergy’s North America Customer Service department hours have changed.

New North American Customer Service Schedule (MST):

Monday-Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Saturday: Closed

If you have questions or concerns, please contact Synergy at (801) 769-7800 or send an email at