May 2016 Recognition

May 2016 Recognition

recognition_pins_headerMay 2016

Congratulations to the following Team Members throughout the United States and Canada. We look forward to your continued triumphs this year!

Rank Advancements

Team Director
Jacquelyn Bartlett

Team Leader
Keiona Holland

Merlene Woodland
Keiona Holland

Keiona Holland
John Pershing Smith
Margaret Rebo

Scott Robinson
Roxanne Thornton
Lamont Hooks
John Pershing Smith
Margaret Rebo
Jose Iribe

Nathan Cabero
Todd Langston
Mary Lucas
Manuel Valdez
Bob Bontilao
Gerard Mirandilla
Sheryll Mizell
Anna Bontrager
Roger Davis
Mose E. Shetler
Arthur Beard
Arthur Devore
John Pershing Smith
Vincent M. Leslie
Margaret Rebo
Valeriy Pukhovich
Jose Iribe
Margaret Bailey
Heather Garcia

Top Recruiters
Top North American Team Members (in order) that personally sponsored the most new Team Members

Sandra Kerner
John Pershing Smith
Nathan Fowers
Mark Comer
Keiona Holland
Jose Iribe
Margaret Bailey
Eric Cumbie
Rodney Garnett
Gerard Mirandilla
Rick Cox
Gwen Brown
Vincent Leslie
Jim McKoy
Bob Bontilao

Top Team Builders
Team Members (in order) with the most personally sponsored rank advancements

Michael Jamison
Jay Garlick
Dr. Vincent Ray Vincente
Darvel Fielding

5 Reasons You Need the Outdoors

5 Reasons You Need the Outdoors

outdoors2Mountains, rivers, valleys, wildflowers, trees, lakes, wildlife—the outdoors are calling! It’s the perfect time of the year to get outside and enjoy the beauty around you. Did you know that simply spending time in nature is actually beneficial to your mental and physical health? Check out these remarkable benefits you will experience by getting out of your house and basking in the tranquility of the natural world.

1. Improved Memory and Concentration

Clearly, there’s something about fresh air and an open landscape that does the brain good. Here’s proof. In a study conducted by the University of Michigan, a group of students were issued a memory test and then split into two groups upon completing the test. Both groups went for a walk. One group went on a walk through the forest while the other group went through the city. Upon completing their walks, they took the memory test again. Those who walked through the forest scored higher on the test than those who didn’t.

Restored Energy

Researchers call the occasional brain fogs you experience “mental fatigue.” You know, the feeling you get when you completely forget your train of thought. Exposing your mind to natural environments can have a restorative effect on mental energy and focus. There have even been studies suggesting that experiencing natural beauty can elicit feelings of awe and can be a quick way to provide a mental boost. Bring a pack of Synergy’s e9 formula along with you for an extra boost of natural energy.

2. Relief from Daily Stress

Countless studies have been performed to prove that spending time in nature, even looking at scene of nature from a window, lowers levels of cortisol—the “stress hormone.” Many of these studies have noticed that in connection with stress reduction, spending time in the great outdoors cultivates a positive attitude and mindfulness. As naturalist John Burroughs stated, “I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.”

3. Boosted Immune System

A study conducted in Japan in 2010 asked a group of individuals to camp outside for three days and two nights. Researchers discovered that white blood cell activity increased resulting in white blood cell production. These types of cells kill illnesses, such as cold and flu viruses, and other common infections, so take your daily dose of Mistica and head outside!

4. Improved Mental Health

Globally, about 350 million people struggle with depression and one in the three people deal with anxiety. Scientists at Stanford University published a study in Proceeding of the National Academy of Science that shows those who walked in a natural setting opposed to an urban setting had decreased activity in the subgenual prefrontal cortex, a region of the brain that focuses repeatedly on negative emotions. Many medical professionals are now suggesting nature therapy as part of prescribed mental health regimens.

The benefits of spending time outdoors are overwhelming and life-altering, so put on your hiking shoes, go birdwatching, take a dip in a lake, or relax at a campground with family and friends. It doesn’t matter what activity you choose, just make sure to take advantage of the warm seasons and claim the natural benefits the outdoors has to offer.

Join the Call: Power of Nitric Oxide

Join the Call: Power of Nitric Oxide

nitricoxideJoin two North America leaders in a special conference call all about the power of nitric oxide and Synergy products. Dane Iorg and Dan Hammer have a great deal of knowledge on this subject and have found a passion in helping others achieve better health.

WHEN: THURSDAY, MAY 5 @ 7 p.m. (MDT)
PHONE #:  641-715-3670
ACCESS CODE: 763468#


Dane Iorg, Presidential Executive: Dane is no stranger to success. His career in Major League Baseball was evidence that hard work, dedication, and persistence can turn an ordinary road into a pathway full of achievements. During his 10-year career, he was known for his clutch hitting, excellent teamwork, and extraordinary hustle. Today, Dane has reached the top levels of Synergy WorldWide by applying that same level of talent and dedication. Dane is a huge advocate for ProArgi-9+ and loves Synergy for its integrity, quality, and scientific standards.

Dan Hammer, Team Leader: Dan has a background in biology, chemistry, and exercise physiology. He used to run one of the largest health club operations in the Western suburbs of Chicago and has been helping people with their wellness issues for more than 25 years.

Monday Blitz with Dan Higginson!

Monday Blitz with Dan Higginson!

danh-imageIf you haven’t listened in already, Synergy WorldWide Founder Dan Higginson is hosting a MONDAY BLITZ of conference calls every two hours today!

As part of the Coming to America 2016 prelaunch, Dan wants to share Synergy’s goals and ambitions with everyone. He will also tell listeners how Synergy WorldWide has the potential to change lives in these short, 20-minute calls.

Times (MDT): 10 am.,12 am., 2 pm., 4 p.m., 6 p.m., 8 p.m. & 10 p.m.
Phone #: 712-775-7031
Access Code: 706118#

Set a time this afternoon or this evening to listen to a message from our founder and invite as many guests as you can! This is the perfect opportunity to get a Synergy introduction.

New ProArgi-9+ Brochure Available for Purchase

New ProArgi-9+ Brochure Available for Purchase

pa9brochureBrand new to Synergy’s line of sales tools is the completely updated ProArgi-9+ brochure! Replace your old marketing materials with this sleek and informative tool all about Synergy WorldWide’s bestselling product.

Purchase your supply of these brochures today!


1 25-pack: $8.75
4 25-packs: $30 ($7.50 each)

What you’ll learn:

  • Product science, benefits, and quality
  • Purpose and function of ProArgi-9+ ingredients
  • Flavors, number of servings per container, and cost


For a preview of the ProArgi-9+ brochure, click here>>>

Make this brochure a staple in your business building kit!