February Achievements 2022

We extend sincere congratulations to the enthusiastic Synergy Team Members sharing Elite Health across North America. In February of 2022, the men and women listed below advanced to new ranks of success in their business. It is our privilege to recognize them for the time and energy they have invested into reaching their goals, and helping people unlock their potential.
We will also be highlighting these incredible individuals on our exclusive North America Facebook Page. Become part of our group, and help build our Synergy community online. Now, please join us in congratulating the following Team Members across North America:
Darrell Griffith
Marsha Farrell
Oscar Maloney
Carol Rains
Pacifico Giron
Celeste Wilkinson
Amelita Bennett
Marcia Spencer
Brenda Boyce
Marlene Drayton
Garrista Small
Nadine Clare
Mariantonieta Jorda Galan
Marcia Rogers
Neville Busell
Carol Barrow
Judith Walcott
TOP RECRUITER Team Members with the most personally sponsored Tracking Centers
Hugo Doroteo Garcia Corona
Pacifico Giron
Shoko Takamiya
David Olowe
Mary Blakley
Favour MBA
Paula Roman Valdepeña
Earlwaine Cumberbatch
Jacinth Waldron
Montserrat Caligua Martinez
Marcia Rogers
TOP TEAM BUILDER Team Members with the most personally sponsored rank advancements
Earlwaine Cumberbatch
Jacinth Waldron
George Parris
Cecilio Jose Padilla Zorrilla
Winston Haynes
Mary Blakley
Dan Hammer
Maria Elena Espitia Sanchez
Carol Barrow
Marjorie Lewis