Biome Shake is Back, Get One Free!

Synergy’s protein powerhouse is back in stock, and we want to thank you
for your patience by giving you one for free. Now through August 17, get
one free Biome Shake with the purchase of a microbiome pack (listed below).
Call Customer Service to Order
Buy one of the microbiome packs below and get one free Biome Shake:
Purify Kit
Purify Plus Pack
Purify Legacy Edition
Legacy Biome Plus
With a vegetable base featuring broccoli, digestive enzymes, and
prebiotics, Biome Shake contains 20 grams of clean vegetable protein per
serving to help you balance and purify your microbiome and fuel your
active lifestyle. Plus, it’s gluten free, vegetarian, and Certified
Call Customer Service to get your free Biome Shake today!
Orders must be called in to Synergy Customer Service:
(801) 769-7800. Customer Service is available to assist you Mon-Thurs
8:30 AM-5:30 PM (Mountain Time) and Friday 8:30 AM-5:00 PM (Mountain