A Clean Start to 2014

A Clean Start to 2014

January 1 is approaching and you know what that means. Many people—yourself included—will take the new year’s opportunities to upgrade their health. Across the world, well-intentioned people will resolve to exercise, increase their fitness and decrease their body fat.

Well, Synergy supports these resolutions and all those who are ready to fight against the junk food, inactivity, and the associated toxins.
Today we’d like to offer one word of healthy advice:
That’s right. Hit the reset button on your system.
There is a good chance your holiday celebrations will include a not-so-healthy food intake. However, those holiday celebrations aren’t entirely to blame. Your entire 2013 probably contained hundreds of meals that left less-than-favorable impressions upon your insides. So, give yourself a clean slate to start on. Cleanse.
Why cleanse? The standard answer to this question would be: When we eat a lot of meat, dairy, and chemically processed foods, taking in toxins through the water we drink and the air we breath, we create toxic buildup in the body that compromises our overall health. Cleanse your body of that toxic buildup and waste. That waste and those unwanted toxins are contributing to health decline across the globe.

In the spirit of New Year’s resolutions, please consider a different answer to the “why cleanse” question.

Starting 2014 by cleansing will increase your chances of achieving the goals you set in your new year’s resolution. People want to see the fruits of their labors. When they pass on french fries and eat broccoli instead, they want to be rewarded! They want to see the smaller numbers on their bathroom scale. Body Cleanse by SLMsmart can help with that.

You see, a clean system is a faster-functioning system. Just as a clean engine will make a car accelerate quicker and optimize fuel efficiency, the same principle can be applied to our bodies. Your ability to burn fat and metabolize food can increase as you increase the cleanliness of your gastrointestinal and digestive system.

Body Cleanse is the powerful formula carefully designed to give you a clean start. It is comprised of 35 herbs that have been used throughout history for their detoxifying and waste-removing powers. Body Cleanse is neither dependent on a periods of fasting/starvation, nor any kind of invasive procedure. Instead, the simple consumption of tablets and capsules will work wonders, especiallywhen combined with healthy food choices and plenty of water.

Look, when it comes to eating, no one is perfect, and the holidays are especially difficult, but we can still reach our New Year’s goals.  If you want to see results and you want to see them fast, don’t let waste and toxins slow you down. Get rid of the sludge. Start the new year with Body Cleanse and then keep up the good work. You can reach your goals. Remember, the critics who think New Years Resolutions are only made to be broken don’t have to be correct. Prove them wrong and enjoy your health in 2014 and beyond.

December 2013 Corporate Update Call

December Corporate Update Call

Wednesday, December 18: 

The final Corporate Update Call of 2013 is one not-to-be-missed. Hosted by Director of Sales Howard Hannemann,  this call will feature Synergy Founder and CEO Dan Higginson, along with a variety of North America’s top Presidential level Team Members, including Mark Comer, Paul Blad and Rudy Pedroza. These leaders will be discussing what it takes to be successful in Synergy.

Corporate Update Call 
Phone: 1-800-832-4695
Pin: 8908#
Time: 7 PM Mountain time

These monthly update calls are a great way to get the latest news and information from Synergy HQ. As everyone gears up to end 2013 successfully and start the new year with a bang, you will find the information discussed in this call very valuable. With so much great success behind us, and so much more ahead, there are many vital things to talk about. Don’t miss this exciting call.

Invite your team, join the call, and learn the best ways to progress with Synergy WorldWide.

Upcoming Holiday Hours

Upcoming Holiday Hours

In celebration of the upcoming holidays, the Synergy corporate office, customer service department and store will be closed on the following days:

Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

We will also be closed from 12 to 2 PM Mountain Time this Friday, December 20.

As a reminder, Pulse will continue to be available during this time for all your product ordering and enrollment needs. Click here to access your Pulse account now.

If you have any questions relating to Synergy’s holiday hours, please contact Customer Service at (801) 769-7800.

We hope you will all enjoy a merry Christmas, happy holidays, and very happy New Year!

SLMsmart Packs / December Promo Video

SLMsmart Packs / December Promo Video

This month, Synergy proudly introduces three new ways to take advantage of the world’s smartest weight-management system. When you order any one of the new SLMsmart packs, we’ll include a free box of ProArgi-9+ Single Serve Citrus Berry packs in your order. To better understand these new packs and this month’s exciting promotion, enjoy the video below:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5QkfKH0upM?rel=0&vq=large]

For more information on this month’s promotion, click here or contact Customer Service at (801) 769-7800.

Message from Howard Hannemann

Message from Howard Hannemann

“A December to Remember!”

Aloha Synergy! I hope this message finds you happy and healthy, ready to enjoy a great holiday season and ready to make the most of this month— the last of 2013!

Everyone makes “To-Do” lists around the busy holidays. Here are a few to-do’s I recommend you add to the list:

#1:  Realize that you are not going to let the holiday season become a shutdown season. The weeks around Christmas and New Years are called by wise, successful people the “secret weapon week.”  They can be your most productive and most rewarding. Half the world is doing nothing but watching crazy videos on the internet. They’re on holiday from work or, even if they’re working, their mind isn’t in it. They are checking emails and taking phone calls. It’s a great time to reach people.

#2: Keep your team learning and growing. Maintain your usual weekly calls, webcasts or whatever your do that works. Recruiting events shouldn’t stop in December. If they fall on Christmas or New Years, move them forward or backward a day, but keep the routine going for your team. Throw in some Christmas cheer and make them your most memorable and impactful events of 2013.

#3: Do some gardening. Yes, in the middle of winter I think you should do some gardening, and by that I mean you should be planting seeds! As you’re attending holiday parties with colleagues and holiday dinners with family and friends, be listening. You’re very likely going to hear from a lot of people complaining about their boss or job, wishing they were doing something more meaningful, and (lots of them) talking about the financial strain the holiday season has placed upon them. Don’t make your pitch over the honey-baked ham. Just let them know you have something that might help them, and you’ll be following up within a few days.

What you do this month will be remembered in your commission check next month and for many months to come. You will look back on December and be glad you pushed yourself to do a little bit more. I sincerely wish you that kind of happiness, that lack of regret, and all the rewards you deserve. I hope everyone has a happy, safe, productive and memorable holiday season. Cheers!

Howard Hannemann

Director of Sales, North America
Synergy WorldWide.