February Activity Bonus Report

February Activity Bonus Report

In its first month, the Activity Bonus Program was implemented by many fantastic Team Members across North America. These Team Members pushed themselves to find new customers and distributors, and Synergy WorldWide is delighted to recognize and reward them for their efforts.

Truly, these cash bonuses are just the tip of the iceberg. The men and women who have earned PABs and DABs are experiencing network marketing at its finest. Remember, the requirements of these bonuses are the fundamental business building activities that can lead to extreme growth in residual income.

We congratulate those who earned these bonuses in February, and we are especially excited for the endless possibilities that lie ahead of those who continue on this path.


Willa Holgate
Mrs. Holgate, a Synergy Team Member since 2012, is ready to take advantage of this year’s Activity Bonuses. Her own February PAB was earned sponsoring a new TM, Sherylann Jordan, at 300 CV along with two new customers. Sherylann, who is Mr. Holgate’s massage therapist, was impressed by the improvement in his rheumatoid arthritis, which he attributed to ProArgi-9+. Sherylann sought out more information, met with Willa, and joined the team on Feb 5th. Understanding to potential and value of the Synergy Advantage, Sherylann then went to work and earned her own PAB.
Mark Comer
Synergy’s top earner knows the value of correct business building practices, and this past month he put those practices to work. With his passion for Synergy continuing to drive his business, Double Presidential Mark Comer worked to sponsor four new TMs at 300 CV each, and found two new customers as well. One of his new TMs then earned his own PAB, qualifying Mark for his first ever DAB. Mark was asked why he is still out sponsoring even at his already-profitable level, to which he replied: “It makes me feel good to see my friends and associates benefiting from the products. I know that it will help them financially as well, so I keep telling my Synergy story.”
Tommy Bethards and David Johnston
Last year’s Top 50 Challenge winners are hungry to conquer the promotions of 2014 as well. February was a successful month for them, as they earned DAB’s for two of their new Team Members (that’s $300 for the month, just in Activity Bonuses)!

For the rest of the story, see the post entitled “First Duplication Bonuses Achieved” by clicking here.


Carol Priem Pamela Krajnik David Johnston & Tommy Bethards
Kathleen Avila Alexander Vance Fred Girbert
Jospehine-Ann Gennaro Joy & Richard Matwyshen Bart & Sheila Lund
RSL LLC Denise Butcher Renee La Montagne
Dave Rogness Gerri Bingham Thu Nguyen
Hong Xuan Nguyen Sarah Johnson Sara Holt
Nancy Kerbs Mark Comer Marketing Level LLC
Marie Chippie Barbara McKeever Dane Iorg
John Richards Judy Swanson Marline McCracken
Willa Holgate Sherylann Jordan Connie Nielsen
Dr. Bruce Lewandowski Linda Barnhorst Dr. David Sim
William D. Styles Andrea Engelken Cervenka Rudy Pedroza & Paul Blad
Cliff Rosang Leslie Kentrolis Corrine Brandi
Edward Wertz Brent Garner Steve & Tina Cordner

March Cardio Call

March Cardio Call with Dr. Keller

Join Dr. William J. Keller, Ph.D., and Synergy WorldWide for the monthly Cardio Call on Wednesday, March 12, 2014, to hear the benefits of and science behind ProArgi-9+ explained by an expert.

Live Cardio Call with Dr. Keller

Wednesday, March 12
Time: 7:00 PM MDT

To join, dial: 1-800-832-4695
Pin: 8908#

Calling from outside of North America? Dial:
International Number: 712-432-0443
Pin: 8908#

About Dr. William J. Keller
As a member of Synergy’s Medical & Scientific Advisory Board and Vice President of Health Sciences at NSP, Dr. Keller and his dedicated team of scientists and researchers were primary contributors to the formulation of ProArgi-9+. Synergy WorldWide works closely with Dr. Keller and his staff in the ongoing research for formulation enhancements as well as in the research of new products.

Update: Smart Switch Challenge

Update: Smart Switch Challenge

“I’ve lost 15.4 pounds in 28 days. All I can say is Dan Norman better stay really focused.”
-Dan Higginson, Founder, Synergy WorldWide.

“I feel great. This is actually easy. I think the win is going to come down to which one of us puts in the extra effort, which means, of course, that I’m going to win.”
-Dan Norman, President, Synergy WorldWide.


What is the official challenge time period?
February 1 through May 1. The sooner you start, the better your results. The better your results, the better chance you have of winning.

Is it too late to get the Smart Switch Special?
No! The good news is that the “Buy 5 Health Shakes, Get 1 Free” offer is continuing throughout March! Click here to order.

How often should participants submit their challenge forms?
We encourage participants to submit a form weekly. The more consistent submissions will have better chances of winning prizes. Click here to access the challenge form.

Recap: Dr. Sandberg's Exclusive Group Event

Recap: Dr. Sandberg’s Exclusive Group Event

Here at Synergy HQ, we are always excited to have Team Members from around the world pay us a visit. This last weekend was especially exciting.

Team Director Dr. Jim Sandberg made arrangements for about 25 members of his team to fly in to Salt Lake City. Some came from Kansas, some from South Dakota, several from the east coast, some from the west coast, and even one happy Canadian! These guests were prepared to soak-up as much information as they could, information they planned to apply to their individual businesses.

Dr. Sandberg planned carefully, organizing leaders from his upline to speak to and train his team. He worked with Synergy’s corporate staff to arrange a tour of the manufacturing facility. Lynda Hammons, Synergy’s VP of Quality Assurance, was there to welcome the group and give them an up-close look at each lab in her department. The group met and learned from members of our Executive Team, including Synergy President Dan Norman and VP Stewart Rutter.

This group brought a contagious energy, and made each tour and training session a lot of fun.  Most had already experienced the benefits of the products for themselves. All were enthusiastic about the earning potential created by the compensation plan. They enjoyed meals together, learned from each other, helped on another and an overall fantastic team experience.

On behalf of Synergy North America, we would like to sincerely thank Dr. Jim Sandberg and everyone of his guests for coming to be with us at this event. It was truly a pleasure to have you, and we wish you all the best in your efforts.

To any other leaders that would be interested in following Dr. Sandberg’s example, we invite you to contact us. We would be happy to help you organize an exclusive event for your Team.
Remember: The 2014 Business Builder Conference is just over two months away. Many of those who were here last weekend will be attending this event as well, as the Business Builder Conference is an unparalleled event for Synergy’s North American Team Members. The early-bird registration discount ends this Friday, February 28. Don’t miss it— Register here today!

Recap: Dr. Sandberg’s Exclusive Group Event

Recap: Dr. Sandberg’s Exclusive Group Event

Here at Synergy HQ, we are always excited to have Team Members from around the world pay us a visit. This last weekend was especially exciting.

Team Director Dr. Jim Sandberg made arrangements for about 25 members of his team to fly in to Salt Lake City. Some came from Kansas, some from South Dakota, several from the east coast, some from the west coast, and even one happy Canadian! These guests were prepared to soak-up as much information as they could, information they planned to apply to their individual businesses.

Dr. Sandberg planned carefully, organizing leaders from his upline to speak to and train his team. He worked with Synergy’s corporate staff to arrange a tour of the manufacturing facility. Lynda Hammons, Synergy’s VP of Quality Assurance, was there to welcome the group and give them an up-close look at each lab in her department. The group met and learned from members of our Executive Team, including Synergy President Dan Norman and VP Stewart Rutter.

This group brought a contagious energy, and made each tour and training session a lot of fun.  Most had already experienced the benefits of the products for themselves. All were enthusiastic about the earning potential created by the compensation plan. They enjoyed meals together, learned from each other, helped on another and an overall fantastic team experience.

On behalf of Synergy North America, we would like to sincerely thank Dr. Jim Sandberg and everyone of his guests for coming to be with us at this event. It was truly a pleasure to have you, and we wish you all the best in your efforts.

To any other leaders that would be interested in following Dr. Sandberg’s example, we invite you to contact us. We would be happy to help you organize an exclusive event for your Team.
Remember: The 2014 Business Builder Conference is just over two months away. Many of those who were here last weekend will be attending this event as well, as the Business Builder Conference is an unparalleled event for Synergy’s North American Team Members. The early-bird registration discount ends this Friday, February 28. Don’t miss it— Register here today!