Executive Message: Fast Start Bonus Booster 2014

Executive Message: Fast Start Bonus Booster

The Fast Start Bonus Booster promotion going on now for Synergy North America is a truly exciting way to earn fast cash while building your business the right way. We feel like this is a very aggressive way for people to get out and sponsor more people than ever before, to show them how to make money quickly, to show them how to earn a residual income quicker than they ever have before with Synergy WorldWide. We feel like the Fast Start Bonus Booster is a terrific incentive for your growth in the 4th quarter of 2014.

Remember, the lifeblood of network marketing is activating and sponsoring new people. We want to bring new people into the business, and that’s why we are doubling these bonuses. Get out and talk like you never have before. Get out and share like you never have before. When  you are sponsoring new people, show them, right from the get-go, the example of how they can grow and sponsor people to make money more quickly and more effectively by taking advantage of the bonus booster.

Some of you are going to say “I don’t know if I can sponsor someone at 300 CV or 500 CV. Let me tell you how you do it. You go out and show people a financial road map to success. You stop talking about the expense of the product and you start showing them that its an investment in their future to create a residual income that can bring success and economic prosperity to them and their families. Show them how to build their business the right way— by sponsoring people at the 300 CV level. Give them that example. Showing them how to double their Fast Start Bonus.

Showing them that by bringing 20 people to their right and 20 people to their left, they’ll already be at Team Leader status, or at 500 CV with twelve on each side they can achieve the same thing. All of a sudden, you are starting to make $1,000 to $2,000 residually at Team Leader or Team Manager levels. That really gets people’s attention. It gets them excited about building a business.

Now, we don’t want people to stop talking about our amazing products, the highest quality products anywhere in the world. In fact, I just got back from talking to 1,100 people in Europe about how these products can change their lives. We had 70 people participate in our SLMsmart pre-launch challenge whose lives were absolutely changed by these products. But guess what. They are more excited to share the business. Because people can see that, yes, their lives will be changed by these products, but with that comes a great opportunity to build a business with products that work and will keep people interested and engaged long term.

I hope you’ll take advantage of this promotion. I hope we pay out tens of thousands of dollars in new fast start bonuses because people are recruiting and sponsoring unlike ever before. I hope you’ll go out and tell the Synergy story. That we’re a company built on honesty, ethical behavior and sound principles to help people and to afford people the opportunity to leave a legacy.”

Stewart Rutter
Vice President, Synergy WorldWide

Asia Summit this November 2014

Asia Summit this November

Synergy WorldWide will be hosting an exciting summit event for our Asian markets this November in the magnificent country of Thailand. Should any of our North American Team Members be traveling that way (or have contacts in the area), here is the basic info you’ll need to enjoy the event.

Venue: Pattaya Exhibition and Convention Hall (Peach), Pattaya, Chonburi Thailand. For more venue information visit www.peachthailand.com

Friday, November 21
2:00 9:00 pm Registration
3:00 5:00 pm Special science session with Dr. Matt Tripp
6:00 8:00 pm VIP Reception

Saturday, November 22
09:00 11:20 am Opening – Session 1
11:20 am 12:45 pm Lunch
1:00 4:30 pm Motivation – Session 2
4:30 5:45 pm Dinner
6:00 8:45 pm Recognition – Session 3

Sunday, November 23
09:00 am 12:40 pm Closing – Session 4

Synergy Europe Official Sponsor to World-Renowned Athletes

Synergy Europe Official Sponsor to World-Renowned Athletes

Synergy WorldWide is tapping into the world of athletics, sharing the performance benefits of our products with professional and recreational competitors alike. 

Bengt Emanuelsson, General Manager of Synergy Scandinavia, made an  exciting announcement at the 2014 European Summit: Synergy is now an official sponsor of the Swiss registered UCI Professional Continental and Tour de France 2014 team, IAM Cycling!

The team’s meal grab bags and vehicles are all branded with the Synergy V3 logo.

The IAM Cycling team is composed of 25 accomplished cyclists that are among the best in the world.

IAM Cycling cyclists felt the power of Synergy products from day one. They trust the products and take them before and while training at the gym, training on the road, in competition and even while recovering. These professional athletes make daily use of ProArgi-9+, Mistica and Liquid Chlorophyll (branded in Europe as the “V3 System”). Additionally, these cyclists have started to incorporate e9 and Health Shake into their regimen, as both products were launched in Europe less than one month ago!

“In stage races, ProArgi-9+ helps me maintain normal muscle function, and helps me fight tiredness and fatigue.” said Matthias Brändle, an IAM Cycling professional cyclist and Austrian Champion. “This is what makes a difference.”

All Synergy products are certified to be safe for athletes, meaning that Synergy products do not contain any substances on the World Anti Doping Agency’s (WADA) “prohibited list” and are considered safe and healthy additions to an athlete’s diet.

Synergy products are designed to help people of all ages and lifestyles, including athletes, perform at the highest levels. Synergy looks forward to sharing this message and creating more strategic partnerships with world-renowned athletes in the future.

One Day Added to Legacy Retreat 2015

One Day Added to Legacy Retreat 2015

In just a few months, qualified Team Members will be making their way to the enchanting and sophisticated city of Dubai!

The Legacy Retreat 2015 dates have been extended due to potential late arrivals, giving qualifiers one more day to enjoy the magnificent Atlantis Resort and surrounding attractions.

The newly scheduled dates are:

January 11-16, 2015

Click here for full details on how to qualify.

Long Term Security & Marketing Compliance

Long Term Security & Marketing Compliance

Dear Synergy Team Member,

At the end of September, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) sent letters to multiple direct sales companies regarding improper product claims made by their independent distributors, specifically on independent websites and through social media. These letters detailed specific examples of inappropriate marketing behavior, along with an overall directive to correct and prevent them immediately. The following link directs you to an article detailing the situation. We encourage each of you to review it and share it with your teams as soon as possible.


These warnings highlight an all-too-common practice that is unfortunately not restricted to these three marketers; the practice of using exaggerated, unsupported and sometimes unsafe claims to promote products.

We believe reviewing this will serve to increase your awareness of the rules and regulations surrounding the practice of sharing natural products. More importantly, we are confident that it will re-enforce the advantage of purchasing from and partnering with a time-honored and trusted company like Synergy WorldWide that emphasizes quality products and sales integrity.

For over 15 years, Synergy WorldWide and for over 40 years, Nature’s Sunshine Products, has led the way in product quality and efficacy and provided plentiful education. We strive to use the utmost substantiation and legal awareness in our advertising and actively guide and train our distributors to do the same. Advancing the cause of natural health fairly, responsibly, and conscientiously is a hallmark of doing business the Synergy way. The fact that we hold discretion in such high esteem is not a reflection of any lack confidence in our products and people. It is quite the opposite! Our notable longevity and solid reputation confirm our distributors’ passion and knowledge surrounding the impressive health results that our pure and potent natural solutions consistently provide.

However, as one of the world’s most trusted companies, we earnestly strive to honor that trust by staying within legal boundaries and away from statements that might mislead or give our customers unrealistic, unfounded or even unsafe expectations.

We applaud your already-stellar efforts in this regard and hope you take this opportunity to recommit and continue to conduct your business with the utmost attention to quality, service, and integrity. Should you have any questions about what claims are permissible, or our policies and procedures regarding claims, please click here to view our “Policies and Procedures” handbook. Additionally, you may contact Customer Service at (801) 769-7800 or email hotline@synergyworldwide.com.

Yours in health and prosperity,

Dan Norman
President, Synergy WorldWide

Rich Strulson
Executive Vice President/General Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer, NSP