2014 Synergy Recognized as “Healthiest Company” Again!

Synergy Recognized as “Healthiest Company” Again!

For the seventh year in a row, Synergy WorldWide/Nature’s Sunshine was named by Interactive Health as one of “the Healthiest Companies in America.” International Health (IHS) evaluates over 1,400 companies each year, and in 2013, only 68 companies nationwide earned this recognition. And if that weren’t enough, NSP/Synergy is one of just three companies in America to earn this award seven years in a row!

“We are proud to again honor Nature’s Sunshine with the Healthiest Companies in America award,” said Joseph O’Brien, Interactive Health President and CEO. “These organizations have created a culture of health that goes beyond helping at-risk employees improve health. They have found creative ways to make achieving individual and corporate wellness goals fun,” he said.

The mission of Synergy WorldWide is to transform lives around the world by providing the most innovative and highest quality health solutions. Part of that mission means encouraging employees to adopt healthier lifestyles. Our “culture of health” encompasses a variety of programs throughout the year. Some of these include:

  • a 12-week Fitness Challenge
  • an annual 5K Fun Run/Walk
  • a “Walktober” walking program
  • gym membership reimbursements
  • an annual health fair
  • free company products and more

Employees choose the programs and activities they want to participate in and get rewarded for it.

The program works too! A large number of Nature’s Sunshine and Synergy employees have shown improvements in key areas, including lower blood pressure, lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, and improved blood glucose levels.

NSP Chief Executive Officer Greg Probert was pleased. “We love being one of America’s healthiest companies,” he said. “This recognition demonstrates our ongoing and relentless commitment to health. Our employees take charge of their lives. They work to maintain excellent health utilizing the wellness program and other tools and benefits. We’re extremely proud to qualify for this award again.”

Christine Frazier, Manager of Insurance Benefits and Wellness at NSP, said, “Nature’s Sunshine/Synergy WorldWide is truly part of an elite group that has achieved this status. As a group, we are getting healthier and helping people be healthier down the road. And healthy employees make a company stronger and more productive. We don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk.”

Synergy in Seattle December 2nd 2014

Synergy in Seattle, December 2nd

The Emerald City— home to the Space Needle, the Pike Place Fish Market, the Seattle Seahawks and several of Synergy’s top earners. This is the best place to be on Tuesday, December 2nd, as Presidential Executives Paul Blad and Rudy Pedroza, and Emerald Executive Bart Woodcook host a very special meeting for you and your guests.

Here you’ll have the chance to meet the remarkable Drew & Lynn Manning of Fit2Fat2Fit.com. Drew & Lynn are ready to share their unique and powerful story with the Pacific Northwest. This couple has inspired thousands of people to improve their lives and their health, and they’ve teamed up with Synergy to provide powerful solutions for anyone looking for a positive transformation.

DATE: Tuesday, December 2, 2014
TIME: 7:30 pm (PT)
LOCATION: DoubleTree Hotel,
16500 Southcenter Pkwy, Seattle, WA 98188.
(click here for map)

Mark this on your calendar, share the news with your friends, and don’t miss this event!
For more information, contact Synergy Customer Service at 801-769-7800.

2014 Diamond Executive Emerges in Europe

Diamond Executive Emerges in Europe

Hakan Cetin, one of Synergy Europe’s most influential leaders, has taken has business one step closer to Presidential Executive and is Central Europe’s first-ever Diamond Executive.


Hakan found network marketing at the age of 25 as he was eight semesters into his studies at Dortmund Technical Institute for Chemistry. He was hoping to find a financial path that would give him the flexibility to enjoy his life rather than work his life away. He joined three companies that are now out of business.

Just as Hakan was deciding to end his career in network marketing for good, his friend and sponsor William Martin was calling him again and again to share the Synergy WorldWide opportunity. Hakan finally listened to William’s proposition the sixth time he called and was intrigued by what William had to say. Upon learning about Synergy’s stability and strong partnership with Nature’s Sunshine, he decided to activate. One week after becoming a Synergy distributor, Hakan flew to the U.S. to meet his upline and sit down with Synergy Founder Dan Higginson.

“This meeting changed my life!” Hakan said. “I’m so thankful that William Martin gave me the opportunities he did. It has meant so much to me. Dan Higginson embodies the type of person that I admire.”

Hakan said he knew from his first week as a Team Member that Synergy WorldWide was special; that is was a company that could stand the test of time because of its values, philosophy and, of course, the amazing products. Hakan started a daily ProArgi-9+ regimen seven years ago and feels younger now than he has “in over a decade.” Seeing the impact Synergy products have in not only his life, but the lives of those he shares them with makes life fulfilling. Each new testimonial he hears confirms that Synergy WorldWide is here to stay.
He is convinced that Synergy can become one of the next billion dollar businesses in the network marketing industry because of its solid foundation.

“The time to start a business with Synergy has never been better,” Hakan said. “The future never looked brighter than today. We go from one record year to another record year.”

Hakan acknowledges the September 2014 launch of SLMsmart and e9 in Europe as it addresses two of the largest needs in the world – weight management and energy. “The results that Germany, Austria and Slovenia saw following the launch are directly correlated to these phenomenal products,” Hakan said, “but the momentum is just beginning.” He encourages all Team Members to really push themselves these next few months with the new products because amazing things are bound to happen.

The unwavering work ethic that Germany and Austria has showed this year, including Hakan’s tremendous team and their efforts, propelled Hakan to the Diamond Executive position. He thanks everyone in his network for helping him to this new level of success. He also credits his wife who is his biggest supporter for helping him achieve his goals and dreams. Though William Martin passed away in 2014, Hakan remembers him often and thinks about the drastic difference this man made in his life and the lives of thousands more.

“If you love what you do and believe in it, just keep going!” Hakan said. “If you have a strategy and a strong team behind you with the same goals, then success is only a matter of time.”

Hakan’s most recent goals have been far exceeded, he said, and he is very proud of the team in Central Europe overall which had 159 rank advancements in October 2014, including two Pearl Executives. His long-term goal is to help 10 people reach absolute financial freedom by December of 2016.

“Life has phases of failure and success,” Hakan said, “so don’t just throw in the towel when life is difficult. A better day is coming soon. Focus on strengthening your weaknesses rather than increasing the amount in your bank account and you will find that your income grows as you grow.”

2014 New Size Scoop, Same Great Formula

New Size Scoop, Same Great Formula

Some of you may have noticed a very little change within your ProArgi-9+ containers. Don’t be alarmed! The scoop hiding inside has been slightly shrunk, and if you look closer (really close… like with a microscope) you will see that there has been one other change made as well: each particle of ProArgi-9+ is now slightly smaller than before!

Why the change? The great minds on our world-class Quality Assurance Team have chosen to manufacture ProArgi-9+ into smaller particles so that it’s more mixable, and so that it more smoothly pours out of the single-serving packets. Smaller particles need a smaller scoop, therefore the old 14.7cc scoop has been replaced with the new 13cc scoop.

The ingredients have not changed and the formula is as potent and powerful as ever. The servings are carefully calculated to work with optimal efficacy in the average consumer. The weight of each unit is the same… but the new scoop and new particle sizes are just two more parts of ProArgi-9+ worth being excited about.

Note that the change in scoop and particle size was officially made in June and has been gradually implemented across the spectrum of flavors and container sizes until finally making its way into a container near you. Some of you may have been enjoying the new particle size for months now without ever noticing!

November 2014 Webinar Recording: Shane Greer, Drew & Lynn Manning

Webinar Recording: Shane Greer, Drew & Lynn Manning

A large number of wonderful people tuned into last night’s webinar, either on the web or over the phone. They were introduced by Synergy VP Stewart Rutter to Shane Greer, the new General Manager of Synergy North America.Following a few words from Shane, Drew & Lynn Manning shared the importance of protein, and discussed a few of the reasons why they’ve been recommending the SLMsmart Health Shake to their friends and family.

For those that missed last night’s webinar, you can check out the recordings below (broken into 2 parts for your convenience).

Nov 12 Webinar Part I: Introducing Shane Greer
Nov 12 Webinar Part II: Drew & Lynn Manning on Protein and Health Shake

Thanks to all who participated in this webinar and to all who are ready to make the most of what was learned.