Registration Opens in 1 hour for January 23,24 2015 Open House



Registration Opens in 1 hour

UPDATE: SOLD OUT! In a record 6 minutes! We love your enthusiasm, Synergy North America! If you were unable to get a ticket, please get on the waiting list. Also, contact the leaders of your team to see if they bought tickets to spare!

The 2015 Kickoff Event will dramatically enhance your ability to grow a rewarding business. Be the first to get the inside scoop and benefit from an exciting Q1 promotion.

The Kickoff Event will take place Friday, January 23 through Saturday, January 24. Click the button above at 9 AM, or visit

Seating is limited, and we expect to sell out very quickly. Sold out? Be sure to get on the waitlist!
Questions? Problems? Call Customer Service at (801) 769-7800.

What to expect at the event?

New Product Launch
Cash & Prizes
Product Giveaways
Exciting 2015 Q1 Promotion
“Taste Fest”
Guest speakers & trainers
Dynamic Format
Manufacturing Facility Guided Tour

General Agenda
Friday, January 23

12 Noon: Sign-in at Synergy HQ
1 – 3:30 PM: Manufacturing Facility Tour. Transportation Provided!
4-5:30 PM: Session I.
5:30-7 PM: Break for Dinner.
7-9 PM: Session II.

Saturday, January 24

6:30 – 7:30 AM: Optional Morning Activity
8:30 – 9:30 AM: Taste Fest/ Sampling
9:30 –12 Noon: Session III and Taste Fest
12-1:30 PM: Lunch (provided)
1:30 -4:30 PM: Session IV

Asia Summit 2014 Video

Asia Summit 2014 Video
The 2014 Asia Summit was a tremendous milestone for Synergy. The amazing Team Members in our Asian markets were incredible last year. At this event, Synergy was honored to recognize 205 new Team Leaders, 101 Team Managers, 54 Team Directors, 17 Team Elite, 9 Pearl Executives, 3 Emerald Executives and Kim Eun Ji, Synergy’s newest Presidential Executive! So much success!

To see the photos from this event click here, or enjoy the video recap below.

New Year Executive Message 2015

New Year Executive Message 2015
Closing thoughts on 2014, with a bright message for the New Year, featuring Synergy President Dan Norman and Synergy Founder Dan Higginson.

Brent Burnett On Leveraging Promotions

Brent Burnett On Leveraging Promotions

Team Director Brent Burnett is a champion of leveraging Synergy promotions to incentivize his Team and motivate himself. Not only has Brent earned the most recent Fast Start Bonus Booster, but he has a long history of winning challenges and earning promotional bonuses: He qualified and attended both the Cabo and Cancun vacation. He earned iPads and Kindles and plenty of prizes. He earned PAB’s and DAB’s in the Activity Bonus Program held earlier this year. His hard work has put cash in his pocket, stamps on his passport and a smile on his face.

As a result of these-and-more achievements, Brent has a thriving business and an ever-increasing income. His success has inspired more success, and members of his organization are following his example. His Team Members are joining him on vacations and at events because he has taught them to leverage Synergy promotions. Best of all, he knows that these promotions are small steps to the bigger payoffs made possible by the MegaMatch.

Check out the quick-and-cold interview with Brent Burnett below: 

Congratulations to Brent for being one of our Fast Start Bonus Booster earners and for all of his success so far. We look forward to seeing him leverage the exciting promotions we have planned for 2015 (more info about those to be announced at the 2015 Kickoff event on January 23!) along with the other amazing men and women on his Team!

Make Some Room in January 2015!

Make Some Room in January!