Why Attend Synergy’s Qualification Events

Why Attend Synergy’s Qualification Events

Every summer, Synergy leaders look forward to an inspiring weekend in picturesque Park City for Leadership Academy. The presentations, activities, food, and company, will renew your love for Synergy WorldWide, and instill the passion necessary to carry out a strong year. Every Synergy WorldWide event is designed to build leaders and fortify belief.leadershipacademy-logoMake attending Synergy’s qualification events a high priority and you will be amazed by what follows.

This year’s Leadership Academy qualifiers share what qualifying for Leadership Academy did for them and their business:

Eddie Pula, Hawaii

eddiepula“The event was incredible because we had the opportunity to have our New Zealand leaders there to experience Synergy first hand. In the past couple of years our New Zealand team only had the Synergy experience through me and Pearl Executive Marty Holker. The trainings were amazing! There were many ‘Aha!’ moments and I can take those lessons to my team. This was my second time attending Leadership Academy and I still felt that I came away having learned a lot. It may have been information I’ve heard before, but like the old saying goes, ‘When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.’”

Chuck Pinnell, British Columbia, Canada

chuckpinnell“My wife and I really enjoyed it and found it valuable on a couple fronts. Synergy Founder Dan Higginson’s presentation was motivating, inspiring, and comforting, because I understood how much thought he put into the company when he created it. I am confident now that I have long-term stability with Synergy. There was a relaxed nature to the event. There wasn’t a lot of hype or false motivation. I appreciated the down-to-earth, real nature of it. The people with Synergy are real and easy to talk to, and everyone is very helpful.”

Brent Burnett, Utah

brentburnett“I went with a few members from my team and Leadership Academy really created a fire within them. They really understand their ‘Why?’ After the event, we’ve already seen a lot of excitement with new leads. It was nice to have both young and old people from my team there because they gave me a fresh perspective on marketing Synergy products. Talking with this diverse group was really eye-opening for me. Leadership Academy is an event I want all of my people to qualify for so they can understand how they need to act as a leader and what they can do as a leader. It plants a seed within them that will get them to the next level. It’s a great opportunity to meet the corporate staff in person and to learn that you can’t help yourself if you aren’t helping other people.”

Margie Dean, Utah

margiedean“I received top-notch training in a beautiful environment. I loved Stew’s Go-Giver presentation and it was a great reminder that we will find our greatest success when we serve others. I loved learning more about the Elite Honors program and the path it gives us to follow so that we’ll have financial success. I loved seeing the Hughes Research Center where we are continuously researching to improve our products. I enjoyed meeting other Team Members and learning how they run their businesses. There was learning every day, but there was also time to relax. It was very well planned.”

Elite Honors Spotlight: David Yost

Elite Honors Spotlight: David Yost

Since the launch of the Elite Honors Club and the Go Elite Promotion, North America Team Members have adopted the principles, applied them to their own businesses, and taught others to abide by the same business building structure.

These same Team Members are now convinced that this is the most productive way to build a stable, profitable Synergy business, and see financial results quickly.

Click here to learn more about Elite Honors Club.

See what this Team Member had to say about his rewarding experience so far:

David Yost, Greenville, South Carolina

“I joined Synergy on June 2, and enrolled my first distributor in the middle of June. The Compensation Plan combined with Elite Honors is great, and I’ve had a lot of experience with different plans in the past. All I’ve done so far is drip emails about the product and opportunity to my email list of 400-500 people. I imagine that being even more proactive than this and hitting it even harder will produce even greater results. I earned $420 in my first month with Synergy, which is 20% commissions, and normally, most plans don’t allow you to get paid that much at the lowest pin level.

Elite Honors is a solid starting point. All of the requirements are very attainable, and if you find that they aren’t attainable at first, they will be over time as you establish yourself in network marketing. Being Elite Honors qualified is the way to go. When I talk to people about my experience with this plan they are impressed by its potential and my commissions after such a short period of time.”

Elite Honors Spotlight: Barry Petrina

Elite Honors Spotlight: Barry Petrina

Since the launch of the Elite Honors Club and the Go Elite Promotion, North America Team Members have adopted the principles, applied them to their own businesses, and taught others to abide by the same business building structure.

These same Team Members are now convinced that this is the most productive way to build a stable, profitable Synergy business, and see financial results quickly.

Click here to learn more about Elite Honors Club.

See what this Team Member had to say about his rewarding experience so far:

Barry Petrina, New York
“I enrolled in December 2014, and I’ve since decided to dedicate my life to this company.

At first, I was not productive because doing it ‘my way’ was not working. I called my upline, Cliff Rosang, who introduced me to Brian Holt.  These two people have been instrumental in helping me.  I can’t thank you both enough! By taking their advice and guidance, and having the attitude: ‘Alright, show me how to do it the best way,’ I became productive and sponsored several excellent distributors and customers. Many thanks to my upline, my customers, my distributors, and everyone at Synergy for making all of this possible.

My wife and I attended the Business Builders Conference in June 2015 where the Elite Honors program was launched, and I didn’t know if I could make it, but I knew this new recognition platform was a good idea. It was a good track to run on, so my wife and I went into recruiting mode and we made it! We signed up two new distributors, five customers and achieved the Star title in the same month. Achieving Star qualified us for the Go Elite bonus, which was added to our regular commissions. There is no company I know of that would offer such a great promotion! Synergy pays out 55% in total to the field and then adds bonuses that are not deducted from the Compensation Plan.  They pay it out of their budget! It’s incredible! And the fact that Synergy does this helps me show people how great our business is.

We are going for Elite Honors and Go Elite again this month, and just last week my wife spoke to the owner of a restaurant where we were eating, signed him up as a customer and called in his order right on the spot. What a business! Prospects are everywhere!

To be Elite Honors qualified is important. We recommend that everyone goes for it. Do your best and do not to let the task of prospecting scare you. And did you ever think of this?  No matter who you are or what your background is, do you know what it is that all of you can do?  Tell the truth.  But, you must have a good truth to tell.  And with Synergy, we have this good truth. All substantiated, documented, and bulletproof!

Synergy has so many good truths to tell it makes it that much easier to become Elite Honors qualified and achieve your goals.  Everyone can do this, make money, and help a lot of people while you’re at it.

Try this experiment:  take a blank piece of paper and a pen, close your eyes, and sign it. Now, look at it.  I’m sure that even with your eyes closed you signed your name pretty close to the way you would with your eyes open, right?

Do you remember when you were in first grade and there were big block letters on large double-lined paper above the blackboard and how hard it was to learn to print them? And how about in second grade when the letters were now script? If someone would have told you then that one day would be able to sign your name with your eyes closed, could you have even imagined it? Probably not, but you just did it!

So, imagine this, one day you will be able to do this business successfully—with your eyes closed. Keep practicing and learning from the teachers in your upline, just like you learned from your teachers in school.

You can do it! Good luck to all of you!”

Leadership Academy 2015 Recap

Leadership Academy 2015 Recap

It was a privilege spending Leadership Academy weekend with this year’s talented qualifiers. The Chateaux Deer Valley in Park City, Utah, tucked high into the tree-covered hills, provided the perfect setting for qualifiers to relax, learn and be acknowledged for their successes. We were also lucky enough to have three qualified New Zealand Team Members fly to Utah for the event, and their presence made the event that much more special.hughescentertour

The weekend began over a delicious meal at Windy Ridge Cafe where the Team Members in attendance became acquainted. The first full day kicked off with a morning training session with Synergy’s top leaders in North America. From there, the group traveled to Nature’s Sunshine Headquarters in Lehi to tour the Hughes Center for Research and Innovation, and learned how Synergy products are developed, tested and then clinically evaluated. That afternoon, they also had the opportunity to give back through the United Way, a non-profit organization with a 100-year history of helping communities. The group assembled 144 art kits, including paint, crayons, coloring books, and more, that will be sent to school children who need an activity to engage in after school or during school holidays. Then it was time to head up to Sundance Mountain Resort’s beautiful open-air theater for the Bluebird Cafe Concert Series, which featured today’s big names in country music songwriting.

The final day began with an informative and inspiring training session featuring North America General Manager Shane Greer and Synergy Founder Dan Higginson. Lunch was served with some healthy competition at Jupiter Bowl for a fun afternoon. The event closed with an elegant dinner at the Stein Erickson Lodge where Team Members were recognized for their efforts in qualifying for Leadership Academy.

It was impressive to see these leaders’ commitment to the business as they shared Synergy’s message to those they met throughout the weekend’s festivities, and even recruited a few of these new faces as customers and distributors. Thank you to all those who made the effort to attend Leadership Academy! We look forward to our retreat to mountains next summer.



June 2015 Elite Honors Qualifiers

June 2015 Elite Honors Qualifiers

The month following Business Builder Conference was a productive one! With the new knowledge of Elite Honors and the Go Elite promotion, Team Members were eager to get home to implement this business building system and watch their commissions increase.

We are proud to announce that many North America Team Members saw the rewards of their labors within weeks because they aimed to qualify for the Elite Honors Club.

Congratulations to the June 2015 qualifiers:

Mark Comer, Double Presidential Executive
Dane Iorg, Presidential Executive
Paul Blad & Rudy Pedroza, Presidential Executive
David Johnson, Emerald Executive
Steve Seely, Pearl Executive
Corrine Brandi, Pearl Executive
Lee Edwards, Team Director
Renee La Montagne, Team Director
Jean Lavallie, Team Director
Pamela Krajnik, Team Leader
Eddie Pula, Team Leader
Rick Cox, Team Leader
Dan Hammer, Team Leader
Dr. Charina Holmes, Team Leader
Dianne Sandberg, Team Leader
Dr. Brian K. Workman D.C., Silver
Joe Napoli, Silver
Michelle J. Duncan, Silver
Dr. Mark Warta, Silver
Pam Stovall, Silver
Heather Lambert, Bronze
Pauline Kehoe, Bronze
David Yost, Star
Barry Petrina, Star
Kyle Drosdovech, Star
Pam Stovall, Star
Tammy Hester, Star

To learn more about Elite Honors and Go Elite, click here.

We commend the first group of dedicated and talented distributors who put Elite Honors to the test and became qualified. We are impressed by your work ethic and belief, and we thank you for the examples you are to all those working toward building their Synergy businesses.

July is already off to a great start! Train your team on the importance of becoming Elite Honors qualified as you achieve this highly sought after achievement yourself. Can’t wait to see the success that this month brings. Good luck!