SLMsmart Spotlight Brook Strebe

 SLMsmart Spotlight Brook Strebe

Many terrific men and women are now participating in the second month of the SLMsmart Challenge. Though the process of developing new, healthy lifestyles can be difficult, it has been great to see the positivity and enthusiasm coming from many of our Challengers.
For example, Brook Strebe of Arizona speaks highly of her SLMsmart experience so far. One of the best parts of her journey has been the involvement of her husband/fellow challenger Nathan Strebe. “Having someone supporting you, keeping you accountable and helping you along the way is so valuable,” Brook said. “That has been very helpful to me.”

Both of them have already begun experiencing benefits of the Challenge beyond weight loss. Nathan, for example, won $250 on his Scratch & Win card. Brook won a t-shirt on her card… and though that may seem small by comparison, she’s grateful for the rewards of the Challenge more valuable than cash.

“I have been surprised,” wrote Brook “at how my strong sugar cravings, like wanting cookies, cakes or candy, are gone. My body feels satisfied and I actually don’t want it. Never felt this before. I sometimes feel bad when I am at a party and everyone offers me all this junk food or high carbs that taste so good and I always turn it down.”

You can read more of Brooks thoughts about the SLMsmart Challenge below:

What advice would you give to someone new to SLMsmart and the SLMsmart Challenge?
“The advice I would give is to never give up, and that preparation is most important. Stay connected to someone else in the group for support. Be kind to yourself! You are worth it!”

What tool or product has been the most useful to you so far?
“The SLMsmart Health Shake.”

Other thoughts?
“I have to say I have learned a lot about myself. I have never really and truly eaten so clean for this long and not gone crazy with cravings, and to be able to have success in losing weight. It’s amazing! And I feel so great! This has been very emotional, more so than I thought it would be. I am learning so much about me. I love this experience. I am looking forward to month two and taking this to another level.”

More spotlights coming soon! It’s not too late to start your own SLMsmart Challenge. For more information, click here or contact Customer Service at (801) 769-7800.

Webinar with Dr. Tripp Thursday 12 March 2015

 Webinar with Dr. Tripp this Thursday
Just in time for St. Patty’s Day, Synergy is putting its finest greens on display. Join this webinar to learn about the phytonutrient power of Core Greens and Liquid Chlorophyll.
Dr. Matthew Tripp, Synergy’s Chief Scientific Officer, will be on hand to share his expertise, and explain just how beneficial these two products can be in your daily life. After learning more about what Core Greens and Liquid Chlorophyll can do for you, we’ll leak a new promotion that will help you put these products to the test at a discounted price.

When: Thursday, March 12, 2015
Time: 7:00 PM Mountain Time
(6 PM PT, 8 PM CT, 9 PM ET).

Webinar registration
Webinar ID: 137-499-091

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

If joining only by phone
US Phone: 1 (312) 878-0511
Access Code: 817-537-773

International Phone: 1 (647) 497-9429
Access Code: 817-537-773

About the Expert
Dr. Matthew Tripp received a Ph.D. from Washington State University in Physiology/Microbial Genetics/Microbiology; an M.A. in Microbial Physiology/Bacterial Genetics and a B.S. in Biology both from Western Michigan University. He completed extensive post-doctoral research at the University of California – San Diego where he discovered novel protein phosphorylation cascades involved in nutrient signaling (nutrigenomics) – processes that when disrupted by poor diet, lead to metabolic disease and chronic illness.

His career includes leadership roles and R&D responsibilities at the Kellogg Company, the Miller Brewing Company and Metagenics. He served as the Vice President of Research and Development at  Metagenics, a leading developer, manufacturer and distributor of high quality dietary supplements and medical foods sold through health care practitioners in the U.S. and pharmacies abroad. He also concurrently served as Senior Vice President, Research and Development, at KinDex Therapeutics, a biotechnology company.

At Metagenics, Dr. Tripp had direct responsibility for managing the discovery, development, safety, and clinical validation of medical foods and nutraceuticals. Significantly, he led the creation of a substantial body of proprietary intellectual property, resulting in over 100 patents and patent applications.

Now, at Nature’s Sunshine Products, the parent company of Synergy WorldWide, Dr. Tripp serves as the Chief Scientific Officer. His responsibilities include working to oversee the company’s product research and development operations. Furthermore, he plays a critical role in clearly defining, developing and communicating the Company’s science strategy and vision to achieve higher organic growth and profitability through innovation.

SLMsmart Health Shake for Muscle Building?

Health Shake for Muscle Building?

SLMsmart Health Shake is a delicious meal replacement that can help you manage your weight. However, because Health Shake has been formulated with such a unique blend of proteins, it can be used as more than a weight management aide. In fact, Health Shake may be used as a helpmate for anyone who may be aspiring to build muscle, tone muscle, or maintain a powerful physique.This is why the winner of the current SLMsmart 90-day Challenge will be selected based on total body transformation and not simply the weight management results. Combined with the proper diet and exercise routine, SLMsmart can be a key player in helping to feed your muscles the protein, fat, and carbs that they crave to become stronger.Drew Manning is a great example of someone who uses Health Shake daily to maintain the muscle he has been developing and sustaining over time. As one of two SLMsmart coaches helping Challenge participants reach their target weights, he drinks Health Shake twice per day, every day.

Drew’s Muscle Maintenance Plan:

  • For breakfast, mix 3 scoops of Health Shake with 8 oz. of water or almond milk, and blend together with your favorite fruits, vegetables or other healthy ingredients
  • Mix 1-2 scoops of Health Shake with 8 oz. of water after completing a weight lifting workout routine

Drew has also recommended that anyone looking to add muscle will benefit from adding one more serving Health Shake to that daily routine.

Drew’s Muscle Building Plan:

  • For breakfast, mix 3 scoops of Health Shake with 8 oz. of water or almond milk, and blend together with your favorite fruits, vegetables and other healthy ingredients.
  • Mix 1-2 scoops of Health Shake with 8 oz. of water or almond milk after completing a weight lifting workout routine.
  • Mix 1-2 scoops of Health Shake with 8 oz. of water or almond milk before going to bed at night.

When you work your muscles, the tissue breaks down. The whey, soy and casein proteins in SLMsmart are a slow-digesting formula that will aid in supporting muscles. Eating—or drinking—a protein-packed meal right before bed and soaking those muscles with protein is a strategy popular amongst bodybuilders.

In addition, SLMsmart’s formula contains healthy carbohydrates that help support glycogen levels and offers the body a full meal’s worth of vitamins and minerals.

“SLMsmart is a unique combination with a protein blend backed by science,” Drew said. “There is a specific reason that each ingredient and each amount is in this blend. That’s why I trust the SLMsmart technology in general. There is real science behind it. This product is different because there is a medical board behind it.”

Drew said that while drinking SLMsmart two or three times per day may seem mundane, it doesn’t have to be. SLMsmart is available in both vanilla and a new, rich chocolate flavor. He and his wife Lynn Manning have created a number of crave-worthy shake recipes that you can make. The recipes include a Butterfinger shake, chocolate mint shake and banana cream pie shake, to name a few, and are all found on the SLMsmart App that is made available to you by signing up for the 90-day Challenge.

Join the Challenge now for discounted packs and exclusive Challenge scratch-off cards.


SLMsmart Spotlight on Justin Hall


SLMsmart Spotlight: Justin Hall

It’s been one month since the SLMsmart Challenge officially kicked-off, and many Challengers are already seeing results and feeling great. Justin Hall is no exception! Not only does he follow the SLMsmart app exercises, he spends his weekend active on his dirt bike, doing his best to move quickly and keep his blood pumping!


In your Challenge experience, what has been your most pleasant surprise so far?
“That I’m not always hungry.”

What advice would you give to someone new to SLMsmart and the SLMsmart Challenge?
“Just cowboy up and do it!”

What tool or product has been the most useful to you so far?
“Can’t single one out. They work together quite well.”

What would you say to someone who is CONSIDERING whether or not to join a SLMsmart Challenge?
“If you need to lose weight and don’t know where to start, this is the best way to get started.”

Results so far?
“Down 22 lbs, a few inches on my waist gone and in my face. I feel great. I hate working out, but this hasn’t been bad and I am enjoying the benefits!”

More spotlights coming soon! It’s not too late to start your own SLMsmart Challenge. For more information, click here or contact Customer Service at 801 769-7800.

GRAND OPENING: Hughes Center for Research and Innovation

 GRAND OPENING: Hughes Center for Research and Innovation
The Grand Opening of Nature’s Sunshine’s Hughes Center for Research and Innovation commenced February 27, 2015, at Nature’s Sunshine Headquarters where a 5,400 sq. ft. area now houses labs, clinical space and rooms for consultations and clinical studies.

“The Hughes Center for Research and Innovation is designed to help combat health mega-trends driven by diet and lifestyle choices through natural, nutritionally therapeutic products,” said Gregory L. Probert, Nature’s Sunshine Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “Combining our scientists with new technology, we will continue to lead development of effective herbal and nutritional products for consumers worldwide by studying supplement interactions at a molecular level.”

The Hughes Center is one of the most advanced research centers of its kind and is a true signal of Nature’s Sunshine’s and Synergy’s economic strength. Utah Governor Gary Herbert attended the event to officially open the center and recognize both companies as hugely influential businesses in not only Utah, but also the world.

This multi-million-dollar facility is equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation that will allow scientists to analyze interactions between the body’s systems and Synergy WorldWide’s nutritional supplements. By inspecting these interactions at a molecular level, biologists, chemists, and physicians, will be guided to the most bioactive and potent formulations.

“The Hughes Center for Research and Innovation incorporates some of the most advanced technology in the industry,” said Dr. Matthew Tripp, Nature’s Sunshine Chief Scientific Officer. “For example, the Flexmap3D can analyze 500 analytes, such as genes and proteins, from a single human sample, such as a drop of blood. Moreover, with this machine, 144,000 data points can be analyzed in one hour, which provides rapid quantitative analyses of various biomarkers.”

Nature’s Sunshine and Synergy WorldWide are deeply committed to formulating natural, scientifically tested products that the consumer can fully trust.

At Synergy WorldWide, we are serious about proving the quality of our products. The future of Synergy WorldWide is incredibly bright, and we cannot wait to share the groundbreaking research that will be done in this center. The Hughes Center for Research and Innovation truly puts Synergy WorldWide and Nature’s Sunshine Products a step above the rest.

CLICK HERE for the official press release.