5 Core Vitamins Every Woman Should Have in Her Diet

5 Core Vitamins Every Woman Should Have in Her Diet

Have you ever found yourself asking, “Do I really need supplements? If so, which ones do I need?” With so many vitamins and minerals to choose from, you may feel overwhelmed with which vitamins and minerals you should take.

When first choosing a supplement, you’ll need to decide between a vegetarian or a gelatin capsule. Vegetarian capsules are plant based while gelatin capsules contain animal byproducts. Gelatin capsules are said to be better for your joints, but in the end, it’s just a matter of personal preference.

Here are five core vitamins you should consider including in your diet:

Multivitamin. A multivitamin is an excellent way to ensure you are getting all your nutrients as it’s designed to fill in nutritional gaps. When deciding what multivitamin to take, pick one that is high quality and has a high potency.

Calcium. This mineral is important for building strong bones, teeth, and gums. Most of the time you will find combination Cal/Mag/Zinc (Calcium/Magnesium/Zinc) supplements, which are great for added nutrients. Speak with your doctor to know which calcium supplement is the best option for you.
Omega-3 Fatty Acid. Considered “good” fats, omega-3s have a number of health benefits. Fish oil, salmon, flaxseed, and flaxseed oil, are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

Magnesium. While this mineral is usually overlooked, Magnesium is an important mineral to add to your diet, helping to turn calories into energy. To learn more about the benefits associated with magnesium, read The Magnesium Miracle by Carolyn Dean, MD, ND.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid). This vitamin is assists in tissue growth and repair, enhances immunity, and increases iron absorption. When choosing a Vitamin C supplement, avoid chewables since they can damage tooth enamel.

Take steps today to increase your body’s longevity by incorporating a healthy diet, regular exercise, and high-quality supplements into your day-to-day routine.

Elite Honors Spotlight: Lee Edwards

Elite Honors Spotlight: Lee Edwards
The second month to qualify for Elite Honors came to an impressive close and dozens of names were added to the Elite Honors Club qualifiers list! A handful of Team Members qualified for the second month in a row. In addition, a number of qualifiers are going even further by maintaining and surpassing their highest pin titles to earn the Go Elite Promotion.

Lee Edwards, a Team Director from Utah, was one of the few Synergy leaders who were introduced to Elite Honors during the program’s prelaunch phase in May 2015. As a leader, he was challenged to achieve the Elite Honors title. He not only achieved the title in May, he achieved it again in June and July. In addition to following the Elite Honors principles himself, he is teaching all new distributors and existing distributors in his downline to make a goal every month to become Elite Honors qualified in order to kickstart and grow their own business quickly.
“Elite Honors is easy for me. The program gives me clearly cut, detailed instructions so that I know exactly what I need to do every month. I need at least 650 CV on my TC 1 and at least 200 CV in distributor enrollments. I love this, because I’m a goal-oriented person. I know what I need to do on a monthly basis and I make sure I’m accomplishing what I need to. I just keep chugging along until it’s done.

What I really love is that as long as I continue doing this behavior it will continue to pay off. Nothing in this business needs to be sporadic. There is no more guessing how to make money in this business. In my three months with Elite Honors I have no only seen my business grow, I’ve seen people in my organization learning the correct behaviors and that’s even more exciting for me. If getting 500 CV in customer volume feels intimidating, learn to forget yourself and care about others. Using the Elite Health program you will always meet the customer’s needs and you’ll find that getting 500 CV is easy. You will never be a pushy salesman. You are simply asking how you can improve someone’s life.

I love that all the leaders are now teaching the same principles. If someone on my team went to Presidential Executive Dane Iorg and asked him how to build their business, he will going to tell them the same things I have. I really appreciate that unity.”

Click here to learn more about Elite Honors and the Go Elite promotion.

July 2015 Elite Honors Qualifiers

July 2015 Elite Honors Qualifiers

elitehonors-qualifiersTeam Members kicked it up a notch in July with even more Elite Honors qualifications than June, and a handful of June’s qualifiers re-qualified! The Elite Honors program is streamlining the way organizations do business with Synergy WordWide while maximizing each Team Member’s earning potential. Team Members following the program are seeing the extra rewards that are made possible through the Go Elite promotion as they continue doing what they’ve been doing all along—building their Synergy businesses.

Congratulations to the July 2015 qualifiers:

First-time qualifiers
Qualify for Elite Honors once and receive an Elite Honors pin, recognition letter, and online recognition.

Brian Holt, Team Elite
Nathan Fowers, Team Manager
Dr. David Burnett, Team Manager
Dawna Bruce, Team Manager
Raymond Crane, Team Leader
Michael Burnett, Team Leader
KC Michigan Group, Team Leader
Brad Burnett, Team Leader
David Munoz, Team Leader
Jared Chadburn, Team Leader
Dan Schellkopf, Gold
Matt Lewis, Gold
Judy Feldhausen, Silver
Dr. Jack Kucheran, Bronze
Donald Clarke, Bronze
Melissa Holt, Bronze
Belva Snow, Bronze
Reynold Diaz, Silver
Steven Russon, Star
Sandra Rangel, Star
Joselyn Hall, Star
Karla Eaton

Second-time qualifiers

Corrine Brandi, Pearl Executive
Dr. Charina Holmes, Team Leader
Dianne Sandberg, Team Leader
Dan Hammer, Team Leader
Pauline Kehoe, Bronze
Tammy Hester, Bronze
David Q. Yost, Star

Third-time qualifiers
Qualify for Elite Honors three times and receive an Elite Honors Club Card, which can be used for a number of event perks, including VIP registration, special product promotions, and more!

Mark Comer, Double Presidential Executive
Dane Iorg, Presidential Executive
Rudy Pedroza, Presidential Executive
David Johnson, Emerald Executive
Steve Seely, Pearl Executive
Lee Edwards, Team Director

To learn more about Elite Honors and the Go Elite Promotion, click here.

Congratulations to everyone who has achieved Elite Honors so far and a special congratulations to those who have achieved Elite Honors multiple times. We are impressed by your work ethic and belief, and we thank you for the examples you are to all those working toward building their Synergy businesses.

August is already off to a great start. Let’s keep the momentum going! Train your team on the importance of becoming Elite Honors qualified through the Synergy Opportunity Webinar as you achieve this highly sought after title yourself. Can’t wait to see the success that this month brings. Good luck!

Pathway of a Clinical Trial

Pathway of a Clinical Trial
At this very moment, scientists are suited up in lab coats and goggles, working hard to improve Synergy WorldWide’s product offering and product efficacy in The Hughes Center for Research and Innovation.

Clinical-Trial-10403134_466461130189817_2624249998129265711_nEfficacy is a word that is often used when discussing product formulations, and its meaning describes exactly what Synergy WorldWide’s focus is: creating products that are scientifically proven to work. An efficacious product is one that does precisely what it was intended to do, and Synergy products are intended to help you live life fully with a complete and trusted health system.

“It is one thing to say that a product works, but it’s another to say there is proof that a product works,” said Dr. Joseph Lamb, The Hughes Center’s medical director. “Because of this lab, you will be able to sit down with a business partner and tell them about our unique ingredient combinations, about how these products weren’t just created by three guys in a meeting room with a few medical books and limited funds. Our goal is to deliver valuable products and product information to as many groups as possible.”

Without testing products on human subjects, it’s impossible to know how effective the products are, which is why the Hughes Center’s clinical labs are imperative to the future development of Synergy WorldWide and its product line. The process leading up to performing a clinical trial is extensive and requires months of preparation. Take a walk through the clinical process that scientists execute as they work to prove that Synergy products are among the best in the nutritional supplement industry.

The Idea

All clinical trials begin with a lightbulb moment. When the clinical teams develop a substantial idea based on the most important nutritional and health needs of the modern world, they begin combining safe ingredients and performing self-studies. When the research team discovers a formulation that they feel confident about presenting, they meet with the independent review board composed of company executives and personnel from various company departments about whether this product makes sense from a business perspective.

The Protocol

Clinical-Trial-productsEvery clinical trial needs a clear set of directions. Questions including “Who do we recruit and test? How many subjects do we need? How old are the subjects? Are they generally healthy enough to participate? How do we instruct subjects to take the product? What information do we want to collect?” The protocol goes through several drafts and is questioned in detail by several company departments. Dozens of additional questions—“Is the study unique? Is it ethical? Is this the best subject demographic?”—are asked as these departments consider how influential the trial will be to Team Members who are looking to market the product with clinical proof. After these questions are finalized and organized into a protocol, the protocol is sent to an outside review board (IRB) for input and approval.

The Subjects

Based on the protocol’s final instructions, the clinical team begins searching for the correct group of subjects. Often, subjects are recruited within the walls of the Synergy WorldWide and Nature’s Sunshine office buildings. When a more specific group of subjects is required, the clinical team will seek the help of the marketing team to publicize the study and recruit the target demographic. When the group is selected, each participant comes into the lab for an initial meeting where the trial objective and product usage is explained and screening lab work is conducted to ensure the subject is healthy enough to participate. The subject may come back multiple times throughout the trial period to report results or once at the end of the trial period, depending on the study.

The Data

Thousands of data points are compiled over the period of a clinical trial including physical samples. A study of 20 subjects can produce more than 560 individual samples. These samples are then kept in two freezers that are large enough to store more than 45,000 samples per freezer. The samples are kept at -80° Celsius to maintain each sample’s integrity. The clinical team will use additional testing groups within Synergy and NSP’s scientific teams to evaluate the collected specimens using a number of tests. For example, a bioavailability study shows the degree and rate at which a potential product ingredient is absorbed into the human body. Measuring nitric oxide levels in the blood indicates whether or not a subject is getting proper nutrition. An Endopat is a non-invasive test to assess cardiovascular health and risk factors. These are examples of literally hundreds of test that may be performed to assess the safety and efficacy of a given product.

The Conclusion

Clinical-Trial-11745738_480713108764619_1595311215973857483_nWhen every specimen is analyzed, study results are compiled and evaluated for statistical significance. The clinical team must measure the new product’s impact and determine whether or not it is ready for the market. Every detail carried out in a clinical trial is in anticipation of these results.

The findings that emerge from The Hughes Center’s clinical labs have the potential to cause rapid growth in Synergy’s markets, and thanks to the knowledge of brilliant scientists, the information they can uncover is limitless. Only through the innovative research conducted at the Hughes Center can the true potential resting in Synergy’s proprietary formulations be unlocked.

Click here to tour the Hughes Center for Research and Innovation
Click here for more articles from this summer’s eMagazine

Elite Honors Spotlight: Michelle Duncan

Elite Honors Spotlight: Michelle Duncan

Since the launch of the Elite Honors Club and the Go Elite Promotion, North America Team Members have adopted Elite Honors principles, applied them to their own businesses, and taught others to abide by the same business building structure.

Michelle Duncan, a Silver from Indiana, was one of the Team Members who attended Business Builder Conference and left with a determination to jumpstart her business by following the Elite Honors structure. She went home and pushed through a few pending customers and distributors, and she made it! She worked incredibly hard during the weeks following BBC to achieve the Elite Honors title and and we are so appreciative of her efforts.
“When I came back from BBC I was able to use Elite Honors as a way of swaying my potential distributors’ and customers’ decisions to join. It also helped them decide whether being a customer or distributor would be best for them. I love that the Elite Honors and Elite Health concepts can be simply and clearly presented and that they work together.

I love that Elite Health makes recruiting customers and distributors more straight forward. When I first ordered Synergy product I didn’t know what to order. Now, I can ask what a potential customer’s health interests are, which, ultimately, will help recruit customers and help me become Elite Honors qualified. The way that Synergy is structured, and the way Elite Honors is structured, shows me that they know if they focus on helping business builders, that help will bounce back to them in the future.”
Click here to learn more about Elite Honors and the Go Elite promotion.