Fortify Featured Product: Metabolic Shake

Fortify Featured Product: Metabolic Shake

Metabolic Shake blends heart-healthy phytosterols† with high-quality, vegan pea protein isolate in a unique formula. It is the convenient, tasty, and satisfying cornerstone of the clinically studied Fortify Program‡, developed to support and maintain a healthy body composition and metabolic function.


  • Promotes muscle recovery after physical exercise and enhances the buildup of lean muscle mass*
  • Promotes healthy body composition when combined with exercise and a healthy diet*
  • Provides two grams of phytosterols per serving to support cardiovascular health†
  • Provides 20 percent or more of the daily value of 18 vitamins and minerals
  • Makes an ideal high protein snack or meal replacement*

Pea protein, phytosterols, flax seed, blueberry, cranberry, broccoli.

Mix two level scoops (51 grams) with approximately 9 ounces of cold water, or mix to taste. For best results, use in conjunction with other Fortify products.

* As with any nutritional product, please consult your physician before use, especially if pregnant, lactating, or have a known medical condition. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.
† Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol that include two grams per day of phytosterols eaten with meals or snacks may reduce the risk of heart disease. A serving of Metabolic Shake supplies two grams of phytosterols.
‡ Controlled human clinical study of Fortify program for improving key health indicators, including metabolic function, healthy body composition (weight management), and cardiovascular health by supporting microbiome balance, Synergy 2017.

Individual Fortify Products Now Available For Purchase

Individual Fortify Products Now Available For Purchase

Team Members and customers throughout North America will now be able to order individual Fortify Kit products!

Fortify is an innovative and proven program that combines positive lifestyle changes with cutting-edge supplements to support a healthy gut microbiome. An independently reviewed clinical study found that Fortify reduced fat mass, cholesterol levels, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and triglycerides in study participants.

Metabolic Shake $45 25
Biome Balance $30 20
Biome Basics $22 15
Biome Actives (90 count) $39 25
Metabolic LDL $39 25
Omega-3 $23 15

While purchasing the kit as a whole is still a better savings, this is a great option for those who have fallen in love with a specific Fortify product or who use more of any one product than what is included in the kit. We are thrilled to be able to offer these additional ordering options.

Memorial Day, Customer Service Closure May 28

Memorial Day, Customer Service Closure May 28

On Monday, May 28, Synergy Customer Service will be closed for Memorial Day in the U.S. Please plan accordingly to accommodate for this closure.

Team Members will still be able to access Pulse as usual. If you have any questions during this time, please contact your sponsor.

Normal Customer Service hours will resume on Tuesday, May 29.

Thank you for your patience.

Synergy WorldWide

5 Signs You Need a System Reboot

5 Signs You Need a System Reboot

Our bodies speak to us in many ways, and they are particularly good at letting us know when they are unhappy. It’s all too easy in today’s world to fall into unhealthy habits involving lack of exercise, lack of sleep, heightened stress levels, and of course, our diets. It’s true, no one is perfect, and on occasion we indulge in foods that are deemed unhealthy. We may even go weeks, months, or years at a time without setting foot into a gym.

The important thing is that we recognize when our bodies begin to feel neglected and make necessary changes to reset our vital systems, enhancing their overall function and improving the way we feel.

If you struggle with any of with these five symptoms, it may be an indication that it’s time to start cleaning up your act:

  1. Weight Gain

Oftentimes, overweight bodies are unhappy because they are filled with harsh chemicals found in junk food. These chemicals not only prompt weight gain, they can actually make it difficult to lose weight. Eating an unhealthy diet of processed foods, sugars, and refined carbohydrates, can lead to bloating, indigestion, and increased cravings for these potentially harmful foods.

  1. Brain Fog

“What was I just doing again? Oh, right.” If you have this thought multiple times a day in the middle of accomplishing tasks, there is a chance that your body doesn’t have the proper nutrition and energy levels to maintain focus.

  1. Body Odor

While this isn’t a pleasant topic to address, it’s certainly hard to ignore. If you are experiencing bad breath, frequent gas, and you smell bad no matter how much deodorant you apply, your body is trying to push out unwanted chemicals that are brewing inside. Get rid of them!

  1. Skin Issues

If you look in the mirror and feel like you’re staring back at your pimply teenage self, there’s a problem. In fact, a number of skin problems, including rashes, are a manifestation of a deeply rooted issue. Rather than trying to clean your skin from the outside in, try addressing the issues that exist within the body and work your way out.

  1. Lethargy

If you find yourself having a hard time keeping your eyes open in the middle of the day, either you’re sleep deprived or your body is feeling worn down by the unhealthy habits you have gained. If you are sleep deprived, and spend most nights tossing and turning, this could be another sign that your body is in need of a system reboot.
Does your system need a reboot? Synergy’s Fortify program was designed to support a healthy gut microbiome, improve metabolic function, enhance cardiovascular function, and promote healthy body composition (weight management) all in one organized, proven program. Order your kit today and prepare to be amazed at the results!


The Legacy Left by Dr. Tripp: Important Announcement

The Legacy Left by Dr. Tripp: Important Announcement

Over the last five years, our company, our customers, and our Team Members have benefited greatly from the work of Dr. Matthew Tripp, our Chief Scientific Officer. His contributions to research and the development of our products has been invaluable in our mission to transform lives around the world.

Effective May 07, 2018, Dr. Tripp has retired from his position at Nature’s Sunshine Products and Synergy WorldWide to enjoy time with his family. During his tenure, Dr. Tripp established robust formulation and validation capabilities for our company. He launched groundbreaking new products and systems and proved their efficacy. A recent example of his work is Metabolic LDL, the latest clinically studied, patent-pending addition to the Synergy product portfolio, proven to reduce cholesterol using safe, powerful, and natural ingredients.

Dr. Tripp led the planning, opening and original operation of the Hughes Center for Research and Innovation. Under his leadership, the staff at the Hughes Center analyzed Synergy products new and old, studied ingredients and samples, and bolstered the strong, scientific foundation for Synergy’s future.

Synergy has been extremely fortunate to work with Dr. Tripp at the tail end of his illustrious career, coming to us with many years of experience and a well-established knowledge of human health. Looking ahead, Dr. Tripp’s research and methods will continue with the talented and extremely innovative team he assembled. This bright team, composed of qualified scientists and clinicians, is passionate about continuing to help people achieve Elite Health.

In just a few short months, the Hughes Center will relocate along with Synergy to the main floor of the beautiful new building we will share with Nature’s Sunshine. In just a few steps, those who come to visit the new Synergy offices will be able to see the state-of-the-art labs and clinics for themselves. Perhaps your visit will be an occasion to reflect on the contributions of Dr. Tripp, as well as a chance to look to the future of Synergy’s science-based product commitment.

At this time, we wish Dr. Tripp and his family all the best in retirement. We thank him for his important work, for his numerous trainings and presentations, and for his contributions and dedication to Elite Health. With Synergy, he truly leaves a legacy that we are ready to build upon.

“Dr. Tripp’s important work for Synergy WorldWide is immeasurable. We thank him for the legacy he leaves and for establishing the Hughes Center, which has greatly impacted how our products support Elite Health around the world. It has been a pleasure having him on our team, and we look forward to the continued research and studies from his highly-skilled team.”

-Dan Norman, President Synergy WorldWide

For more information on the Hughes Center for Research and Innovation, click here.