Once again, Synergy will be celebrating HEART HEALTH MONTH, the best month ever, all February long.

PLEASE JOIN US ON FRIDAY, FEB 7: We are going to wear RED to celebrate “National Wear Red Day.” Show the world that you care about heart health by wearing your red hats, shirts, pants, neckties, scarves, roller-skates… whatever bold redness you want to wear, we want to see it on February 7. Rock that red!

Need some motivation? Think of someone you know who would be a lot happier if only his or her heart was healthier. You love that person. Wear red on February 7 for them.

Need MORE motivation? We’ll be giving away prizes! Your first chance to win will be on National Wear Red Day, February 7. Here’s how to enter:

  1. Post videos and/or photos on Instagram, Facebook, and/or TikTok (that’s right— Synergy is new to TikTok!) 
  2. Wear red 
  3. Show a Synergy logo somehow 
  4. Use these hashtags:
    #HeartHealthMonth #WearRedDay #SynergyWorldWide #EliteHealth #HealthBeginsWithHeart

Follow those four steps, and you’ll find yourself entered into the drawing. Multiple entries welcome, and multiple winners will be chosen! Show us your best Heart Health photos, videos, and smiles.

Speaking of social media: stay tuned to the Synergy channels throughout Heart Health Month. We’ll be sharing info, announcing webinars, hosting contests, and helping you to remember: HEALTH BEGINS WITH HEART.

#HeartHealthMonth #WearRedDay #SynergyWorldWide #EliteHealth #HealthBeginsWithHeart

Explore Chicago 2020

Explore Chicago 2020

Get ready for fun in the “City by the Lake.” That’s right — Synergy is headed to Chicago for the first North America event of the year. Join us as we see the sights, taste the cuisine, connect with our team, and recognize your magic in Chicagoland.

This “Explore Chicago” event will be a new milestone for Synergy, as we join our partners from Nature’s Sunshine (NSP) to create a bigger, better party. Synergy Team Members will combine with NSP managers for special tours, delicious meals, business celebrations, and more. One family. Three days. One great city. Many reasons to cheer.

Commit today to qualifying for the event!


Qualify for “Explore Chicago” to have your seat, your meals, your hotel, and your admission to every activity covered by Synergy. Here’s how you’ll do it, in the first quarter of 2020:
• Whatever title you held in December 2019 — maintain or surpass it in January, February and March 2020.
• Personally sponsor at least 6 new Team Members before the end of March.
• Help at least 3 of those new Team Members achieve the rank of Star before the end of March.
• Lastly, make sure you have 150 CV in TC1 volume each month from January to March.

In the words of Chicago legend Michael Jordan: “Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.” We invite each of you to make it happen— earn your spot, build your teams, and find your way to Explore Chicago with Synergy and Nature’s Sunshine!


• Qualification Period: January – March 2020
• Event Dates: July 9-11, 2020
• Event Features:
o   Group activities o   Recognition gala/dinner o   Nutrition presentations o   Business training o   Food, fun, friends and more!


• Explore Chicago is a 3-day trip
• This qualification is non-transferable
• Airfare is not included
• There is no monetary value associated with this qualification

Questions? Need to know your December 2019 pin level? Want to know more about deep-dish pizza? Contact our friendly customer service agents, standing by to help you Explore Chicago!

Here is a glimpse of what is in store for you in Chicago:

5 Ways to Reinforce Your Immune System for Winter

5 Ways to Reinforce Your Immune System for Winter

There are many speculations as to why people seem to start sniffling and coughing more often as soon as the cold air sets in. One Yale University study announced that cold wintry air weakens the nose’s immune defenses, allowing the bacteria and viruses lurking in every corner to more easily creep into your body.*

Prior to this study, many hypothesized that the increase in sickness had to do with more people staying indoors and sharing breathing space. While this theory might be partially true, it’s proven that cooler weather does have a crippling effect on immune systems. While there is no way to prevent winter from coming, there are ways to help the body fight against unwelcome intruders.

Load up on Vitamin C and D

While all vitamins play a role in health maintenance, Vitamin C and D are most notable for their ability to strengthen connective tissue in bones and attack the viruses themselves, both of which lead to fewer doctor visits in chilly months. Make sure to add citrus fruits to your daily diet for Vitamin C, and brave the cold to get some sunshine for a healthy dose of Vitamin D.

Cook with Herbs and Spices

Keep your spice rack stocked this winter. Studies show that garlic, ginger, black peppercorn, cayenne pepper, allspice, curry, and turmeric, all contain properties that strengthen immune defenses.

Maintain a Healthy Gut

The gastrointestinal tract houses a substantial part of the immune system. This being said, an important part of a strong immune system is strong digestive organs. A healthy diet and adequate sleep play a major role in a healthy gut, but probiotics, also known as “good bacteria,” are touted for supporting healthy gut function. Probiotics can be taken as a supplement, but are most commonly recognized as a component found in yogurt.

Eat, Drink, Sweat, Sleep, Repeat

Taking care of your immune system requires all of the same steps it takes to sustain total body wellness. Feed your body whole foods, choose water over soda, exercise moderately a few times per week, sleep 7-8 hours per night, and make each of these healthy choices habits.

Don’t stress!

Unfortunately, no one is immune to stress. However, the most dangerous type of stress that affects your body’s systems is chronic stress, or stress that results in high levels of the hormone cortisol. This stress hormone has a weakening effect on the immune system and can really put a damper on your winter plans. So remember to relax, don’t sweat the small stuff, and enjoy a flu-free, cold-free winter.

*Yale University study in January 2015

Synergy Kick-Off 2020 Webinar

Synergy Kick-Off 2020 Webinar

Thursday, January 9, 2020: Tune in for a special webinar this Thursday, as Synergy’s North America Sales Director, Debra Durfey, Synergy Founder, Dan Higginson, and President of North America, Eddie Silcock share an exciting event announcement for your teams. 

Synergy WorldWide is ready to party with YOU in 2020, and the destination is calling your name. We won’t spoil the surprise now, but here’s a hint: you’ll want to pack a few pairs of white socks and a windbreaker for this event. We hope to see you there!

Click Here to Register

Webinar Details

  • Date: Thursday, January 9
  • Time: 7 PM (MST)
  • Language: English

Can’t join online? Join by phone here: 415-930-5321 Access Code: 931-065-415
Mark those calendars and invite your teams— it’s 2020, the perfect time for Synergy!
NOTE: This webinar will feature presentation slides. For the best experience, we recommend you register today to join online. This webinar will be broadcast for educational purposes only. There will be no recordings published or distributed.

Nov. & Dec. Achievements 2019

Nov. & Dec. Achievements 2019

Wrapping up a wonderful 2019, we extend sincere congratulations to the hardworking Synergy Team Members sharing Elite Health across North America. In November and December of 2019, the men and women listed below advanced to new ranks of success in their business. It is our privilege to recognize them for the time and energy they have invested into reaching their goals, and helping people unlock their potential.

Please join us in congratulating the following Team Members across North America:

Team Leader
Brenda Olsen-Brown
Wandie Drake
Peter Burnett

Stacie Buist
Austin Buist
Peter Burnett

Dorothy Felker
Jurdaine Medina Benitez
Maria Nadal-cabral
Roberto De Chiaro
Silvia Flores
Stacie Buist
Austin Buist
Peter Burnett

Ashley Woods
Crystal Louviere
Maria Isabel Zamora
Maria Nadal-cabral
Natalie Flaviana Walle
Ruthsella Mc Den Boef-Martines
Melissa Sterner
Keisha Delcambre
Hortensio Castillo
Stacie Buist
Austin Buist
Peter Burnett

Alirio Hernandez
Belkis Pena Reyes
Clethus Archie
Doug Twede
Dr. Charles Waldron
Erika Rodriguez
George McClean
Hortensio Castillo
Jessica Lechuga
Leodegario I Reynoso
Maria Isabel Zamora
Maria Nadal-cabral
Mark Johnson
Melanie Vazquez
Mike Hurley
Naomi T. Bon Gomes
Norma Lopez
Rosa Gusman
Sean P. Morris
Susan Scibetta
Teresa Cuase
Vitelio De Jesus Llaverias Rodriguez
Junwon Choi
Aleksander Dobrukhin
John E M C Maxwell
T Brodan Scott
Mark Scuderi
Kevin Taylor
Jeffrey Mcgill
James Johnson
Jessie Johnson
Jessica Ward
Stacie Buist
Austin Buist
Peter Burnett

TOP RECRUITER Team Members with the most personally sponsored Tracking Centers

Bobby De Chiaro
Mike Hurley
Melissa Sterner
Maria Nadal-Cabral
Belkis Pena Reyes
Keisha Delcambre
Naomi T. Bon Gomes

TOP TEAM BUILDER Team Members with the most personally sponsored rank advancements

Charlene Burnett
O’Neil Cattnell
Bobby De Chiaro