Revitalize Your Morning Routine

Revitalize Your Morning Routine

The way you start your morning impacts the quality of your day. If you start out feeling stressed and anxious rather than rejuvenated, it may be a sign that you need to update your morning routine. Finding a routine that works for you can provide the boost you need to conquer the day ahead. Follow these quick tips to make the most out of your mornings:

Eat a Healthy Breakfast

Eating a good breakfast in the morning is essential to a healthy morning routine. For a perfectly balanced and delicious breakfast on-the-go, mix three scoops of SLMsmart Meal Replacement into 10 fl oz of milk or water. When you skip breakfast, your body reacts by conserving energy and slowing down your metabolism which causes you to have less energy throughout the day. Each person has different caloric needs, but it is important to eat something when starting out your day.

Start the Day with Exercise

First things first. Before beginning your morning exercise routine, rev up with ProArgi-9+ or e9. And remember, you don’t have to go for a 5-mile run every morning to boost your energy levels. Starting the morning with 20 minutes of yoga is all your body needs to re-energize upon waking from a good night’s sleep. Yoga is especially beneficial because it gets your heart rate up while simultaneously improving your flexibility, posture, balance, muscle tone, and endurance. Yoga is accessible to everyone, and with various levels of difficulty, everyone can find a yoga routine that works for them.

Read or Write

Before the day begins, sit down for a few minutes and write your thoughts and goals in a journal. Journal writing can help unload some of your stresses and ease your mind. Writing for just 10 minutes in the morning can help you focus on yourself, create self-awareness, and give you the opportunity to think about how you can best capitalize on your day.

If you don’t feel like writing, take a few minutes to read a few pages of a good book. Immerse yourself in the words of others and enjoy this peaceful time alone to jump-start your brain before you start your day.

Follow a Schedule

Following a morning schedule can help you maintain organization and focus. Perhaps you start with a quick yoga session, then take a shower and get ready, followed by a healthy breakfast. The important thing about a routine isn’t necessarily the order in which you do things, but rather defining and keeping that order to streamline your mornings and start the day with productive habits.

Introducing Synergy V3: Chlorophyll Edition

Introducing Synergy V3: Chlorophyll Edition

Synergy has a new V3 pack available! We are now offering V3: Chlorophyll Edition, featuring the cleansing power of Liquid Chlorophyll. WHY V3: CHLOROPHYLL EDITION? Each Synergy V3 System packs nutrition, power, and protection into your daily health regimen. Liquid Chlorophyll, along with its support of blood-cleansing functionality, works synergistically with ProArgi-9+ and Mistica for total body wellness, making it the perfect addition to V3. You can view more product details below with our helpful fact videos.
ABOUT V3: Never settle for infrequent or inferior nutrition. Use Synergy V3 to treat your mind and body to the best of what it needs. The benefits that come from systemized daily nutrition of this magnitude bolster the framework for ideal health.


For a limited-time only: Enjoy two of the Nature’s Sunshine best-sellers alongside Synergy’s V3: Chlorophyll Edition products. Now more than ever, the commonly known benefits of Zinc, and Vitamin C are in high demand. Stock up on yours along with the power of V3 today! Supplies are extremely limited, so act fast to claim yours.

Nature’s Sunshine, the parent company of Synergy WorldWide, has been providing dependable nutritionals for more than 48 years. Zinc and Vitamin C have been immensely popular for their natural ability to support human immune function, among other benefits. Zinc and Vitamin C supplements are always in demand, and always come in handy for Elite Health. We manufacture these tablets ourselves to guarantee potency, digestibility, and overall quality.

About Zinc, and Vitamin C from Nature’s Sunshine: 
Zinc is an essential trace mineral that supports immune function, and is used in hundreds of the body’s most important functions, including sugar metabolism, DNA formation, protein metabolism, bone development, and energy production.

Vitamin C benefits the body’s ability to defend itself and develop important tissues. These chewable, enjoyable tablets feature a time-release profile, so you can enjoy the prolonged benefits or this indispensable nutrient.

Not only is this a limited-time offer, it’s also a limited-supply offer. Only 300 kits are available for purchase and it’s first come, first served! Click here to order.

$150.00 Retail
$120.00 Wholesale
100 CV
Item# SU94998
Pack contains: Mistica, Liquid Chlorophyll, ProArgi-9+

$190.00 Retail
$140.00 Wholesale
110 CV
Item# SU95001
Pack contains: Mistica, Liquid Chlorophyll, ProArgi-9+, Zinc, Vitamin C.

New Call Schedule for May

New Call Schedule for May

With May right around the corner, we’re updating our North American Conference Call schedule. Starting May 5th, our calls are officially moving to Tuesday nights at 7:00 PM (MST). That means we’ll be having our first May call on Cinco De Mayo, so get ready to celebrate with virtual tacos and good company! 
As a reminder, these calls will continue to happen every week and help us continue to build our community at Synergy WorldWide. Throughout the month, we’ll be featuring a variety of Team Members and Synergy leadership, as well as including product training and additional compensation plan details.
We will also be posting information about each call to our Facebook group, so don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! We will make sure that you always know when a call is coming up on the schedule, and how to join it easily. 
REMINDER that TOMORROW we’ll host our last call for April. That’s Thursday, April 30th at 7:00 PM (MST). As May begins, the calls move to Tuesdays.
Simply click HERE or dial +1 (669) 900 6833
Meeting ID: 182 027 433
Dates: April 30, May 5, May 12, May 19, May 26…

We encourage you to set a reminder, invite your team, and get ready to participate in these calls.

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day!

Today we’re celebrating Earth Day and recognizing our amazing planet! The Earth provides us with incredible ingredients that enable us to make powerful products and enhance global health. 
Here at Synergy, we’re constantly on the search for the finest herbs and ingredients to use in creating our pure, potent products. For example, Metabolic LDL relies on bergamot oranges gathered from sun-kissed orchards in Italy. Likewise, we use carefully-harvested acai berries from the tall trees of South America, using their rich natural antioxidants to bolster our Mistica formula.
We’re equally passionate about partnering with suppliers who help maintain our high standards for purity and quality. As such, we only use the highest quality herbs from the most reputable growers on a season-to-season basis. This ensures that each ingredient is harvested when it is most potent and packed with vital nutrients. Nothing but excellence will do when it comes to the products you trust from Synergy.
We’re grateful for the amazing gifts that our planet provides us daily. By seeking the purest and most potent ingredients, we can maintain the nutritious integrity of our products. This guarantees that you receive the highest quality supplements that enable you to unlock your full potential and achieve Elite Health. 

Wednesday Webinar: “Enhancing Your Exercise”

Wednesday Webinar: “Enhancing Your Exercise”

Join us for a special webinar on Wednesday, April 22. Now, more than ever, we are learning to appreciate the value of exercise and the many ways it can help us. The experts at Synergy WorldWide are ready to help you make the most of your exercise efforts, just in time for summer. Listen to Dr. Noah Jenkins and Jake Rothfels as they share insights on a variety of fitness topics. 

This webinar will provide motivation to exercise, along with information to help make your exercises especially beneficial. Jake and Dr. Jenkins will also discuss the science behind a few Synergy products that will amplify your experience and results, allowing you to get the most out of each workout. Through their discussion, you’ll be ready to challenge yourself to become better, stronger, and healthier!



Date: Wednesday, April 22
Time: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Mountain Time
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 946 2358 8635
Meeting PASSWORD: 509420

Language: English
Can’t make it?:Stay tuned here for an alternative viewing schedule
NOTE: This webinar will feature presentation slides. For the best experience, we recommend you register today to join online. This webinar will be broadcast for educational purposes only. There will be no recordings published or distributed. This webinar is being broadcast with no intent to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or health condition. The content of this webinar will not be evaluated by the USFDA, nor by any governing body.

About Noah Jenkins, PhD.

Dr. Noah Jenkins is the Research and Development Manager at The Hughes Center for Research and Innovation. With a PhD in Molecular Biology from the University of Utah, Dr. Jenkins has an in-depth and complete understanding of the human body and the nutrition essential to a healthy life. He completed a three-year postdoctoral fellowship in Pediatric Neuro-oncology at the Huntsman Cancer Institute and a two-year postdoctoral fellowship in Pediatric Cardiology at the University Of Utah Department Of Molecular Medicine. He is the author of 14 peer-reviewed academic studies on several topics including melanoma, brain cancer, and cardiovascular disease.

As an athlete and exercise enthusiast, Dr. Jenkins strives to achieve Elite Health daily as a national-level competitor in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and an Olympic-style weight lifter. He leverages his education and passions as a member of the Hughes Center research team to help Synergy transform lives around the world.

About Jake Rothfels

Jake Rothfels is the Sr. Marketing Manager for Synergy WorldWide, and has been with the company for more than 7 years. As an athlete, Jake is an avid backcountry skier, obstacle course racer, and canyoneer, while often racing marathons and running mountain trails. His enthusiasm for fitness and health help to fuel Synergy WorldWide as he encourages friends to unlock their full potential and reach Elite Health.