Dr. Sandberg with his wife Dianne.


SPOTLIGHT: Dr. Jim Sandberg

Dr. Sandberg with his wife Dianne.

One of North America’s two newest Team Directors, Dr. Jim Sandberg is a man who finds it easy to be passionate about Synergy WorldWide. This passion, when combined with exemplary focus and confidence, has helped him a great deal and will continue to take him far in his business. From his home outside of Los Angeles, Dr. Sandberg was kind enough to spare some time for an interview, in which we spoke about his current momentum and some of the keys to his success.

About Dr. Jim Sandberg

The first thing you should know about Dr. Sandberg is that he is no stranger to health, fitness, nutrition or supplements. With an undergraduate degree in nutrition and a history of working with organizations including Mr. Olympia and Muscle & Fitness Magazine, this is one doctor who knows the value of quality supplementation.

“I was taking l-arginine before I knew about Synergy, because I’ve always known about how it stimulates Nitric Oxide. I’ve always worked with a lot of sports guys. I was always aware of a lot of supplements. But there is just nothing that even comes close to ProArgi-9+. That’s the crazy part. There’s not even a drug that comes close to this. With ProArgi-9+, there’s all this crazy stuff that we can heal. But on the sports market, you talk to so many people that work out and will spend hundredd if not thousands of dollars on different supplements, and they’ll do it even if it’s bad for them, even if it’s illegal, just to get a 1% bump, a 1% performance increase. But we can give them so much more than that, something so much better, it’s crazy. That’s why I’m doing this. Because it’s so easy to get fired up about it and no one knows about it. It’s just that good.”

About his Team Mentality

Dr. Sandberg is happy about his recent rank advancement, but when speaking with him, the noticeable excitement seemed to come when spoke about the success of his fellow Team Members. Perhaps this trait is the real key to his success.

“I’ve got guys like Bruce Lewandowski, Dr. Glenn Clearie, Dr. Douglas Pfeiffer, some of these guys that have only been involved since April, and now, just a couple weeks ago, they had 150 people at an event! Their volume is just going through the roof, they are having conference calls… these guys are doing some great things.”

Attending team events is another part of business building that Dr. Sandberg considers to be crucially important. While conversing about the recent event that he attended in Philadelphia, he said:

“It was a great event. If we are talking about events, the main reason my guys hosted the Pennsylvania event is because, back in April, when they went to the Business Builder Conference in Vegas, a light bulb came on in their heads. Before they were just kind of like ‘uh, I dunno. We kind of like the product, but we’ll see about the rest.’ But then they experience Vegas and BOOM. They started cranking it. They started kicking [tail]. Then they said ‘we want our own Vegas. They gave us education, they gave us motivation, training… we need to do that for our guys. We need to do our own Vegas.’ And they did it. They had their Vegas.”

Why Dr. Sandberg Attends Synergy Events

At Leadership Academy 2013 in Park City, UT.
“Every time I go I learn. The more you’re involved, the more you dive in and want to learn. You’re going to get better.  Attending events ties you in. It gets you more tied in with who we are, where we are going, what works, what doesn’t…  the events are cram courses in what we are doing.
You do that with anything that’s important, wouldn’t you? You go to your kids’ parent-teacher conference even though you are working with your kid everyday on his homework. You still  go, even if you hear about the things you’ve worked on every day, you still want to go hear from the teacher, see how he’s doing, increase the potential success. It’s the same kind of thing. The more involved you are, the more successful you are going to be.
I just heard Marty Holker say something he’s been saying for years, but at this past event I heard it a little differently, and it made me think about things a little bit different. It’s good for you. It plugs you into a system that’s been built for you.”
Confidence and Consistency
“It’s easy to do  this because I’m passionate about it. When you see what our product does, it’s pretty easy to get passionate about it. I think the passion and a little bit of working smart makes it pretty darn simple.
It doesn’t seem like work. I don’t ever feel like I’m pushing this on anybody, but I talk to a lot of people about it. All that I do is give people the information. I’ll talk to five guys today, and if they become distributors or if none of them even become customers, in the big scheme of things it won’t matter because I’m not going to do this for just one day. I’m going to be doing this everyday for the next three, four or five years. If I am consistent I will have success. I am never pushing on anyone, and no one ever feels like I’m pushing on them. But I talk to a lot of people and just ask ‘are you interested to know what I’ve been working with for the past couple of years?'”
The Need for Focus
“What I always try to explain to my team is this: You’ve got to have Synergy always somewhere in your vision. If it’s in the back of your head, you don’t see it very often, you don’t think about and you don’t do much. If it’s off to the side, off to the right, when you look to the right once in a while, you see it, you get a little involved and you get a little success.
If its straight out in front of you, no matter what you do all day long, you see it. All day long I’m involved in Synergy. When I go on my walks in the morning, I mean, I’m not doing work all the time, but I’m always thinking about it. So, on my walks, as I’m walking my dogs, I’m thinking about what I’m going to do, who I am gonna call, strategy, ideas… ‘What about this guy?’ ‘Why don’t I call him?’ ‘How can I get him motivated?’ …it’s always front and center, you know? I think you can use the same analogy for anything. If its important to you, it’ll be somewhere right in front of your vision and you’ll always be dealing with it.”
Dr. Jim Sandberg, Heading to Cancun with Synergy?
“I do want to go! I want to golf and do a little fishing and hang out with everyone. So, I’ll make sure I get the points.”
We hope to see Dr. Sandberg enjoying the beach with the rest of our Top 50 Challenge winners. Synergy is excited about his recent advancement, and we offer him a sincere “congratulations.” We are grateful for his time, his wise words, and for the great things he and his team will be accomplishing in the near future.

November 2013 Message from Howard Hannemann

November Message from Howard Hannemann

Aloha Synergy Team Members! What an amazing October! It may be getting colder outside, but Synergy North America is heating up!

A big “congratulations” goes out to our newest Team Directors, Dr. Jim Sandberg and Lee Edwards. Their advancement and accomplishment shows a tremendous commitment to not only their fellow Team Members, but also to the overall mission of Synergy in “Leaving a Legacy.”

All successful Synergy Team Members share one thing in common: they understand the value of providing support to their team. This new title that Lee and Jim have earned comes as other members of their teams advance to new ranks right along with them. Team Leaders, Gold, Silver, Bronze and Stars. It takes a team to succeed.

Jim and Lee understand that the key to success in this business is to “lead a large group of people to do a few simple actions consistently over a long period of time.” Ask yourself if you are doing the simple actions each day to grow your business. Are you helping your group to do those few simple actions each day? What are these simple actions? For starters, are you sharing your Synergy “why,” the reason you started your business? Perhaps you started your business to improve your lifestyle or your financial position. Maybe it was because you wanted to improve your health. Whatever the “why,” people want to hear it. Your personal experience is yours and it’s powerful. Share it every day!

My favorite part of attending our meetings throughout North America (and there were some great ones this past month) is hearing our Team Members share their own, unique Synergy story. They are impactful. They make me want to know more about the person and their business. Don’t stop sharing those stories!

We are now in the final two months of this year. The Synergy Advantage– our company, products, and opportunity–  is stronger than ever. Make the most of the extra incentives that run until the end of this year. Double your Fast Start Bonus. Hit new titles. Qualify for Cancun. Run hard and enjoy the benefits for years to come. Now is the time.

All the best,

Howard Hannemann
Director of Sales, Synergy Worldwide

Top 10 Winners for October 2013

Top 10 Winners for October

Congratulations to Steve & Roxanne Seely for coming in at #1 for October! These two leaders are maintaining a consistent rate of success and setting a good example for all North American Synergy business builders! Another big congratulations goes out to Barton & Sheila Lund for coming in as the #2 point earners in North America. We hope that the Lunds, the Seelys, and all of our Monthly Top 10 Winners enjoy their prizes and keep up the good work!

Take a look at the rest of the Top 10 and the points they earned last month:

September Top 10 Winners

Rank Name Points
1 Steve & Roxanee Seely 12015 iPad Mini
2 Barton & Sheila Lund 5263 iPad Mini
3 Joy & Richard Matwyshen 4835 Kindle Fire
4 Lee & Crystal Edwards 4357 Kindle Fire
5 John Delagrange 4058 Synergy Luggage
6 Melissa Larsen 3963 Synergy Luggage
7 Sandra L. Kerner 3858 iPod Nano
8 Cynthia Wiggins 3717 iPod Nano
9 Michael Katcher 3674 Synergy Backpack, SLMsmart Health Shake
10 Levi Troyer 3058 Synergy Backpack, SLMsmart Health Shake

Will you be on the November Top 10 Winners List? Remember, each month is a clean slate. As the year goes on, people are pushing hard to take home the prizes!

Cancun is approaching!
 The points you earn each month are accumulating, and at the end of 2013 the Top 50 point earners are going to find themselves qualified to enjoy a Cancun vacation together to celebrate a successful year*. There are still two months to qualify! Click here to learn all about Synergy’s Top 50 Challenge. 

See if you’ve made the list of the current Cumulative Top 50 >>

November 2013 Open House

November Open House


Synergy WorldWide invites you to bring your guests and join us for this month’s Open House on Friday, November 15.

Attend this month’s Open House and learn all about Synergy’s Product Advantage as it maintains the strictest manufacturing standards in the industry. You will hear from Lamar Wiscombe, Director of Product Strategy & Programs, as he explains what sets the Synergy product line apart from the rest. You’ll also hear from Synergy’s executive team and experienced Team Member leaders who are experiencing tremendous success sharing this opportunity.

At 1:00 p.m. the Open House begins with a tour of our manufacturing facility located in Spanish Fork, UT. Here you will get a firsthand look at the step-by-step manufacturing process behind Synergy’s incredible products.

Following the tour, the afternoon will be filled with information to help you and your guests understand the Synergy Advantage from a company, product, and opportunity standpoint.

Click here for a detailed Open House agenda >>

Remember: The day after the Open House, Synergy will be hosting Gold Camp on November 16. For Gold Camp registration click here.

Subscribe to the Blog for Prizes and Updates

Subscribe to the Blog for Prizes and Updates

Have you subscribed to this blog yet? Let Synergy updates come directly to your inbox. Subscribing to this blog is the easiest way to get Synergy news each week, and you won’t miss out on any posts.
For simply subscribing to Synergy Central (Synergy’s North American blog), you will have the opportunity to win a Synergy business kit—a Synergy branded messenger bag loaded with some of our most popular Synergy merchandise! Two subscribers from North America —one in November and one in December—will be randomly selected to win this great prize.

Here is what you could win:
·        Black messenger bag
·        Padfolio notebook
·        Water bottle & blender bottle
·        Black Synergy hat
·        White & blue Synergy pens
·        Synergy pin
Don’t know how to subscribe? It’s easy. Look at the toolbar on the right side of this blog and find the widget that says “Subscribe to the blog.” Enter your email address into the space provided and click the “subscribe” button. If you need additional help, please contact Synergy Customer Service.
What happens when you subscribe? Each time a blog post is published, a notification will appear in your email inbox. This way you will never miss a beat! You can be one of the first Team Members to read up on the newest rank advancements, exciting promotions and upcoming events. Being a subscriber is the easiest and most effective way to stay internationally connected to Synergy.

This promotion will only be available through December 31, so subscribe today!