Memorial Day 2014 Hours

Memorial Day Hours

On Monday, May 26 2014, Synergy WorldWide headquarters and the corporate store will be closed in commemoration of Memorial Day.

Customer Service will remain open from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Mountain Time to assist you with your business needs. In addition, orders can also be placed through Pulse.

In advance, we thank you for your understanding and wish everyone a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day weekend! Any questions can be directed to Customer Service at (801) 769-7800.

Dan Vs. Dan Finale!

Dan Vs. Dan Finale!

Three months ago, Synergy Founder Dan Higginson challenged one of his closest friends to a healthy weight-loss competition. That close friend is Dan Norman, President of Synergy WorldWide. The two Dans shook hands and put $1000 on the line to motivate each other to drop fat using the SLMsmart Health Shake.

Each Dan started at over 250 pounds. Each faced a busy schedule filled with travel, business lunches and
opportunities to eat large amounts of food. Within the 90 day challenge period, neither Dan H. nor Dan N. starved himself. Neither adhered to a super-detailed, ultra-strict diet plan. Neither worked with a personal trainer.

At the end of the 90 days, the two Dans lost a combined 82 pounds!

The Winner
In front of over 300 Business Builder Conference attendees, each Dan removed his shoes and suit coat to step on the scale at the center of the stage. With a starting weight of 258 and a final weight of 214, Dan Higginson was declared the Official Winner of the Dan Vs. Dan Smart Switch Challenge!

Congratulations to Mr. Higginson, who lost a total of 44 pounds in 90 days!

Though Dan Norman may have lost the bet, he was
all smiles as the scale showed that he had gone from 266 to 228, a total weight loss of 38 pounds. Right there on the conference stage, he took ten $100 bills from his pocket and placed them in Dan Higginson’s hand, one by one.

That money didn’t stay in his hand for long. In fact, it was soon shared with several people that were called from the crowd to join Dan and Dan on stage. These people were the top participants in the Smart Switch Challenge. They had regularly submitted challenge forms online and shared their progress with Synergy as they replaced meals with Health Shake.

Mike Kentrolis had lost over 65 pounds! Steve Eastman has lost 90 so far! Jill Carlson began the challenge in April and had lost 43.5 pounds! Sandra Vincent lost 28, and Kalynn Smestad (who wow’ed the BBC crowd with a beautiful vocal solo) has lost 35 so far! Dan Higginson handed each of them $200 dollars from his winnings to thank them for sharing their success.

SLMsmart Success
The SLMsmart product line is based on proven science and is simple to make a part of your life. Synergy encourages anyone who wants to effectively manage their weight to put SLMsmart to the test.

Dan and Dan were able to lose plenty of fat by simply replacing many of their regular breakfasts with Health Shake. Occasionally they would substitute a lunch with Health Shake as well. Dan Higginson found more success than Dan Norman by incorporating exercise into his daily routine (exercise is always a smart decision and is strongly encouraged by the SLMsmart formulators) and staying away from sugary snacks.

Every person that entered the Smart Switch Challenge saw weight loss and other fantastic benefits by regularly switching their breakfasts and/or lunches to Health Shake. Those that made that switch and also chose to exercise and skip unhealthy snacks saw the best results. You can achieve whatever weight-management goals you set your mind to. Let SLMsmart give you the power to do it right and to make it simple.

For more information about how you can see results with the help of these products, visit

May 2014 Synergy WorldWide Corp Update Call

Big Wednesday: May 21

“Big Wednesday” is the title of one of Howard Hannemann’s favorite surf movies from the 70’s. It’s also our title for next Wednesday, May 21st! Here are the two BIG reasons to look forward to Wednesday of next week:


Join Director of Sales Howard Hannemann and Synergy Founder Dan Higginson for this month’s call. These two will be joined by Pearl Executive Marty Holker, the talented leader that delivered one of the most impactful and talked-about BBC presentations. Marty will address the “21 Day Challenge” that he introduced at the conference, and you’ll hear what Dan Higginson has been doing to make that program a part of his life.

To Join the Call:
Phone: 1-800-832-4695
Pin: 8908#
Time: 7 PM Mountain Time

These monthly update calls are a great way to get the latest news and information from Synergy HQ. Join us on the third Wednesday of each month to stay connected. The information you gather from these calls can be used for the benefit your business and your team.


Will you be in the Dallas area next Wednesday? Do you have contacts who will be? If the answer to either of these questions is yes, mark this event on your calendar right away!

This event will featuring special guest presenter Mark Comer, Double Presidential Executive and one of Synergy’s top earners. Director of Sales Howard Hannemann is also on board to speak at this event. He plans to take the stage after conducting the Corporate Update Call! Talk about a Big Wednesday!

This event will begin at 7 PM at the Hilton Garden Inn Hotel. If you have questions about this meeting, call Juan Carlos at (818) 298-5120. Note that the content of this meeting will accommodate both Spanish and English language speakers.

BBC 2014 Photos

BBC 2014 Photos

The 2014 Business Builder Conference was an exciting and important event for North American Team Members. Enthusiastic people flew into Utah from all over the US and Canada, ready to learn, socialize and celebrate. It all started with hands-on workshops at our Manufacturing Facility, followed by the glamorous Recognition Evening on Friday night. The next day completed the conference with two power-packed sessions of trainings and special presentations. The dynamic speakers delivered advice, motivation and helpful information. Conference attendees enjoyed entertainment, delicious food and an energetic atmosphere surrounding the two days of focused education. The best part of the whole conference: the smiling Team Members of Synergy North America!

Select from the two albums (below) to see a few of the many great moments from the 2014 Business Builder Conference, and don’t forget to check out the great Recap Video if you haven’t seen it yet.

BBC 2014 Photo Wall
BBC 2014 Event Photos

2014 Business Builder Conference Recap Video

2014 Business Builder Conference Recap Video

Thank you to all who came!
This year’s Business Builder Conference was a terrific success. We send our thanks to the many Team Members, leaders and guests that made it so memorable and powerful. As a company we have much to celebrate, and we’re glad we were able to do so with you!

Photos coming soon!