ProArgi-9+ Wins Prestigious Award in Poland

ProArgi-9+ Wins Prestigious Award in Poland

In April of this year, a distinguished body of Poland’s top health and medical professionals gathered for an annual program known as the Golden Otis Award Ceremony. At this ceremony, Mr. Radek Baszynski, Synergy WorldWide’s General Manager of Poland & Czech Republic, accepted the Golden Otis Award of Trust on behalf of our company.

The Golden Otis organization honored Synergy with this award in recognition of ProArgi-9+ as a quality product, highly trusted by polled professionals, consumers and patients across Poland. The science and effectiveness of ProArgi-9+ was declared by this organization to be not-only trusted, but also “needed” by men and women around the world.

“The Golden Otis Award of Trust 2014, that we are receiving today,” said Baszynski, “stands as yet another confirmation of the quality of our products. I am extremely happy to receive this award. It gives us an even stronger motivation to search for the best solutions as far as health and nutrition are concerned.”

Mr. Pawel Krus, the Chapter Chairman of the Golden Otis Organization, noted that this award “is the biggest and oldest consumer award in Poland,” said Pawel Krus, Chapter Chairman of the Golden Otis Organization.

We at Synergy WorldWide extend our sincere thanks to the Golden Otis Organization for recognizing our commitment to health and quality, and for honoring us with this fantastic award.

May 2014 Activity Bonus Report

May Activity Bonus Report

The Activity Bonus Program is now starting its 5th month- and many Team Members across North America are working hard and earning the extra cash bonuses. By finding new customers and distributors, these Team Members are earning Personal Activity Bonuses month after month. Synergy WorldWide is delighted to recognize and reward them for these efforts.

“We’d like to give special recognition to Trudy Northcutt and Lee Edwards,” said North America’s General Manager Howard Hannemann. “Trudy has actually earned her DAB three months in a row! Way to go Trudy. You are setting a great example for all of us.”

“We’ve got to remember how important these duplication activities are,” continued Howard. “Duplication means so much more to a person’s business. It doesn’t matter what works— it only matters what duplicates. Finding new customers and recruiting new Team Members every month is basic. Helping those new Team Members in your downline to do the same thing? That’s what will make someone a leader. That’s what will create Synergy’s next Million Dollar Club member. Duplication is the secret to success. It’s tough, but it should be a goal for anyone that wants to see bigger numbers on their check. Make sure you are doing the activities that can be duplicated by each person in your group. Use the tools that are available.”


Trudy Northcutt

Her third consecutive month of earning a DAB! Trudy and her mother Kaye have caught the vision of the Activity Bonus Program and are making serious efforts to capitalize on it. As Kaye told Synergy back in March, “there is fun stuff going on right now in the business with these bonuses. Now is the time to sign up and get going.”

Lee & Crystal Edwards

No stranger to achievement, Lee decided to stack his first DAB onto his third consecutive month of earning a PAB. “I wanted to make sure it was possible [to earn a DAB],” said Lee, “and it is possible, and it’s not an overwhelming task. I bet a lot of people are actually close to earning it without even realizing it. It just takes a little more focused effort to achieve it. Now I want to continue earning it from here on out.”


These Team Members are on a roll! Congratulations to all of these men and women for maintaining such valuable momentum and earning an ever-increasing bonus.

Carol Priem Barton Lund Nancy Kerbs
John Richards Leslie Kentrolis Marie Chippie
Ed Wertz Connie Nielsen Willa Holgate
Dr. Bruce Lewandowski Gerri Bingham Joy and Richard Matwyshen
Cliff Rosang


Pete Miller Trudy Northcutt Michelle Duncan
Lee & Crystal Edwards Lachelle Lopez


Dan Hammer Mark Comer Lor Pace


Sherry Burns Joe Goff Jamie Christensen Esdras Avila

We congratulate those who earned these bonuses in May and we are especially excited for the success that lies ahead for those who continue these habits.

May 2014 Top 10 Winners

May Top 10 Winners

May was a great month for Synergy North America. It was the month of our very successful Business Builder Conference (see the recap video here), it was the beginning of a productive summer season, and it was a big month for many of our Top 50 Challengers.

Congratulations to Double Presidential Executive Mark Comer for a fantastic month. He may be one of Synergy’s top earners, but he doesn’t just sit back and cash checks! Mark was extremely engaged in May, doing the business building activities that grow his business and earn Top 50 Challenge points. Mark took first place in May, just above Buak Su Kwak who came in at second.

A big congrats to Mark and Buak, along with the rest of April’s top point earners! We hope you will enjoy the prizes you have earned, and that you continue to achieve great things throughout 2014. Don’t forget, all these points are adding up to get you to Los Cabos, Mexico!


Rank Name Points
1 Mark Comer 5535 iPAD MINI
2 Buak Su Kwak 4330 KINDLE FIRE HD
4 Steve Johnson 3065 CAMERA
5 Marty & Heather Holker 2676 $100 SYNERGY STORE GIFT CERTIFICATE
6 Tammy & Luis Rodriguez 2512 SYNERGY WATCH
9 Dan Hammer 1889 iPOD SHUFFLE
10 Stephanie Phillips 1865 iPOD SHUFFLE

Cumulative Top 50

In addition to our monthly list of winners, a yearly cumulative list is available here. Check back often to see your progress (the list is updated weekly).

Remember, as you accumulate points throughout the year you can qualify for a fantastic vacation in CABO!!! That’s right, we’re taking our Top 50 Team Members to Los Cabos Mexico to stay in an amazing all-inclusive resort. For more details about that trip and what it takes to get there, click here.

To see all those currently leading, check the live leaderboard here on the blog by selecting “Top 50” on the above menu, or simply click here.

For complete details and information on Synergy’s Top 50 Challenge, click here.



A Tribute to William Martin, 1969-2014

A Tribute to William Martin, 1969-2014

William Martin, an exemplary leader, co-worker and friend, passed away after bravely fighting a long battle with cancer. Will was Synergy WorldWide’s first-ever Presidential in Europe, and was instrumental in making Synergy Europe the flourishing market it is today.

During his 10 years with Synergy WorldWide, Will blessed countless lives with his work ethic, humor and remarkable kindness. His life was the epitome of Synergy’s mission to Leave a Legacy. He truly left a legacy to his loved ones and the entire Synergy family, a legacy that will be remembered and replicated for decades to come.

“There is nobody in Synergy that left a more incredible example of what it means to Leave a Legacy,” said Synergy founder Dan Higginson, a close friend to Will. “You smiled, you brightened everybody’s day. You taught people how to believe and believe in themselves. You taught people how to overcome challenges … you’re an incredible individual that taught people how to live like they were dying.”

Will is highly regarded by Synergy executives, Synergy leaders and distributors all over the world as not only a friend, but a mentor. He understood the importance of goals and dreams, and taught everyone around him to aim for their highest ambitions.

“Will exemplified Leave a Legacy through the integrity, the love, the passion and the courage that it takes to live life to its fullest,” said Dianne Leavitt, Double Presidential. “There is no question I am better because Will has shown me how to be. I send all my love and deepest thanks to Will for showing me and the entire Synergy family how to truly live.”

On behalf of the entire Synergy family, it was an honor and a privilege to know William Martin, and he will be greatly missed by all. We extend our love to his family, and know that because he truly did Leave a Legacy for thousands to follow, he will always be with us in spirit.

“I believe firmly that we are going to create the largest and the biggest network marketing company on this planet. We have all the ingredients. We have the products, we have the corporate staff behind us, and most of all, we have the leadership in the field, and that’s you guys. We’re going to take this business to the top; it’s going to rock. We’re going to have the ride of our lives. It’s going to go with or without us. Now, let’s go make sure it’s with us.” – William Martin

Customer Rewards Program

Customer Rewards Program

We greatly value our customers, and next week we’re launching a program that proves it. Synergy WorldWide is proudly to introduce this new program designed to generously reward our customers for choosing and sharing our world-class quality products. Here’s how it works:

Purchase products—Get points
The customer receives reward points based on each dollar spent.
Every customer purchase results in a point total matching 50% of each dollar spent. For example, a $70 purchase will earn the customer 35 points, and a $100 purchase earns 50.

Have your products Autoshipped—Get MORE points
The longer you participate the greater the rewards!
When you purchase products on Autoship, the 50% point match will increase with each consecutive month as shown below:

Refer new customers—Get A LOT of points
Receive points for each new customer that lists your name upon placing an order.
Every new customer’s purchase results in points for the referring customer. These points will match 100% of each dollar they spend in their first three months. For example, a $70 purchase will earn the referring customer 70 points, and a $100 purchase earns 100.

Redeem your points for FREE Synergy Products
You’ll be surprised at how quickly your points add up. Each time you place an order or refer a friend you’ll find free products are suddenly within reach. Obtain free products by redeeming Customer Reward points via the Customer Rewards hotline (801) 769-7860, or by visiting the Customer Rewards website (coming soon).


  • Jill begins buying two units of ProArgi-9+ every month on Autoship for $120
  • Jill stays on Autoship and her bonus point percentage increases
  • By month 7, Jill will have earned 558 points, enough for two FREE units of ProArgi-9+


  • Joe buys a $70 unit of ProArgi-9+ on Autoship
  • Three of Joe’s new customers buy 1 unit each
  • Joe has earned 252 points, enough for one FREE unit of ProArgi-9+


  • Reward points are valid to redeem for any of Synergy’s premium products
  • Points remain valid for 12 months from date of last purchase
  • Exclusive Customer Rewards hotline for questions and order assistance
To see the complete list of products available as points are redeemed, along with the points required for each product, download the Customer Rewards Program flyer.
Download Flyer


The Customer Rewards program is only available for Synergy Preferred Customers enrolled in the Customer Rewards Program. Synergy Team Members do not earn customer rewards points. Rewards Points can be redeemed once a cumulative purchase total of $100 has been made. Applicable shipping and handling will be charged at the time of redemption. Product points/credits have no cash redemption value and are non-transferable. Autoship changes or Customer Rewards order cancellations must occur by telephone with a Customer Service agent at (801) 769-7860. For product returns awarded using Customer Rewards Points, the corresponding Customer Rewards points will be deducted from your banked points. If no remaining points are available the distributor price of the product will be charged to your account. Redemption points are determined by Synergy Worldwide and are subject to change without prior notice. If a Customer becomes a Distributor, they retain their previously accumulated points and have 90 days to redeem them. If a customer becomes a Team Member, any other customers whom they referred carry over to be personally sponsored as pre ered customers of the new Team Member. Points remain valid for twelve months from the date of your last order. A customer is considered a “new customer” for the first 3 months following their initial purchase.