August 2014 Cardio Call

August Cardio Call

Join us tonight, Wednesday, August 13, 2014, for a special edition of our monthly Cardio Call. Due to scheduling conflicts with our Medial Advisory Board, we’ll be taking a slightly different approach.

Hosted by Jake Rothfels, Synergy North America’s Marketing Manager, this call will feature some of the best statements made by Medical Advisory Board members on previous Cardio Calls. We encourage you  to invite your guests and tune in as we highlight information shared on previous calls to teach and educate on the benefits of ProArgi-9+.

Cardio Call Instructions 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Time: 7:00 PM MDT

Dial: 1-800-832-4695
Pin: 8908#

July 2014 Recognition Report

JULY 2014
Congratulations to the following Team Members throughout the United States and Canada. Thank you for your efforts, accomplishments and examples.

Rank Advancements

Team Leader
Blake & Peggy Cale
Margie Dean
Lara Drulle

Ronald Johnston
Jonnalee Black

Donald Bergagard
Emily E. Dean
William Bruce Jr.
Emilia Eiras
Airel C. Chadburn

See the complete July 2014 Rank Advancement List>>>

Top Recruiters 
Top North American Team Members (in order) that personally sponsored the most new Team Members

William Bruce, Jr.
Chris Chadburn
David Davidson
Gwen Brown
Linda Quinn
Dan Schellkopf
Melissa Larsen

Top Team Builders
Team Members (in order) with the most personally sponsored rank advancements

Margie Dean
David Johnston & Tommy Bethards
Brent Burnett
Tonya Curtis
Dr. Delores Richmond
Shelby Evans
Chris Chadburn
Lara Drulle
KC Michigan Group, Inc.
Bart Woodcook
Elizabeth Ann Troyer
William Bruce Jr.

Top 50 Challenge Monthly Winners
The top 10 point earners of the month

  1. Margie Dean
  2. Chris Chadburn
  3. William Bruce Jr.
  4. Lara Drulle
  5. Brent Burnett
  6. Pamela Krajnik
  7. Shawna Chapman
  8. Lee & Crystal Edwards
  9. Melissa Larsen
  10. Mark Comer
Activity Bonus Earners
To see the list of Duplication and Activity Bonus earners, click here. For more information on this program, click here.

2014 New Pearl Executive: Yumiko Murashima

New Pearl Executive: Yumiko Murashima

Congratulations to Ms. Yumiko Murashima, Synergy Japan’s newest Pearl Executive Team Member.

This remarkable woman began leaving a legacy in 2005 when she joined Synergy in her home country of Japan. Today she leads a large, active team in the western part of the country.

Before joining Synergy, Murashima had been a part of various network marketing companies for approximately 17 years. According to her, joining Synergy WorldWide has brought that 17 year journey to an end. Based on her experiences, the decision to join Synergy was originally very difficult, but it was the potential made possible by Synergy’s compensation plan that ultimately convinced her to be a part of our Team.

“These compensation plans provide the opportunity of success for everyone,” said Murashima. “It is quite timely. The memory of many of my friends’ faces flashed across my mind one after another. I thought I had to tell all of them about Synergy.”

Murashima’s team, which she named “D.L.Brave,” has been rapidly grown as unique seminars have regularly been held to support newcomers. “D.L.Brave” means “D of Dream, L of Love and Brave of Bravery.” Murashima said “others don’t understand anything if we talk without dreams and love. On the other hand, we cannot fully convey anything without bravery. If we fail to carry out one of these three elements, our activity would become just work.”

Again we congratulate Yumiko Murashima for this great accomplishment. Her steady activity and sincere efforts have been a fantastic example for Team Members throughout Japan and across the world. We wish her continued success as a Pearl Executive and beyond.

July 2014 Activity Bonus Report

July Activity Bonus Report

Many amazing Team Members worked hard last month to earn their Activity Bonuses. Each bonus meant extra cash for all of them, but that’s only the beginning. These men and women saw increases in their TOP 50 Challenge points for each bonus they earned, getting them big steps closer to an exciting Cabo vacation with Synergy.

We would like to give a special shout-out to those who earned the Duplication Activity Bonus (DAB) last month. This is the essence of successful network marketing, especially with the Mega-Match compensation plan on your side, ready to forever reward you for team-building and duplication.


Lee & Crystal Edwards
This is the second DAB for this wonderful couple. Lee & Crystal have also earned a PAB four months in a row. Guess what… these efforts are paying off in more ways than just the bonus cash. They have qualified to head to Cabo in November and they’ve strengthened a foundation of income that will enable them to continue leaving a legacy for years to come. So when it starts snowing in their Utah home town, you’ll find them on the beach in Mexico.

Shawna McAusland Chapman
Shawna is one hard-working lady! She and her husband Greg have been headquartered in beautiful Florida helping people enhance their health and developing correct business building practices. Like a select group of Synergy leaders (and the author of this post), Shawna is a fan of the Superbowl-winning Seattle Seahawks. She obviously has remarkable taste and a passion for winning. We look forward to more success for Shawna in Pensacola!

Lara Drulle
Earning a DAB is no easy task. Thankfully, Lara Drulle can do hard things. She’s building in the Garden State and is ready to help hundreds of New Jersey locals transform their lives. Lara is only a few points away from qualifying for the Cabo vacation and we’re confident she’ll get those taken care of soon. So Lara, if you are reading this, keep up the good work, take care of those last few points, and we’ll see you on the beach this November!


Six months in a row— This is a very big deal! We commend each of these Team Members for maintaining such valuable momentum and earning an ever-increasing bonus.

Carol Priem Barton Lund Nancy Kerbs
Ed Wertz Leslie Kentrolis Cliff Rosang
Joy and Richard Matwyshen Connie Nielsen Gerri Bingham


Pete Miller Lee & Crystal Edwards Michelle Duncan


Dan Hammer Mark Comer Lor Pace


Emilia Eiras Brian Holt


Pamela Krajnik Mary I Crystal Dr. Bruce Lewandowski
Dan Schellkopf Joanne M. Clancy Laurie K Kuhnle
Shawna McAusland Chapman Lara Drulle

We congratulate these Team Members for earning their July Activity Bonuses.We are especially excited for the success that lies ahead for those who continue these habits and teach those they sponsor to duplicate them.

July 2014 Top 10 Winners

July Top 10 Winners

With the recent announcement of more points being awarded to Activity Bonus earners, the competition was fierce for July’s monthly prizes! We expect even more excitement throughout this month and into September as well.

Congratulations to Margie Dean for claiming July’s #1 spot and earning herself a new iPad Mini! Chris Chadburn took second with William Bruce Jr. just behind him. Congrats to these folks and all of July’s prize winners.


Rank Name Points
1 Margie Dean 6105 iPAD MINI
2 Chris Chadburn 5915 KINDLE FIRE HD
3 William Bruce jr. 5408 JAWBONE BLUETOOTH SPEAKER
4 Lara Drulle 4850 CAMERA
6 Pamela Krajnik 4226 SYNERGY WATCH
8 Lee & Crystal Edwards 3977 SYNERGY DUFFEL + HEALTH SHAKE
9 Melissa Larsen 3955 iPOD SHUFFLE
10 Mark Comer 3096 iPOD SHUFFLE

Don’t forget, all these points are adding up to qualify Team Members for a glorious vacation in Los Cabos, Mexico!
Cumulative Top 50

In addition to our monthly list of winners, a yearly cumulative list is available here. Check back often to see your progress (the list is updated weekly).

Remember, as you accumulate points throughout the year you can qualify for a fantastic vacation in CABO!!! That’s right, we’re taking our Top 50 Team Members to Los Cabos Mexico to stay in an amazing all-inclusive resort. For more details about that trip and what it takes to get there, click here.

To see all those currently leading, check the live leaderboard here on the blog by selecting “Top 50” on the above menu, or simply click here.

For complete details and information on Synergy’s Top 50 Challenge, click here.