2018 Title Plus

2018 Title Plus

The exciting Title Plus promotion rewards you with extra cash as you achieve and maintain new titles!

Title Plus, the most successful promotion in Synergy North America’s history, is back for 2018. Through this promotion, not only will Team Members earn cash for achieving and maintaining new titles, they will unlock added bonuses as they become Elite Honors qualified.

PROMOTION TIMELINE: January 1–December 31, 2018

Team Members have the potential to earn up to tens of thousands of dollars in Title Plus bonuses! Here’s how:

Achieve a new title. Maintain that title. Qualify for Elite Honors at least once.

The higher the rank achieved, the bigger the bonus!

  • The first month a Team Member hits a new title, he or she will earn the “monthly amount” specified above for that title. For example, a new Bronze would earn $50.
  • If the Team Member maintains the new title the following month, he or she will earn the monthly amount for a second time. For a Bronze, this is an additional $50.
  • If the Team Member maintains the title for three consecutive months, Synergy will pay the monthly amount for the third time. For a Bronze, this would be another $50, which bring the total to $150!
  • If the Team Member is Elite Honors qualified in at least one of those three consecutive months, he or she will earn the Matching Bonus of $150, which doubles total earnings. This would equal $300 total for Bronze so far!
  • Becoming Elite Honors qualified unlocks the potential to earn both the Matching Bonus and “Fourth Month” bonus.
  • If the Team Member maintains the Bronze title for a fourth month, he or she will earn the larger “Fourth Month” bonus of $200.

For achieving the Bronze title, maintaining that title for four months, and becoming Elite Honors qualified at least once in the first three months, a Team Member can earn up to $500 with Title Plus!
And it gets even better:

Team Members who achieve more than one title in any given month will receive the sum of the monthly amount earned for each new title achieved.

When a Team Member hits multiple titles in the same month …

Example: Jennifer rank advances from a Bronze to a Team Leader in March. She receives the $75 Silver bonus, $100 Gold bonus, and $200 Team Leader bonus for a total of $375 in Title Plus bonuses the first month.

She then maintains the Team Leader title in both April and May, earning the monthly $75, $100 and $200 bonuses two more times each. Jennifer became Elite Honors qualified in April, which made her eligible to earn the three Matching Bonuses, one for each level, and the Fourth Month bonus. She then maintained the Team Leader title in June, earning Fourth Month bonuses for the Silver, Gold and Team Leader levels.

Grand Total: $3,750!

When a Team Member hits multiple titles in the same year …

Example: Peter achieved Silver and qualified for Elite Honors in January. He maintained that title in February, March, and April, thereby earning $750, the maximum Title Plus bonus amount at the Silver level.

Two months later, in July, he ranked advanced to the Gold title. He maintains the Gold title in August, September, and October and is Elite Honors qualified every month. He receives the maximum $1,000 Title Plus amount for achieving and maintaining the Gold title.

Annual Grand Total: $1,750


  • Advancing to a second new rank will never keep you from earning the second, third, fourth and matching bonuses of a first new rank. It only helps you as your Title Plus bonuses compound.
  • You are paid bonuses for consecutive periods of rank maintenance after achieving a new title. Keep up your good work!

These Title Plus bonuses add significantly to the earning potential of our Team Members. Those who are dedicated to rising in the ranks of Synergy Team Membership will not only enjoy the cash from Title Plus, but also all the other commissions, mega-match bonuses and other earnings that come naturally along with a growing business.

Rank advancing to a new title is a major achievement and a symbol of your Synergy WorldWide success overall. With the Title Plus promotion, we aim to help Team Members feel as appreciated and valued as they truly are. We look forward to giving big rewards to growth at every level through Title Plus!



Synergy WorldWide is happy to announce an update to the Elite Honors program for 2018. Get ready for more recognition, more benefits, and more reasons to become Elite!

The Elite Honors program rewards Team Members each month for their business building efforts. The more times you qualify, the more rewards you’ll earn.


In one month:

  • Accumulate a minimum of 600 CV in TC 1 volume
  • NEW: Personally sponsor someone with a minimum of 150 CV in Activation Volume.

Team Members who successfully sponsor at least one new Team Member each month are Elite business builders! We look forward to shining a spotlight on these individuals throughout the year.


Based on the number of months/times you qualify in 2018, here is what could be yours:

Blog recognition

Blog recognition + unique Elite Honors pin + $100 product credit

Blog recognition + $200 product credit

Blog recognition + $300 product credit

Blog recognition + Elite Honors crystal + $400 product credit

This will undoubtedly be a fantastic year for team building and for Elite Honors! We look forward to recognizing you with the credit you deserve.



Starting today, receive TWO FREE BOXES of BIOME DTX with the purchase TWO PURIFY KITS!

We can’t think of a better time to Purify than the beginning of a new year. No matter what your health goals are for 2018, the first part of you to consider should be your microbiome.

The Purify Kit includes a one-week supply of clinically formulated nutrition for the microbiome. With the extended supply of Biome DTX, you can continue to detox, cleanse and maintain a balance in your ‘biome.

Never underestimate the importance of a support system. Studies suggest that having a partner, a friend, a family member or a mentor to support you can dramatically increase your chance of reaching a goal. For those who truly wish to succeed in 2018, choose to have a Purify Partner supporting you along the way.

So take advantage of this special to get two Purify Kits, with two extra supplies of Biome DTX— one for you, and one for your Purify Partner. Each of you can take control of your health this year and begin the rewarding journey towards achieving Elite Health.

With the powerful and effective products of the Purify Kit followed by the daily detoxifying components of Biome DTX, 2018 will surely be the beginnings of a healthier, happier you!

Act fast, as this promotion goes through January, and it will be over before you know it!
Questions? Contact customer service at (801) 769-7800.

Ready for some style in 2018? Purchase this special and take the Purify Pledge to get an exclusive Purify t-shirt to show the world just how “pure” you are. Make sure your Purify Partner visits the pledge page too!

Your Video Invitation to the 2018 Digital Kickoff

Your Video Invitation to the 2018 Digital Kickoff

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9v_EKbn-2o]

Join us on January 4 at 7 PM (MST) to learn about new promotions, new bonus programs, new destination rewards, business building opportunities, and ways to optimize your Synergy business in 2018! For more details, click here.

Happy Holidays from Synergy WorldWide

Happy Holidays from Synergy WorldWide

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJXDXCr1N_0]