Synergy Founder to Present at Open House

Synergy Founder to Present at Open House

This Friday’s Open House is primed to be one of our best yet. Based on feedback from many who attended January’s Open House, we have decided to again follow the new format featuring a powerful panel of speakers and trainers along with the guided tours.

January’s event hosted one of our biggest ever Open House crowds. These wonderful guests heard from a panel of speakers that included Double Presidential Executive Dianne Leavitt and Presidential Executives Rudy Pedroza and Paul Blad among others. These three accomplished business builders will be joining us again this weekend to share proven advice and their own impressive Synergy stories.

For the first time in 2014, this weekend’s event will also feature Synergy Founder Dan Higginson as a special presenter. Come hear about the beginnings of this company directly from the person who started it all! You’ll also hear about the mission of Synergy and the vision for our future. Learn how one of Forbe’s magazine’s 100 “Most Trustworthy” companies builds and maintains this honorable reputation.

Date: Friday, March 28 at 1:00
Cost: FREE
Time: 1:00 PM sharp.
Location: The Open House begins with a tour of our manufacturing facility located at 1655 N Main St Spanish Fork, UT 84660. Please be on time.

Click Here for a detailed Open House Agenda >>

Following the manufacturing facility tour, attendees will return to Synergy’s corporate offices to tour our headquarters, sample our products and hear from our Executive Team and guest speakers.

Good news for those who have not yet registered for the March 29 Synergy Gold Camp: there are still 12 seats available for Team Members seeking an elite network marketing education. As this event takes place the day after our Open House, we are confident that the time you invest in this weekend’s events will be of great benefit to your business and your income.

Dan vs. Dan Update

Curious how the challengers are doing? It’s been just over one month since Synergy Founder Dan Higginson and President Dan Norman made a friendly weight-loss wager, and we are still well over a month away from the Business Builder Conference where the final weigh-in will take place. Who seems to be winning so far? Who is switching their typical breakfast to Health Shake? This video sent from Dan Higginson’s cell phone may provide the answer:


As you can see, Mr. Higginson is not messing around. Using an arsenal of Synergy products to amplify his efforts, he claims to have lost 26.5 pounds of fat. He’s looking more slim, sounding confident, and may just have a win coming his way. He seems to be exercising regularly which will definitely speed-up his smart-switch results. In fact, Dan’s wife Suzanna was good enough to send another video our way, proving further that Dan is walking the walk (or running the run?):


At an impressive pace, Mr. Higginson seems to be taking $1000 out of Dan Norman’s pocket.

Then again,
Dan Higgison is on his way to Cancun, joining North America’s Top 50 Team Members of 2013. Starting tomorrow, they’ll be enjoying a resort together that provides food, fun and more food. Will he remember to pack his SLMsmart Health Shake? Will he be able to say “no” to the sugary drinks and endless snacks? Will he be listening to Bon Jovi on the resort treadmills or just mariachi music on a poolside lounge chair?

This may be Dan Norman’s chance to pull ahead. Mr. Norman has reportedly lost 15 pounds. Though this is significantly less than his competition, he’ll be home this weekend, far away from tempting buffets, safely close to scoops of Health Shake.

On top of that, Dan Norman has not lost confidence. Not once has he declared defeat. In fact, after watching these videos, his response was a simple smile and the words “I’m not worried.”

How is your personal Smart Switch Challenge going? Are you still drinking Health Shake instead of a typical breakfast? Maybe you’ve been switching your lunch to Health Shake also? Don’t forget to tell us about it! Submit your Smart Switch Challenge forms to tell your story, and you will be put in the running for big prizes from Synergy WorldWide. On top of that, you’ll be on a track to healthy, maintainable weight-loss that brings a world of rewards your way.

March 2014 Product Promotion

March Product Promotion

From now until April 15, you can benefit from the power of green fusion and 35 time-honored herbs with our Go Green Promotion! Featuring Core Greens, our invigorating, pH balancing green fusion formula, and Body Cleanse, a naturally-gentle blend of herbs designed to rid your body of the waste and toxins that build up as a result of poor diet and environment. Click Here to Order About Core Greens The Core Greens formula consists of an important blend of greens including wheat grass, barley grass, kamut grass, and oat grass. These cereal grasses contain an extraordinarily wide range of potent plant compounds, including antioxidants, phytonutrients, and flavonoids–all noted for their ability to strengthen, protect and nourish the body. The American diet often consists mostly of red meat and dairy products. This kind of food constitutes an acidic diet, and too many acids can adversely affect the major body systems. Greens can provide an alkalizing effect and help you successfully follow a pH balancing regimen. Core Greens is the only greens product you’ll ever need. The capsule form makes it easy and convenient to get the vitamins and minerals your body requires. Take the capsules with one liter of water to feel fresh, invigorated, and hydrated. Other benefits include:

  • Phytonutrients provide powerful health-protective benefits
  • Antioxidants combat free radicals and help counter cell damage
  • Chlorophyll enhances immunity and protects cells
  • Green Fusion Technology harnesses the power of the sun
  • Brings you the green fire of photosynthesis in an easily digestible form
  • Enhanced energy and increased nutrition
About Body Cleanse
One of the post popular products from the SLMsmart line, Body Cleanse is valued greatly for its ability to cleanse your gastrointestinal system in a way more gentle and effective than other abrasive cleanse products, concoctions or fasts. Body Cleanse capsule and tablets are composed of 35 herbs that have each been approved by the German Commission E, the world’s leading authority on herbal supplementation.
For more information about Body Cleanse, download the detailed fact sheet or watch the video below:

Click Here to Order

The Science Behind Soy

The Science Behind Soy

The SLMsmart Health Shake packs an important, powerful blend of three proteins that each release at different intervals of digestion. This post will focus on one of those important proteins: Soy.

People have been eating soybeans for millennia, particularly in many Asian countries where soy is an important part of the diet. Soy protein offers many health benefits.

A Complete Protein
Soy is a complete protein, which means that it contains all of the amino acids required for growth and development. And, in soy, these amino acids are readily bioavailable. The quality of a given protein is rated using a method called “Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score” (PDCAAS). The PDCAAS score rates proteins for their amino acid content and the body’s ability to digest and absorb those amino acids. The highest possible score is a 1, meaning that after digestion the protein source provides 100% or more of the essential amino acids per unit of protein. Soy protein has a PDCAAS of 1. By comparison beef protein has a score of 0.92, black beans, 0.75 and peanuts, 0.52.

Heart Benefits
Soy protein has been shown to benefit the circulatory system. To whit:

  • Since 1999, the FDA has allowed the claim stating that 25 grams of soy protein per day is associated with a lower risk of coronary heart disease. Substituting soy protein for animal protein can lower blood levels of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.
  • Researchers from Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine found that a daily 40 gram allotment of soy protein was associated with significant reductions in e-selectin and leptin, two biomarkers of inflammation associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease1.

Soy protein contains isoflavones, phytoestrogens that bind to estrogen receptors in the body. Isoflavones exhibit both estrogen-promoting and estrogen-inhibiting activity. Much of the research on soy protein revolves around the action of isoflavones in the body.

  • Population studies suggest that soy consumption is associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer2  and may help protect against hormonally regulated cancer3.
  • Soy isoflavones are reported to reduce menopause symptom4,5.
  • Soy isoflavones appear to modestly protect against bone loss in women6.
  • Isoflavones offer a protective benefit to men in the form of reducing the risk of prostate cancer7.

Soy in Synergy Products
Synergy manufactures and rigorously tests its own products. Additionally, our Quality Assurance team does independent audits of every Soy vendor that sends us raw material. We check to make sure the source of soy is sanitary,safe and abiding by correct practices. Then, every batch of soy that comes through the doors of our manufacturing facility goes through many tests where we look for harmful chemicals, radiation, impurities, dangerous modifications and more.

Anyone seeking to get the benefits of soy into their diet should choose Synergy products as the safest source. To learn more about our commitment to safety, purity and quality, click here.

Make a Smart Switch
Increase your protein intake and enjoy a wide variety of benefits with the help of Health Shake. Including soy, casein and whey protein, Health Shake is a smarter meal that curbs appetite, protects muscle, provides energy and promotes healthy, maintainable weight loss.

REMEMBER: This month you can get a free container of Health Shake with the purchase of 5. That’s enough Health Shake to smart-switch one meal per day for a whole month. Order your Health Shake today, and don’t forget to enter for a chance to win big prizes in our Smart Switch Challenge!

[1] Rebholz CM. et al. Effect of soybean protein on novel cardiovascular disease risk factors: a randomized control trial. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2013;67:58–63.
[2] Keinan-Boker L, van Der Schouw YT, Grobbee DE, Peters PH. Dietary phytoestrogens and breast cancer risk. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2004;79:282–8.
[3] Trock BJ, Hilakivi-Clarke L, Clarke R. Meta-analysis of soy intake and breast cancer risk. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2006;98:459–71.
[4] Washburn S, Burke GL, Morgan T, et al. Effect of soy protein supplementation on serum lipoproteins, blood pressure, and menopausal symptoms in peri-menopausal women. Menopause 1999;6:7–13.
[5] Albertazzi P, Pansini F, Bonaccorsi G, et al. The effect of dietary soy supplementation on hot flashes. Obstetrics and Gynecology 1998;91:6–11.
[6] Ho SC, Chan SG, Ti Q, et al. Soy intake and the maintenance of peak bone mass in Hong Kong Chinese women. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2001:16:363–9.
[7] Kumar NB, Cantor A, Allen K, et al. The specific role of isoflavones in reducing prostate cancer risk. Prostate 2004;59:141–7.

Open House: March 28 2014, Gold Camp March 29 2014

Upcoming Open House: March 28

Synergy WorldWide invites you to bring your guests and join us on Friday, March 28, for a powerful Synergy Open House Event.

Attend this Open House event in its new-and-improved format and experience the Synergy Advantage firsthand.

At 1:00 p.m. the Open House begins with a tour of our manufacturing facility located in Spanish Fork, UT. This is the best way to see Synergy’s commitment to purity, potency and quality in every product we produce.

Following the manufacturing tour, head to Synergy HQ to meet our staff, hear from members of our Executive Team, and sample our products. We’ll also have exciting prizes to give away to the crowd, along with an impactful presentation of the Synergy Advantage.

After a break for dinner, we invite Open House attendees to gather once again at Synergy HQ for dynamic training session. Hear from product experts, top earners and talented speakers. Have fun with us while learning the information that could make all the difference for your future.

The day after the Open House, Synergy will be hosting Gold Camp on Saturday, March 27. The Synergy Gold Camp is an elite training for Team Members on how to leverage Synergy’s Mega-Match Compensation Plan and become the perfect sponsor. For Gold Camp registration click here.