SLMsmart 90-Day Challenge 2015

SLMsmart 90-Day Challenge



The SLMsmart 90-Day Challenge is designed to help you achieve a healthy, maintainable transformation. From February to May, you can lose unwanted fat and get rewarded for your efforts. On top of that, we have tools, experts, and world class nutritional products to help you maximize your results.

  • What You Can Win
  • Two runners-up will each be given $2,500!
  • Every month, every challenge participant will win prizes ranging from Synergy merchandise to $500!
  • Most importantly, this Challenge is about achieving the figure you want in 2015, and learning how to maintain that figure beyond the end of this year!

See Below for Official Rules & Regulations.

How to Enter and Qualify for the Grand Prize

  • Submit “Before” information
  • Send two “Before” photos (one from the side, one from the front) to
  • Each month, purchase one of three Challenge Packs, available for a limited time only!
  • At the end of the 90 days, submit your final weight and two “After” photos. The winners will be chosen based on the most significant transformation! Good luck to everyone!


Benefits of Joining the Challenge


  • Top-quality weight management product packs at a discounted price
  • Be the first to try the new Chocolate flavor of SLMsmart Health Shake
  • Access to exclusive coaching from Drew & Lynn Manning of Fit2Fat2Fit.
  • Monthly scratch-off cards ranging in value from $15 to $500. Every card is a winner!
  • Support from Synergy, the Mannings, and fellow SLMsmart Challengers.
  • Enhance your health, lose unwanted fat, and become your best self!

Guest Coaches

Drew & Lynn Manning are ready to help Challengers make the most of these 90 days and experience fantastic results. They will be providing personalized advice in a variety of ways:

  • All Challenge Participants will have access to an exclusive mobile app featuring meal plans, grocery lists, workouts, tips, and more… all authored by Drew and Lynn themselves.
  • The Mannings will be administrators of a closed, exclusive Facebook group. Only Challengers will be allowed to participate in this group, which will be a platform for each participant to post questions, photos, videos, and more. You can expect regular content, answers, videos, helpful documents, and interactions from your coaches on the group’s wall!
  • Challengers who live near Synergy HQ will be invited to attend special workouts with Drew & Lynn. Get ready to sweat!

workout photo

How to Maximize Healthy Fat Loss in this 90-Day Challenge?

  • Replace breakfast and lunch with SLMsmart Health Shake.
  • Exercise five days a week for at least 30 minutes.
  • Use the Challenge Pack products to help you reach your individual goals. For example, fight cravings with Crave Control (available in Challenge Pack A and Challenge Pack Gold), or use the power of ProArgi-9+ and e9 (available in Challenge Pack B and Challenge Pack Gold) to make the most of your exercise.
  • Follow advice, tips and meal plans laid out by Drew & Lynn. It’s all in the mobile app available exclusively to Challengers.
  • Make smart food choices, such as avoiding sugary treats, sauces, pastas and salty snacks. Instead, choose lots of veggies and protein!



Challenge Eligibility

  • Men and women 18 years of age and older, as of their registration date, are eligible to participate in the SLMsmart™ 90 Day Challenge (Challenge).
  • You must be a resident of the U.S. or its territories.
  • You must be a Synergy WorldWide, Inc. (Synergy) Team Member or Preferred Customer* in good standing during the time you are enrolled in the Challenge. All participants must have an active Synergy account or be listed as the partner or spouse on an account.
  • You must use one of the three following product combinations during the SLMsmart™ 90 Day Challenge:
    • Four containers of SLMsmart™ Health Shake per month, in combination with SLMsmart Crave Control and Calorie Burner (Option 1, Challenge Pack A)
    • Four containers of SLMsmart™ Health Shake per month, in combination with ProArgi-9+ and e9 (Option 2, Challenge Pack B)
    • Four containers of SLMsmart™ Health Shake per month, in combination with SLMsmart Crave Control, Calorie Burner, Body Cleanse, ProArgi-9+, e9, Core Greens Powder and Omega 3 (Option 3, Challenge Pack Gold)
  • You may not use similar or competitive products from any other company during the time you are participating in the Challenge.
  • You may not utilize any body-transforming procedures, including but not limited to surgery (lap band, gastric bypass, etc.), liposuction or other medical procedures, HCG, HGH or other similar treatments, etc. This is an event, focused on diet, supplements, exercise and education.
  • Winners may be required to sign an affidavit attesting to their adherence to these requirements and the use of Synergy products during the Challenge period.
  • You must submit a completed registration form in order to be eligible for the Challenge. Additionally, “before” photos (photo eligibility requirements) at the time of registration and “after” photos and testimonial at the time of completion.
  • You agree that Synergy may use any information submitted. However, please note that Synergy intends to seek out specific permission before publishing submitted images and information. It is the policy of Synergy to be careful and courteous in this regard.

Requirements to be Eligible for Prizes

  • Meet all the Challenge Eligibility requirements
  • Submit a complete registration form that includes starting weight
  • Submit “before” & “after” photos that meet the photo eligibility requirements
  • Submit a short written testimonial that includes final weight, no later than May 15, 2015.

Determining the Winners

The winners will be those participants with the most compelling, transformational photos and stories. Participants will be required to submit a written testimonial along with “before” and “after” photos. A panel of at least 5 judges consisting of Synergy corporate employees will select all winners. Judges will consider why and how participating in the Challenge has improved the participant’s physical image and life.

Each participant will be scored on two criteria:

  • 50% from the written testimonial
  • 50% from the “before” and “after” photos

Scores will be tabulated to give each participant a cumulative score from each judge. Judges’ scores will then be combined to give each participant a final score, which will be used to determine the winners. The decision of the judges is final.

Your Story: A Brief, Written Testimonial (50% of score)

Your brief, written testimonial be approximately 250–500 words and must describe how the Challenge using Synergy products has improved and impacted your life. Your testimonial must be submitted no later than May 15, 2015. Topics for discussion may include but are not limited to:

  • Why you entered the Challenge
  • What your Challenge goals were and how you achieved them
  • How you have benefited from the use of Synergy products
  • How you will motivate others to achieve success through the use of Synergy products
  • Your next Synergy goal

Testimonial must include:

  • Participant name
  • “Before” and “after” weight
  • Height

Supplemental material may be attached to your brief essay/testimonial as long as the file is 2 MB or less. Some examples are listed below.

  • Body fat analysis
  • Photos
  • Measurements
  • Testimonials
  • Synergy business building statistics

“Before” and “After” Photos (50% of score)

In order to qualify for judging, you must submit two “before” and two “after” photos. “Before” photos must be taken on your registration/start date. “After” photos must be taken on the day you complete the Challenge. These are to be full-body photos taken in the upright position. “After” photos must be uploaded no later than May 15, 2015. Two Photos Are Required for Judging: (see examples)

  • One frontal view
  • One profile (side view) photo

Photo Eligibility Requirements and Information:

  • The purpose of the photos is to demonstrate a clear body transformation that has been achieved through hard work, effort and determination in completing a comprehensive nutrition and exercise regimen incorporating Synergy products.
  • The photos must be authentic, not altered or modified. If any photo tampering is evident, you will be disqualified immediately.
  • You must wear the same type of clothing in all photos (“before” and “after”). Please wear clothing that will best showcase your transformation. Loose and baggy clothing is not advised.
  • High-quality photos (300 dpi) are recommended to show the best and most detailed results.
  • Unusually revealing or provocative photos will be deemed invalid.
  • Photos must be 8 MB or smaller to be uploaded with your registration.
  • Please use JPG or PNG format for your uploaded photos.
  • You should take the photos using a white or light-colored solid backdrop for optimal visibility.
  • All photos sent to Synergy become the property of Synergy. They will not be returned and may be used in any manner deemed appropriate by the company. The participant should retain digital, hard copies and/or negatives for their own records.
  • Synergy reserves the right to request resubmission of one or more of the “before” and “after” photos or request additional images.

Rules and Regulations

Synergy must receive all materials no later May 15, 2015. It is each participant’s responsibility to provide Synergy with the correct contact information. Only one entry per person is permitted. Synergy is not responsible for lost, late, misdirected, postage due or other delayed entries, or typographical or other errors in the printing of the offer, administration of the Challenge, print and online ads, or in the announcement of the prizes.

All entries, and any copyrights therein, become the sole property of Synergy and will not be returned. By entering, participants agree to abide by these rules and warrant and represent that their entry is authentic, unaltered and their original work, and they grant to Synergy the right to edit, publish, promote and otherwise use their entries, without restriction, in any and all media, for any purpose whatsoever, and without further permission, notice or compensation.

The Challenge is void where prohibited by law.

The decision of the judges with respect to selection of the winners, and in regard to all matters relating to this Challenge, shall be final. Challenge finalists will be notified by phone or by email. The Grand Prize Winner will be revealed on stage at a Synergy event. Stories and photos of the winners and runners up may also be posted on the Synergy website after the announcement is made.

Synergy makes no express warranty, guarantee or representation of any kind concerning the prizes. Certain restrictions may apply. If winner cannot accept the prize, it may be forfeited and an alternate winner may be selected. There is no cash value associated with the non-cash prizes.

Synergy reserves the right to an unlimited license to use participant’s name, likeness, voice or written materials in any future Synergy publication, advertisement or promotion. Participant agrees that any testimonial or endorsement of the Synergy products is true and voluntary and provided at their own free will. Participants understand that they will not be entitled to receive any remuneration of any kind for the future use of their name, likeness, voice or written materials.

Participants agree to abide by these rules and the binding decisions of the judges. All prizes are nontransferable. Winner is responsible for paying taxes on their winnings. All federal, state, and local taxes are solely the responsibility of the winner. Winner may be required to verify purchases and results or an alternate winner may be selected.

Challenge winners must provide information necessary to complete Internal Revenue Service Form 1099 (in the United States). All participants are responsible for any tax forms or information required in their country of residence.

Participants assume all risk of injury, waiver of liability, and indemnification, loss or harm of any kind arising from participation in the Challenge, and Synergy shall not be responsible or liable for damages of any kind arising therefrom. Participants release Synergy and its parent and affiliates, its agents, together with the present and future directors, officers, executives and employees and representatives of each of them, from all risk, liability, property loss, harm, loss, personal injury, death or damage that may occur in connection with the prize(s) and/or any persons participation in the Challenge. Participants understand there is no guarantee of weight loss. Individual weight loss results vary and participation in the Challenge does not guarantee weight loss. Factors such as diet and genetic makeup, overall health, or physiological differences may influence weight loss. Please consult with your physician before beginning any new nutrition or exercise program.

Synergy reserves the right to modify the prizes and/or award additional prizes at the judges’ discretion. Synergy reserves the right not to award all prizes in the event that there are an insufficient number of qualified entries received that meet the minimum standards established by the judges.

The SLMsmart™ 90 Day Challenge, all rules and regulations, and any supporting documents are subject to change without prior notice.

*“Team Member” is defined as an independent contractor or independent distributor who has completed and signed a Synergy Membership Application and whose Membership Application (or any renewal thereof) has been accepted by Synergy. The term “Team Member” includes any person with a beneficial interest in a Synergy Team Membership. “Preferred Customer” is defined as any individual or group that purchases Synergy product using a designated Preferred Customer Account. They are assigned a specific Customer ID Number that is used by the Company to facilitate Preferred Customer sales credited to the enrolling Team Member.

2014 New Experts Join Medical and Scientific Advisory Board

New Experts Join Medical and Scientific Advisory Board

The Synergy WorldWide/Nature’s Sunshine’s Medical and Scientific Advisory Board (MSAB) combines a diverse range of world-renowned experts. Each member of the MSAB is recognized as a leader within his or her respective field. These are medical professionals who maintain active practices, researchers who publish ground-breaking discoveries, and scientists with a history of cutting-edge, innovative product development. Their varied background and experiences offer a unique blend of knowledge that provides valuable insight into current and emerging science and strengthens Synergy’s commitment to be the world’s premier health, wellness and lifestyle company. Their expertise drives discovery and innovation in the development of revolutionary products that help to transform lives throughout the world.

Members include:

• Luis N. Pacheco, M.D., family physician from Southern California
• Sang Geon Kim, Ph.D., professor of Pharmacology at Seoul National University Hanoi
• Nigel Gericke, medical doctor, ethnobotanist and ethnopharmacologist from South Africa
• Hani C. Soudah, M.D., Ph.D., of the Washington University School of Medicine (St. Louis)
• William J. Keller, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Resource Officer at NSP
• Ingrum Bankston, M.D., urologist from Tuscaloosa, Alabama

See below for individual Bios.

Luis N. Pacheco, M.D.

Luis N. Pacheco, M.D., is an Emmy Award-winning doctor and one of the most widely recognized physicians in the U.S. Latino community. He is board-certified in family medicine and has an active medical practice in Southern California. Dr. Pacheco serves as Clinical Associate Professor at the Keck School of Medicine in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Southern California.

Affectionately known as “Dr. P.,” Pacheco has been recognized repeatedly for his medical excellence. He received a Certificate of Added Qualification (CAQ) in Sports Medicine and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians. He was selected as Outstanding Teacher at the USC School of Medicine. He received Congressional recognition for his work with the American Youth Soccer Association (AYSO). And he has received accolades from The American Diabetes Association.

Dr. Pacheco completed his residency in Family Medicine at USC. He earned his doctorate degree from Central University in Puerto Rico and performed his clinical clerkships at Harvard, Tufts and Boston Universities. He received his bachelor’s degree in Biology from Columbia University.

Sang Geon Kim , Ph.D.

Sang Geon Kim, Ph.D., currently serves as Vice Director of the Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Seoul National University in Seoul, Korea. He is also the Director of the Innovative Drug Research Center for Metabolic and Inflammatory Disease (IDRC) at Seoul National University and maintains a professorship in the College of Pharmacy at the university. In addition, he sits on the Toxicology Advisory Board for the Korean Food and Drug Administration. Kim has conducted extensive research studying the molecular biology and underlying principles (including dysregulated kinase signal transduction pathways) implicated in metabolic dysfunction leading to illness, an area of particular interest to Nature’s Sunshine Products’ (“NSP”) research and development.

Dr. Kim’s accomplishments are many. In 2010, he was honored by the President of the Republic of Korea, Ministry of Health and Welfare. Earlier that year, he was named the Scientist of the Month by the Ministry of Science and Education. He also received the Best Pharmacologist Award from the Korean Society of Pharmacology in 2008. Dr. Kim’s work has been published in peer reviewed journals over 200 times.

Dr. Kim earned his Ph.D. from Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago. He earned his master’s degree in Pharmacology and his bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy both from Seoul National University.

Nigel Gericke, M.B.B.Ch.

Nigel Gericke is a medical doctor, ethnobotanist and ethnopharmacologist specializing in documentation, discovery, innovation and unique product development from medicinal and food plants. He has a particular interest in phytochemicals that impact the central nervous system and in finding solutions for tropical diseases including malaria.

Dr. Gericke has conducted extensive research on indigenous African plants for over two decades and is an expert specializing in  their use as botanical foods and medicine to development and commercialization, isolating active compounds, examining molecular biology and directing clinical studies validating plant safety and efficacy.

Dr. Gericke is a founding director of H, G & H Pharmaceuticals, Ltd. of South Africa. He is also the founding director and CEO of Integral Bioceuticals, Ltd., which pioneers novel bioactive ingredients, extracts and isolated compounds from African bioresources. He also has served as the head of ethnobotany for Esperanza Medicines Foundation and served as the founding director of Phyto Nova, Ltd.

Dr. Gericke holds several patents in both the US and other countries for the use of various plant compounds and extracts. He has written books and contributed to the African Herbal Pharmacopoeia. His research has been circulated by many prestigious publications, including Neuropsychopharmacology, Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Planta Medica, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, Journal of Botany and the Journal of Ethnopharmacology. He has presented his findings all over the world.

Dr. Gericke studied at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa and graduated with an M.B.B.Ch. in 1984. He also holds undergraduate degrees in botany and zoology from the same university.
Hani C. Soudah, M.D., Ph.D.

Hani Soudah, M.D., Ph.D., serves as an Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine in the Department of Internal Medicine for Washington University School of Medicine and is a Visiting Associate Professor at Nanjing University Medical School.  A doctor of internal medicine, he is an expert in the field of obesity management.

Dr. Soudah has spent many years in specialized research and training. His findings have been published in several prestigious scientific journals, including The New England Journal of Medicine, Gastroenterology, The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, The American Journal of Physiology and more. He has presented his findings all over the United States and in Germany and Belgium.

Dr. Soudah completed his internship and residency in internal medicine at Barnes Hospital at Washington University School of Medicine. Prior to this, he completed a post-graduate research fellowship in the Division of Gastroenterology in the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He completed rotating internships in Medicine and Surgery at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf and Altona General Hospital in Hamburg, Germany, where he had previously earned his undergraduate degree. Dr. Soudah also holds a Ph.D. in Medicine from the University of Hamburg, Germany School of Medicine.
William J. Keller, Ph.D.

Dr. William J. Keller began working for Nature’s Sunshine in April 2001 as the Vice President of Health Sciences and Educational Services. He has led the efforts of this department for more than a decade and currently serves as the Chief Scientific Resource Officer at Nature’s Sunshine Products (NSP).
Prior to NSP, Dr. Keller has:

• served as Secretary for the American Society of Pharmacognosy
• been a member of the Board of Trustees for the American Herbal Products Association
• served on the Dean’s Advisory Board for the Colleges of Pharmacy at Texas A&M University and Idaho State University
• served as the Chair of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the McWhorter School of Pharmacy at Samford University in Alabama
• served on grant review panels, editorial boards and as a manuscript referee

Dr. Keller worked for almost 30 years as a professional pharmacist in three different states. He has done extensive teaching at the Schools of Pharmacy at both Samford University and Northeast Louisiana University. His research has been published over 50 times in prestigious journals including the Journal of Natural Products, Pharmaceutical Biology, Phytochemistry, the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, and many others.

Dr. Keller earned his Ph.D. in pharmaceutical sciences from the University of Washington. He earned his master’s degree in the same field and his bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy both from Idaho State University.

Ingrum W. Bankston, M.D.

Ingrum W. Bankston, M.D.

Dr. Ingrum W. Bankston is a board-certified urologist and practicing surgeon at the Tuscaloosa Urology Center in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. His pre-launch work on NSP’s Equolibrium™ product was invaluable. Using Equolibrium with his male patients in his practice helped NSP better understand exactly how the product performs.

Dr. Bankston currently serves as an Assistant Clinical Professor for the Department of Surgery at the University of Alabama and has served as President of the Alabama Urological Association since 2006.

Dr. Bankston received his medical degree from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) where he also completed his undergraduate degree. He completed his internship in general surgery at the Ochsner Foundation in Louisiana and did his residency work at the UAB Division of Urology.

November 2014 Webinar Recording: Shane Greer, Drew & Lynn Manning

Webinar Recording: Shane Greer, Drew & Lynn Manning

A large number of wonderful people tuned into last night’s webinar, either on the web or over the phone. They were introduced by Synergy VP Stewart Rutter to Shane Greer, the new General Manager of Synergy North America.Following a few words from Shane, Drew & Lynn Manning shared the importance of protein, and discussed a few of the reasons why they’ve been recommending the SLMsmart Health Shake to their friends and family.

For those that missed last night’s webinar, you can check out the recordings below (broken into 2 parts for your convenience).

Nov 12 Webinar Part I: Introducing Shane Greer
Nov 12 Webinar Part II: Drew & Lynn Manning on Protein and Health Shake

Thanks to all who participated in this webinar and to all who are ready to make the most of what was learned.

Synergy Resources 10/31/2014


Cardio Calls

Each month a member of Synergy’s Medical & Scientific Advisory Board shares their insights and details the science behind ProArgi-9+. Click here to learn more about Synergy’s Medical & Scientific Advisory Board.

Click to view Cardio Calls

Date Description Click to Listen
10/2014 Dr. Kenneth Richeaux, MD, Synergy WorldWide Play Audio
07/2014 Dr. William Keller, VP Health Sciences, Synergy/NSP Play Audio
06/2014 Dr. Matthew Tripp, Chief Scientific Officer, Synergy/NSP Play Audio
04/2014 LaMar Wiscombe, Director of Global Programs, Synergy Play Audio
03/2014 Dr. William Keller, VP Health Sciences, Synergy/NSP Play Audio
02/2014 Dr. Matthew Tripp, Chief Scientific Officer, Synergy/NSP Play Audio
01/2014 Lamar Wiscombe, Director of Global Product Programs Play Audio
12/2013 Lamar Wiscombe, Director of Global Product Programs Play Audio
11/2013 Dr. Joseph Prendergast, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio
10/2013 Dr. Rainer Boger, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio
06/2013 Dr. Joseph Prendergast, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio
03/2013 Dr. William Keller, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio
02/2013 Dr. Joseph Prendergast, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio
01/2013 Dr. William Keller, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio
12/2012 Dr. William Keller, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio
10/2012 Dr. Joseph Prendergast, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio
09/2012 Dr. Rainer Boger, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio
08/2012 Dr. William Keller, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio

Corporate Update & Opportunity Calls

Get the latest updates from Synergy’s executive team as they share exciting news about Synergy WorldWide and the Synergy Advantage.

Click to view Corporate Update Calls

Date Description Click to Listen
10/15/2014 Corporate Update Call, Marty Holker, Drew Manning, Jake Rothfels Play Audio
09/17/2014 Corporate Update Call, Bart Woodcook, Dan Higginson, Stewart Rutter Play Audio
08/20/2014 Corporate Update Call, Stewart Rutter Play Audio
07/16/2014 Corporate Update Call, Dan Higginson, Jake Rothfels Play Audio
06/18/2014 Corporate Update Call, Howard Hannemann Play Audio
05/21/2014 Corporate Update Call, Dan Higginson, Marty Holker Play Audio
04/16/2014 Corporate Update Call, Dan Higginson, Di Leavitt, Mark Comer Play Audio
03/19/2014 Corporate Update Call, Dan Higginson & Howard Hannemann Play Audio
02/18/2014 Corporate Update Call, Special with Dan Higginson & Dan Norman Play Audio
01/15/2014 Corporate Update Call, Live from Legacy Retreat Play Audio
11/20/2013 Corporate Update Call, Howard Hanneman, Dan Higginson & more Play Audio
08/21/2013 Corporate Update Call, Howard Hanneman & Guests Play Audio
06/27/2013 Opportunity Call by Howard Hanneman Play Audio
06/19/2013 Featuring Lee Edwards, Roger Hunt, Mylo Berstad Play Audio
03/20/2013 Howard Hannemann Play Audio
1/16/2013 Synergy Executive Team Play Audio
12/19/2012 Howard Hannemann, Director of Sales Play Audio
10/17/2012 Howard Hannemann, Stewart Rutter Play Audio
09/25/2012 Summit 2012 Recap Call Play Audio
08/20/2012 Canada Update Call Play Audio
08/20/2012 Dan Norman, President Play Audio


In-depth trainings ranging from products and social media to business building and promotions.

Click to view Webinars

Date Description Click to View
10/02/2014 Fast Start Bonus Booster + Team Leader Business Booster, Hosted by Stewart Rutter. View Webinar
05/28/2014 Customer Rewards Program Intro. Hosted by Howard Hannemann, featuring Rudy Pedroza. Learn the details behind Synergy’s important new program. View Webinar
12/04/2013 ProArgi-9+: The Secret to Weight Loss. Hosted by Howard Hannemann, featuring Dan Hammer and Danielle Girdano. Learn more about ProArgi-9+’s ability to help you lose weight. View Webinar
11/06/2013 ProArgi-9+: Muscular Development and Endurance. Hosted by Howard Hannemann, featuring Dan Hammer and Danielle Girdano. Learn more about ProArgi-9+’s ability to enhance your physique and activity. View Webinar
09/05/2013 ProArgi-9+ and Exercise. Hosted by Howard Hannemann, featuring Dan Hammer and Danielle Girdano. Learn the science behind ProArgi-9+’s ability to enhance your physical activity. View Webinar
07/31/2013 2013 Chicago Sky Study. Hosted by Howard Hannemann, featuring Dan Hammer and Danielle Girdano. Learn what happened when ProArgi-9+ was used in a wellness program for the staff of the Chicago Sky WNBA team. View Webinar
06/20/2013 Dr. Stacey Bell explains the science behind the SLMsmart Weight Management System View Webinar
06/06/2013 Introducing SLMsmart. Learn how it amplifies your opportunities, your health, and the Synergy Advantage. View Webinar
01/16/2013 The Elite Track Training: Learn how to unlock thousands of extra earnings and bonuses in 2013. View Webinar
10/16/2012 Exploring the benefits of Mistica with Nutritional Research Scientist Tad Turgeon. View Webinar
06/13/2012 Heart Health Done Right: Exploring Vitamin D3, CoQ10 and Omega-3 with Nutritional Research Scientist Tad Turgeon. View Webinar
05/24/2012 Liquid Chlorophyll 201 with Pearl Executive Corrine Brandi View Webinar
05/01/2012 Liquid Chlorophyll 101 with Pearl Executive Corrine Brandi View Webinar
04/02/2012 Using Facebook for your Synergy Business with Senior Marking Manager Aaron McCain and Team Leader Jean LaVallie View Webinar

Videos, Presentations, and Other Downloads

Click to view downloads

Date Description Click to Download
05/2014 Customer Rewards Flyer (pdf) Download
05/2014 Customer Order Form (pdf) Download
03/2014 Synergy Product Catalog (pdf) Download
02/2014 Flyer: ProArgi-9+ in Physicians’ Desk Reference (pdf) Download
12/2013 ProArgi-9+: The Secret to Weight Loss (pdf) Download
11/2013 ProArgi-9+ Study: Muscular Development and Endurance (ppt) Download
10/2013 New ProArgi-9+ Study: Lactic Acid, Active and Exercise (pdf) Download
09/2013 How ProArgi-9+ Helped Danielle Girdano (pdf) Download
09/2013 ProArgi-9+ and Exercise Slides (pdf) Download
06/2013 2013 Chicago Sky Study (non-branded)(mp4) Download
06/2013 SLMsmart Webinar by Dr. Bell (wmv) Download
01/2012 Maximize Synergy Elite Track Webinar (wmv) Download
01/2012 Synergy Advantage Webinar (wmv) Download
01/2012 Bless Your Heart (mov) Download
01/2012 Synergy Advantage (mov) Download
01/2012 Synergy Compensation Plan Overview (mov) Download
01/2012 Compensation Plan Summary (pdf) Download
01/2012 Elite Track Training (pdf) Download
01/2012 ProArgi-9 Presentaiton Sheet (pdf) Download
01/2012 Synergy Advantage Presentation (pdf) Download
01/2012 Elite Track Training (ppt) Download
01/2012 Synergy Advantage Presentation (ppt) Download
01/2012 Synergy Quality Assurance Video (mov) Download

Asia Summit this November 2014

Asia Summit this November

Synergy WorldWide will be hosting an exciting summit event for our Asian markets this November in the magnificent country of Thailand. Should any of our North American Team Members be traveling that way (or have contacts in the area), here is the basic info you’ll need to enjoy the event.

Venue: Pattaya Exhibition and Convention Hall (Peach), Pattaya, Chonburi Thailand. For more venue information visit

Friday, November 21
2:00 9:00 pm Registration
3:00 5:00 pm Special science session with Dr. Matt Tripp
6:00 8:00 pm VIP Reception

Saturday, November 22
09:00 11:20 am Opening – Session 1
11:20 am 12:45 pm Lunch
1:00 4:30 pm Motivation – Session 2
4:30 5:45 pm Dinner
6:00 8:45 pm Recognition – Session 3

Sunday, November 23
09:00 am 12:40 pm Closing – Session 4