Resources September 2015

Resources Downloads


Click to view downloads

Date Description Click to Download
06/2015 Elite Honors Flyer & Worksheet (pdf) Download
05/2014 Customer Rewards Flyer (pdf) Download
05/2014 Customer Order Form (pdf) Download
03/2014 Synergy Product Catalog (pdf) Download
02/2014 Flyer: ProArgi-9+ in Physicians’ Desk Reference (pdf) Download
12/2013 ProArgi-9+: The Secret to Weight Loss (pdf) Download
11/2013 Forbes Top 100 Most Trustworthy Companies (pdf) Download
11/2013 ProArgi-9+ Study: Muscular Development and Endurance (ppt) Download
10/2013 New ProArgi-9+ Study: Lactic Acid, Active and Exercise (pdf) Download
09/2013 How ProArgi-9+ Helped Danielle Girdano (pdf) Download
09/2013 ProArgi-9+ and Exercise Slides (pdf) Download
06/2013 SLMsmart Webinar by Dr. Bell (wmv) Download
01/2012 Synergy Advantage Webinar (wmv) Download
01/2012 Bless Your Heart (mov) Download
01/2012 Synergy Advantage (mov) Download
01/2012 Synergy Compensation Plan Overview (mov) Download
01/2012 Compensation Plan Summary (pdf) Download
01/2012 Elite Track Training (pdf) Download
01/2012 ProArgi-9 Presentaiton Sheet (pdf) Download
01/2012 Synergy Advantage Presentation (pdf) Download
01/2012 Synergy Advantage Presentation (ppt) Download
01/2012 Synergy Quality Assurance Video (mov) Download



In-depth trainings ranging from products and social media to business building and promotions.

Click to view Webinars

Date Description Click to View
06/10/2015 Elite Honors, Hosted by Shane Greer View Webinar
10/02/2014 Fast Start Bonus Booster + Team Leader Business Booster, Hosted by Stewart Rutter. View Webinar
05/28/2014 Customer Rewards Program Intro. Hosted by Howard Hannemann, featuring Rudy Pedroza. Learn the details behind Synergy’s important new program. View Webinar
12/04/2013 ProArgi-9+: The Secret to Weight Loss. Hosted by Howard Hannemann, featuring Dan Hammer and Danielle Girdano. Learn more about ProArgi-9+’s ability to help you lose weight. View Webinar
11/06/2013 ProArgi-9+: Muscular Development and Endurance. Hosted by Howard Hannemann, featuring Dan Hammer and Danielle Girdano. Learn more about ProArgi-9+’s ability to enhance your physique and activity. View Webinar
09/05/2013 ProArgi-9+ and Exercise. Hosted by Howard Hannemann, featuring Dan Hammer and Danielle Girdano. Learn the science behind ProArgi-9+’s ability to enhance your physical activity. View Webinar
07/31/2013 2013 Chicago Sky Study. Hosted by Howard Hannemann, featuring Dan Hammer and Danielle Girdano. Learn what happened when ProArgi-9+ was used in a wellness program for the staff of the Chicago Sky WNBA team. View Webinar
06/20/2013 Dr. Stacey Bell explains the science behind the SLMsmart Weight Management System View Webinar
06/06/2013 Introducing SLMsmart. Learn how it amplifies your opportunities, your health, and the Synergy Advantage. View Webinar
01/16/2013 The Elite Track Training: Learn how to unlock thousands of extra earnings and bonuses in 2013. View Webinar
10/16/2012 Exploring the benefits of Mistica with Nutritional Research Scientist Tad Turgeon. View Webinar
06/13/2012 Heart Health Done Right: Exploring Vitamin D3, CoQ10 and Omega-3 with Nutritional Research Scientist Tad Turgeon. View Webinar
05/24/2012 Liquid Chlorophyll 201 with Pearl Executive Corrine Brandi View Webinar
05/01/2012 Liquid Chlorophyll 101 with Pearl Executive Corrine Brandi View Webinar
04/02/2012 Using Facebook for your Synergy Business with Senior Marking Manager Aaron McCain and Team Leader Jean LaVallie View Webinar


Elite Health Calls

Learn how Synergy can help you achieve Elite Health. These calls feature special guests and a variety of useful information.

Click to view Elite Health Calls

Date Description Click to Listen
09/2015 CORE NUTRITION: Featuring Clinton Dahlberg Play Audio
08/2015 FITNESS: Featuring Drew Manning Play Audio
07/2015 WEIGHT MANAGEMENT: Featuring Eva Miller and Tommy Bethards Play Audio
10/2014 PROARGI-9+: Dr. Kenneth Richeaux, MD, Synergy WorldWide Play Audio
07/2014 PROARGI-9+: Dr. William Keller, VP Health Sciences, Synergy/NSP Play Audio
06/2014 PROARGI-9+: Dr. Matthew Tripp, CSO, Synergy/NSP Play Audio
03/2014 Dr. William Keller, VP Health Sciences, Synergy/NSP Play Audio
02/2014 Dr. Matthew Tripp, Chief Scientific Officer, Synergy/NSP Play Audio
03/2013 Dr. William Keller, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio
01/2013 Dr. William Keller, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio


Corporate Update & Opportunity Calls

Get the latest updates from Synergy’s executive team as they share exciting news about Synergy WorldWide and the Synergy Advantage.

Click to view Corporate Update Calls

Date Description Click to Listen
10/15/2014 Corporate Update Call, Marty Holker, Drew Manning, Jake Rothfels Play Audio
09/17/2014 Corporate Update Call, Bart Woodcook, Dan Higginson, Stewart Rutter Play Audio
08/20/2014 Corporate Update Call, Stewart Rutter Play Audio
07/16/2014 Corporate Update Call, Dan Higginson, Jake Rothfels Play Audio
06/18/2014 Corporate Update Call, Howard Hannemann Play Audio
05/21/2014 Corporate Update Call, Dan Higginson, Marty Holker Play Audio
04/16/2014 Corporate Update Call, Dan Higginson, Di Leavitt, Mark Comer Play Audio
03/19/2014 Corporate Update Call, Dan Higginson & Howard Hannemann Play Audio
02/18/2014 Corporate Update Call, Special with Dan Higginson & Dan Norman Play Audio
01/15/2014 Corporate Update Call, Live from Legacy Retreat Play Audio
11/20/2013 Corporate Update Call, Howard Hanneman, Dan Higginson & more Play Audio
08/21/2013 Corporate Update Call, Howard Hanneman & Guests Play Audio
06/27/2013 Opportunity Call by Howard Hanneman Play Audio
06/19/2013 Featuring Lee Edwards, Roger Hunt, Mylo Berstad Play Audio
03/20/2013 Howard Hannemann Play Audio
1/16/2013 Synergy Executive Team Play Audio
12/19/2012 Howard Hannemann, Director of Sales Play Audio
10/17/2012 Howard Hannemann, Stewart Rutter Play Audio
09/25/2012 Summit 2012 Recap Call Play Audio
08/20/2012 Canada Update Call Play Audio
08/20/2012 Dan Norman, President Play Audio

August 2015 Recognition

August 2015 Recognition

recognition_pins_headerAugust 2015

Congratulations to the following Team Members throughout the United States and Canada. We look forward to your continued triumphs this year!

Rank Advancements

Scott Rosang

Carson Reese

G. Bradley Higginson
Lori Martin
John Cecere
Carol Roberts
Carson Reese
Donna Porteous
James Dicarlo
Thea Flock
Mary Kay Miller
Jake Groesbeck
JMB Elite Enterprizes

Top Recruiters
Top North American Team Members (in order) that personally sponsored the most new Team Members

Impact Health Consulting, LLC
KC Michigan Group, Inc.
Reynold Diaz
Barry Brxton
Melanie O’Neill
Leonard Nickson
Paul Battista
Tammy Hester
MDB International
Steven Russon
Buak Su Kwak
Denni Tiegs
Dan Hammer Health, LTD
Judy Feldhausen
Glaudine Vanderhulst
Randy Anderson
Frank Moreno

Top Team Builders
Team Members (in order) with the most personally sponsored rank advancements

Tee & See Marketing, Inc.
SGB International
Cliff & Janice Rosang
Melanie O’Neill
MDB International
Andrea Woolford
Barry Petrina
Collin Goldman
Jonas Yoder
Deborah Hoffpauir
Daniel J. McNabb
Impact Health Consulting, LLC
Storm Intl.

Elite Health Call September 2015

Elite Health Call September

elitehealth-callSynergy is dedicated to your Elite Health. We develop and manufacture the highest quality supplements with the goal of empowering men and women who wish to enjoy a healthy, productive life. Please join us TONIGHT,  SEPTEMBER 9th to learn more about our Elite Health products and the importance of taking care of you.

To Join, Dial: 1-800-832-4695
Pin: 8908#
Time: 7 PM Mountain time


Those who attended the Business Builder Conference earlier this year know Clinton for his fascinating presentation on the importance of nutrition and the current state of health in North America. Clinton works side by side with Dr. Matthew Tripp as the R&D Programs Manager for the Hughes Center for Research and Innovation. He has been a tremendous resource for Synergy’s Medical and Scientific Advisory Board and Team Members around the world.
With more than eight years of experience in fields of science, Clinton is focused on the power of quality supplementation. He has supervised preclinical and phase one clinical work, filed patents, authored peer-reviewed publications and directed research efforts, all in the name of finding real health solutions for a world in need.

Invite your friends, family and anyone interested in learning more about achieving Elite Health to join this month’s call. Remember, TONIGHT, September 9th, 7 PM Mountain Time!

Karate World Champion Gains Competitive Edge with Synergy Products

Karate World Champion Gains Competitive Edge with Synergy Products


Cathy McAleer is one tough woman, both mentally and physically, and is an elite athlete in mixed martial arts. Her schedule is booked with all things karate, from training herself and other karate champions to playing crucial roles in the operations of karate businesses throughout Ireland.

She is the Founder of NIKA (Northern Ireland Karate Academy) and runs two clubs in Queens Leisure Complex Holywood and Stormont Pavilion where she helps train a number of World, European, British and Irish champions. However, neither of these responsibilities are her full-time job. She works day-to-day as a general manager of one of Northern Ireland’s Virgin Active Health Clubs. In addition to being certified in sports massage therapy, Cathy has a bachelor’s degree in sports marketing.


  • World WKC Kata Champion 2014
  • World Kumite Karate Champion 2014
  • WKC Silver Medalist 2014
  • WKN European Full Contact Kickboxing Champion 2014
  • WKN Draw for K1 World Champion 2014
  • Undefeated Northern Ireland champion for 10 consecutive years
    3rd Dan Karate Instructor and national coach for Northern Ireland

“Many people ask me how I fit it all in and also have the energy to compete and train,” Cathy said. “Synergy’s range of products has made a big difference. All of the products are compliant with WADA, the World Anti-Doping Agency, as being free of banned athlete substances.”

Cathy began using the V3 System in June 2014 and found tremendous benefits after only three weeks. Her training regimen is intense and can do a lot of damage to her body, but Synergy products allow her to rain more regularly with excellent recovery. She was able to push herself to increase her runs from 3 miles to 6 miles, though she isn’t an avid runner.

All of Cathy’s associations in Ireland’s athletic scene have certainly helped her obtain an impressive customer volume by sharing Synergy products.
Cathy’s next competitive fight will be at the World Open Martial Arts Games in Geneva in September where she will compete in kickboxing.

“A goal of mine is to have two world titles in two different sports, and on September 13 that dream will hopefully come true,” Cathy said. “Each of Synergy’s products contributes to my success in different ways. Thank you so much Synergy for your world class products!”

We wish you the best of luck Cathy and are proud that you are part of the Synergy family!

Elite Honors Spotlight: Nate Fowers

Elite Honors Spotlight: Nate Fowers
The second month to qualify for Elite Honors came to an impressive close and dozens of names were added to the Elite Honors Club qualifiers list! A handful of Team Members qualified for the second month in a row. In addition, a number of qualifiers are going even further by maintaining and surpassing their highest pin titles to earn the Go Elite Promotion.
Nate Fowers, a Team Manager from Utah, was one of the few Elite Honors qualifiers who received the highest Go Elite bonus of $750 for maintaining his highest title the same month he achieved Elite Honors, increasing his total commissions by more than 30%. He attributes much of his success to his mentor Brent Burnett who walked him through exactly what he needed to do to obtain this incredible bonus.

“I wanted to achieve Elite Honors since I first heard about it, but it definitely took a fair amount of effort on my part, but my team alleviated a lot of the work. When you truly work as a team toward your goals, whether it’s to be Elite Honors qualified or something else, the load will become much lighter. Anything is possible when there are a group of people who are all aiming to achieve the same thing. I could have never earned the Go Elite bonus on my own.

I am really hoping to earn this bonus again while it’s available. It’s a great motivation to work harder, and as I work harder I set the right example for my downline. We are teaching everyone to be Elite Honors qualified if they want to build their businesses correctly and quickly. It’s nice to have guidelines to follow when you share the financial potential that is possible with Synergy.”