Synergy Products Aid Ultramarathon Runner

Synergy Products Aid Ultramarathon Runner

marcelhoche1For most, finishing a marathon is an incredible feat of endurance and strength, but for ultramarathon runners, 42 km is just the beginning.

Ultramarathons are any race longer than the standard 42.195 km marathon. They range from anywhere between 50 km to thousands of kilometers, and some of these races take multiple days to complete.

For Marcel Höche, a Synergy sponsored athlete, these races are his life. At 22, the German ultrarunner is one of the youngest competitors in the sport. He is the German National Champion for the under-23s in ultrarunning and in 2015 he set a Best Performer 12h run for his category, meaning no competitor his age was running farther than him in a 12-hour period.

Marcel fell in love with competitive sports at 7-years old and ran his first ultramarathon when he was only 19. Since then, he has held a sincere passion for racing stating simply that it’s just what he likes to do.

marcelhoche2His training is extensive and tedious, with daily routines constantly switching between long- distance runs (30 km at 4:20 per km) and speed sessions that allow him to push his body to its limits as an athlete. Due to the heavy physical toll caused by ultramarathons, Marcel began using Synergy products in February 2016 to help him train and to aid in his performance during competitions.

“When I started to train harder, I changed my diet and Synergy’s products have really helped me with that,” he said.

A big fan of Synergy’s V3 System, Marcel uses Mistify each day to help with the physical stress the sport places on his body.

He is also a firm believer in ProArgi-9+, using the products multiple times throughout the day both in training and in competition.

“I like e9 a lot, it has everything I need in a tough situation,” Marcel said. “Minerals, energy and amino acids. It really is a perfect mixture of everything that I need to perform well.”

But even with physical training, proper diet, and the help of supplemental nutrition, Ultramarathon runners are inevitably met with some very difficult moments.

“In every race I hit a wall,” Marcel said. “When that happens, it becomes incredibly difficult for me. The most extreme instance was when I set the 12 hour Best Performance in 2015.”

Marcel said that he had been running for over 7 hours and still needed another 5 hours in order to complete his performance, but his body was struggling and he started to shut down mentally.

“I began talking to myself,” he said. “I remember saying, ‘Marcel, it’s only one more marathon, just one more and then you will be the best in the world in your age class.’ I had to tell myself to keep going, to just do it. No matter what, I knew I needed to keep moving forward. And that mindset really saved me.”

Marcel has been actively competing in ultrarunning for the past 3 years, some of his latest achievements and results include:

  • 3rd Overall – Innsbruck Alpine Trailrun Festival 65 Km 30.04.2016
  • 3rd Overall – Brocken-Challenge 13.02.2016
  • 2nd Overall – Stadtoldendorfer 12-Stunden-Lauf 11.-12.07.2015


Marcel continues to perform at top levels within the sport and is looking forward to continuing his good form for future races. He has his sights set on an ultramarathon race in Germany this summer and is fully prepared to put everything he has into giving his best performance.

Han Tae Hwang Joins Triple Presidential Ranks

Han Tae Hwang Joins Triple Presidential Ranks

hantae-triplepresidential2Joining Mark Comer and Yun Tae Hwang in Synergy’s Triple Presidential ranks is Han Tae Hwang of Korea, Yun Tae’s business partner and brother. He is the third Synergy Team Member to earn this prestigious title. Synergy staffs and Team Members all the world applaud Han Tae for this spectacular and monumental achievement.

Though Han Tae has achieved incredible success with Synergy, his journey to success had a rocky beginning. Even though his older brother Yun Tae was experiencing incredible financial success with Synergy, Han Tae politely turned down Yun Tae’s recommendation to join Synergy every day for three months. After all, he was preparing to study abroad and wasn’t interested in a business opportunity. It wasn’t until Han Tae saw how Synergy’s products were helping his brother and father that he quickly changed his answer to an enthusiastic “yes” and he became a Synergy Team Member.

In a short few years, Han Tae saw a drastic change in his life. Previously a financially-strapped student, Han Tae now enjoys the lifestyle he always wanted 20 years earlier than he expected. Han Tae is especially happy about the doors his newfound financial status has opened for his family.

“Since I joined Synergy, I have realized the pleasure of living by the phrase, ‘To give is better than to receive,'” he said.

Now, not only does Han Tae have enough money to take care of his family, he also has plenty of time to spend with them in addition to his good health.

“It’s a remarkable change,” Han Tae said. “The most precious gifts ever given to me are my family first and Synergy next.”

Han Tae offers good advice to those getting started as Synergy Team Members: have a definite goal, be reliable, maintain a good attitude, keep putting in the effort, and always care about people.

CLICK HERE to read more about all three of our Triple Presidential Executives.

Monday Blitz with Dan Higginson!

Monday Blitz with Dan Higginson!

danh-imageIf you haven’t listened in already, Synergy WorldWide Founder Dan Higginson is hosting a MONDAY BLITZ of conference calls every two hours today!

As part of the Coming to America 2016 prelaunch, Dan wants to share Synergy’s goals and ambitions with everyone. He will also tell listeners how Synergy WorldWide has the potential to change lives in these short, 20-minute calls.

Times (MDT): 10 am.,12 am., 2 pm., 4 p.m., 6 p.m., 8 p.m. & 10 p.m.
Phone #: 712-775-7031
Access Code: 706118#

Set a time this afternoon or this evening to listen to a message from our founder and invite as many guests as you can! This is the perfect opportunity to get a Synergy introduction.

New Team Manager: David Davidson

New Team Manager: David Davidson

teammanager-daviddPrior to becoming a Synergy Team Member, David owned the largest independent car dealership in Florida before the economic decline in 2008. As he moved from company to company, he committed to Synergy in October of 2015 and hasn’t looked back.

David has been involved in network marketing for over 20 years. His professional accomplishments span a large range of companies and personal networks.

“My friends and colleagues have seen me work with a lot of different companies, but they all tell me that they’ve never seen me work with any business like I have with Synergy,” David said.

When David’s friends and acquaintances see his dedication to Synergy, they became curious. This has led them to learn more about Synergy, and David is confident in sharing Synergy’s credibility and history. David said that Synergy’s 15 years in business, its fantastic products, its impeccable customer service, and its Nature’s Sunshine Products backing, are the reasons he plans to stay with Synergy for many more years.

The success David has seen with Synergy stems not only from his hard work, but the people he has been able to work with. David praises his sponsor Bart Woodcock for helping him achieve his current success. David also praises Synergy Founder Dan Higginson for their countless conversations, which solidified David’s firm belief in Dan as a leader.

The future of David’s Synergy business looks incredibly promising, and the legacy that he hopes to leave is as ambitious as it is charitable.

“I’d like to help others,” David said. “To help them achieve better health, and better wealth. There are a lot of people around the world who are hurting, and I can honestly say that being able to help others is the hope I have. When I found Synergy, I found a perfect vehicle that will allow us the opportunity to help those who are in need.”

David and his wife like to give back as much as they can. They donate to charities regularly and hope to open a food bank in the future.

Synergy is proud to congratulate David on advancing to the title of Team Manager and we are excited to see how his business continues to grow in the future.

New Triple Presidential Executive: Mark Comer

New Triple Presidential Executive: Mark Comer

triple-markcomerPrior to joining Synergy WorldWide, Mark founded several companies in multiple industries, and became a millionaire in 5 different business sectors. He has been involved in the creation of multiple entrepreneurial initiatives and venture-capitalized startups located on every continent. Mark has ridden motorcycles, surfed or played in a rock band on nearly every continent. He is a best-selling author, philanthropist, business strategist, and entrepreneur expert.

Though Mark has started and contributed to more than 50 businesses in his lifetime, he maintains that his most rewarding enterprise is with Synergy WorldWide. Mark’s Synergy career began as a distributor in 2002 after founder Dan Higginson introduced him to the budding company. This was Mark’s first and last network marketing company. Since their conversation, Synergy has grown exponentially. In the summer of 2008, Mark became the first Double Presidential Executive in Synergy history. And in March of 2016, he and his partner Yun Tae Hwang became the first-ever Triple Presidential Executives.

Mark is still heavily involved in the handful of his own companies, promoting everything from fundraising to sunflower seeds to medical devices; however, Mark said he finds a way to make all of his business ventures tie into his Synergy business. Synergy is at the center of his success.

During the Internet boom, Mark started an online mall that he said was one of his most exciting business ventures. The company was a huge success, but, looking back, Mark realizes he didn’t have the same satisfaction then that he currently finds in his Synergy business.

“The Synergy business is a personal business,” Mark said. “You are helping people on such a personal level to change their health, change their family’s health, and you are giving them the opportunity to create a livelihood for their family unlike anything else they’ve ever done before.”

In Mark’s mind, Synergy’s corporate team “gets it,” which means everyone from Customer Service to the president understands that the key to success is supplying distributors and customers with the tools necessary to succeed. Distributors have the vehicle to find success, they just need to jump in and drive, he said. He encourages distributors to expect hard work, but to also expect unimaginable rewards as a result. With Synergy, the Team Member dictates the level of success they want to achieve.

“I met a girl a few years ago that told me she would become a Presidential Executive,” Mark said. “She worked really hard and two years later she did it. That’s more exciting to me than anything I’ve ever done. It’s about what people have been able to do in my organization and their life-changing experiences.”

Mark is one of 14 Team  Members who rank advanced to a new executive pin title in March. He and his business partner Yun Tae Hwang broke new ground as they achieved a title that has never been achieved before: Triple Presidential Executive. CLICK HERE to read more.