Perfect your Presentation in 3 Steps

Perfect your Presentation in 3 Steps

givingpresentationNetwork marketers are presentation gurus. Well, some of them. The life of a network marketing business often relies on the networker’s ability to proficiently explain and sell a company’s message. Network marketing presentations are often accompanied by—you guessed it—PowerPoint, but few networkers understand how to correctly apply design principles for a clean and sophisticated finished product.

To better prepare a sleek presentation that packs a punch, look to these quick tips:

#1. Text

PowerPoint should be used as a tool that aids in portraying a verbal message. The PowerPoint itself should not do the portraying. Limit each slide in your presentation to about 5 words; the words you select should encompass the topic you are diving into. There are very few instances that you should you be reading text seen on your slide. The goal is to have your audience view each slide for no more than a few seconds and focus the majority of their attention on you.

It’s also important to be careful with fonts. Stay away from tacky fonts like Comic Sans and opt for a clean, professional, sans serif font, such as Arial. Use no more than three text colors in a single PowerPoint to keep the theme and design connecting smoothly.

#2. Images

Choose interesting, high-quality visuals to captivate the audience. Stretched, distorted, and blurry images quickly turn what would be a good presentation into an unprofessional presentation. If the image file size is too small to fill the slide completely without becoming blurry, find a different image. Use a free stock image site, such as or filter your Google image search to only include large file sizes. Include a maximum of two images per slide. The most successful presentations often feature only one full-screen image. It’s also important to make sure you choose relevant images that complement your topic. For instance, if you are talking about goal-setting, you could select a high-quality image of a notepad and pencil.

#3. Design

Design encompasses the way that images and text coincide and complement each other. Do this right and you’ll create slides that are easy on the eyes and easy to follow. Start by learning the four design principles:

Contrast: Put simply, avoid similar elements (type, color, size, line thickness, shape, space) and instead, make them different. For example, using white text on a dark background shows contrast.

Alignment: The contents on every slide of your presentation should be placed with purpose. Proper alignment should visually connect other elements on the slide. Aligned elements will visually appear as though they are connected by an invisible line.

Repetition: Repeating design elements is a great way to create visual themes. Try repeating colors, textures, shapes, line thickness, etc. Doing this develops organization and unity.

Proximity: If two or more items are related to each other, group them close together to create one visual unit rather than several distinct separate units. This will create visual organization.

Remember, the more prepared you are, the more likely you are to create a presentation you’re proud of. Do it right once, and you will benefit from reusing your dynamite PowerPoint again and again. Ultimately, following these simple PowerPoint guidelines could improve how others perceive you and your business offering.

Perfect Summer SLMsmart Recipes

Perfect Summer SLMsmart Recipes

smoothiesThere is at least another month of blazing heat to survive before autumn kicks in, but a cold, refreshing smoothie or shake has the ability to make any stifling day tolerable. Pack your smoothies with as much nutrition as possible by adding SLMsmart Meal Replacement. You’ll get all of the vitamins and minerals provided in your regular smoothie ingredients, plus SLMsmart’s three-protein blend.

Give these fruity SLMsmart recipes a try and they’ll quickly become your go-to summer meals:

For all recipes, simply blend and enjoy!

Piña Colada
2 scoops vanilla SLMsmart Meal Replacement
½ cup pineapple, chopped
½ frozen banana
½ cup unsweetened coconut milk
½ cup water

Chocolate Cherry
2 scoops chocolate SLMsmart Meal Replacement
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 banana
1 heaping cup frozen cherries
3-5 ice cubes

Peachy Green
2 scoops vanilla SLMsmart Meal Replacement
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 cup frozen peaches
1/2 cup frozen pineapple
1/2 banana
2 cups kale

Chocolate Covered Strawberry
2 scoops chocolate SLMsmart Meal Replacement
1 cup fresh strawberries
1 banana
¼ cup water
2 cups crushed ice

Orange Cream
2 scoops vanilla SLMsmart Meal Replacement
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
1/2 cup water
3 ounces frozen orange juice concentrate
1/2 frozen banana
3-5 ice cubes

Synergy Customer Service will be closing two hours early August 5 2016 (12 p.m. MDT)

Synergy Customer Service will be closing two hours early August 5 2016 (12 p.m. MDT)

SynergyOffice-2On Friday, August 5, Synergy Customer Service will be closing two hours early (12 p.m. MDT) due to a company-wide meeting. Normal hours will resume the following Monday. If any Synergy matter need to be taken care of on August 5, please call before the office closes. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


Synergy WorldWide

5 New Pearl Executives in June!

5 New Pearl Executives in June! 

newpearls-korea0716In the fourth consecutive month of executive pin title advancements, five Synergy Korea Team Members became Pearl Executives and are already eagerly working toward the Emerald Executive title. Each of these five Team Members has a unique story and skillset that makes them highly valued at Synergy WorldWide.

Get to know more about our newest executives:

Chan Woo Kim, Pearl Executive

Before joining Synergy, Chan Woo was a successful network marketer for a company that altogether failed over time. Though his business came to a screeching halt, he still believed in the network marketing vision. When he discovered Synergy, he loved everything about the company, including Korea’s Eagles System and his dedicated sponsor.

“Pearl Executive is just the beginning,” Chan Woo said. “I know I can do so much with the Eagles System. I will be a Synergy leader who is modest, earnest, and successful.”

Joon Seok Jang, Pearl Executive

Joon Seok came to Synergy with a great deal of network marketing experience under his belt. He was a top leader for another company, but was impressed by Synergy WorldWide’s vision. He left the company he was with excited about Synergy’s future and what he could contribute to it. Joon Seok is tackling his goals and thrilled to be a long-term part of Synergy.

Hyun Sook Lee, Pearl Executive

Hyun Sook is a highly successful insurance agent that has no trouble bringing in sales; however, the rewards she is reaping from her part-time Synergy business are encouraging her to invest more and more time away from the insurance office.

Always emphasizing the importance of teamwork, Hyun Sook said, “Without team work, I couldn’t be an executive. I achieved this title through the support of many people. I know I have to help them just like they’ve helped me.”

Seung Kyu Shin, Pearl Executive

Seung Kyu was working for his family’s engineering business when he realized the network marketing opportunity was too great to pass up. His first network marketing venture failed, but he did not give up. He wanted to find a company that would make his dreams come true.

“I met my personal sponsor through Synergy and she gave me a second chance,” Seung Kyu said. “Many thanks to Yun Tae Hwang who developed the Eagles System and to my sponsor Young Ok Park. Because of what they’ve done for me, I will continue to succeed and become a great leader.”

Young Soon Park, Pearl Executive

Young Soon was a top network marketing leader for a company in Korea until one day the company closed its Korea office. Eight years of hard work disappeared in one day. After meeting Yun Tae Hwang, Young Soon joined Synergy. Following the Eagles System and counsel from Yun Tae, Young Soon’s business grew quickly. He’s grateful that his network marketing path has led him to where he is now.

“I’d like to thank my family for supporting me, and I would like to thank Yun Tae for always helping me,” she said. “I will give the same support to my partners.”

CLICK HERE to see just how many Synergy executives are working around the globe today.

An Introduction to the Acai Berry

An Introduction to the Acai Berry

acaiharvestingWe’ve all heard about the acai berry and its superfood powers, but how much do you really know about this incredible fruit that has taken the nutrition industry by storm? Take a look at Synergy’s acai infographic for a few well-known and little-known facts about this magnificent little berry!

