Thank you North America! The excitement for Synergy’s revolutionary Purify Kit has already led to 1,000 orders, and our supply for this limited-time offer has been SOLD OUT.

To everyone who missed this chance to experience the Purify Kit, have no fear! North America will officially be launching Elite Health and the Purify System in the spring of this year. You won’t want to miss this! Stay tuned to this blog— details and dates will be announced soon!

To all who successfully ordered their first Purify Kit, click here for the PURIFY GUIDE. You can also read through PURIFY KIT FAQ‘s by clicking here.

Purify Kit, Purify Guide, Purify FAQ!

Purify Kit, Purify Guide, Purify FAQ!

As you prepare to take the Purify step, you can check out the official Elite Health Purify Guide today!
This guide includes nutrition guidelines, sample meal plans, product information, and more to help you make the most of your first-ever Purify Kit experience.


Remember, Synergy’s new Purify Kit becomes available as a limited-time offer starting tomorrow, March 2 for Pearl Executives and above. Then, on Friday, March 3, sales of the kit open to all Synergy customers and Team Members!

Not only is this a limited-time-offer (LTO), it’s also a limited-supply-offer. Only 1,000 kits are available for purchase and it’s first come, first served! Orders of this Purify Kit LTO must be made over the phone. Simply dial 801-769-7800 to be among the first in North America to begin your Elite Health journey.

Click here for more about ordering the Purify Kit LTO. To read a few Purify Kit reviews from first-time users across the sea, click here.

As Synergy prepares to launch the Purify Program here in North America, you can prepare to make the most of your experience by reading through the Purify Guide, or checking out the list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) compiled for your convenience. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact Synergy Customer Service at 801-769-7800.

Elite Health is possible, and a balanced and properly fed microbiome is the key to achieve it. Working with scientists, researchers, and medical doctors at the Hughes Center for Research and Innovation, Synergy has carefully engineered proprietary solutions to optimize balance of the microbiome.

Synergy’s 7-day Purify Kit is comprised of patented products clinically tested to give your microbiome the overhaul it needs to start clean and fuel good health.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TE6xR0IcIM]

REMINDER: Founder's Call March 1

REMINDER: Founder’s Call March 1

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kb8UCCxtSgM?rel=0]

In anticipation of North America’s PURIFY KIT debut, join a special conference call tomorrow night, March 1, featuring Synergy Founder Dan Higginson, and hosted by General Manager Shane Greer.

DATE: Wednesday, March 1st
DIAL: 1-800-832-4695
PIN: 8908#

In addition to tomorrow’s call, watch the video above to catch a glimpse of Dan’s excitement for the arrival of the Purify System!

REMINDER: Founder’s Call March 1

REMINDER: Founder’s Call March 1

In anticipation of North America’s PURIFY KIT debut, join a special conference call tomorrow night, March 1, featuring Synergy Founder Dan Higginson, and hosted by General Manager Shane Greer.

DATE: Wednesday, March 1st
DIAL: 1-800-832-4695
PIN: 8908#

In addition to tomorrow’s call, watch the video above to catch a glimpse of Dan’s excitement for the arrival of the Purify System!




Next week, for the first time ever in North America, the revolutionary PURIFY KIT will be available for purchase! Don’t miss your chance to experience the Purify Program— get your kit March 2-3.

Team Members who attended the Synergy Europe Summit last fall in Vienna were the first in the world to be introduced to the Purify Kit. There, the kit was made available as a limited-time offer, just as it will be here in North America next week. We reached out to a few of those European Team Members to find out how they felt about the new products and the overall Purify Program:


From: Muruvik, Norway

Why he wants to achieve Elite Health:

“As we get older, we start to understand that we are not immortal. The body has gotten its share of beatings throughout the years. Muscles are stiff in the morning and skin is not as elastic as it used to be. I know that a lot of this is a result of bad choices when it comes to diet and an unhealthy lifestyle. I am hardly ever sick, because I use the V3 product series together with SLMsmart Meal Replacement and e9, but I was missing a strong, functional detox. I simply wanted to get my body as clean as possible.”

Why he trusts the Purify Kit products:

“When it comes to quality testing and assurance, there is no one like Synergy. They can be trusted!”

His favorite Purify Kit product:

“The product I liked the most was Biome DT. I could feel the effects almost right away, and it gave me good energy that lasted a long time.”

His Purify Kit results:

“My results are beyond imagination! I lost 7 kilos (15 pounds) and 11 cm. (4.3 inches) around my waist. I have a lot more energy and my thoughts are clearer. My skin has changed and I do not need to eat as much as I used to in order to feel full. My taste and smell has also changed, so food tastes better.”


From: Vienna, Austria

Why he wants to achieve Elite Health:

“Achieving Elite Health feels very good. I know the difference well because my body didn’t used to be in this condition. Achieving a better quality of life is becoming more and more important. We live in a fast and modern age. We have to work to keep pace. I compare the body to a sports car, because I will not feel well when I do not provide my high-quality vehicle with all of the important lubricants and high-quality fuel I need. Therefore, it has become very important to look after my body. I exercise every day and drink Synergy products so I can reach my Elite Health goal. I do this because I am worth something.”

Why he trusts the Purify Kit products:

“I am very grateful that I could try the Purify Kit in September 2016. I know that all Synergy products offer a high value for its consumers. The high standards Synergy has for research, production, and quality assurance creates a very high level of trust between the company and customer.”

His favorite Purify Kit product:

“My favorite is Biome DT. At the beginning, I had to get used to the taste, but with time it tasted better and better. When I ran out, I noticed that it did my body good, and my body was asking for more.”

His Purify Kit results:

“The seven-day program was an experience. I wanted to know exactly what I was taking and I got acquainted with the description of the Purify Kit. After that, I prepared a nutrition plan for the seven days, according to detailed instructions. I exercised about 30 minutes every day, which did me well. The results after seven days were impressive and convincing. I noticed that my energy was increasing every day. By the end of the week, I had lost 3.5 kilos (7.7 pounds). Finally, I would like to emphasize that during the seven days, I was able to experience a new and surprisingly good feeling in my life. I am very thankful that it’s possible to clean my body and put my microbiome in a good mood. I’m looking forward to round two with the Purify Kit!”


From: Mosfellsbaer, Iceland

Why she wants to achieve Elite Health:

“When you have experienced health challenges like I have, you realize the value of health, the value of being at your full potential—full of energy and feeling good. Being able to walk in the mountains, run on the beach, and swim in the sea becomes more important than anything else. With Elite Health, you can make the most of your life and be at your full potential at any age. You can travel more, live more, see more, and experience more. For me, the most important of all is to be able to spend as much time as possible with my wonderful daughter Ólavía who is now 15 years old. Health is so precious.”

Why she trusts the Purify Kit products:

“In 2013 … I lost my health almost entirely, gaining 40 kilograms (88 pounds) in two years. I am educated in languages and tourism. I’m a tourist guide and I have been working in tourism almost my entire career. I had to stop working, which was very traumatic for me because I felt very helpless and like I was letting go of my dreams. I was introduced to Synergy in February 2014 and since then I have been building my health with the help of these wonderful products. Synergy products are simply the best.

I was very excited to try the Purify kit after the annual Summit in Vienna. I believe that the foundation of good health is a well-balanced and healthy microbiome. I also believe that [the microbiome] holds the most interesting opportunities to address many difficult illnesses in the future.”

Her favorite Purify Kit products:

“I love all the Purify Kit products, so it is hard for me to say which are my favorite. Biome Shake is high on my list because it’s so tasty and I love having a vegan shake. Biome Actives and Biome DT had such a wonderful influence on my digestion.”

Her Purify Kit results:

“When I used the products on day two and three, I felt quite a powerful detox, but that had gone by day four. I felt increased energy and good benefits in my skin. I felt like I was glowing. I lost some weight and got a lot of compliments from friends who said I looked healthy. I feel healthier and stronger!”


From: Fürstenfeld, Austria

Why she wants to achieve Elite Health:

“I often feel exhausted and I’m carrying more weight with me than I’d like. All of us have hundreds of substances stored in our bodies that are making us sick and fat. I’m ready to feel better!”

Why she trusts the Purify Kit products:

“Of course, we can incorporate different foods and supplements into our diets for detoxification, but is that enough? The Purify Program targets every aspect necessary for an effective detox: Colon cleansing, balancing intestinal flora, and increasing metabolism. Let’s not forget that the quality of the products play an essential role!”

Her favorite Purify Kit products:

“I love Biome Shake. I’m a huge shake fan. In one serving, there is a perfect balance of perfect quality vegetable protein, vitamins, and minerals. And it tastes delicious.”

Her Purify Kit results:

“After the first few days, my stomach felt great. I had a clear head. I had more energy and increased performance, and I’ve continued to feel this way. I have better concentration and can think more quickly. Now, I always have enough strength to complete my daily workout.”

Remember, the Purify Kits become available March 2 to Pearl Executives and above, and available to everyone on March 3. Orders can only be made over the phone, simply call Customer Service at 801-769-7800.

For more of the details behind this exciting, limited-time offer, click here.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TE6xR0IcIM]