Extreme Athlete Trains with Synergy Products

Extreme Athlete Trains with Synergy Products

This is 21-year-old mountain biking pro Oskar Macuk—Szczecin native, daredevil and Synergy enthusiast. If you happen to catch a mountain biking competition in Poland or its surrounding countries, you’ll most likely spot Oskar throwing endless backflips and barspins in zebra pants. What powers his performance, you ask? ProArgi-9+ and e9, to name a few.

“Synergy products are an important part of training for me because they help me push my limits as an athlete,” Oskar said.

While Oskar is best known for his insatiable appetite for adrenaline and jaw-dropping stunts, he is also a dedicated student studying physiotherapy and a classic rock fan who dreams of traveling the world one mountain biking competition at a time.

He lives the Dalai Lama’s words: “In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision,” a sentiment that is right in line with Synergy values.

We’re honored that competitive and inspiring athletes like Oskar are adding Synergy products to their training routines. Can’t wait to see the stunts that Oskar pulls next!

Transforming Minds with Healthy Living

 Transforming Minds with Healthy Living
With only one week left in the SLMsmart 90-Day Challenge, we’ve surveyed a few of our dedicated participants to see what has changed in their body transformation pursuit.
From what we’ve gathered so far, one major change is apparent in each participant we’ve talked to. Through the 90-day Challenge, these individuals have learned to reprogram their brains for healthy living. It hasn’t been an easy road for many, but with time and practice, participants have built the mental strength to exercise and make healthy meal choices thanks to SLMsmart coaches Drew and Lynn and the 90-day Challenge smartphone app.

“Beyond seeing a physical change in our participants, I’ve noticed that these people really believe in themselves now,” said SLMsmart Coach Drew Manning. “They have seen success and are so much more positive. While this has been a major learning process for our participants, it has also been an uplifting process. They’ve allowed themselves to love their bodies and what they are capable of.”

Challenge participants are coming out of the experience feeling in control of their health and their lives. Mental and emotional change are perhaps the most important elements of making real and lasting change.

Bill Muth
Sacramento, California
“Before the challenge, if there was a bag a candy I’d be grabbing for it. I don’t care for it now. It only took a couple weeks to get to this point. I’ve found that my meal plan keeps me incredibly full to the point where I don’t think about food. I was overwhelmed at first; it was an emotional roller coaster, but your head clears up and you start understanding what you need to do. Subtly, the discipline I’ve learned in diet and exercise has leaked into other areas of my life. I have the determination to follow through on other goals I’ve set for myself, including goals in my Synergy business.”

Cody Marsh
Buckeye, Arizona

“My personal motto throughout this challenge has been ‘Do it today!’ What I mean by this is don’t let a lack of motivation stop from exercising. There are so many exercises you can do at home without equipment. Improvise! Putting my hiking boots on and carrying gallon jugs of water gets the job done. Drew taught me to constantly re-evaluate where I am in training and to push myself to do new workouts that will keep my heart rate up. I know what I need to do now to keep this going!”

Julie Russon
Pleasant Grove, Utah
“Long-time patterns of stress eating and a negative self image put me through mental torment that resulted in never-ending weight gain. I was committed to free myself of this torment without little thought of what would actually happen. It wasn’t long before I realized that this experience was going to be a life changer if I would give it everything I had. I committed my mind and my body followed. I was frustrated at first, but I slowly realized my clothes feeling differently. Food no longer controls me and my confidence has returned. I’ve realized that no matter who you are, it’s never too late to change.”

These participants now have the tools to continue on this healthy path long after the challenge ends May 1, 2015. Participants are eager to unveil their unbelievable transformations and we can’t wait to see what they’ve accomplished.

Synergy leaders speak out about BBC 2015

 Synergy leaders speak out about BBC 2015

Synergy WorldWide recently leaked Business Builder Conference 2015 announcements to some of its top leaders, letting them in on a game-changing strategy that will prompt progressive changes in the Synergy business we know and love today. Knowledge of Synergy’s future plans have these leaders buzzing about the company’s potential in coming years, and Synergy executives cannot wait to reveal all of the excitement to you June 5-6, 2015 in Salt Lake City, Utah at the culminating BBC event.
Synergy North America’s highest ranking leaders know how important this event is to their businesses, and they want you to share their excitement. After reading their comments, you’ll understand why BBC tickets are going to sell out in seconds.

Be ready to register for BBC at 9 a.m. sharp on April 15 through the registration site.

Paul Blad, Presidential Executive
“The simplified direction Synergy plans to take in product marketing this summer is something everyone should look forward to. The company is streamlining the way we share Synergy products and, ultimately, grow the business. This, coupled with new incentives and promotions, will widen our demographic and make sharing Synergy’s products and financial opportunities easier than ever. This new strategy comes down to being organized. We are giving people a solid track to follow that will take them where they want to go in the company. By attending BBC, all of us can get on the same page and move forward with the same vision.”

Dane Iorg, Presidential Executive
“You can learn more in two days at BBC than you can in six months of phone calls and webinars. You have all the executives in the same room talking specifically to you, and they want to help you succeed. You can learn so much just by mingling with other Team Members. The motivation you came to BBC with will be multiplied by 100 by the time you leave. I promise you that.”

Steve Seely, Pearl Executive
“BBC gives the collective Synergy North America team a sense of direction, and the direction that will be introduced at this year’s conference is going to rock your world. The new promotions and packages that executives will unveil are going to allow us to reinvest in ourselves and allow us to feel more confident about sharing Synergy’s products and mission. We’ll all be on track with the new vibe Synergy is creating.”

Brian Holt, Team Elite
“In my 12 years with Synergy I have never been more excited about what lies ahead with Synergy. If you have ever been serious about making something out of you Synergy business, you absolutely do now want to miss this event. With the direction of our new general manager Shane Greer we are reinventing Synergy North America. Not only are we reinventing it, we are re-branding and reorganizing—it’s incredible! Everyone know we have the best products and best compensation plan, and after BBC we’ll have the best income-building system out there. You’ll know exactly how to earn $500 per month in three-months time. The tools that Synergy will put into our hands at BBC are going to create explosive growth. This isn’t hype; I truly believe this.”

Another Record Year for Synergy WorldWide

Another Record Year for Synergy WorldWide

Synergy is a company on the move! 

Its continued growth and commitment to excellence makes it a dynamic company that is competitive in both the health supplement and network marketing industries. We are proud to announce that during the 2014 fiscal year, Synergy experienced record-breaking growth! Synergy’s sales dramatically increased by approximately 18.3% according to Nature’s Sunshine Products’ fiscal year-end report—an accomplishment that can be attributed Synergy’s leadership and Team Members all over the world. Synergy’s Japan and South Korea markets had an especially monumental year, and much of Synergy’s success in 2014 is owed to their teams’
incredible efforts.

Synergy’s Team Members are the lifeblood of the company and we are proud to have shared this year with such talented and hard-working individuals. Every successful year with Synergy is made possible by the daily business dealings of its Team Members in the field who are spreading Synergy’s vision of superior health, financial freedom, and an overall higher quality of life.

“We are honored to be represented by such an enthusiastic network of individuals who are committed to making a positive difference in both their own lives and in the lives of those around them,” said Dan Norman, President of Synergy WorldWide. “Our growth in 2014 is proof that Synergy’s potential has no boundaries, and we are confident that Team Members all over the world will continue raising the bar.”

Team Member dedication, coupled with remarkable leadership, exceptional events, new product launches, and a mission to Leave a Legacy, made 2014 a year to remember.

Congratulations on a successful 2014 and we look forward to seeing what we are capable of accomplishing together in 2015.

How healthy is your heart?

How healthy is your heart?

Have you ever wondered how well you are taking care of your heart? What effects are your daily habits having on your heart’s long-term health?


A heart is at the center of every life. People who have healthy hearts may experience a higher quality of life than those who don’t. Those who take care of their hearts may experience benefits ranging from impressive athletic endurance and a lower risk of heart-related traumas.
There are several factors that contribute to good cardiovascular health. While your health is partially dependent upon genetics and family history, the choices you make regarding exercise, nutrition, health supplements and more, all play a role in maintaining a thriving heart, mind and body.
Now you can gauge how well you are taking care of your heart with the help of this quiz that we created.

Made with QZZR
After you’ve finished taking the quiz, do your friends and family a favor and send them the link! No matter your results, commit now to consider your heart—the hardest working organ in the body—in every health-related decision that you make. A healthy heart can be the key to a long, prosperous life. Protect it.