Elite Honors Spotlight: Dan Hammer

Elite Honors Spotlight: Dan Hammer

Since the launch of the Elite Honors Club and the Go Elite Promotion, North America Team Members have adopted the principles, applied them to their own businesses, and taught others to abide by the same business building structure.

These same Team Members are now convinced that this is the most productive way to build a stable, profitable Synergy business, and see financial results quickly.

Click here to learn more about Elite Honors Club.

See what one Team Member had to say about his rewarding experience so far:

Dan Hammer, Chicago, Illinois
Team Leader

“Synergy gave me a platform to build a stable business through Elite Honors. Elite Honors’ message is that having both customers and business builders in your organization is important because customers create cash flow and business builders create long-term residual income. They’ve given us the perfect model for success and all the tools that go with it.

I’ve been building my business with customers for a long time, adding business builders along the way. With customers, I simply introduce them to the product and they begin generating customer volume on their own without me having to do anything. You can easily earn commissions from customers alone. I earned an extra $600 because I was Elite Honors qualified and maintained my highest title of Team Leader, and that was for doing what I’ve always done as a business builder.

Now, I just have to teach others that being Elite Honors qualified significantly contributes to rank advancements and it will grow their residual income stream. When people see the potential that this model has, they will have a reason to work. It’s easy to create interest in Synergy through Elite Honors because we have the tools and presentation to do it. Lastly, you’ll only have one question to ask: Do you want to be a happy customer or do you want to be in the business of enhancing health with Synergy products?”

Elite Honors vs. Go Elite

Elite Honors vs. Go Elite


Since their launch at BBC in June, Synergy’s Elite Honors Club and Go Elite Promotion have fueled activity throughout North America – incentivizing business-building activities with recognition and extra cash.

However, because the Elite Honors Club and Go Elite promotion are so closely tied, we felt it necessary to provide a quick breakdown of how they differ so that you can better understand how to leverage each in Synergy’s financial roadmap to success.

Elite Honors Club

Becoming Elite Honors qualified means qualifying for the Elite Honors Club, and is a true indicator of success within a Synergy business. Earning this acclaimed status is possible if you accomplish these three simple steps in each calendar month:

1. Have an active Autoship template and 150 CV in personal volume.
2. Activate two new Team Members at 150 CV or 1 new Team Member at 300 CV.
3. Generate and maintain a pool of 500 CV in customer volume.

By following this plan, you will translate quick upfront money into long-term residual income and can earn at least $500 in three months. In addition to being on your way to stable financial growth, as an Elite Honors Club member you will enjoy a number of perks exclusive to this esteemed club, including special recognition, event perks, discounts, and an Elite Honors Club pin.

Click here for more details on becoming Elite Honors qualified.

Go Elite Promotion

Available through December 2015, Synergy’s Go Elite promotion pays out an additional cash bonus to qualified Team Members in North America.

Star: $75
Bronze: $150
Silver: $300
Gold: $400
Team Leader: $600
Team Manager: $750

As noted above, the Go Elite promotion is only available to Team Members at the Star through Team Manager levels. The following two qualifications must be met during a commission period to be paid the bonus:

1. Be Elite Honors qualified.
2. Maintain your highest pin title or achieve a new highest pin title at the Star through Team Manager levels.

Team Members can earn this bonus month after month, without any limit. Simply meet the above qualifications and Synergy will pay you the Go Elite promotion on top of what the compensation plan already pays.

Here are a few scenarios to help better understand how this works:

Example 1: In July 2015 John becomes Elite Honors qualified and maintains his highest pin title of Silver for that month, a pin title he had earned back in February. Congratulations, John has earned a Go Elite bonus of $300 for July.

Example 2: Sally is currently a Gold, but in the month of August she rank advances to Team Leader. However, Sally does not become Elite Honors qualified in August because she only had 150 CV in activation volume. We congratulate Sally for her new title, but unfortunately she does not qualify for the bonus because she’s not Elite Honors qualified.

Example 3: In July 2015 Karen becomes Elite Honors qualified, but her current highest title is Silver and her volume was only at the Bronze level for July, so she does not earn the Go Elite bonus for that month. But in August, her entire team is engaged and she rank advances to Gold that month – a new highest title. She also becomes Elite Honors qualified for the second month in a row. Congratulations to Karen, she earns $400 in Go Elite promotion payout.

Participate in a Hughes Center Study

Participate in a Hughes Center Study
The Hughes Center for Research & Innovation is conducting an IRB* approved clinical study in overweight people with cardiovascular risk factors. Participants in this study will receive advanced medical testing and will be compensated for time and travel.Study-1

Are you overweight? Are you concerned about your cardiovascular health? Are you ready to make a change? Do you want to participate in cutting-edge research? If you’ve answered yes to these questions, you may wish to be a part of this important study at the Hughes Center.

To determine your eligibility to participate, please click here to review participation requirements and submit the required personal information. Interested individuals are currently being screened for eligibility.

Additionally, you can view, download and share the study flyer found here.

*Institutional Review Board

Introducing the New Mobile-friendly Pulse!

Introducing the New Mobile-friendly Pulse!
It can be difficult to manage a busy schedule, but this mobile-friendly Synergy feature will make managing your Synergy business easier and more convenient than ever! You’re already familiar with Pulse, the back office site that lets you manage your business online. Now, meet the newly re-designed Pulse, specifically optimized for a streamlined mobile experience:New_Pulse

  • Leave the bulky laptop at home; you can now access your Pulse account easily from your smartphone or tablet.
  • Manage your product volumes while in between appointments and place orders while on the go with our new easy-to-navigate links.
  • Walk your newest customer through the sign-up process on the spot–no need to wait.
  • Add Pulse to your mobile browser bookmarks for even faster access!

In addition to making a more mobile-friendly experience, we have also given the desktop version of Pulse a more modern look and feel. Click here to check out the new design for your laptop or mobile!

Wednesday July 8th 2015 Elite Health Call

Elite Health Call


Synergy is dedicated to your Elite Health. We develop and manufacture the highest quality supplements with the goal of empowering men and women who wish to enjoy a healthy, productive life. Please join us on Wednesday, July 8th to learn more about our Elite Health products and the importance of taking care of you.



To Join, Dial: 1-800-832-4695
Pin: 8908#
Time: 7 PM Mountain time

This mother of eight was the 2015 SLMsmart 90 Day Challenge Grand Prize winner. After over 25 years of being unhappy with her health, she used Synergy products and smart eating to lose 58 pounds! Now she’s feeling better than ever. Learn how she did it, and hear how things are going since the Challenge ended in May. Click here to learn more about Eva’s transformation.

Tommy was determined to transform. He wanted results beyond people’s expectations. He set a goal, worked hard and truly amazed everyone that knew him. Over the course of the 2015 SLMsmart 90 Day Challenge, Tommy lost over 55 pounds. Now, Tommy has certified as a personal trainer and is helping others to experience their own transformations. He is truly an ambassador of smart living and Elite Health. Click here to learn more about Tommy’s transformation.

Invite your friends, family and anyone interested in learning more about achieving Elite Health with Synergy WorldWide to join this month’s call. Remember, July 8th, 7 PM Mountain Time!