Special Heart Health Webinar with Primary Children’s Hospital

Special Heart Health Webinar with Primary Children’s Hospital

Synergy’s Heart Health Month celebration continues with a special webinar on Wednesday, February 24. For the first time, we will hear from Ms. Julia Saxton, Corporate and Foundation Relations Director at Primary Children’s Hospital. She will share unique insight regarding the innovative treatments and incredible medical support that Primary Children’s Heart Center provides every single day.
As a reminder, Synergy, alongside the Impact Foundation, has been raising money to donate to The Heart Center at Primary Children’s Hospital. We have pledged 5% of proceeds from all our heart health product sales— helping make an impact while also sharing the gift of heart health. 
Join us Wednesday, February 24th and discover how Primary Children’s Hospital continually works to aid and improve the health of their patients and their families.



Date: Wednesday, February 24
Time: 1 PM (MST) – OR – 7 PM (MST)Registration Link: https://register.gotowebinar.com/rt/3456021645504841487Language: English

NOTE: This webinar will feature presentation slides. For the best experience, we recommend you register today to join online. This webinar will be broadcast for educational purposes only. There will be no recordings published or distributed. This webinar is being broadcast with no intent to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or health condition. The content of this webinar will not be evaluated by the USFDA, nor by any governing body.

About Ms. Julia Saxton 

As the Corporate and Foundation Relations Director, and Director for the Children’s Miracle Network Program, Julia Saxton is an expert in her field. Saxton has been with Primary Children’s Hospital for nearly five years and oversees everything from corporate events and fundraisers to celebrity guest visits with the patients. Her passion and care resonate through her work, helping her continually create positive change for children’s healthcare every day. 

January Achievements 2021

January Achievements 2021

We extend sincere congratulations to the enthusiastic Synergy Team Members sharing Elite Health across North America. In January of 2021, the men and women listed below advanced to new ranks of success in their business. It is our privilege to recognize them for the time and energy they have invested into reaching their goals, and helping people unlock their potential. 

We will also be highlighting these incredible individuals on our exclusive North America Facebook Page. Become part of our group, and help build our Synergy community online. Now, please join us in congratulating the following Team Members across North America:


Team Leader

Cecilio Jose Padilla ZorrillaJaime E. Pichardo Batista


Cecilio Jose Padilla Zorrilla


Cecilio Jose Padilla ZorrillaVictor López


George ParrisJesse B. CumberbatchMagalli AritaWen LiAna Belia Olmos PonceVictor López


Carlos V. RodridguezGerman AritaWen LiCheryn Ann JonesNatalie ThomasHope Energetics Llc.Marsha J. FarrellOscar Irvine MaloneyAna Belia Olmos PonceRonald SarmientoRosa GarciaFederico SanchezHarold TenasJose E. RodriguezMaria Nadal-CabralVictor LópezMitzy Younis SerranoJuan GarciaMinette RodriguezLeon Tugri SalazarJared MartinezFernanda Sanchez
TOP RECRUITER Team Members with the most personally sponsored Tracking Centers

Jaime Andres SuarezCecilio J. Padilla ZorrillaJose SalasAna Belia Olmos PonceVictor LópezLiliana IsauraMorales AndradeCarlos V. RodriguezFederico Sanchez

TOP TEAM BUILDER Team Members with the most personally sponsored rank advancements

Cecilio Jose Padilla ZorrillaAna Belia Olmos PonceCarmen De Leon BonillaJesse B. CumberbatchGeorge ParrisEarlwaine Cumberbatch

Heart Health Spotlight: Vitamin D3

Heart Health Spotlight: Vitamin D3

As an essential vitamin, Synergy’s Vitamin D3 is one of the most useful nutritional tools we have available. Working with your body’s numerous biological functions, vitamin D3 helps ensure maximum calcium absorption for a strong skeletal system. 

When you purchase any Synergy heart health products, including Vitamin D3, we’ll donate 5% of the purchase to The Heart Center at Primary Children’s Hospital. Help us share the gift of heart health this month.


The human body is equipped with the amazing ability to synthesize vitamin D3 through exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays. However, many people today are lacking in their daily dose of sunlight due to indoor living and excessive sunscreen. Like a ray of sunshine, Synergy’s vitamin D3 provides the perfect amount of this essential nutrient to ensure a greater state of overall health. Vitamin D3 also helps bolster muscle metabolism and function, so your heart can get an extra measure of healthy love at the same time.


Of the many roles vitamin D3 fulfills in the body, one of the most important is to enable calcium absorption. As such, the body is unable to digest calcium without adequate levels of D3. Insufficient levels of calcium can then lead to osteoporosis and eventually bone loss. Vitamin D3 also works to promote bone mineralization in the body, helping support your skeletal structure— there’s no bones about it. 


  • Provides 2500 IU of Vitamin D3 per tablet
  • Helps maintain normal levels of calcium in the blood
  • Helps maintain bone health and mineralization
  • Helps support a healthy immune system
  • Facilitates calcium absorption in the body to support a healthy skeletal system


Don’t forget, 5% of Vitamin D3 sales go to Primary Children’s Hospital. Make an impact while also supporting heart health. 

Heart Health Spotlight: Metabolic LDL

Heart Health Spotlight: Metabolic LDL

Support healthy cholesterol levels and cardiovascular function with Metabolic LDL. This unique and powerful herbal formula helps modulate cholesterol oxidation to maintain optimum circulatory performance and overall heart health.

This month, when you purchase Metabolic LDL or any Synergy heart health products, we’ll donate 5% of the purchase to The Heart Center at Primary Children’s Hospital! Help us make an impact as you enjoy supporting heart health. 


Metabolic LDL combines Citrus bergamia Risso extract with a proprietary blend of high-ORAC antioxidants that help support total cholesterol and triglyceride levels already in the normal range. It works in part by blocking an enzyme the liver needs to produce LDL cholesterol. This balance of Citrus bergamia fruit extract and antioxidants naturally supports healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels, yielding a wonderfully effective formulation for cardiovascular health.


While Bergamot Fruit Extract (Citrus bergamia Risso) is technically a member of the orange family, it more closely resembles a lime or lemon with a bumpy outer peel that ranges from pale green to yellow. Grown along the southern coast of Italy, our bergamot fruit is bursting with a unique blend of polyphenols, otherwise known as naturally occurring antioxidants, that help locate and detoxify free radicals in the body. 


  • Modulates oxidation of LDL cholesterol
  • Supports healthy cholesterol levels
  • Features a powerful, proprietary antioxidant blend


Remember, 5% of Metabolic LDL sales go to Primary Children’s Hospital. Make an impact by sharing the gift of heart health.

Healthy Hearts Begin Within

Healthy Hearts Begin Within

You love your heart. You know it’s important—but do you know what to feed it? Fueling your body’s engine with proper nutrition doesn’t have to be rocket science.
This February, in honor of Heart Health Month, take a little extra time and fuel your body with better nutrition. Trust us, you’ll feel better than ever and your heart will appreciate the extra effort.
Here are a few heart-healthy suggestions to make your favorite meals more cardio-conscious:


Vegetables are always on the table when it comes to heart health, and some pack a healthier punch than others. Dark, leafy greens like spinach and kale are filled with heart healthy vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They’re also a great source of vitamin K, which can help protect your arteries and improve cardiovascular health. Channel your inner Popeye and include spinach in your next meal. A little can go a long way.


Okay, this may be difficult. Yes, we know sugar makes things sweet. But can your recipe work with Stevia? Some natural honey or maple syrup will also help maintain your sweetness without the high sugar content. It could be worth a try. Sugar, fructose, corn syrup… these are not heart-healthy ingredients. Substitute when possible and your heart will thank you. 


When you have to eat carbs, remember that diets rich in fiber are more preferable than refined white breads and pastas. When it comes to combatting high blood pressure and supporting your overall heart health, choose fibrous whole grains. At the very least, try swapping out half the amount of all-purpose flour with whole-wheat flour. Better yet, try almond-flour! You can also change up refined white rice for whole grain rice or opt for a more complex grain like quinoa. 


Sodium has a big impact on heart health, but that doesn’t mean you have to forgo flavor. Instead, try adding a splash of vinegar or a squeeze of fresh lime to your food. You can also give your favorite dishes an update with a dash of new spices and herbs. Feel free to experiment and test out new flavors, you never know when you’ll create something incredible.