GM Message: Holidays and New Horizons

GM Message: Holidays and New Horizons

Christmas-Bells-690x431Around this time of year, it starts to get really cold here in Utah and I start to wish I lived in Florida or Arizona. Despite the cold and the snow, the holiday season is one of my favorite times of year. The holidays help me keep perspective on what Stephen Covey calls the “important but non-urgent things.” It is also a time of reflection. This past year, working for Synergy has given me the opportunity to meet many incredible people and glean from their experience.
From a business perspective, New Year’s Day is a powerful holiday. Most people see it as a new beginning, a fresh start. We usually try to take advantage of this fresh start by doing something most don’t do all year – set goals. Goal setting helps us eliminate peripheral distractions and develop what Napoleon Hill calls “definiteness of purpose.” This focus leads people to do extraordinary things; things that they couldn’t have accomplished otherwise.

An interesting case study in the effectiveness of goal setting and definiteness of purpose could be the SLMsmart 90-day Challenge that took place at the start of 2015. Eva Miller, Tommy Bethards, and Justin Hall, demonstrated the power of goal setting, self-reliance, personal initiative, self-discipline, concentrated effort, and tenacious determination.

In 2015 we also made some improvements that we look to build on in 2016. At the Business Builders Conference (BBC) in June, we positioned and categorized all of our products into lines with a goal to eliminate stand-alone products. This change helped refine our offering and allows us to be more appealing to all demographics by specifically targeting health concerns and meeting customers at their needs. While this change may have seemed subtle, it was strategic. It now provides a footing on which we can and will build on in 2016 and in years to come.

2015 also saw the launch of the Elite Honors earnings model. This model was designed after successful programs that are in place in other markets. It was also designed to give new enrollments a definitive road map to profitability. Elite Honors is built on sound business principles and maximizes the Synergy Compensation Plan by providing the optimal mix of customer volume (profitability) and new Team Member enrollments (expansion). Elite Honors creates stable, profitable, and duplicable businesses.

Many of the improvements Synergy made in 2015 were done to lay the groundwork for future enhancements and launches. Synergy is developing a dynamic five-year plan in coordination with Synergy Team Members across the globe. We will start aggressively executing this plan in 2016, not just domestically, but globally. I am confident that these enhancements will lead to never-before-seen growth in several markets as well as financial independence for many Synergy Team Members. I also believe that these changes will lead to many career networkers finding a permanent home with Synergy. I look forward to witnessing your success.

Wishing you a happy holidays and a prosperous New Year with Synergy,

Shane Greer
North America General Manager
Synergy WorldWide

5 Ways to Prepare Your Immune System for Winter

5 Ways to Prepare Your Immune System for Winter

There are many speculations as to why people seem to start sniffling and coughing more often as soon as the cold air sets in. One Yale University study announced in January 2015 that cold wintry air weakens the nose’s immune defenses, allowing the bacteria and viruses lurking in every corner to more easily creep into your body.

Prior to this study, many hypothesized that the increase in sickness had to do with more people staying indoors and sharing breathing space. While this theory might be partially true, it’s proven that cooler weather does have a crippling effect on immune systems. While there is no way to prevent winter from coming, there are ways to help the body fight against unwelcome intruders.

Load up on Vitamin C and D

While all vitamins play a role in health maintenance, Vitamin C and D are most notable for their ability to strengthen connective tissue in bones and attack the viruses themselves, both of which lead to fewer doctor visits in chilly months. Make sure to add citrus fruits to your daily diet for Vitamin C, and brave the cold to get some sunshine for a healthy dose of Vitamin D.

Cook with Herbs and Spices

Keep your spice rack stocked this winter. Studies show that garlic, ginger, black peppercorn, cayenne pepper, allspice, curry, and turmeric, all contain properties that strengthen immune defenses.

Maintain a Healthy Gut

The gastrointestinal tract houses a substantial part of the immune system. This being said, an important part of a strong immune system is strong digestive organs. A healthy diet and adequate sleep play a major role in a healthy gut, but probiotics, also known as “good bacteria,” are touted for supporting healthy gut function. Probiotics can be taken as a supplement, but are most commonly recognized as a component found in yogurt.

Eat, Drink, Sweat, Sleep, Repeat

Taking care of your immune system requires all of the same steps it takes to sustain total body wellness. Feed your body whole foods, choose water over soda, exercise moderately a few times per week, sleep 7-8 hours per night, and make each of these healthy choices habits.

Don’t stress!

Unfortunately, no one is immune to stress. However, the most dangerous type of stress that affects your body’s systems is chronic stress, or stress that results in high levels of the hormone cortisol. This stress hormone has a weakening effect on the immune system and can really put a damper on your winter plans. So remember to relax, don’t sweat the small stuff, and enjoy a flu-free, cold-free winter.

Change to Customer Service Hours

Change to Customer Service Hour

Synergy’s North America Customer Service department hours have changed.

New North American Customer Service Schedule (MST):

Monday-Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Saturday: Closed

If you have questions or concerns, please contact Synergy at (801) 769-7800 or send an email at

Beware the Holiday Snack Attack

Beware the Holiday Snack Attack
The holidays are upon us and that means cold weather, family, and endless food and goodies. With all of that tempting food surrounding you, it can be hard to stay on track with healthy eating. Here are a few tips that will help you make it through the holidays without sacrificing your healthy habits or the fun of socializing with family and friends.

Recipe Remix

If you’re baking during the holidays, save yourself some calories with healthy swaps. Instead of oil, use applesauce (ratio 1:1), skip the sugar and add stevia (1:3/4), and ditch regular milk and use almond milk (1:1). Synergy lovers have found that SLMsmart Health Shake is a great substitute for flour in a variety of SLMsmart recipes created by you. While using all of these healthy swaps at once will make your cookies and treats better for you, we recommend trying one swap per recipe, so have fun and start experimenting!

Stay Hydrated

Social schedules packed with holiday parties and fun outings with the family leaves little room to think about your water intake, especially when there is an abundance of sugary hot drinks and cocktails that sound much more appealing. However, most people don’t realize that many food cravings are actually water cravings. By staying properly hydrated, not only will your skin look amazing in holiday photos, you will be able to avoid becoming a victim of the endless desserts that show up on your doorstep. And while you’re pouring yourself a glass of refreshing, much-needed water, add a scoop or packet of ProArgi-9+, or a dose of Liquid Chlorophyll, for even more far-reaching health benefits.

Plan Ahead

If you’re heading to a holiday party and already feeling hungry, try eating a sensible meal before arriving. No time to meal prep? Mix up a SLMsmart Health Shake instead. This shake is the perfect small meal because its three-protein blend keeps you satisfied for hours, and it’s loaded with all of the essential nutrients your body craves. This will allow you to pick and choose what treats you really want instead of eating anything and everything in sight because you are desperate to ease your hunger. Also, if you are bringing a dish to share, go for a healthy and filling option that you know fits within your diet goals.


The holiday season is a time that should be spent with loved ones, not fretting over your nutrition goals. Don’t beat yourself up if you eat an extra cookie after dinner or add another helping of potatoes to your plate. Remind yourself of your goals and remember that tomorrow is another day to start again. While this won’t keep the weight off, it will definitely make the holidays more enjoyable while you work toward a healthier New Year.

Happy holidays!

Ironman Competitor Triumphs with Synergy Products

Ironman Competitor Triumphs with Synergy Products

Ironman_Tempe_2On a surprisingly cold and windy day in Tempe, Ariz., 51-year-old Synergy Team Member Xavier Marin plunged into Tempe Town Lake with hundreds of elite athletes to compete in his first IRONMAN triathlon in 10 years.

xaviermarin2“The start of the swim is crazy for everyone,” Xavier said. “There is so much anxiety, so much energy. People are grabbing each other. When I finished the swim I couldn’t wait to get on my bike. I felt strong when I was biking and steady when I was running.”

Thirteen hours and 11 minutes after he took off from the starting line, Xavier triumphantly crossed the IRONMAN Arizona finish line, which means he swam 2.4 miles, biked 112 miles, and ran 26.2 miles. Racers aren’t allowed any outside support, including headphones, which makes completing an IRONMAN both a mental and physical fete., The 6 ½ pounds Xavier lost on race day proves it.

Despite the sleet and rain, Xavier was able to keep the pace he maintained in the half Ironman he completed a few months before. He was even able to shave two hours off of his best time, proving that optimal health is attainable at any age. As a public speaker, life coach, general contractor, and father of two, Xavier knows how to take action to bring a vision to life.

“It was a year ago that I committed myself to be in my best shape of my life,” Xavier said. “I’ve been in great shape in the past, but I wasn’t into nutrition. I trained through the year with SLMsmart Health Shake, ProArgi-9+ Active, the V3 System, and e9.”

xaviermarinIn his late 40s, Xavier said he was slower than he had ever been and figured old age was beginning to set in. When Xavier began taking Synergy products, he discovered improved endurance, the energy to push his body to go faster, and a timely recovery after training, which led him to believe that he was missing key nutritional elements in earlier training.

It was high priority that Xavier packed e9, ProArgi-9+, and ProArgi-9+ Active for race day. He took ProArgi-9+ Active and e9 before the race and then ProArgi-9+ and e9 once every three hours throughout the 13-hour stint.

“The body is an amazing thing,” Xavier said, “you just have to take care of it. Mentally, people start telling themselves they are getting older. Before the race, people were asking, ‘Are you sure you can get this done?’ And I told them there is no way I’m not going to get it done.”

Xavier will add his Ironman victory to the many stories he uses to inspire others to take action on the things they want out of life.

“Now, I really want to get the word out there that Synergy products are for athletes too,” Xavier said. “These products provide real benefits to professional and recreational athletes. If you are an athlete that wants a cutting edge, Synergy products will help you sustain your energy levels, endure, and recover.”