World Record Holder is ProArgi-9+ Advocate

World Record Holder is ProArgi-9+ Advocate

The heaviest giant log squat in recorded history is 1,000 lbs. The most concrete bricks broken at one time with a single strike is 60. The heaviest fire truck harness pull is 36,000 lbs.  What do these world records have in common? ProArgi-9+ advocate and 54-year-old Strongman competitor Randy Richey of Scottsville, Kentucky.

For 30 years, Randy has been defying seemingly impossible stunts of strength in various weight lifting competitions, but it wasn’t until his late 30s that he entered the Strongman realm.

Randy currently holds eight world records and performs with his Strongman group Omega Force Strength Team in 75-100 carnivals, fairs, church functions and other events up and down the East Coast every year. They bend steel, pull tractor trailers, pull stacks of massive tires, bench press cars, bench press people, and flip cars over.

In 2013, Omega Force appeared on America’s Got Talent and impressed the judges enough to earn a pass to the second round in Las Vegas. Their episode was the most viewed of the season and aired five times because of its popularity.

That same year, Randy survived an invasive surgery, and his doctors were sure he would never be able to lift even moderately heavy objects, let alone compete. However, his love of training pushed him to maintain a healthy lifestyle so he could get back in the gym. After giving himself ample recovery time, Randy squatted 805 lbs. for 10 reps. As proof of his doctor’s amazement, a photo of Randy pushing through these reps is hanging in their office.

“I’m doing everything I did in my 30s and 40s, including training and competing,” Randy said.
According to Randy, one of the keys to maintaining strength of any proportion, especially for lifters who are not in their 20s and 30s anymore, is to make sure blood is circulating optimally. Muscle recovery is highly dependent on blood reaching the muscles and helping to build them back up.

“I recommend ProArgi-9+ to everyone,” Randy said. “There is a 78-year-old gentleman on the Omega Force team who is excited to see what it can do for him.”

Last Week for Heart Health Savings!

Last Week for Heart Health Savings!

blog-hhmonthNational Heart Health Month is coming to a close and we want to make sure you take advantage of the Heart Health Month Special before it’s too late!

You’ve been thinking about your heart all month, and we encourage you to continue making your heart a priority for months and years to come. Start by stocking up on heart healthy Synergy products!

Treat yourself to 25% off of this cardio combo!

Click Here to Purchase

About the Products:

• Supports energy production for the heart and other organs requiring high levels of ATP or energy
• Helps reduce oxidative stress in all cells throughout the body
• Supports the health of the heart, kidneys, liver and pancreas

Download the CoQ10 Fact Sheet

• Helps regulate the body’s ratio of HDLs to LDLs
• Supports health blood pressure
• Protects cell membranes

Download the Omega-3 Fact Sheet

• Synergy’s flagship product
• Contains l-arginine, an amino acid that your body converts to nitric oxide which helps enhance your cardiovascular system
•  Contains l-citrulline, Vitamins D3, K, C, B6 and B12
•  Clinically proven to inhibit myeloperoxidase

Download the ProArgi-9+ Fact Sheet

Click Here to Purchase

SLMsmart Switch: Consider the Consequences

SLMsmart Switch: Consider the Consequences

90daychallenge-jaromsmithIn the first month of the SLMsmart 90-day Challenge, we are already seeing the beginnings of incredible transformations taking shape. Perhaps even more important than the physical transformations underway are the mental transformations that need to take place first. The first few weeks of the Challenge require a substantial yet attainable shift in the way the Challenger thinks and acts. Many of our Challengers are already getting the hang of altering their thought processes and increasing their mental toughness in order to make healthy decisions. We can learn a lot from them!

SLMsmart Challenger

When it comes to losing weight, pain is a must, according to Jarom, a contender in this year’s SLMsmart 90-day Challenge.

His ability to endure through this discomfort and pain comes from thinking about the detailed effects that sugar-loaded and generally unhealthy foods have on his body. Putting junk food into his body alters his mood, energy, and overall wellbeing. Sometimes, it makes him sick. Remembering this unpleasant feeling keeps him on the narrow path to success.

“When I decided to lose weight, I went off of sugar cold turkey and had the worst headache of my life when I did,” Jarom said. “I’ve never consumed alcohol, but flushing the sugars out of my body was like having a hangover. It’s a difficult process.”

Drinking 4-6 liters of water per day, combined with taking the products in Synergy’s Weight Management Elite Pack, were Jarom’s answers to sugar detox. By eating nutritious meals, working in daily exercise, incorporating Synergy products, and downing plenty of H2O, Jarom’s excess weight has been falling off.

“I constantly think about how I felt previous to this Challenge and how hard I’ve worked to get where I am now,” Jarom said. “When I think about or look at sugar or a pizza, I’m reminded of the anxiety I felt being overweight and the mental state I was in. That is the biggest motivator to keep going.”

Jarom likes to think about the consequences of his positive choices as well, including how he will feel when he reaches his goal weight. Imagining this triumphant moment makes choosing a salad over pizza easier than Jarom ever thought possible.

Cooking Tips for Heart Healthy Meals

Cooking Tips for Heart Healthy Meals

Cooking a heart healthy meal, or cooking in general, may seem like a frightening task to some, especially to those who tend to burn everything including toast. However, a study completed by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health states that the main ingredient in a healthier diet is cooking meals at home. By cooking at home you have control over your ingredients, your portion sizes, and the way that you cook your food.

A key to creating heart healthy meals is to cut down on cholesterol, fats, and salt found in many common ingredients. Create meals that keep your heart in mind by looking to these quick tips when dinnertime approaches.

Avoid Frying

Rather than deep frying or pan frying food, which causes ingredients to soak up unnecessary and unhealthy fats, look to these alternative options to keep the nutritional value of your ingredients intact:.

Stir-frying. High temperatures destroy some nutrients when cooking, so by stir-frying foods rapidly at high temperatures, food (especially vegetables) retain more of their nutrients, and since the cooking happens quickly, the foods don’t retain as much oil as they would with conventional deep frying techniques.

Broiling.  Broiling is a popular choice to prepare healthy meals since it uses direct heat to cook the food it require little to no oil in order to cook. Similarly, broiling methods melt the natural fat found in meat such as chicken or fish, and since most ovens have a broiling unit, it is a quick and reliable way to prepare meals.

Steaming. Unlike the options above, steaming is a form of cooking that requires no oil which makes it much better for your heart since it avoids adding unnecessary fats. Steaming is also great for keeping the original form and taste as well as most of the original nutrition, especially in vegetables. For example, steaming broccoli retains 81% of its vitamin C as opposed to only 30% when cooked in water.  And since preparation for steaming is minimal, you can create a healthy meal in very little time.

Quick Tip: Try to keep your meals simple. In many cases, simple recipes and ingredients lead to healthier, more natural meals while more complicated recipes that involve extra ingredients and specialized cooking methods could potentially be taking away from your meal’s nutrition and your time.

‘Tis the Season

Try to avoid prepackaged seasonings as they usually contain a lot of salt. Selecting fresh herbs and preparing hand-made seasonings may seem foreign to you now, but in the long-term, you’ll be saving money by doing the preparation yourself. Your heart will thank you for avoiding all the extra sodium found in store-bought packages.

Quick Tip: Use citrus juice, peppers, or vinegar to add an extra level of flavor to your dishes. But be sure to use these sparingly as to not overpower the overall flavor of the meal.

Make Substitutions

Using low or non-fat yogurt instead of Sour Cream cuts out unnecessary fats in your meal. In ½ a cup of yogurt, you’ll get double the calcium and cut out 4 grams of fat and 2 grams of saturated fat—a fat found in many store-bought foods that could be damaging to heart health over time.

Eliminating butter and replacing it with heart healthy olive oil can be incredibly beneficial to your arteries and overall heart health. Replacing one tablespoon of butter with one tablespoon of olive oil drops the fat content by 2 grams. Seven grams of unhealthy saturated fat will be replaced by 10 grams of heart healthy monounsaturated fats instead.

Make Extra

If you’re putting in the time and effort to prepare a heart healthy dish, don’t hesitate to go overboard. Making extra food gives you healthy snack options, as well as back-up meals in case you don’t feel like preparing something new after a long day. There’s nothing wrong with thinking ahead. This will help you create good habits that will keep your heart healthy and happy in the future.

Quick Tip: Making extra food is great, but just because you have extra food, doesn’t mean you need extra helpings. Set aside proper portions for snacks and meals by using small bags or plastic containers to stay organized and stay focused on eating until you are satisfied rather than eating until you are stuffed.

January 2016 Elite Honors Qualfiers

January 2016 Elite Honors Qualfiers

elitehonors-club-blogheaderTeam Members are still charging full steam ahead in pursuit of becoming Elite Honors qualified for the first time or maintaining the Elite Honors title. The Elite Honors program is streamlining the way organizations do business with Synergy WordWide while maximizing each Team Member’s earning potential. Team Members following the program are seeing the extra rewards that are made possible through the Go Elite promotion as they continue doing what they’ve been doing all along—building their Synergy businesses.

Congratulations to the January 2016 qualifiers!

Qualify for Elite Honors 1 out of 12 months and receive an Elite Honors pin, recognition letter, and online recognition. Qualify 3 out of 12 months and receive an Elite Honors Club Card, which can be used for a number of event perks, including VIP registration, special product promotions, and more!

8x Qualifiers
David Johnston
Dan Hammer
Steve & Roxanne Seely

7x Qualifiers
Mark Comer

6x Qualifiers
Dane Iorg
Lor Pace
K. Roger Carter

5x Qualifiers
Steve & Julie Russon
Gwen Brown

4x Qualifiers
Daniel Priem
Belva Snow
Sandra Kerner

3x Qualifiers
Judy Feldhausen

2x Qualifiers
Gerri Bingham
Melissa Holt
Sandy Klatt
Dwayne Loberg

1x Qualifiers
Pete Miller
Dwayne & Sandy Schmidek
Keith Hampton
David Hawthorne
Joy Matwyshen
Willa Holgate
Dr. Merlin Longaphee
Dr. Tom Wachtmann
Stephen Stolowski
Timothy Sanford
Sue Hossman
Robert Kenemer
Marion Sczesny
Pennie Christensen

To learn more about Elite Honors and the Go Elite Promotion, click here.

December is already off to a great start. Let’s keep the momentum going! Train your team on the importance of becoming Elite Honors qualified through the Synergy Opportunity Webinar as you achieve this highly sought after title yourself. Can’t wait to see the success that this month brings.

Congratulations to everyone who has achieved Elite Honors so far and a special congratulations to those who have achieved Elite Honors multiple times. We are impressed by your work ethic and belief, and we thank you for the examples you are to all those working toward building their Synergy businesses.