Hughes Center Studies Dissected: What is Myeloperoxidase?

Hughes Center Studies Dissected: What is Myeloperoxidase?

pa9-cholesterolScientists at the Hughes Center for Research and Innovation announced two groundbreaking ProArgi-9+ discoveries in 2015 that Synergy Team Members all over the world have been talking about.

CLICK HERE to read the full descriptions of these discoveries.

One of these studies addresses the effects that ProArgi-9+ has on reducing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. And the cause for oxidation? Myeloperoxidase (MPO).

The last sentence of the second study conducted states, “The Hughes Center’s preliminary study discovered that the unique combination of ingredients found in Synergy’s ProArgi-9+ potently inhibited myeloperoxidase and helps to reduce the oxidation of LDL cholesterol.”

So far, we know myeloperoxidase negatively effects nitric oxide production, but what is it exactly? And how exactly does it operate? With answers to these questions, we can gain a better understanding of why it’s important to keep myeloperoxidase from running its course.


MPO is an enzyme produced by white blood cells and is used to fight infection. MPO produces oxidizing compounds similar to bleach to kill infecting bacteria. The problem arises because the antimicrobial hypochlorous acid—an infection-fighting substance—kills both foe (bacteria) and friend (healthy tissue). This causes the oxidization of tissues.

Scientists at Synergy WorldWide have been evaluating natural inhibitors of myeloperoxidase as a nutritionally therapeutic approach to support cardiovascular health.

Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Matthew Tripp said, “We discovered that certain ingredients in Synergy’s ProArgi-9+ are indeed natural MPO inhibitors and work together synergistically. This unexpected discovery led to the filing of a provisional patent application on ProArgi-9+.”

Elite Honors Spotlight: Dwayne Loberg

Elite Honors Spotlight: Dwayne Loberg

elitehonors-spotlightsFebruary was the biggest month to date for Elite Honors in North America. New Team Members and Synergy veterans alike are latching onto the Elite Honors system and finding fulfillment in reaching the milestones that are required to become Elite Honors qualified. An elite few have even become Elite Honors qualified all nine months since the earnings model was introduced.

To learn more about Elite Honors, click here>>>
To learn more about the Go Elite promotion, click here>>>

Dwayne6DWAYNE LOBERG of Alberta, Canada, not only became Elite Honors qualified in February, he rank advanced to Bronze, a fantastic achievement for a Team Member who joined the company in 2015 and started actively telling people about Synergy products in December.

Like many who are learning about Synergy for the first time, Dwayne was no interested when his sponsor told him about ProArgi-9+. He refused to try the product repeatedly until one day he decided to do his friend a “favor” and try the product. He and his wife started to take two servings per day and didn’t think much of it until they started to notice changes in their health that they didn’t expect.

“I was in a hospital the first time I told someone about ProArgi-9+,” Dwayne said. “I told him about my experiences with the product and he became a distributor right there. He said, ‘Whatever you are doing, I’m going to start selling it.’”

Dwayne realized in December that there was no reason he couldn’t become Elite Honors qualified every month. He also realized that he wanted everyone on his team to make Elite Honors qualification an ambition.

“Becoming Elite Honors qualified is a step a distributor can take to see that they’ve made progress,” Dwayne said. “The people on my team are ecstatic about Elite Honors; however, I can’t tell other people to be Elite Honors qualified without being qualified myself. People will not surpass what the leader is doing.”

Dwayne said that becoming Elite Honors qualified was easy. He hardly noticed that he fulfilled the Elite Honors requirements because he was focused on sharing Synergy products. By simply sharing his ProArgi-9+ testimonial, distributors and customers fell into place. Dwayne said he is more excited about his Synergy business than any other business venture he has been a part of in his life.

SLMsmart Switch: No Social Sacrifices

SLMsmart Switch: No Social Sacrifices

90daychallenge-trevorIn the second month of the SLMsmart 90-day Challenge, Challenge participants are seeing their smart choices becoming healthy habits. These habits are leading Challengers to outstanding physical transformations. Their determination to win the Challenge and ultimately achieve optimal health is inspiring many. The insights they’ve gained so far during their body transformation journeys prove that we can learn a lot from their experiences!

SLMsmart Challenger

Having tried more than a handful of diets throughout his lifetime, Trevor found that many of them were unrealistic, discouraging, and greatly altered his lifestyle.

Part of this lifestyle includes going out to eat with family and friends, which can undoubtedly be a dangerous road if you don’t know how to make smart menu choices. Through the Challenge, Trevor realized that he didn’t have to sacrifice his social life—which almost always involves food—due to his modified diet.

“I go out to lunch and out to dinner,” Trevor said. “I just find the things that fit within my diet. Surprisingly, I don’t feel unsatisfied by the foods I’m choosing either. This new way of eating isn’t discouraging at all.”

Trevor has established a love for yellow, orange, and red bell peppers, and eats them almost daily either grilled, mixed with eggs, or raw. He looks forward to eating the foods he is encouraged to incorporate into his diet, including lean proteins and vegetables. The SLMsmart App offers tasty and healthy recipes that fit within the Challenge’s diet recommendations.

In addition to conquering a pattern of healthy eating, Trevor is now executing the intermediate to difficult workouts compared to not being able to complete the intermediate workouts at the beginning of the Challenge.

“At first, I felt like my body couldn’t handle it,” Trevor said. “The cardio was so difficult for me. I didn’t know what to do; however, after I lost some weight and increased my strength, I realized everything I was attempting to do was possible. I keep telling myself, ‘You can do anything for one more month,’ and I’ll tell this to myself again at the end of this month.”

February 2016 Recognition

February 2016 Recognition

February 2016

Congratulations to the following Team Members throughout the United States and Canada. We look forward to your continued triumphs this year!

Rank Advancements

Team Director
Dr. David Burnett

Team Manager
Michael Burnett

Team Leader
Reed Burnett
Mikayla Clark
John Gustin
David Davidson

Reed Burnett
Maile Burnett
Dr. Anthony Bianchi
John Gustin

Reed Burnett
Dr. Anthony Bianchi
John Gustin

Alexander Vance
Lydia Brown
Dwayne Loberg
Mocha Butkovich
Dr. Anthony Bianchi
Dr. Fred Gardner
Reed Burnett
William Black
Carole Burnett
Dr. Gumm

Dr. Patrick McCuaig
Reynold Roberts
Marty Robbins
Leverne Hubner Jr.
Sue Hossman
Daniel O’Brien
Antonina Ayala
Dwayne Chapman
Dr. William Hood
Julie Russon
William Black
Alexander Vance
Nancy Chavez
Tiffany Burnett
Carole Burnett
Anastasia Haner
Alice Uriarte

Top Recruiters 
Top North American Team Members (in order) that personally sponsored the most new Team Members

David Johnson
Dr. Anthony Bianchi
Sandra Kerner
Roxanne Seely
Dwayne Chapman
Steven Lough
Tommy Bethards
Robert Kenemer
Stan and Nadia Harris
David Davidson
Mirasol Alcalde
Joel Higginson
Jared Chadburn
Nathan Fower
Nancy Chavez
Brad Burnett
Martin Ayala
David Munoz

Top Team Builders
Team Members (in order) with the most personally sponsored rank advancements

David Johnson
Bill Styles
Mike Macomber
Brent Burnett
Dr. Jim Sandberg
Reed Burnett
Michael Burnett
Roxanne Seely
Bart Woodcook
Judy Feldhausen
Dr. Anthony Bianchi
Steven Gresham
Beeben Russell
Corrine Brandi
Nathan Fowers
Donald Clarke
Susan Bober
David Munoz
Al Dadswell
Gwen Brown
Jerry Archer
Jay Taylor



downloadspageSynergy WorldWide’s global impact is ever increasing, and new people from all walks of life are starting Synergy businesses every day. To expand their businesses, Team Members are sharing Synergy’s opportunities with people in multiple countries, even continents, and for that reason we believe it’s time to make Synergy tools and resources available to you in all languages, all in one place.

Synergy Downloads is a brand new page on the Synergy corporate site found under the “Opportunity” tab. Click on the “Synergy Downloads” link in the dropdown selection and you’ll find an array of informational and business building resources separated by country that will aid you on you journey to financial freedom.

Here’s what you’ll find:

  • Forms & price lists
  • Marketing materials (fact sheets, brochures, flyers, PowerPoints)
  • Videos

You can also go to the “Global Downloads” downloads folder and find Synergy logos, business cards, and additional images that will be useful in your daily business dealings and presentations.

If you have any questions about how to use Synergy Downloads, please contact Customer Service.

Make Synergy Downloads your one stop shop for Synergy resources!