Revitalize Your Morning Routine

Revitalize Your Morning Routine 

manwritingThe way you start your morning impacts the quality of your day. If you start out feeling stressed and anxious rather than rejuvenated, it may be a sign that you need to update your morning routine. Finding a routine that works for you can provide the boost you need to conquer the day ahead.

Follow these quick tips to make the most out of your mornings:

Eat a Healthy Breakfast

Eating a good breakfast in the morning is essential to a healthy morning routine. For a perfectly balanced and delicious breakfast on-the-go, mix three scoops of SLMsmart Health Shake into 10 oz. of milk or water. When you skip breakfast, your body reacts by conserving energy and slowing down your metabolism which causes you to have less energy throughout the day. Each person has different caloric needs, but it is important to eat something when starting out your day. Good examples of healthy breakfast items are oatmeal with cinnamon, yogurt with berries, or whole grain toast and fruit.

Start the Day with Exercise

First things first. Before beginning your morning exercise routine, rev up with ProArgi-9+ or e9. And remember, you don’t have to go for a 5-mile run every morning to boost your energy levels. Start the morning with 20 minutes of yoga or take a quick walk around your neighborhood is all your body needs to re-energize upon waking from a good night’s sleep. Yoga is especially beneficial because it gets your heart rate up while simultaneously improving your flexibility, posture, balance, muscle tone, and endurance. Yoga is accessible to everyone, and with various levels of difficulty, everyone can find a yoga routine that works for them.

Read or Write

Before the busy rush of your day begins, sit down for a few minutes and write your thoughts and goals in a journal. Journal writing can help unload some of your stresses and ease your mind. Writing for just 10 minutes in the morning can help you focus on yourself, create self-awareness, and give you the opportunity to think about how you can best capitalize on your day.

If you don’t feel like writing, take a few minutes to read the news or a few pages of a good book. Immerse yourself in the words of others and enjoy this peaceful time alone to jump-start your brain before you start your day.

Follow a Schedule

Following a morning schedule can help you maintain organization and focus. Perhaps you start with a quick walk outside, then take a shower and get ready, followed by a healthy breakfast before leaving to work. The important thing about a routine isn’t necessarily the order in which you do things, but rather defining and keeping that order to streamline your mornings and start the day with productive habits.

NEW Antioxidant Infographic!

NEW Antioxidant Infographic! 

antioxidantsIt’s common knowledge that antioxidants are good for you, but what are they exactly and how do they work in your body? Well, here’s a little insight into the fascinating world of antioxidants and free radicals.

Free radicals come from a variety of sources, but most commonly they are produced through oxidation.  As oxidation increases, cells become more damaged and the body weakens. Antioxidants combat against free radicals and the oxidation process through a unique process that you can learn more about by studying this infographic.

After you’ve learned a thing or two about the power of antioxidants, click the button below to download and share with your friends!


Monday Power Calls with Founder Dan Higginson!

Monday Power Calls with Founder Dan Higginson! 


Don’t miss today’s Monday Power Calls with Synergy WorldWide Founder Dan Higginson! He’s incredible excited to talk about Synergy’s future with each of you, so invite everyone you know to hop on these calls and learn something new.

Call times (MDT)
12 p.m., 1 p.m., 7 p.m.

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Elite Honors Spotlight: Dan Schellkopf

Elite Honors Spotlight: Dan Schellkopf 

elitehonors-spotlightsNew Team Members and Synergy veterans alike continue to latch onto the Elite Honors system and find fulfillment in reaching the milestones that are required to become Elite Honors qualified. An elite few have even become Elite Honors qualified all nine months since the earnings model was introduced.

To learn more about Elite Honors, click here>>>
To learn more about the Go Elite promotion, click here>>>

dan_schellkopfDAN SCHELLKOPF of Westerville, Ohio, is a six-time Elite Honors qualifier despite his tight schedule. Dan is the owner of a successful residential and commercial window film business that he has kept alive for 28 years. His work schedule becomes especially busy in Ohio’s warm months, making it even more impressive that he became an Elite Honors qualifier in May.

Dan said that before becoming a Synergy Team Member he attended his first-ever Business Builder Conference and sat in the back with his arms folded. He was sure he would not join the company; however, in 2010 he made it official and has stuck with Synergy ever since because of his love for the products and his belief that Synergy has limitless potential.

In contrast to his first BBC experience, Dan attended BBC 2015 in Salt Lake City where Elite Honors was launched and listened eagerly to the parameters of the new business model. He was excited about Synergy launching a simple system that was attainable for everyone and encouraged constant growth.

“As we build toward Elite Honors, we reap the true rewards,” Dan said. “I see it as being valuable because pin level recognition is nice, but Elite Honors is something you can qualify for every month. It’s a system within a system. Elite Honors allows you to start fresh every month.”

Dan is an illustration of leading by example. He shows others that earning a second income is possible despite life’s many demands and is Elite Honors is the perfect map to follow.

FEW LEFT: FREE Synergy Sports Bottle

FEW LEFT: FREE Synergy Sports Bottle

activedad-blog2The Active Dad Special is available until the end of this month, but act fast to get your FREE Synergy-Branded Sports Bottle with every Special your purchase. We are nearing the last of our supply… don’t miss your chance!

Remember, the Active Dad Special pairs e9 and ProArgi-9+ ACTIVE  together at a savings of $15. Get it today for yourself, for a friend, or for a belated Father’s Day gift. Whatever the occasion, this product pack will support your summer action and active lifestyle.


For more information about e9, ProArgi-9+ ACTIVE, or the Active Dad Special, you can click here or contact Synergy’s friendly Customer Service staff at (801) 769-7800.