2014 New Size Scoop, Same Great Formula

New Size Scoop, Same Great Formula

Some of you may have noticed a very little change within your ProArgi-9+ containers. Don’t be alarmed! The scoop hiding inside has been slightly shrunk, and if you look closer (really close… like with a microscope) you will see that there has been one other change made as well: each particle of ProArgi-9+ is now slightly smaller than before!

Why the change? The great minds on our world-class Quality Assurance Team have chosen to manufacture ProArgi-9+ into smaller particles so that it’s more mixable, and so that it more smoothly pours out of the single-serving packets. Smaller particles need a smaller scoop, therefore the old 14.7cc scoop has been replaced with the new 13cc scoop.

The ingredients have not changed and the formula is as potent and powerful as ever. The servings are carefully calculated to work with optimal efficacy in the average consumer. The weight of each unit is the same… but the new scoop and new particle sizes are just two more parts of ProArgi-9+ worth being excited about.

Note that the change in scoop and particle size was officially made in June and has been gradually implemented across the spectrum of flavors and container sizes until finally making its way into a container near you. Some of you may have been enjoying the new particle size for months now without ever noticing!

November 2014 Webinar Recording: Shane Greer, Drew & Lynn Manning

Webinar Recording: Shane Greer, Drew & Lynn Manning

A large number of wonderful people tuned into last night’s webinar, either on the web or over the phone. They were introduced by Synergy VP Stewart Rutter to Shane Greer, the new General Manager of Synergy North America.Following a few words from Shane, Drew & Lynn Manning shared the importance of protein, and discussed a few of the reasons why they’ve been recommending the SLMsmart Health Shake to their friends and family.

For those that missed last night’s webinar, you can check out the recordings below (broken into 2 parts for your convenience).

Nov 12 Webinar Part I: Introducing Shane Greer
Nov 12 Webinar Part II: Drew & Lynn Manning on Protein and Health Shake

Thanks to all who participated in this webinar and to all who are ready to make the most of what was learned.

Synergy Resources 10/31/2014


Cardio Calls

Each month a member of Synergy’s Medical & Scientific Advisory Board shares their insights and details the science behind ProArgi-9+. Click here to learn more about Synergy’s Medical & Scientific Advisory Board.

Click to view Cardio Calls

Date Description Click to Listen
10/2014 Dr. Kenneth Richeaux, MD, Synergy WorldWide Play Audio
07/2014 Dr. William Keller, VP Health Sciences, Synergy/NSP Play Audio
06/2014 Dr. Matthew Tripp, Chief Scientific Officer, Synergy/NSP Play Audio
04/2014 LaMar Wiscombe, Director of Global Programs, Synergy Play Audio
03/2014 Dr. William Keller, VP Health Sciences, Synergy/NSP Play Audio
02/2014 Dr. Matthew Tripp, Chief Scientific Officer, Synergy/NSP Play Audio
01/2014 Lamar Wiscombe, Director of Global Product Programs Play Audio
12/2013 Lamar Wiscombe, Director of Global Product Programs Play Audio
11/2013 Dr. Joseph Prendergast, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio
10/2013 Dr. Rainer Boger, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio
06/2013 Dr. Joseph Prendergast, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio
03/2013 Dr. William Keller, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio
02/2013 Dr. Joseph Prendergast, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio
01/2013 Dr. William Keller, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio
12/2012 Dr. William Keller, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio
10/2012 Dr. Joseph Prendergast, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio
09/2012 Dr. Rainer Boger, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio
08/2012 Dr. William Keller, Medical Advisory Board Play Audio

Corporate Update & Opportunity Calls

Get the latest updates from Synergy’s executive team as they share exciting news about Synergy WorldWide and the Synergy Advantage.

Click to view Corporate Update Calls

Date Description Click to Listen
10/15/2014 Corporate Update Call, Marty Holker, Drew Manning, Jake Rothfels Play Audio
09/17/2014 Corporate Update Call, Bart Woodcook, Dan Higginson, Stewart Rutter Play Audio
08/20/2014 Corporate Update Call, Stewart Rutter Play Audio
07/16/2014 Corporate Update Call, Dan Higginson, Jake Rothfels Play Audio
06/18/2014 Corporate Update Call, Howard Hannemann Play Audio
05/21/2014 Corporate Update Call, Dan Higginson, Marty Holker Play Audio
04/16/2014 Corporate Update Call, Dan Higginson, Di Leavitt, Mark Comer Play Audio
03/19/2014 Corporate Update Call, Dan Higginson & Howard Hannemann Play Audio
02/18/2014 Corporate Update Call, Special with Dan Higginson & Dan Norman Play Audio
01/15/2014 Corporate Update Call, Live from Legacy Retreat Play Audio
11/20/2013 Corporate Update Call, Howard Hanneman, Dan Higginson & more Play Audio
08/21/2013 Corporate Update Call, Howard Hanneman & Guests Play Audio
06/27/2013 Opportunity Call by Howard Hanneman Play Audio
06/19/2013 Featuring Lee Edwards, Roger Hunt, Mylo Berstad Play Audio
03/20/2013 Howard Hannemann Play Audio
1/16/2013 Synergy Executive Team Play Audio
12/19/2012 Howard Hannemann, Director of Sales Play Audio
10/17/2012 Howard Hannemann, Stewart Rutter Play Audio
09/25/2012 Summit 2012 Recap Call Play Audio
08/20/2012 Canada Update Call Play Audio
08/20/2012 Dan Norman, President Play Audio


In-depth trainings ranging from products and social media to business building and promotions.

Click to view Webinars

Date Description Click to View
10/02/2014 Fast Start Bonus Booster + Team Leader Business Booster, Hosted by Stewart Rutter. View Webinar
05/28/2014 Customer Rewards Program Intro. Hosted by Howard Hannemann, featuring Rudy Pedroza. Learn the details behind Synergy’s important new program. View Webinar
12/04/2013 ProArgi-9+: The Secret to Weight Loss. Hosted by Howard Hannemann, featuring Dan Hammer and Danielle Girdano. Learn more about ProArgi-9+’s ability to help you lose weight. View Webinar
11/06/2013 ProArgi-9+: Muscular Development and Endurance. Hosted by Howard Hannemann, featuring Dan Hammer and Danielle Girdano. Learn more about ProArgi-9+’s ability to enhance your physique and activity. View Webinar
09/05/2013 ProArgi-9+ and Exercise. Hosted by Howard Hannemann, featuring Dan Hammer and Danielle Girdano. Learn the science behind ProArgi-9+’s ability to enhance your physical activity. View Webinar
07/31/2013 2013 Chicago Sky Study. Hosted by Howard Hannemann, featuring Dan Hammer and Danielle Girdano. Learn what happened when ProArgi-9+ was used in a wellness program for the staff of the Chicago Sky WNBA team. View Webinar
06/20/2013 Dr. Stacey Bell explains the science behind the SLMsmart Weight Management System View Webinar
06/06/2013 Introducing SLMsmart. Learn how it amplifies your opportunities, your health, and the Synergy Advantage. View Webinar
01/16/2013 The Elite Track Training: Learn how to unlock thousands of extra earnings and bonuses in 2013. View Webinar
10/16/2012 Exploring the benefits of Mistica with Nutritional Research Scientist Tad Turgeon. View Webinar
06/13/2012 Heart Health Done Right: Exploring Vitamin D3, CoQ10 and Omega-3 with Nutritional Research Scientist Tad Turgeon. View Webinar
05/24/2012 Liquid Chlorophyll 201 with Pearl Executive Corrine Brandi View Webinar
05/01/2012 Liquid Chlorophyll 101 with Pearl Executive Corrine Brandi View Webinar
04/02/2012 Using Facebook for your Synergy Business with Senior Marking Manager Aaron McCain and Team Leader Jean LaVallie View Webinar

Videos, Presentations, and Other Downloads

Click to view downloads

Date Description Click to Download
05/2014 Customer Rewards Flyer (pdf) Download
05/2014 Customer Order Form (pdf) Download
03/2014 Synergy Product Catalog (pdf) Download
02/2014 Flyer: ProArgi-9+ in Physicians’ Desk Reference (pdf) Download
12/2013 ProArgi-9+: The Secret to Weight Loss (pdf) Download
11/2013 ProArgi-9+ Study: Muscular Development and Endurance (ppt) Download
10/2013 New ProArgi-9+ Study: Lactic Acid, Active and Exercise (pdf) Download
09/2013 How ProArgi-9+ Helped Danielle Girdano (pdf) Download
09/2013 ProArgi-9+ and Exercise Slides (pdf) Download
06/2013 2013 Chicago Sky Study (non-branded)(mp4) Download
06/2013 SLMsmart Webinar by Dr. Bell (wmv) Download
01/2012 Maximize Synergy Elite Track Webinar (wmv) Download
01/2012 Synergy Advantage Webinar (wmv) Download
01/2012 Bless Your Heart (mov) Download
01/2012 Synergy Advantage (mov) Download
01/2012 Synergy Compensation Plan Overview (mov) Download
01/2012 Compensation Plan Summary (pdf) Download
01/2012 Elite Track Training (pdf) Download
01/2012 ProArgi-9 Presentaiton Sheet (pdf) Download
01/2012 Synergy Advantage Presentation (pdf) Download
01/2012 Elite Track Training (ppt) Download
01/2012 Synergy Advantage Presentation (ppt) Download
01/2012 Synergy Quality Assurance Video (mov) Download

Asia Summit this November 2014

Asia Summit this November

Synergy WorldWide will be hosting an exciting summit event for our Asian markets this November in the magnificent country of Thailand. Should any of our North American Team Members be traveling that way (or have contacts in the area), here is the basic info you’ll need to enjoy the event.

Venue: Pattaya Exhibition and Convention Hall (Peach), Pattaya, Chonburi Thailand. For more venue information visit www.peachthailand.com

Friday, November 21
2:00 9:00 pm Registration
3:00 5:00 pm Special science session with Dr. Matt Tripp
6:00 8:00 pm VIP Reception

Saturday, November 22
09:00 11:20 am Opening – Session 1
11:20 am 12:45 pm Lunch
1:00 4:30 pm Motivation – Session 2
4:30 5:45 pm Dinner
6:00 8:45 pm Recognition – Session 3

Sunday, November 23
09:00 am 12:40 pm Closing – Session 4

Long Term Security & Marketing Compliance

Long Term Security & Marketing Compliance

Dear Synergy Team Member,

At the end of September, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) sent letters to multiple direct sales companies regarding improper product claims made by their independent distributors, specifically on independent websites and through social media. These letters detailed specific examples of inappropriate marketing behavior, along with an overall directive to correct and prevent them immediately. The following link directs you to an article detailing the situation. We encourage each of you to review it and share it with your teams as soon as possible.


These warnings highlight an all-too-common practice that is unfortunately not restricted to these three marketers; the practice of using exaggerated, unsupported and sometimes unsafe claims to promote products.

We believe reviewing this will serve to increase your awareness of the rules and regulations surrounding the practice of sharing natural products. More importantly, we are confident that it will re-enforce the advantage of purchasing from and partnering with a time-honored and trusted company like Synergy WorldWide that emphasizes quality products and sales integrity.

For over 15 years, Synergy WorldWide and for over 40 years, Nature’s Sunshine Products, has led the way in product quality and efficacy and provided plentiful education. We strive to use the utmost substantiation and legal awareness in our advertising and actively guide and train our distributors to do the same. Advancing the cause of natural health fairly, responsibly, and conscientiously is a hallmark of doing business the Synergy way. The fact that we hold discretion in such high esteem is not a reflection of any lack confidence in our products and people. It is quite the opposite! Our notable longevity and solid reputation confirm our distributors’ passion and knowledge surrounding the impressive health results that our pure and potent natural solutions consistently provide.

However, as one of the world’s most trusted companies, we earnestly strive to honor that trust by staying within legal boundaries and away from statements that might mislead or give our customers unrealistic, unfounded or even unsafe expectations.

We applaud your already-stellar efforts in this regard and hope you take this opportunity to recommit and continue to conduct your business with the utmost attention to quality, service, and integrity. Should you have any questions about what claims are permissible, or our policies and procedures regarding claims, please click here to view our “Policies and Procedures” handbook. Additionally, you may contact Customer Service at (801) 769-7800 or email hotline@synergyworldwide.com.

Yours in health and prosperity,

Dan Norman
President, Synergy WorldWide

Rich Strulson
Executive Vice President/General Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer, NSP