Dr. Joe and Gold Camp Heading to Florida

Dr. Joe and Gold Camp Heading to Florida

If you find yourself in “the Sunshine State” this September, be sure to join Dr. Joseph Prendergast and other Synergy leaders for a valuable series of meetings, including a special Gold Camp.

Featuring Team Elite Bill Styles and Team Leaders Richard and Joy Matwyshen, these meetings will help you make the most of the Synergy Advantage. The exclusive trainings given at Gold Camp will teach Team Members how to leverage the Mega-Match Compensation Plan at a whole new level.
Trainings will also be given on maximizing bonuses on the Synergy Elite Track.

So bring your friends, family and guests to the Friday meetings, and be sure to register for Saturday’s Gold Camp by clicking here.


Friday, September 13, Meeting #1
Time: 3:30 to 5:00 PM
Location: The Colony Cottage of the Villages.
This first meeting is for The Village residents only– Team Members, friends and family.

Friday, September 13, Meeting #2
Time: 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Location: Comfort Suites, 1202 Avenida Central, Lady Lake, FL 32519
All are welcome. Guests are FREE/ Distributors- $5 each (spouses of distributors are FREE)

Saturday, September 14, Gold Camp
Time: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Location: Comfort Suites, 1202 Avenida Central, Lady Lake, FL 32519
8:30 AM – Registration/Check-in
9:00 AM – Gold Camp Kick Off
12:30 PM – Lunch
4:30 PM – Gold Camp ends
The cost of Gold Camp is $25 per attendee, covering the cost of training materials and a provided lunch.

To register for the Florida Gold Camp, click here.

For more information,contact:
Richard Matwyshen – 352-751-0365
Joy Matwyshen – 352- 427-5440


Dr. Joe is a distinguished certified physician whose advanced research and experience has contributed significantly to Synergy as well as to the medical and scientific fields as a whole. His research regarding l-arginine contributed to the development of Synergy’s signature product, ProArgi-9+. He has helped a variety of patients over an extensive career dedicated to true health and wellness.

August Corporate Update Call

August Corporate Update Call

Wednesday, August 21: 

Howard Hannemann, Synergy WorldWide’s Director of Sales, will be joined by Team Members and special guests for this month’s Corporate Update Call.

Corporate Update Call 
Phone: 1-800-832-4695
Pin: 8908#
Time: 7 PM Mountain time

Feature the latest news and information from Synergy HQ, this Corporate Update Call will be valuable to Team Members throughout North America. The latest promos and exciting news will be discussed, along with announcements, upcoming events and more. Hear how to maximize bonuses on the Synergy Elite Track, how to win big rewards in the Top 50 Challenge, and how to prepare your potential Team Members to utilize all aspects of the Synergy Advantage.

Invite your team, join the call, and learn the best ways to progress with Synergy WorldWide.

SLMsmart Interviews and Videos

SLMsmart Interviews and Videos

Earlier this year, Synergy WorldWide proudly launched the SLMsmart System and product line for North America. Now, Synergy is making it easier than ever for people to learn the science behind SLMsmart, and to see why SLMsmart is the superior weight-management system in the industry.

A new line of videos has been added to the SLMsmart.com Resources tab. These videos include product and overall-system explanations directly from Dr. Stacey Bell, the expert behind the SLMsmart system. We encourage everyone to take the time to educate yourself on the SLMsmart science, so you can have the knowledge, power and confidence to achieve results for yourself and help others do the same.

Howard Hannemann Interviews Doctor Bell
One of the biggest video projects added to the SLMsmart Resources collection is a recent interview held at the Synergy corporate office. Director of Sales Howard Hannemann sat down with Dr. Bell to learn the “why” behind SLMsmart. As she answered Howard’s questions, Dr. Bell explained how SLMsmart compares to the competition, why the diet industry is so large, how Team Members can effectively share the system with others, and more.
For your convenience, the Resources tab features the entire interview broken up into seven short segments, each segment focusing on a different topic. You can also find the full version of the interview on the site or view it below:

More to Come, Stay Tuned!

If you would like to know more about SLMsmart, Synergy invites you to check the Resources tab often, as more videos are planned to be added to the SLMsmart.com Resources tab. In fact, Synergy intends to populate the tab with a variety of helpful tips and articles in the near future. Be sure to like Synergy Central on Facebook for updates.

Interview with Team Member, Miss Arizona

Interview with Team Member, Miss Arizona

One of Synergy’s talented Team Members, Jennifer Smestad, was recently crowned Miss Arizona. As this impressive young lady represents her home state on the Miss America stage, and represents Synergy WorldWide behind the scenes, she uses kindness, a healthy lifestyle and a dynamic background to make a great impression. 

In between her travels and media appearances, Jennifer took some time to explain a bit of her story as well as a few reasons why Synergy has become an important part of her life.

Synergy: How was the experience of being crowned Miss Arizona?

Jennifer Smestad: It was incredible. I loved it. I didn’t “not-expect” to win, but then I didn’t expect to win either. So it was a shock either way, and it was awesome.

What was the rest of the night like, after the pageant was over? What did you do after being crowned?

Right after, I had photos with everyone– the other contestants, my family– that took about an hour probably. Then we had a little conference where I spoke a little bit, family and friends got together. Then I went home, brought all my stuff home, and went to bed. Actually I had a piece of cake first. Then I got up 2 hours later for a news interview, so I got two hours of sleep that night.

Wow, that’s a busy night

Yeah. The whole week after I was crowned I didn’t get a lot of sleep. The whole week I had about eight total news interviews. It was fun. It was crazy.

Well, I saw some of those interviews and you did very well. You couldn’t tell that you were lacking sleep.

Oh good! Thank you. That’s a good thing.

So what’s next?

Miss America is on September 15 and it will be live on ABC, so that’s what I’m preparing for right now. I actually leave for Orlando tomorrow and I’m going to go watch the Miss America Outstanding Teen pageant. All the Misses get to go watch our teens and support them at their national pageant. We also do some filming for Miss America, we get to go to Disneyworld and meet each other. Then just two weeks after that I’ll leave for Miss America on September 2nd and I will be in Atlantic City for 2 weeks!

Have you been to Atlantic City before?

I have not. It’ll be my first time.

Be careful.

[Laughs] I will thanks.

Have you been to Disneyworld before?

I haven’t. I’ve been to Disneyland many times, but Disney world I’ve never been to. I’ve always wanted to go there.

You mentioned in your interviews that you have struggled in the past with a serious condition. Is it true that you have Tourette’s syndrome?

Yes, I was diagnosed at age 10. Are you aware of what Tourette’s is?

Um… uh… (trying not to sound dumb… ) yeah, I think I’m familiar with the basics but I probably don’t understand it as well as I should. I’m sure I could learn from you the info we all should know.

It’s a neurological disorder that causes the body to make sudden movements and noises called “tic’s.” They are uncontrollable– it’s involuntary. Most people think that the most common symptom is cussing out loud, tremendously, a lot of times. That’s actually one of the rarest symptoms. That’s one part where people have a misunderstanding of what it actually is.

The way I like to explain it to people is, if you were to tie your hands down, and then someone comes and wiggles a feather in your ear, your first reaction would be to move your head, jerk your head and want to scratch it. So, that’s kind of what Tourette’s syndrome is like, all day long, for any one that suffers with it. It’s really, really tiring.

So, I went through that for maybe five years and it was very hard for me. There were times when I didn’t even want to live because my body was physically sore from jerking my head and having certain tic’s. I’d be embarrassed and didn’t want to be seen in public. It was something very hard to go through and I think most people don’t understand unless they’ve lived with it.

My mom would always tell me, “You have this for a reason you are going to do something great with this one day.” I never really believed her and now that I’m 20 years old, Miss Arizona, and my platform is Tourette’s syndrome awareness and advocacy, I’m able to share my story and inspire others. My main goal this year is to give hope to others who are facing Tourette’s or other similar issues because I wish I had someone to look up to that I could relate to.

You are now obviously out in public quite a bit, and I can’t detect any signs of the condition at all. How have you been able to overcome it so well?

For me, it used to be very severe. I tried prescription drugs and counseling and a lot of things that never worked for me. Then I came across Natural Chinese acupuncture. We decided to try it out, and after one treatment we noticed a huge difference. My family noticed it, I noticed it… so then I went twice a week for six weeks, then after that my symptoms were gone. I took natural herbs at the same time which, of course, is why my family loves Synergy so much, because they are all about natural alternatives.

Sounds like wellness and health are an important part of you overcoming Tourette’s and, as a contestant, health and fitness must be an important part of your life. What is your regimen like?

I have the SLMsmart meal replacement shake… I cannot live without it. It’s amazing, so I have to have that. I also take the cleanse from SLMsmart. Then before every workout I take ProArgi-9+ and ProArgi-9+ Active mixed together and it makes me feel so much better during workouts. I want to keep going, I am so much more active, I have so much more endurance… and that is great to have, because preparing for a swimsuit competition on the Miss America stage is difficult. So it’s good to have that extra boost that ProArgi-9+ helps me with. I love it.

I always post about Health Shake, saying “Having my cake batter ice cream, a.k.a. meal replacement shake!” My Miss Arizona director was like “What is this?” Then she bought some and now she loves it too.

Good job with the marketing! It seems to be working for you; I hope you never get tired of it.

I never will.

How were you introduced to Synergy WorldWide?

My parents [Brenda & Gary Smestad] have been involved with Synergy for about nine years now. I just kind of grew up with it and took all the vitamins and everything.

Also, Dan Higginson [Synergy Founder and CEO] and his family have been so loving and supportive of me and my journey. Dan is like an uncle to me and I appreciate all his support.

Have you been able to attend many Synergy events?

Yes, I’ve been to a few local meetings, and then we have meetings at our house a lot. Then I went to Vegas in 2011 [for the Global Summit]. The last time I was in Vegas, it was for that, and it was awesome.

Oh, and I want to add one more thing. In Miss America, all the contestants are required to have a talent, and my talent is singing. I’ve been singing basically my whole life and ever since Synergy was introduced to us… Mistica has been a miracle worker for my voice. If I’m getting a sore throat or if I feel like I’m losing my voice, I take it. And then the next morning I’m feeling fine. That is a necessity that I will definitely be taking with me to Miss America.

Maybe you should sing a song right now and I’ll record it for our blog, we’ll post the audio.

Oh gosh, I don’t think so!

Oh okay. We’ll try it sometime soon after you drink some more Mistica.

Synergy WorldWide wishes the best of luck to Miss Arizona as she continues what is sure to be a career of making a positive impact on the people around her. 

If you would like to show your support for Team Member Jennifer Smestad, we encourage you to vote for her in the Miss America People’s Choice contest. Simply click here and remember to vote specifically for Miss Arizona. Good luck Jennifer!

Aug 15 2013: SLMsmart Webinar

Aug 15: SLMsmart Webinar

In place of this week’s normally-scheduled Opportunity Call Howard Hannemann will be conducting a special, informative SLMsmart Webinar for Team Members and friends.

SLMsmart has been a huge success since its launch earlier this year. The feedback has been positive, the results have been very pleasing to Dr. Stacey Bell and the other minds behind the formula. Tune in this Thursday to hear more about what makes SLMsmart the superior weight-management system. Learn also how SLMsmart can accelerate your Synergy business.  

Time: 8:00 PM Mountain Time
Date: Thursday, August 15

There are two ways to join the webinar, and both are free and easy:

To join us online:

  • Click here to register
  • Upon registration, you’ll receive additional, easy-to-follow instructions
  • View the slides and images on your screen as we walk through the SLMsmart System together.
  • Turn up your speakers and enjoy the webinar!
To call-in from your phone:

  • Dial: +1 (909) 259-0026
  • When prompted, enter the Access Code: 592-451-236
  • Though you won’t see the visuals, you can listen, learn, and enjoy!