Champion Boxer Discovers Power of Synergy Products

Champion Boxer Discovers Power of Synergy Products

Synergy-boxer-1450112Professional boxer Malin Hermansson has been putting every ounce of focus into her training since her parents gave her a punching bag at 14 years old.

“Boxing is an incredibly intense sport and it suited me perfectly,” she said. “I needed an outlet for all of my energy, and that is what boxing did for me.”

Synergy-boxers-IMG_20160315_204601She hung the bag on her front porch where she would jump around and hit it. It didn’t take long for her to fall in love with the sport. Her love of boxing strengthened from then on. Raised in Fagersta, Sweden, Malin didn’t waste any time in beginning her training.

“There are two important pieces to the puzzle for training,” she said. “Having the right people with you, and taking proper care of your body.”

Since making Synergy products a staple in her training regimen, Malin has even higher hopes for her athletic future and looks forward to what she will achieve using these products. Malin believes in Synergy products because they give her the “necessary push to take [her] martial arts boxing career to the next level.”

“Early on, I started going to an old abandoned school near my hometown for training,” she says. “The facility had a real underground feeling to it, the room was cold very old, but the team I worked with were fantastic… we spent a lot of time in that place.”

After continuing her trainings for some time, Malin had her first string of matches, and a few years later ended up in Karlstad where she joined the boxing club BK 1925. There she won three silvers and a gold, all in different weight classes. And her impressive qualifications don’t stop there. She has this impressive list of accolades to prove her talent:

  • Falken Cup, Silver, 2009
  • Mellansvenska mästerskapen, Silver, 2011
  • Falken Cup, Gold, 2011
  • Swedish Championship, Silver, 64 kg, 2012
  • Swedish Championship, Silver, 54 kg, 2013
  • Falken Cup, Gold, 2013
  • Mellansvenska mästerskapen, Silver, 2013
  • Golden Girl, Silver, 2014
  • Swedish Championship, Silver, 60 kg, 2014
  • Swedish Championship, Gold, 57 kg, 2015
  • Nordic Championship, Bronze, 2015

Malin recently started training in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) after she moved to Örebro and it is quickly becoming a new love for her. She currently represents Örebro Boxing Club and is involved in comprehensive training both in and out of the ring. Malin has big plans for herself and we look forward to supporting her to greatness!



gardengirlAt about this time every year, sunshine leaks through windows revealing the dust that accumulated during the winter months on shelves, windowsills, and baseboards. Much like the interiors of our homes, our bodies deserve just as much attention.

Now is the perfect time to do a little biological spring cleaning! SLMsmart Body Cleanse is a clinically tested formula that will detoxify your body so that you can absorb optimal nutrition from the healthy selection of foods in your diet.

SLMsmart-BodyCleanseIn addition to using this powerful formula, try these in-season, high-fiber vegetables that will enhance your internal spring cleaning and get you on track to better health:

Eating one artichoke fulfills an entire day’s fiber requirements. Because artichokes are high in fiber that help control constipation as well as preventing the risks associated with absorbing the toxic compounds in some foods.

Rich in glutathione, asparagus has the ability to break down harmful compounds, such as free radicals. The spear-shaped vegetable also ranks high in antioxidants, which are known to neutralize free radicals and save cells from the damage these intruders may cause.

This crunchy, sweet veggie is a fantastic source of fiber and can potentially remove toxins from the colon. Its high folate content give it the properties to convert homocysteine—a dangerous molecule that damages blood vessels—into more gentle molecules.

For centuries, people have been using onions to reduce inflammation. Like asparagus, onions are free radical scavengers and are beneficial to gastric function. The quercetin found in raw onions is more potent than quercetin acquired through tablets and is said to protect against oxidative stress.

This vibrant, fresh green brightens up anything from a smoothie to an omelet. It’s rich in glycoglycerolipids, which can help protect the lining of the digestive tract. It contains an astounding amount of Vitamin K and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Quit using watercress as a garnish and start eating it by the forkful. Containing 200% of the daily recommended Vitamin K in just one cup, watercress improves bone health and calcium absorption. Try adding watercress to pesto or pasta sauces for nutritious dishes.

February 2016 Elite Honors Qualifiers

February 2016 Elite Honors Qualifiers

elitehonors-club-blogheaderTeam Members are charging full steam ahead in pursuit of becoming Elite Honors qualified for the first time or maintaining the Elite Honors title. The Elite Honors program is streamlining the way organizations do business with Synergy WordWide while maximizing each Team Member’s earning potential. Team Members following the program are seeing the extra rewards that are made possible through the Go Elite promotion as they continue doing what they’ve been doing all along—building their Synergy businesses.

Congratulations to the February 2016 qualifiers!

Qualify for Elite Honors 1 out of 12 months and receive an Elite Honors pin, recognition letter, and online recognition. Qualify 3 out of 12 months and receive an Elite Honors Club Card, which can be used for a number of event perks, including VIP registration, special product promotions, and more!

9x Qualifiers
David Johnston
Dan Hammer
Steve & Roxanne Seely
Mark Comer

7x Qualifiers
Dane Iorg
Lor Pace
Dianne Sandberg
Michael Burnett
K. Roger Carter

6x Qualifiers
Rudy Pedroza & Paul Blad
Dawna Bruce
David Munoz

5x Qualifiers
Daniel Priem
Belva Snow
Margie Dean
Sandra Kerner

4x Qualifiers
Dr. David Burnett
Judy Feldhausen
Dr. Charina Holmes
Brad Burnett

3x Qualifiers
Gerri Bingham
Sandy Klatt
Cliff & Janice Rosang
Nathan Fowers
Jared Chadburn
Donald Clarke
Soomee Kim
Dwayne Loberg

2x Qualifiers
Brian Holt
Susan Bober
Pete Miller
Dwayne & Sandy Schmidek
Jean Lavallie
David Hawthorne
Joy Matwyshen
Willa Holgate
Dr. Mark Warta
Dr. Jack Kucheran
Dr. Eleazar Kadile
Daniel McNabb
Matt Lewis
Raymond Crane
Sue Hossman
Robert Kenemer
Marion Scezsny

1x Qualifiers
Brenda Smestad
Bart Woodcook
Dr. Prendergast
Janice Marie Smith
Sara Holt
Robert S. Smith
Reed Burnett
Brent Burnett
Joel Estrellado
Patrick Harms
Sherry Burns
Eva Miller
Roxanna Madesen
Margaret Parrott
Robert Wischmeier
Karl Ray
Linda Hansen
Elizabeth Drieger
Sherri Bergamo
Betsy Bartlett
Carl Hunter
Doreen Sayler
Curtis Crough
Twila F. Hostetler
Dr. James Evans
R.L. Luekenga, O.D.
Kurt Ochsner
Mary Blakley
Linda Hanson
Patrick Owen
Anna Bergman
Dr. David Sim
Dawn Bruce
Dr. David Goodly
Ann Sandberg
Dr. Bruce Lewandowski
Dr. Jason
Dr. Patrick McCuaig
David Terry
Sarah Harms
Dr. Douglas Pfeiffer
Judith Allen
Alex Medin
Michelle Morrison
Dr. Katheline Nash
Boyd & Debra Gerber
Joel Higginson
Monte R. Stamper
Dr. Martin Maida
Jeff Clayton
Dr. Lyle Marcus-Love
Lise Quigg
Dr. Richard Johnson
Bonnie Tompkins
Kyung Colletti
Michelle Dean
Emily Dean
Jennifer Lewis
Chris Chadburn
Brian Burnett
Paul Dean
Maile Burnett
Adam Shrigley
Gary Burnett
Peter Burnett
Virginia Dean
Diloy Norsworthy
Maliee Jung
Kim Kanazawa
John Williams
Scott Rosang
Alexander Brown
William Burnett
Andrea Crane
Joyce Johnson
Brenda Anderson
Stephen Rockhill
Jamie Crane
Tatyana Lantz
Brandi Pijanowski
Brianda Garcia
Saiza-Jo Kinney
Marilinda Hales
Matthew Kinser
Joel MD
Scott Brumfield
Charles Brown
Dr. Anthony Bianchi
Antonina Ayala
Andrea Tesch
Kira Hatch
Dr. Fred Gardner
DJ Jacobsen
Mervin Harding
Carl Loberg
Taun Ziegler
Robert Hales
Mike Talbot
Angela Pelton
Castro Diego
Michele Moran
Cody Ingram
Ben Bills
Steven Lough
Michael Johnson
Dr. Derek Southers
So Gueon
Sofia Ayala
Young Joo Park
Margo O’Brien
Susan Hernandez
Matthew Preacher
Lizzie Davis
Charles Adamson
Alicia Limon
Monica Rargas
Nancy Chavez
Kenneth Chavez
Mindy Weber
Thalia Hall
Sam Chavez
Paul Limon
Madeline Perry
Tiffany Burnett
Bruce Rogers
Carole Burnett
Ivan Warren
Nicole Reese
Jared Gibson
Anastasia Haner
Alice Uriarte
Adam Ozuna
David Crockett
Nic Dart
Jared Swenson
Michael Quigg
Heath Johnston
Brandon Lewis
Joshua Burnett
Joe Brach

To learn more about Elite Honors and the Go Elite Promotion, click here.

December is already off to a great start. Let’s keep the momentum going! Train your team on the importance of becoming Elite Honors qualified through the Synergy Opportunity Webinar as you achieve this highly sought after title yourself. Can’t wait to see the success that this month brings.

Congratulations to everyone who has achieved Elite Honors so far and a special congratulations to those who have achieved Elite Honors multiple times. We are impressed by your work ethic and belief, and we thank you for the examples you are to all those working toward building their Synergy businesses.

Hughes Center Studies Dissected: What is Myeloperoxidase?

Hughes Center Studies Dissected: What is Myeloperoxidase?

pa9-cholesterolScientists at the Hughes Center for Research and Innovation announced two groundbreaking ProArgi-9+ discoveries in 2015 that Synergy Team Members all over the world have been talking about.

CLICK HERE to read the full descriptions of these discoveries.

One of these studies addresses the effects that ProArgi-9+ has on reducing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. And the cause for oxidation? Myeloperoxidase (MPO).

The last sentence of the second study conducted states, “The Hughes Center’s preliminary study discovered that the unique combination of ingredients found in Synergy’s ProArgi-9+ potently inhibited myeloperoxidase and helps to reduce the oxidation of LDL cholesterol.”

So far, we know myeloperoxidase negatively effects nitric oxide production, but what is it exactly? And how exactly does it operate? With answers to these questions, we can gain a better understanding of why it’s important to keep myeloperoxidase from running its course.


MPO is an enzyme produced by white blood cells and is used to fight infection. MPO produces oxidizing compounds similar to bleach to kill infecting bacteria. The problem arises because the antimicrobial hypochlorous acid—an infection-fighting substance—kills both foe (bacteria) and friend (healthy tissue). This causes the oxidization of tissues.

Scientists at Synergy WorldWide have been evaluating natural inhibitors of myeloperoxidase as a nutritionally therapeutic approach to support cardiovascular health.

Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Matthew Tripp said, “We discovered that certain ingredients in Synergy’s ProArgi-9+ are indeed natural MPO inhibitors and work together synergistically. This unexpected discovery led to the filing of a provisional patent application on ProArgi-9+.”

Elite Honors Spotlight: Dwayne Loberg

Elite Honors Spotlight: Dwayne Loberg

elitehonors-spotlightsFebruary was the biggest month to date for Elite Honors in North America. New Team Members and Synergy veterans alike are latching onto the Elite Honors system and finding fulfillment in reaching the milestones that are required to become Elite Honors qualified. An elite few have even become Elite Honors qualified all nine months since the earnings model was introduced.

To learn more about Elite Honors, click here>>>
To learn more about the Go Elite promotion, click here>>>

Dwayne6DWAYNE LOBERG of Alberta, Canada, not only became Elite Honors qualified in February, he rank advanced to Bronze, a fantastic achievement for a Team Member who joined the company in 2015 and started actively telling people about Synergy products in December.

Like many who are learning about Synergy for the first time, Dwayne was no interested when his sponsor told him about ProArgi-9+. He refused to try the product repeatedly until one day he decided to do his friend a “favor” and try the product. He and his wife started to take two servings per day and didn’t think much of it until they started to notice changes in their health that they didn’t expect.

“I was in a hospital the first time I told someone about ProArgi-9+,” Dwayne said. “I told him about my experiences with the product and he became a distributor right there. He said, ‘Whatever you are doing, I’m going to start selling it.’”

Dwayne realized in December that there was no reason he couldn’t become Elite Honors qualified every month. He also realized that he wanted everyone on his team to make Elite Honors qualification an ambition.

“Becoming Elite Honors qualified is a step a distributor can take to see that they’ve made progress,” Dwayne said. “The people on my team are ecstatic about Elite Honors; however, I can’t tell other people to be Elite Honors qualified without being qualified myself. People will not surpass what the leader is doing.”

Dwayne said that becoming Elite Honors qualified was easy. He hardly noticed that he fulfilled the Elite Honors requirements because he was focused on sharing Synergy products. By simply sharing his ProArgi-9+ testimonial, distributors and customers fell into place. Dwayne said he is more excited about his Synergy business than any other business venture he has been a part of in his life.