Monday Blitz with Dan Higginson!

Monday Blitz with Dan Higginson!

danh-imageIf you haven’t listened in already, Synergy WorldWide Founder Dan Higginson is hosting a MONDAY BLITZ of conference calls every two hours today!

As part of the Coming to America 2016 prelaunch, Dan wants to share Synergy’s goals and ambitions with everyone. He will also tell listeners how Synergy WorldWide has the potential to change lives in these short, 20-minute calls.

Times (MDT): 10 am.,12 am., 2 pm., 4 p.m., 6 p.m., 8 p.m. & 10 p.m.
Phone #: 712-775-7031
Access Code: 706118#

Set a time this afternoon or this evening to listen to a message from our founder and invite as many guests as you can! This is the perfect opportunity to get a Synergy introduction.

New Team Manager: David Davidson

New Team Manager: David Davidson

teammanager-daviddPrior to becoming a Synergy Team Member, David owned the largest independent car dealership in Florida before the economic decline in 2008. As he moved from company to company, he committed to Synergy in October of 2015 and hasn’t looked back.

David has been involved in network marketing for over 20 years. His professional accomplishments span a large range of companies and personal networks.

“My friends and colleagues have seen me work with a lot of different companies, but they all tell me that they’ve never seen me work with any business like I have with Synergy,” David said.

When David’s friends and acquaintances see his dedication to Synergy, they became curious. This has led them to learn more about Synergy, and David is confident in sharing Synergy’s credibility and history. David said that Synergy’s 15 years in business, its fantastic products, its impeccable customer service, and its Nature’s Sunshine Products backing, are the reasons he plans to stay with Synergy for many more years.

The success David has seen with Synergy stems not only from his hard work, but the people he has been able to work with. David praises his sponsor Bart Woodcock for helping him achieve his current success. David also praises Synergy Founder Dan Higginson for their countless conversations, which solidified David’s firm belief in Dan as a leader.

The future of David’s Synergy business looks incredibly promising, and the legacy that he hopes to leave is as ambitious as it is charitable.

“I’d like to help others,” David said. “To help them achieve better health, and better wealth. There are a lot of people around the world who are hurting, and I can honestly say that being able to help others is the hope I have. When I found Synergy, I found a perfect vehicle that will allow us the opportunity to help those who are in need.”

David and his wife like to give back as much as they can. They donate to charities regularly and hope to open a food bank in the future.

Synergy is proud to congratulate David on advancing to the title of Team Manager and we are excited to see how his business continues to grow in the future.

IAM Cycling Athletes Fuel 2016 Season with Synergy

IAM Cycling Athletes Fuel 2016 Season with Synergy

iam-v3Professional cyclists can never train enough. They train constantly to maintain and build both muscle and endurance. Even a few weeks off the bike can cost them in a race.

Synergy sponsored Swiss professional cycling team IAM Cycling is finding their footing this season and its riders are frequently claiming podium titles. Of course, there are crashes, injuries, and failures, too, but these elite athletes continue pushing and digging deep to give their best performances. Many of them trust Synergy products to get them through all of it.

Two IAM Cycling athletes spoke up about their love for cycling and for Synergy products. See what they had to say:

Dries Devenyns, Belgium

dries devenyns“When at races, the team provides us with a few Synergy products. Most of the time I use Phytolife and Mistify … they give me a good feeling, especially the Phytolife. It helps to maintain the digestive function of the body. We have to eat so much to provide the body with enough energy. It’s a bit like putting oil in a car I would say.

The hardest thing about cycling for me is the big stage races that are three weeks long. It’s hard to recover in between the races. Time flies by and in the third week fatigue hits really big. Overall, food is really important to refuel and it’s best to eat good quality food. The vitamins and minerals in Mistfy can help a lot. Quality food is vital for an athlete! Synergy offers great quality products, I would advise anyone to use them.”

David Tanner, Australia

david tanner“There are a few things together that make me love cycling so much—the training side, the racing side and team spirit, the beautiful places we get to see and ride through, and always striving for improvement and excellence.

Cycling has its highs and lows. Some days can be so hard with horrible weather and hilly terrain. Others can be a pleasure to ride your bike in. Regardless, we need to keep ourselves healthy and in recovery so that we can keep pushing the next day. I feel the Synergy products assist with this immensely, especially with immune system health. I don’t have a favorite Synergy product because I think they are all good and equally important!

For any professional athlete, the quality of nutrition is of upmost importance, not only to assist in health and recovery, but also to assist in peace of mind that the products are clean and safe to take! This is the reason our team chooses to use Synergy products.”

New Triple Presidential Executive: Mark Comer

New Triple Presidential Executive: Mark Comer

triple-markcomerPrior to joining Synergy WorldWide, Mark founded several companies in multiple industries, and became a millionaire in 5 different business sectors. He has been involved in the creation of multiple entrepreneurial initiatives and venture-capitalized startups located on every continent. Mark has ridden motorcycles, surfed or played in a rock band on nearly every continent. He is a best-selling author, philanthropist, business strategist, and entrepreneur expert.

Though Mark has started and contributed to more than 50 businesses in his lifetime, he maintains that his most rewarding enterprise is with Synergy WorldWide. Mark’s Synergy career began as a distributor in 2002 after founder Dan Higginson introduced him to the budding company. This was Mark’s first and last network marketing company. Since their conversation, Synergy has grown exponentially. In the summer of 2008, Mark became the first Double Presidential Executive in Synergy history. And in March of 2016, he and his partner Yun Tae Hwang became the first-ever Triple Presidential Executives.

Mark is still heavily involved in the handful of his own companies, promoting everything from fundraising to sunflower seeds to medical devices; however, Mark said he finds a way to make all of his business ventures tie into his Synergy business. Synergy is at the center of his success.

During the Internet boom, Mark started an online mall that he said was one of his most exciting business ventures. The company was a huge success, but, looking back, Mark realizes he didn’t have the same satisfaction then that he currently finds in his Synergy business.

“The Synergy business is a personal business,” Mark said. “You are helping people on such a personal level to change their health, change their family’s health, and you are giving them the opportunity to create a livelihood for their family unlike anything else they’ve ever done before.”

In Mark’s mind, Synergy’s corporate team “gets it,” which means everyone from Customer Service to the president understands that the key to success is supplying distributors and customers with the tools necessary to succeed. Distributors have the vehicle to find success, they just need to jump in and drive, he said. He encourages distributors to expect hard work, but to also expect unimaginable rewards as a result. With Synergy, the Team Member dictates the level of success they want to achieve.

“I met a girl a few years ago that told me she would become a Presidential Executive,” Mark said. “She worked really hard and two years later she did it. That’s more exciting to me than anything I’ve ever done. It’s about what people have been able to do in my organization and their life-changing experiences.”

Mark is one of 14 Team  Members who rank advanced to a new executive pin title in March. He and his business partner Yun Tae Hwang broke new ground as they achieved a title that has never been achieved before: Triple Presidential Executive. CLICK HERE to read more.

Explosive Recognition Month for Synergy Executives

Explosive Recognition Month for Synergy Executives

blog-triplepresidentials-enIt’s official. Synergy’s growth has caused two leaders to earn a title that has never been achieved before—Triple Presidential.

Congratulations, to Mr. Yun Tae Hwang of Korea and Mr. Mark Comer of the U.S., for being the first to reach this monumental level of success! These men have been with Synergy since the beginning, and they both agree that their time spent with Synergy has been the most rewarding of their careers.

This means that Mr. Hwang and Mr. Comer have more than 1.2 million CV on their weak leg volume. This is an unprecedented feat—one that Synergy WorldWide and its founder, Dan Higginson, hoped would one day become a reality.

In addition to recognizing Synergy’s first Triple Presidential Executives, 12 additional Team Members hit new executive titles for a total of 14 executive rank advancements in a single month. This is a Synergy WorldWide record! Click the blue button to visit our executive recognition site and learn more about these impressive leaders.


We commend the following individuals for the hard work they’ve put in to reach their goals:

Presidential Executive
Takashi Oda, Japan

Diamond Executive
Jeong Yoo Tae, Korea

Emerald Executive
Sachiko Watanabe, Japan
Satomi Yoshida, Japan
Yui Oishi, Japan

Pearl Executive
Robert Suppan, Austria
Seo Yeon Ho, Korea
Park Sun Kyoung, Korea
Lee Soo Yeon & Shin Kyoung-Ho, Korea
Koko K.K., Japan
Shunei Yamaoka, Japan
Hironao Tachibana, Japan

The buzz around the world about Synergy’s unified and strategic future is generating excitement like never before, and it’s showing in their business building activity. We look forward to seeing many more Team Members move up the ranks to executive levels in 2016!