June 2016 Elite Honors Qualifiers

June 2016 Elite Honors Qualifiers 


Team Members are charging full steam ahead in pursuit of becoming Elite Honors qualified for the first time or maintaining the Elite Honors title. The Elite Honors program is streamlining the way organizations do business with Synergy WordWide while maximizing each Team Member’s earning potential. Team Members following the program are seeing the extra rewards that are made possible through the Go Elite promotion as they continue doing what they’ve been doing all along—building their Synergy businesses.

Congratulations to the June 2016 qualifiers!

Qualify for Elite Honors 1 out of 12 months and receive an Elite Honors pin, recognition letter, and online recognition. Qualify 3 out of 12 months and receive an Elite Honors Club Card, which can be used for a number of event perks, including VIP registration, special product promotions, and more!

13x Qualifiers
David Johnston
Dan Hammer
Mark Comer

12x Qualifiers
Dianne Sandberg

11x Qualifiers
Dane Iorg
Lor Pace
K. Roger Carter
Paul Blad & Rudy Pedroza

10x Qualifiers
David Munoz
Michael Burnett

9x Qualifiers
Daniel Priem
Gwen Brown
Dr. Charina Holmes
Sandra Kerner

8x Qualifiers
Margie Dean

7x Qualifiers
Susan Bober
Jean Lavallie
Brad Burnett
Dwayne Loberg

6x Qualifiers
Gerri Bingham
Dr. Prendergast
Pete Miller
Eva Miller
Bob Wischmeier
Cliff Rosang
Mary Blakley
Anna Bergman
Dr. David Sim
Willa Holgate
Alex Medin
Dr. Katheline NAsh
Michael Quigg
Heath Johnston
Dr. Lyle Marcus-Love
Lise Quigg
Bonnie Tompkins
Tammy Hester
Daniel McNabb
Nathan Fowers
Jared Chadburn
Kim Kanazawa
Scott Rosang
Dr. Fred Gardner
Marion Sczesny
Dr. Derek Southers

5x Qualifiers
Richard Hartley
Reed Burnett
Brent Burnett
Joel Estrellado
Patrick Harms
Sherri Bergamo
Daniel Driedger
Dr. Patrick McCuaig
Sarah Harms
Dr. Douglas Pfeiffer
Dr. Glenn Clearie
Donald Clark
Dr. Joel Kahn
Dr. Anthony Bianchi

4x Qualifiers
Tommy Bethards
David Davidson
Janice Smith
Sandy Klatt
Dr. Tim Bogren
Dawn Bruce
Judith Allen
Dr. Mark Warta
Joe Brach
Nancy Chavez
Carole Burnett
Dr. Terry Tolle

3x Qualifiers
Nell Lewis
Aria Bethards
Sherry Burns
Linda Hansen
Curtis Crough
Dr. Tom Wachtman
Tommy Dunn
Dr. Nelson Kraucak
Matthew Kinser
Castro Diego
Michele Moran
Cody Ingram
Alicia Limon
Harln Kamekoa
Keiona Holland
Roxanne Thornton

2x Qualifiers
Charlene Burnett
Roger Hunt
Wesley Anzai
Nathan Yoder
Betsy Bartlett
Edward Wurtz
Steve Harris
Dr. Don Salyer
Dawn Meyer
Dr. Serena Singer
Dianna Wimberly
David Miller
Shelby Evans
Dr. Jeff Clayton
Maile Burnett
Lara Drulle
Ana Eiras
Diloy Norsworthy
Dr. Dennis Meador
Natalie Birbeck
Michael Farley
Gerard Mirandilla
Ryan Payne
Amber Baird
Susan Drake
Curia Thornton
John Smith
Vincent Leslie
Victor Borkacki
Margaret Rebo
Shannon Nixon
Tammy Akillano
Daniel Arana
Shane Logan

1x Qualifier
Dianne and Lori Leavitt
Mike Kentrolis
David Kawakita
Albert Pagador
Catherine Maney
Joseph Chornyak
Cathy Chevalier
Clyde R. Yoder
Matt Noto
Michael Messner
Brandy Valentine
Kami Duncombe
Bob Bontilao
Margie Hincks
Michael Russell
Marquette Cordova
Melanie Craghead
Stacey Irvin
Rodolfo Macadangang
Justina Cathy
Levi Eicher
Stephanie McCalla
Donald Weim
Emmanuel Kennick
Catherine Nagel
Keanue Frantz
Walter Cantey
Cindy Hornbrook
Dr. Joshua Purcell
Annette Ciolli
Andrea Benbow
Daisy Wallstreet
Robert Allen
Andre White
Ruby Cahill
Dr. Justin Haggard
James Duncombe
Amy Beck
Kalie Valentine
Shyanna Feustel
Marcus Harris
Trever White
Ryan Long

To learn more about Elite Honors and the Go Elite Promotion, click here.

We are seeing great activity in June already. Let’s keep the momentum going! Train your team on the importance of becoming Elite Honors qualified through the Synergy Opportunity Webinar as you achieve this highly sought after title yourself. Can’t wait to see the success that this month brings.

Congratulations to everyone who has achieved Elite Honors so far and a special congratulations to those who have achieved Elite Honors multiple times. We are impressed by your work ethic and belief, and we thank you for the examples you are to all those working toward building their Synergy businesses.

3 Reasons your Business Needs Instagram

3 Reasons your Business Needs Instagram

instagramAside from being one of the fasting growing social media networks in the world, Instagram is a highly influential marketing tool for big businesses, small businesses, non-profits, and individuals all over the world. About 85 percent of top brands are using Instagram, proving that the network is both effective and here to stay.

Already have an Instagram account? Find us and follow us @synergyworldwide!

instagram-logoWe’ll be doing plenty of giveaways in the near future through our Instagram account, but you need to 1) have an Instagram account and 2) follow @synergyworldwide to win!

Don’t have an Instagram account? For your Synergy business, Instagram could be your best friend, and here’s why:

#1. Networking

It may be hard to believe, but there is more to Instagram than millions of pet, baby, food, and nature photos. Like all other social networks, Instagram was created to bring people together. The connections you find through Instagram could result in new customers and business partners. Oh, and Instagram is connected to every other social network, so if you post to Instagram, you can at the same time post the same content to all of your other social media accounts.

How to network: As you follow other people on Instagram, like their photos, and comment on their photos, you will notice your followers begin to rise if you actively post new and interesting content. High-quality images that tell a story will drive engagement.

#2. Show Your Personality

Images are worth at least a thousand words. Create an Instagram account that speaks to who you are. Collectively, all of the photos should portray who you are and entice people to see more. By successfully portraying your personality and lifestyle, intermixed with photos of you in your element as a Synergy Team Member, you’ll make your business offering more relatable and personal while leaving an impression on your followers.

Picture2#3. New demographics

As a network marketer, you make special efforts to meet new people every day so that you can

introduce Synergy’s opportunities and grow your business. Instagram connects people all of the world through compelling images that, together, tell the story of a company’s or individual’s brand. By following the type of people you hope will follow you and posting relevant content that appeals to the demographics you want to reach, you can market your Synergy business subtly and tastefully. Interestingly, Instagram’s per-follower engagement rate for top brands is 58 times higher than it is on Facebook and 120 times higher than it is on Twitter. Convinced yet?

How to engage: Learn the art of hashtagging to help the right demographics find you.  Instagram posts that include at least one hashtag receive 12.6 percent more engagement than those that don’t hashtag, and posts tagged with a location receive 79 percent higher engagement. #synergyworldwide #nutrition #healthylifestyle #entrepreneur #workfromhome

We encourage you to discover the business benefits of Instagram for yourself. It’s a great way to show limitless people your healthy lifestyle and the Synergy opportunities you want share. Plus, will be doing Instagram giveaways in the coming months!

June 2016 Recognition

June 2016 Recognition


June 2016

Congratulations to the following Team Members throughout the United States and Canada. We look forward to your continued triumphs this year!

Rank Advancements

Team Leader
Margaret Rebo
John Pershing Smith

Margaret Rebo
John Pershing Smith
Valeriy Pukhovich

Donald Weim
Valeriy Pukhovich
Dmitry Kuznetsov

Frank Templo
Robert Hanson
Gerard Mirandilla
Victor Borkacki
Donald Weim
Valeriy Pukhovich
Marina Kuznetsov
Daisy Wallstreet
Dmitry Kuznetsov

Natalie Woodcook
Kim Fallon
Derrick Frances
Tisha Sanchez
Marie Martel
Robert Hanson
Kenneth Chavez
Sam Chavez
Dr. J. William Gabe
Bill Easter
Rodolfo Macadangang
Robert Dean
Victor Borkacki
Ann Marie Mitchell
Stephanie McCalla
Donald Weim
Emmanuel Kennick
Vernie Villote
Marina Kuznetsov
Cindy Hornbrook
Andrea Kaye
Daisy Wallstreet
Ruby Cahill
Dmitry Kuznetsov

Top Recruiters
Top North American Team Members (in order) that personally sponsored the most new Team Members

Mark Comer
Daisy Wallstreet
Sandra Krner
Donald Weim
Cindy Hornbrook
Ruby Cahill
Justina Cathy
Robert Allen
Gerard Mirandilla
John Pershing Smith
Gwen Brown
Stephanie McCalla
Emmanuel Kennick
Zainab Kennick
Cliff Rosang
Andrea Benbow
Susan Bober
Lor Pace

Top Team Builders
Team Members (in order) with the most personally sponsored rank advancements

Frankie Hodges-Jones
Margaret Rebo
Valeriy Pukhovich
Derek Brown
Katarzyna Lawrec
TD Health Solutions
Jay W. Garlick
Dr. Vincent Ray Vincente

Revitalize Your Morning Routine

Revitalize Your Morning Routine 

manwritingThe way you start your morning impacts the quality of your day. If you start out feeling stressed and anxious rather than rejuvenated, it may be a sign that you need to update your morning routine. Finding a routine that works for you can provide the boost you need to conquer the day ahead.

Follow these quick tips to make the most out of your mornings:

Eat a Healthy Breakfast

Eating a good breakfast in the morning is essential to a healthy morning routine. For a perfectly balanced and delicious breakfast on-the-go, mix three scoops of SLMsmart Health Shake into 10 oz. of milk or water. When you skip breakfast, your body reacts by conserving energy and slowing down your metabolism which causes you to have less energy throughout the day. Each person has different caloric needs, but it is important to eat something when starting out your day. Good examples of healthy breakfast items are oatmeal with cinnamon, yogurt with berries, or whole grain toast and fruit.

Start the Day with Exercise

First things first. Before beginning your morning exercise routine, rev up with ProArgi-9+ or e9. And remember, you don’t have to go for a 5-mile run every morning to boost your energy levels. Start the morning with 20 minutes of yoga or take a quick walk around your neighborhood is all your body needs to re-energize upon waking from a good night’s sleep. Yoga is especially beneficial because it gets your heart rate up while simultaneously improving your flexibility, posture, balance, muscle tone, and endurance. Yoga is accessible to everyone, and with various levels of difficulty, everyone can find a yoga routine that works for them.

Read or Write

Before the busy rush of your day begins, sit down for a few minutes and write your thoughts and goals in a journal. Journal writing can help unload some of your stresses and ease your mind. Writing for just 10 minutes in the morning can help you focus on yourself, create self-awareness, and give you the opportunity to think about how you can best capitalize on your day.

If you don’t feel like writing, take a few minutes to read the news or a few pages of a good book. Immerse yourself in the words of others and enjoy this peaceful time alone to jump-start your brain before you start your day.

Follow a Schedule

Following a morning schedule can help you maintain organization and focus. Perhaps you start with a quick walk outside, then take a shower and get ready, followed by a healthy breakfast before leaving to work. The important thing about a routine isn’t necessarily the order in which you do things, but rather defining and keeping that order to streamline your mornings and start the day with productive habits.

NEW Antioxidant Infographic!

NEW Antioxidant Infographic! 

antioxidantsIt’s common knowledge that antioxidants are good for you, but what are they exactly and how do they work in your body? Well, here’s a little insight into the fascinating world of antioxidants and free radicals.

Free radicals come from a variety of sources, but most commonly they are produced through oxidation.  As oxidation increases, cells become more damaged and the body weakens. Antioxidants combat against free radicals and the oxidation process through a unique process that you can learn more about by studying this infographic.

After you’ve learned a thing or two about the power of antioxidants, click the button below to download and share with your friends!
