Limited-time Only: Purify Kits Available in March!

Limited-time Only: Purify Kits Available in March!

North America, you’ve been waiting for this day, and it’s almost here! Purify Kits will become available March 2-3.

Not only is this a limited-time-offer, it’s also a limited-supply-offer. Only 1,000 kits are available for purchase and it’s first come, first served!

Be among the first Synergy Team Members and customers in North America to begin the journey to Elite Health.

North America Team Members who have achieved the Pearl Executive title or higher are invited to call Customer Service (801-769-7800) and order their supply of LTO Purify Kits.
All North America Team Members and customers, regardless of pin title, are invited to call Customer Service (801-769-7800) and order their supply of LTO kits.

U.S.A. Purify Kit: $179 (150 CV) OR
Buy 4 get 1 FREE: $716 (600 CV)
Canada Purify Kit: $129 (100 CV)
*Canada Purify Kit does not include ProArgi-9+

Note: Orders cannot be placed online. You must call in! When kits are sold out, we will publish an announcement on the North America blog and Facebook page.

Elite Health is possible, and a balanced and properly fed microbiome is the key to achieve it. Working with scientists, researchers, and medical doctors at the Hughes Center for Research and Innovation, Synergy has carefully engineered proprietary solutions to optimize balance of the microbiome.

Synergy’s 7-day Purify Kit is comprised of patented products clinically tested to give your microbiome the overhaul it needs to start clean and fuel good health.

Learn more about each product within Synergy’s Purify Kit by studying these product fact sheets:


Watch The Elite Health Webinar

Watch The Elite Health Webinar


If you were unable to attend last night’s Elite Health Webinar, play the video above to get the scoop on the new program and products coming to North America!

Don't Forget: Webinar Tonight

Don’t Forget: Webinar Tonight

Big news for North America will be presented TONIGHT at 7 PM Mountain Time. This webinar will be hosted by Shane Greer, General Manager, and featuring the following special guest:

  • Paul Blad & Rudy Pedroza – Presidential Executives
  • Aaron McCain – Executive Director, Global Marketing Synergy
  • Bryan Atwood – Executive Director, Global Marketing NSP

DATE: Thursday, February 9, 2017
WEBINAR ID: 491-631-467

NO INTERNET? Join by phone: 1 (562) 247-8421, access code 745-763-181

As you wait for next tonight’s big webinar, you should know that right now something fascinating is happening inside your body…

Don’t Forget: Webinar Tonight

Don’t Forget: Webinar Tonight

Big news for North America will be presented TONIGHT at 7 PM Mountain Time. This webinar will be hosted by Shane Greer, General Manager, and featuring the following special guest:

  • Paul Blad & Rudy Pedroza – Presidential Executives
  • Aaron McCain – Executive Director, Global Marketing Synergy
  • Bryan Atwood – Executive Director, Global Marketing NSP

DATE: Thursday, February 9, 2017
WEBINAR ID: 491-631-467

NO INTERNET? Join by phone: 1 (562) 247-8421, access code 745-763-181

As you wait for next tonight’s big webinar, you should know that right now something fascinating is happening inside your body…

The Hardest Working Muscle

The Hardest Working Muscle

Did you know: 

  1. A healthy heart pumps 2,000 gallons of blood through 60,000 miles of blood vessels daily
  2. The heart outputs enough energy each day to drive a truck 20 miles
  3. The heart consistently outputs 1-5 watts of power over a lifetime while the quadriceps can produce 100 watts for only a few minutes

Even when you’re fast asleep, it’s hard at work. Thanks to the electricity-generating group of five muscle cells in the walls of the heart, this powerful pumping machine functions all on its own.

Let’s take a closer look at what makes the heart contract all on its own.

The cardiac conduction system is comprised of five types of cells that carry the heart’s electrical signals:

  1. The sinoatrial node: causes the heart to beat
  2. The atrioventricular node: connects electricity between the heart’s upper and lower chambers
  3. The atrioventricular bundle: conducts electrical impulses to sustain heartbeat
  4. Bundle branches: connects atrioventricular bundle to lower ventricles
  5. Purkinje fibers: conducts impulses through the heart

The electrical signals created by these muscle cells are conducted through connected cell pathways. The cells activate one after the other along these pathways, similar to have “the wave” moves around a sports arena.

Together, these rapid cell connections made the heart contract. In a healthy heart, this process unfolds smoothly and effortlessly. And then the heart does this again, and again, and again—between 60-70 times per minute or between 2.5 and 3 billion times per human life.

Because the heart can never completely relax, it makes sense that it’s the hardest working muscle in the body. For this reason, we need to be focused on keeping the heart muscle in pristine shape before working on bulking up any other muscles. 
